Kelly sighed with boredom. Sarah looked up from her textbook. "What, psych 101 got you down?"
"Yeah," replied Kelly. "It's interesting, but there's only so much I can study." The girls were studying for their college mid-terms. It was their freshman year. Kelly was blonde, with long straight hair and wonderful legs thanks to her running. Sarah was brunette and in good shape from weights and martial arts.
They chatted for a few minutes, neither wanting to return to their work. A young man, another college student, walked by and caught Kelly's eye. His tight black shirt showed a nice six pack and his jeans showed off his tight butt. His big blue eyes met with hers and she felt her heart race for a second. Then he looked away quickly and did his best to move away as quickly as he could.
Kelly's phone dinged. Then did Sarah's. They both checked the notification that popped up. They looked up at each other and smiled.
"Let's get him."
They got up and walked after the young man. "Hey, you, stop."
The boy started to look back but then didn't. He wanted to pretend he didn't hear and kept walking. They got closer to him and said louder "stop!" Other students looked up now.
Realizing the attention, the young man stopped. He knew the consequences if he didn't.
His is big blue eyes were focused on the ground now as the two girls circled him. "Hey Kelly," said Sarah. "Looks like our friend here is due for a busting."
In a teasing way, Kelly looked at her phone. "Sure is. Says here he hasn't been busted in a week."
"Wow" said Sarah. "How did you manage that?"
The boy shuffled uncomfortably. "She's talking to you boy!" Said Kelly. He stuttered.
"Um, I've been studying. Haven't been out much."
"Well looks like it's our lucky day," said Kelly.
"And your bad day," said Sarah. They laughed.
"He has ten outstanding kicks. Looks like we're going to have some fun." The girls were referring to the app that all students at the college used. It was unique to their campus and its unique set of rules. All students had an account. The males automatically had one ball kick added to their account per day. That gave any girl on campus the right to rack him once. Once he was kicked, it would be recorded and it would show he had no outstanding kicks left. If he didn't get kicked, his outstanding kicks would add up. As they had for this boy...
Additional kicks could also be added by professors or under certain conditions, female students, depending on the nature of a male's offence. For the ladies, they could kick any male who had outstanding kicks, up to a maximum of five kicks per day. They too could earn extra kicks or other types of ball torture pleasures based on good behaviour.
"Looks like we each get five." The girls laughed. "Spread your legs," said Kelly. "First to drop?" Said Sarah. "As always" replied Kelly. The girls had an ongoing competition and kept score of who dropped a given boy first.
"I helped you with algebra so I get to go first," said Kelly. "Ah bitch," replied Sarah with a wink.
Kelly lined herself up. She slowly raised her high-heel clad foot towards the V in his legs. The young man was trembling. He should, thought Kelly, and smiled. The rounded toe of her high heel shoe could do significant damage. She put her foot back behind her. There was silence and no movement as everyone, including other students, stopped to look. Kelly broke the silence. Looking him in his big blue eyes she said, "hey, you've got nothing to worry about." His body relaxed at hearing her words and his concentration wavered as he processed what she said. As that was happening, her heel flew upwards in an arc.

WHAM. Her toe connected with the V gap between his legs. His eyes bulged in surprise. Surprise turned to agony before her eyes. The girls all laughed. Kelly always loved throwing her victim off with that one line of reassurance before she delivered a brutal kick to his balls. It somehow made it more painful for her victim. 

The male's hands were between his legs. He was rocking back and forth but still standing. "Damn it," said Kelly.

"My turn," said Sarah. It was such a cruel system that this male suffering horrible ball pain must immediately open his legs and prepare for the next kick. He knew the drill and did it. "Good boy," said Sarah. 

Sarah lined up her knee high leather boot with its pointy toe. "Left or right? She asked? 

Knowing he he had to answer, the boy said "In the middle please." A wise request, as any male knew, to spread out the damage. 

"Smart ass." Said Sarah. "The right one it is."

THUD. The young man screamed in pain. Sarah was true to her word and the full force of her hard leather boot crushed his tight but against his pubic bone. The male grasped around him for support but couldn't find any. Sarah looked hopeful but after some moments he regained his composure and didn't fall.

Kelly smiled and took her place. CRUNCH. The male moaned this time. A deseperate moan. "I went for the right as well." The girls laughed. Of course it would make sense to keep hitting the right. He would have to fall down.

Sarah kicked a field goal. His eyes bugged out and he started hopping around. All females around laughed. He didn't fall. 

The girls took their turns, adding to his agony. Feet flying into his balls. Each was now on their last kick. Kelly went. The toe of her heel connected perfectly with his right testicle. The male felt an unbearable pressure. It felt like his ball and his head were about to explode.  He dropped like a sack of bricks. 

"Yes!" Yelled Kelly. She did a victory dance over the boy as he writhed around and cried. Sarah looked on glumly. Kelly would earn some extra points on her account for getting him to fall. The male in turn had earned some points for standing for so many kicks, but he eventually fell. 

He he was on his hands and knees, focusing just on breathing. He felt like he could suffocate. He forgot to do his math. Behind him, Sarah lined herself up and kicked as hard as he could. He didn't see it coming. "Aaaahh" he screamed at the top of his lungs as her foot crushed his right nut again. He screamed and screamed. He only stopped screaming when bile rose in his throat. He vomited everywhere.

There was a click clack as the librarian approached in her heels. "What is this racket?" She looked down in horror and disgust. "How dare you!" She said, looking at the writhing male. Of course it was entirely his fault. "You will clean this us right now" she grabbed a book, "or I will put what's left of your nuts on this book, and pop them with these heels." Despite his agony, the boy moved to do as she said. She wasn't kidding. She had done it before to another student. "And, for this terrible behaviour, I'm adding TEN kicks to your account." She pulled out her phone and began working away. 

The boy boy had the most terrible look of sadness in his eyes. Kelly looked at one another and then broke out laughing. "See ya tomorrow boy!"

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Replies to This Discussion

Nice! I hope there's a second part in the works! =D

Thanks! Yup, hope to do many more. 

Is that second part coming anytime soon?

Great story! Please write more about this college and how things came to be this way.

Thanks! Indeed, I have a whole series of stories in my head. Just need the time! Thanks for your interest!

Damn wish I enrolled at this college!

Very fun idea and good written!



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