Break Those Eggs (transcript)

Davida: Sisters and guests, welcome to Beta Theta Eta's special yearly event, everyone's favorite game: Break Those Eggs

(Crowd cheers)

Davida: Welcome everyone.  I know that you're eager for us to get started, but first I have to welcome and introduce all of our participants.  I'm your hostess, Davida, and this is my lovely co-hostess and color commentator, Ashley.

Ashley: Hello, hello.

Davida: Our refereeing crew tonight will be Shelley and Cindy.  You can see them down here looking stunning in stripes.  Shelley is our referee and Cindy is our judge.

(They wave to the crowd and the crowd cheers.)

Davida: And now, please welcome our contestants.  First, the guys: the incoming pledge class from Eta Gamma Sigma.  We have six healthy young males.  The tall blond one on the end is Aiden, the pale, slender red head next to him is Peter, the big stocky dark haired fellow beside him is Trent, the cut guy beside him with the crew cut is Tommy, the short, ripped guy beside him is Ethan, and the big bear of a fellow next to him is Lucas.  Did I get all of those names right fellows?  I see them nodding, so I guess so.  What a scrumptious crop of guys.

Ashley: I agree.  They look great in those little white speedos.  I could eat them right up now.

Davida: Not before our ladies get a crack at them.  Which reminds me, now we should introduce the girls: the incoming pledge from our very own Beta Tau Eta.  First we have our curvaceous redhead, Darcy.  Next, she's tall, she's busty, she's blond, but she promises she's not a bimbo, it's Dani.  And our second blond, is the short and perky Kaci who you may have seen out jogging around campus.  She stays in amazing shape.  Next our lovely and fit Maria.  She is a spicy latina and told us before the game that she can't wait to play.  Next to her, this pretty and surprisingly busty brunette is Jordan.  Watch out for her boys, she's here on a soccer scholarship.  And lastly, with the long, flowing raven-colored hair is Rachel.  She's tiny, but she promises that she packs a wallop.  What a lovely group of incoming pledges.

Ashley: They are so hot they're turning me bi.

Davida: You're already bi.

Ashley: Oh, maybe that's why I'm so turned on.

Davida: I think that most of our audience is excited about what's going to be happening here tonight.  But, of course, the guys right now have no idea what they're in for.  So we'd better explain the rules.  Every guy will be given two eggs down the front of his speedos.  His job will be to get from the starting line to the far line and back with his eggs intact.  The girls will be in between the two lines trying to break their eggs as they go by.  The girls are allowed to punch, slap, or kick at the eggs, but not to try to intentionally hit or kick the guys in other places and they're not allowed to grab or trip.  To make sure that the guys don't block or stiff-arm the girls, they'll have their hands tied behind their backs.  They also have to stay in-bounds.  As you can see, we have the area well padded, so no one should get injured.  The guys have to stay inside the yellow lines when they run so that everyone stays in the padded area.  If a guy steps out of bounds, he'll have to start over from the beginning.

Ashley: So far, this doesn't sound like much fun for the guys and their poor little ballsies.

Davida: Well, that's true.  But it's not all bad news for the guys.  For every round in which at least one guy makes it back with at least one egg intact, every girl has to remove a piece of clothing.  Any guys who manage to keep at least one of their eggs intact during the final round when the girls are naked wins a special prize: a two hour orgy with all the girls.  But the girls are playing for something special too: if they can break all of the guy's eggs during or before the naked round, then the guys have to instead spend two hours performing oral service on the girls.

Ashley: Either way sounds fun to me.

Davida: We're going to start out with a practice round to make sure that everyone understands the rules.  This round won't count for or against either team.  So any broken eggs get replaced and no clothing comes off.  It's just to make sure that everyone knows the rules.  As I speak, the referees are tying the guys' hands up and dropping two ordinary white eggs down the front of each guy's speedo.

Ashley: Looks like some of the fellows are enjoying the attention.

Davida: Definitely.  Peter is sporting some serious wood.  Do you like being tied up, Peter?

Ashley: Aw, he's blushing.  That's adorable.

Davida: And it looks like Lucas is at about half mast.  We'll see if they can keep those erections once the girls start seriously breaking their eggs.  And it looks like they've got everyone all ready to go.  The practice round will begin when the ref blows her whistle.  And there they go.  The boys rush across the line all at once.  Oh, Trent goes down immediately.  What a solid kick from Jordan.  I think she broke both of his eggs with that kick.

Ashley: She got his balls pretty good, too.

Davida: Yeah, it looks like it.  The rest of the guys were a little nimbler and a little luckier.  Darci and Maria each got good slaps in, but not quite hard enough to break the eggs.

Ashley: You're going to need a bit more oomph than that, girls.  Break those eggs!

Davida: The other kicks either missed or got thighs.  Other than Trent who's still on the ground, the boys are bunched up past the far line talking strategy before trying to come back to home base.  The girls are only allowed to go after their eggs while they're between the lines, so they're using that second safe zone to strategize.  And now they're off.  They started out in a straight line and then suddenly branched off in different directions and it seems to have caught the girls off guard.  Darci got a good punch in on Aiden, though, that looks like that broke an egg.  And Kaci managed to get a solid knee in Tommy's crotch.  He tried a juke move, but she didn't bite.  That looks like another cracked egg, but I'll have to wait for the judges to check since I don't see any egg dripping out.

Ashley: I bet we will, though.  That was a pretty solid knee.  He limped away from it.

Davida:  And Peter really danced through the girls quite well despite his waggling hard-on, except that right at the last moment, as he was dodging Dani, he stepped out of bounds.  So he's going to have to start over and this time run it alone.  The referee pulls him aside and explains.  And with a blow of the whistle, it's him against six girls.  He dances and dodges to get by Kaci, but it just leads him right into a solid shot from Dani.  She definitely cracked one of his eggs and got his balls pretty good because he can't keep his feet under him, but he tries rolling in order to keep moving.

Ashley: It's a good idea, but I think that Rachel's going to put a stop to that or maybe a stomp to that.

Davida: Ouch.  Sure enough.  She got a really good stomp in when he was face up during his one of his rolls and I'm sure that's cracked the remaining egg.  Peter's still got his erection, though, so he may be a pretty kinky guy.  The word from the judge is that it was cracked, so that's one each for Kaci, Dani, Rachel, and Darci, and two for Jordan.  No eggs broken by Maria, yet.  Now, of course, this round didn't count for score, but if the girls win the game, the one with the most breaks gets first choice of who licks her out, and if there's a tie then this round serves as a tie breaker between them.  Oh, and now it looks like the referees are about done washing off the cracked eggs.  Trent is definitely appreciating the attention.

Ashley: His cock is nice and thick, like he is.

Davida: Sure, but unless he does a lot better in the real game, he's not going to get to use it today.  And now the judges are replacing the eggs from the practice round.  In the actual competition, each guy has a total of six eggs to defend.  He only carries two at any one time.  But, I should also add, that the first four aren't ordinary eggs.  They're actually replicas.  They have the same shape and hard shell, but each one has a special surprise inside.  The first two are in matched sets, each set with a different surprise.  The guys don't know what the surprises and neither do the referees, but all the eggs are numbered and the referees are showing the numbers to us as they put them in, and we have a list.  So, we here in the booth know.  We're not gonna spoil the surprise, but once an egg gets broken, we'll let you know just what the poor fellow is experiencing.

Ashley: It's quite a fun list, too.  I can't wait for some eggs to get broken.

Davida: I'm looking forward to it, too.

Ashley: I'm not just looking forward to it.  I can't wait.  Why isn't it happening yet?

Davida: Well, Ashley's impatience aside, it looks like they're about ready to start the first real round.  The boys now each have a matching set of special eggs in their speedos, and they're ready to go.  Even Trent seems to have regained some of his vigor.  The referee blows her whistle and off they go.  Trent bull rushes Jordan this time, trying to catch her off guard, and it works, he plows over her before she has a chance to get her foot out.  But as he tries to continue past her, she manages to punch his groin from below.  It didn't get his nuts very hard because he only staggered for a moment, but it did break one of his eggs.  Aiden tried to squeeze between Maria and Rachel and got rewarded with a solid punch right to the groin from Maria.  That definitely broke one of his eggs.  Peter and Tommy managed to dodge their way through the crowd, sliding out of the way of anything thrown their way.  Lucas slipped through behind them, taking advantage of the confusion they caused.  And Ethan tried to do the same, but despite, or maybe because of, his impressive-looking muscles just wasn't fast enough.  His reward was a really solid kick from Dani, but it looks like she got unlucky and her foot split the eggs without breaking either.  She got at least one of his balls pretty good, though, because he was running funny at the end there.

Ashley: Boy was he!  But more importantly, we get to reveal some of the special eggs.

Davida: That's true, Trent and Aiden each got an egg broken.  Right now, they're probably both feeling about the same thing: not much.  But Trent's eggs both have Icy Hot cream in them and Aiden's has Tiger Balm.  In another five minutes, they're both going to be pretty uncomfortable.  The boys are out of the safe zone and headed back.  They try the same ploy as last time, but this time the girls are ready.  Peter manages to spin past Darcy, but Tommy is not so lucky as his attempt to spin past Rachel just results in a knee to the baby-makers as he comes back around.  I don't think it was quite hard enough to break an egg, but we'll have to see.  Jordan is gunning for Trent and she gets him with another hard kick right in the balls, just like in the practice round.  It breaks his remaining egg and leaves him on the ground, moaning softly.  Dani matches up with Ethan again, and he just can't move laterally fast enough to get away from her long legs and she gets him with a solid kick, but a little off target.  It's too high and looks like it mostly got him in the dick.  He's clearly a little shaken up by the kick, but both of his eggs are still intact.  Aiden manages to move just a little too quickly for Rachel and she doesn't get the job done.  Lucas tries to follow roughly the same route, and she lands a solid punch right in his crotch.  It knocks the wind out of him, but he was quite near the end and manages to stagger across the line before someone else assaults him.

Ashley: It looks to me like some of the guys are starting to wear down.

Davida: Well, give any guy a couple of pops to their testicles and they'll lose a step or two.  The judge is reporting that, Tommy still has both eggs intact, but Lucas doesn't.

Ashley: Aw, we don't get to reveal Lucas's eggs yet.

Davida: Nope, the surprise doesn't really happen until they both get broken, so nothing to report on that front now.  But you know what it is time for?

Ashley: Clothing removal!

Davida: Yep.  Right now the girls are wearing t-shirts, jeans, and shoes and socks.  I'm guessing that they'll remove their shoes, but we'll have to see.

Ashley: I'm hoping that it'll be panties.

Davida: Um, ...

Ashley: A girl can hope, can't she?

Davida: And the girls have elected to remove their shoes, as we thought they might.  Items which come in pairs, like shoes, socks, or gloves, count as one clothing item.  So now they're playing in their socks.

Ashley: Woo!

Davida: The referee has helped Trent to get up and back to the starting line.  And the judge has now put in replacement eggs for the ones which were smashed.  These come from the second set which also have various special surprises, but these are just mix-and-match, not in pairs.  It looks like they're about ready to begin.  Okay, Trent has his new eggs in and the guys are lining up.

Ashley: And they're off!

Davida: And, wow, just being in socks has sure hurt the girls' mobility.  For the most part, the guys are just running around them.  Lucas underestimates Dani's range with her long legs, but even so, she barely gets him.  The rest of the guys make it through without much happening.

Ashley: Darn socks!

Davida: Yes, their socks seemed to have robbed them of the traction needed.

Ashley: No, I was making a pun.  Darn socks, get it?

Davida: (sighs) Anyway, the guys don't tarry long behind the safe line and going back the other way, it's more of the same.  Oh, but Jordan manages to dig in with her toes and stretch out to get a solid hit on Tommy, and he's lost his first egg.

Ashley: Look at him squirm.

Davida: His egg had Pop Rocks in it.  They're now combining with his sweat to pop around in his shorts.  I bet that feels odd.

Ashley: Oh, I know it does.  I've tried it before.  It's freaky.

Davida: Other than that, all of the guys made a clean getaway.  So the girls have decided that the socks need to go, so once they get these socks off, they'll all be barefoot.

Ashley: Trent and Aiden are starting to dance.

Davida: Yup, looks like the Icy Hot and Tiger Balm are starting to kick in on those guys, and they are not enjoying it.  Oh, now Trent is begging the officials to wash it off of him and they're just shaking their heads and saying "no" to him.

Ashley: He should be careful not to wear his knees out with all that begging.  He's probably gonna have a lot of kneeling to do later when he's licking all that pussy.

Davida: Well, they've put a new egg in for Tommy and it looks like it's time to start the next round.  Trent and Aiden don't really seem ready, but the ref blows her whistle and we're underway.  Peter is off like a shot again, but this time, Dani was waiting for him and got a solid kick right at his groin, but, oh, it looks like it didn't quite get him where she was aiming.  Still, it was a pretty hard kick to the upper thigh and he's been thrown off balance, will he stay on his feet?  Yes, he just manages to keep his feet under him as he gets across the line and then rolls onto his back in the safe zone.  I think that the referee is going to have to help him back to his feet.  In the mean time, Ethan and Trent wound up both trying to quickly move through the space between Darcy and Rachel and neither of them really made it.  Darcy got a solid kick on Ethan, definitely breaking one of his eggs.  And Rachel mistimed her kick just a little, but she still got Trent in the crotch with her shin.  We'll see if it's enough to break either of his eggs.  Oh, I can see from his response that it was.  From the look on his face, it looks like he had one of the eggs with creepy-crawlies of some sort just break.  Yes, our notes show that he's got an egg with ants in and that must be the one which got broken.

Ashley: Ooh, wriggly!

Davida: Not just wriggly, but bitey too, and Trent does not seem to be enjoying it.  But to his teams advantage, his yelping from the bites seems to have distracted some of the girls.  Tommy has managed to slip through, but Lucas is not so lucky because Jordan kept her focus and was waiting for him.  Wow, that was one hard kick.  I'm sure both his eggs are broken.

Ashley: And now he's freezing his nuts off.

Davida: That's right, his first pair of eggs was a binary cooling combination, so once the second one got popped, the chemicals mixed and sucked a whole lot of heat out of his crotch.  And his second special egg was thumbtacks, which aren't too bad right now, but if he takes another blow to the crotch, it's really gonna hurt.

Ashley: Perforate his nuts, girls!

Davida: Aiden has really been feeling that Tiger Balm bad and is finally getting himself together enough to cross the line, but at this point, all of the other guys are in the safe zone, so it's basically a one against six.  He makes a run for it, but it's no good at all, Dani gets him with a good kick from one of her long legs.  I think that broke at least one of his eggs.  And as he was staggering from that Jordan finished him off with a knee.  He's rolling on the ground and his eggs are definitely broken.  Oh, but as that was happening, Peter started his run back.  With all that focus on Aiden, I think Peter was hoping to slip through.  It was no good, though.  Even with Dani and Jordan distracted, Kaci and Maria were laying in wait for him.  They've got him trapped, he has to try to slip past one or the other.  He tries to get past Kaci and she delivers a rocking knee to him while he's trying to run past.  He goes tumbling.  I'm sure she broke at least one of his eggs.  She quickly steps in and gives him an extra stomp while he's down to make sure that both are broken.

Ashley: Peter's getting huevos caliente!

Davida: That's right.  His special eggs were filled with cayenne pepper.  He should be feeling the heat any minute now.

Ashley: I once dusted a guy's nuts with cayenne pepper when we were naked together.  He spent the next three hours soaking in the bathtub and ignoring me.  It's potent stuff!

Davida: And we should also mention that Aiden's second Tiger Balm egg got broken along with his first from the mix and match.  And according to this chart, that's leeches.

Ashley: Icky!

Davida: Indeed.  Okay, looks like the remaining three guys have grouped up and are making a run for it.  They're trying the group up and then branch off strategy again.  It looks like several of the girls are tired of Tommy slipping through and they've tried to cordon him off.  They're not worrying about Trent at all, and he just slip by.  Ethan splits off on his own, too, but Darcy is waiting for him and gets a good kick in.  His second egg breaks.  That's a binary heating combination and he's jumping around like his balls are burning because that's about what it feels like.  Meanwhile Tommy looks like a deer in headlights, unsure how to get through the wall the five girls have made around him.  He finally decides to try his luck with Maria, but there's no where for him to dodge and, ouch, she gets him really hard right in the eggs with her knee.  Probably got both eggs.  He is down and writhing in pain.  And now suddenly he's up and yelling and then he's right back down again, but still yelling.  What is going on with him?

Ashley: Oh, that's just the how the bee's knees works.

Davida: What?

Ashley: His mix and match egg was filled with bees.

Davida: Ah, yeah, that's probably it.  He went down after that knee and then the bees in his briefs got him moving until they stung him.

Ashley:  He's back up and shaking like he's trying to win a dance contest.

Davida: No luck, though, those bees seem to be staying put in there.  It looks like Maria also broke his second egg of the combination, which was just some diet coke to combine with the pop rocks.  I doubt he's even noticed the extra pop rocks popping.  I think that bee sting is keeping him busy enough.

Ashley: Busy as a bee, you might say.

Davida: I wouldn't.  But our refs are also busy.  They're trying to corral the increasingly agonized guys to begin the next round.  That last round was a very good one for the girls.  None of the guys got through without losing at least one egg, and only Trent had any left intact.  If they'd busted his, too, the girls wouldn't even have to strip this round, but they do.  The guys are still having trouble getting it together, but maybe the site of our lovely pledges taking off their shirts will help bring them to their senses.  The girls are all wearing bras, of course.

Ashley: Unfortunately.

Davida: But they still look very sexy.  And it looks like the judges have managed to get the guys rounded up and fresh eggs put in for everyone.  The guys will be glad to know that after their mix-and-match eggs are broken, the remaining ones are ordinary hen's eggs from the grocery store.  Okay, looks like they're ready to go.  And the guys are off.  They all get going at once.  Aiden has a burst of speed despite, or maybe because of the tiger balm and leeches in his shorts and he manages to dodge his way through.  Peter and Ethan are also moving pretty quickly.  Peter dodges a hard kick from Dani and makes it through clean.  Ethan's not so lucky with Kaci.  Her foot connects, but it looks like it was just a glancing blow.  Ethan makes it across the line.  Oh, but it looks like the egg did crack after all.  He's dancing around like a madman in the safe zone.  He's got the other egg of bees.

Ashley: Maybe he's dancing to tell them where the flower patch is.  Shake that butt, Ethan!

Davida: Back at the other end, Tommy, Trent, and Lucas are all moving pretty slowly.  The girls are holding back a little, thinking that it's a new strategy and trying to prepare.  I'm not sure what the guys are up to.  Looks like Jordan's going for it.  She steps in with a really hard kick and it connects easily, busting Trent really hard in the crotch.  I'm sure his eggs are broken and I wouldn't be surprised if his balls are bruised after that one.  He is down rolling on the ground.  His second mix-and-match is stinging nettles, which I'm sure isn't helping, but I think it was the sheer trauma of the kick on his nuts which has him down now.  The girls are now following Jordan's lead.  It looks like this wasn't some strategy on the guy's part, but just the result of having speedos full of ants, bees, and tacks.  Tommy and Lucas wise up a little, though, and get a little speed perhaps realizing that it's better to risk a little movement than to get kicked in the bees or tacks.  It's mostly too late, though.  Tommy tries to move quickly, but Rachel's already too close and her knee gets him even as he's shifting his legs.  It's not too solid a connection and he's past her, but it looks like it was enough to break one of his eggs.  Oh, and it looks like from his reaction, that he got one of the eggs with a mini-taser in it.

Ashley: Yup, that's one crispy fried Tommy.

Davida: It's frozen him up for just a moment and Rachel takes advantage by delivering a kick from behind while he's incapacitated.  No eggs left for Tommy.  But while we've been talking about Tommy, Lucas has not been faring much better.  He's in sort of a stand-off with Darcy where he keeps faking like he's gonna go past her, but she's getting in his way.  He's definitely moving better, but now Dani's closing in on the other side.  And he's going for it.  And Darcy delivers, surprisingly a hard slap right to his nuts as he tries to get by.  I don't think it broke any eggs, but it drove those tacks in.  He just stops, for a moment probably overwhelmed by the pain and Darcy, our stunning redhead, drops to her knees behind him and delivers a hard uppercut between his legs.  He goes down, and you can seem him writhing extra hard.  Boy he looks pained.

Ashley: It's the stinging nettles, I'll bet.  His whole scrotum's been perforated with tacks and then stung with nettles.  I know that whenever I do that to guys, they always call their safeword.

Davida: No safeword in this, though.  Although if a guy really refused to go on, I guess we'd let him quit.  It hasn't come up so far.  And Lucas appears to have rolled into the safe zone.  Is one of his eggs still intact?  It would seem so.  Tommy and Trent are right out, but Aiden, Peter, Ethan, and, surprisingly, Lucas are still in.  They're taking a little break, I think, the other guys waiting for Lucas to be recovered somewhat.

Ashley: Good luck with that.  Those nettles keep stinging.  Oh, though maybe he can handle it after all.

Davida: What makes you say that?

Ashley: Look at that woody he's sprouted.  I guess he's into the hardcore stuff.

Davida: Anyway, the four of them seem to be lining up for their trip back from the safe zone.  It looks like our busty soccer player, Jordan has her sights set on Aiden.  Maybe she's upset that he got through their defenses so easily on the way in.  Whatever the reason, it sure looks like she's planning to take him down.  The boys all cross the line back into play at the same time.  Dani gets to take another shot at Peter, but again she misses as he spins away.  However, he spins right into a kick from Kaci.  It's not right on, but I think it broke an egg.  He's running funny, but that could be caused by either of them.  We'll wait for the official announcement before we reveal which he has.  Aiden's attempts to get by Jordan have failed completely.  She managed to work him against the sideline and when he tried to squeeze down the line, to move in and get him with a hard knee.  That looked like both eggs got squished to me.  Oh, yeah, definitely both eggs.  I can see a couple of tacks poking through and the squishy yellow yolk dripping down.  The judges will turn those tacks inward at the round break to protect our ladies' feet and hands.  And Lucas manages to get through.  He went between Maria and Rachel.  I think both thought that the other would get him, but he was completely untouched.

Ashley: Come on girls!  You looked like goal posts out there!  And Lucas sort of looks like he's smuggling a goal post in his speedo.  It is fun watching him run with that thing bobbing in front of him.

Davida: You know it.  But look at what's happening with Ethan now.  He wasn't quite as quick as the others but he makes a good juke move and gets past Darcy.  Oh, but Jordan's looking to get more balls this round and she comes running to cut him off.  He's trying to juke her, too.  He fakes left.  He fakes right, and then Darcy gets him from behind.  That was a really solid kick from behind, but it looks like it didn't actually hit the egg at all.  Her toes smashed the hell out of his balls, though, and he's down on the ground rolling around.

Ashley: Right in the baby-makers!

Davida: Now she's stepping up to go for the stomp and finish what she started.  Oh, but she missed the egg again.  His balls take the brunt of the vicious stomp, but the egg had shifted to the side and remains unbroken.  He is completely writhing in pain.  The look of agony on his face is extreme.

Ashley: God, that's hot.

Davida: And she's trying another stomp.  This time she seals the deal, breaking the egg, as well as getting his left ball with a lot of force.  The egg has leeches in it, which I'm sure he won't enjoy, but I think that ball busting was a lot worse.

Ashley: Hey, what was in Peter's egg?

Davida: Peter's egg was full of biting ants.

Ashley: So that's why he's squirming like he's got ants in his pants, huh?  He's still got a pretty solid erection, though.

Davida: Well, that was another good round for the girls.  Only Lucas and Peter got through, and each of them with only one egg intact.  The judges are reloading our guy's speedos.  Only normal hen's eggs for the last group.  And the girls have talked it over, they're stripping out of their shorts.  What a nice selection of panties.

Ashley: Ooh, Jordan's wearing a thong.  Look at the ass on her.  I would love to spank that ass.  Oh, though Kaci's is nice too.  And Maria's is really tight.  Why don't I get to spank any of these asses?  This is so unfair.

Davida: The crowd seems excited to see all the girls in just their underwear.  And it looks like the guys have fresh eggs and are ready to go.  Well, except for maybe Ethan.  He doesn't look very ready.

Ashley: He sure doesn't.  That pounding his balls took last round seems to have wiped him out.  He's barely standing.

Davida: And the other five guys are off.  They all seem to have gotten used to whatever is still in their suits, and they're running pretty much like normal.

Ashley: Maybe just a little gimpy.

Davida: Yeah, just a little.  Jordan goes for Trent, who seems to be the slowest of the bunch.  And she gets him with a hard kick right in the crotch.  That's his last egg broken.  And that was a really hard blow to his balls.  He's on the floor and clearly in pain.

Ashley: That Jordan really kicks hard.  I should introduce her to my ex.

Davida: Is he into ballbusting?

Ashley: No, he's just an asshole.

Davida: Dani gets a really good kick at Peter, but it gets him hard in the thigh.  He's limping a little, but he still manages to dodge a kick from Kaci and he's through to the safe zone.  Lucas is almost there but he's slowing down just a little and doesn't realize Darcy is behind him.  She goes for the kick from behind, but in a repeat of last round, it gets him right in the nuts, but not the eggs.  Lucas doesn't go down quite so easily, though.  He manages to keep his feet long enough to stagger into the safe zone before falling down.  No follow-up stomps this time.  Tommy is near the sideline and Maria goes for the knee.  Tommy, with his characteristic speed dodges out of the way, oh, but he stepped out of bounds on his way to the safe zone.  The ref is explaining it to him and showing him back to the starting line where he joins Ethan who is still crouched there.  Oh, and while that was happening, Aiden stumbled near Maria, and she wasted no time in coming in with a really hard punch.  It was solid and right on target and Aiden's last egg is broken.  And the tacks which were still there just got a solid punch against his skin.  He isn't looking like he enjoyed that part at all.

Ashley: Well, isn't that the point?  Hah!  The point, get it?

Davida: Back at the starting line, the Tommy and Ethan are making their run.  Well, I say run, but Ethan's more just staggering forward.  And Dani takes him out with another solid kick.  Looks like she broke only one of the eggs, though.  He's down on the ground and she's going for the stomp.  After last round, he's literally begging her not to.  But she's paying no heed.  She gives a solid stomp right through the egg, smashing it and also smashing hard into his nuts, further crushing them.  Ethan is probably glad that those were his last two eggs.

Ashley: He doesn't seem like he could take much more.

Davida: Tommy's wound up working against Maria again.  She's working him against the sideline once more, but he reverses and goes the other way.  Jordan is waiting for him, but surprisingly, she kicks too late and he's past her to the safe zone.  The three remaining guys, Tommy, Peter, and Lucas are waiting for a moment or two in the safe zone.  All three of them got here clean.  Peter and Lucas each have two eggs, but Tommy's only got one left.  The guys have formed a cluster in the safe zone and they're off.  It looks like they're trying something new.  The girls had expected them to split up, but they guys aren't doing it.  They're sticking together in one bunch.  Most of the girls had spread out some, expecting the guys to split up, as they often have, and I'm not sure they're going to be able to get there in time.  It looks like it's pretty much just up to Kaci and Jordan who were already in the center.  Kaci swings with the fist and it looks like she got Peter right in his erection.  He winces badly and stumbles a little, but he keeps his feet under him and keeps going.

Ashley: She punched Peter in his peter!

Davida: It looks like he's gonna outrun the other girls to the line.  Surprisingly, Jordan didn't have her feet set at the right time and wasn't ready to kick.  She's trying to chase the group of guys from behind.  Oh, and it looks like Lucas is falling behind the other two.

Ashley: One wildebeest falls behind the rest of the pack.  Predators help keep the pack healthy by culling the sick and the lame.  What will become of this one?

Davida: Jordan catches up enough to get a kick in just as he's headed across the line.  It's a hard kick, but not that accurate.  It sort of slides up his right leg before hitting the crotch.  I'll bet it broke one of his eggs.  Oh yes, I can see the white and the yolk dripping through as he stumbles on across the finish line, and now the referee is checking him out.  One egg is still intact, she signals.  Not a bad round for the girls, three down three to go.

Ashley: Ooh, look, they're taking their tops off.  It's titty time.  Titties, titties, titties!

Davida: Yes, the male portion of the crowd seems quite appreciative.

Ashley: And me!

Davida: Yes, and Ashley, too.  Ethan suddenly yelps and he's rolling around on the ground.  He's not even in the game any more.  I wonder what got him.

Ashley: He probably got a hard-on from looking at those magnificent tits, it disturbed one of the bees and he got stung on his dick.  That's so hot.

Davida: That is probably what happened.  Anyway, the guys who are still in the game, Tommy, Peter, and Lucas, are ready to go.  The guys are trying the same strategy as last time, sticking together, but this time the girls are much more ready.  Peter's in the lead, but Jordan is waiting for him and this time gets him perfectly.  Ow!  I think that's the hardest kick I've seen this game.  Peter was lifted in the air by it and now he's rolling on the ground.  Both his eggs are definitely broken.

Ashley: Maybe his balls, too!  Not his dick, though, he's still got a boner!

Davida: Indeed.  And now he suddenly jerks on the ground.  He might need medical attention.  Wait, I forgot, he still had a mix-and-match egg.  That's probably just the result of his taser egg being broken.  Tommy and Lucas are nearing the safety zone, but three of the girls are waiting there for them.  Lucas tries to squeeze by Kaci and gets a punch in the balls for it.  His last egg is broken.  Meanwhile, Tommy winds up with a kick in the thigh from Maria and another one from Darcy.  His egg is intact and he's through to the safe zone.

Ashley: One boy all alone against six topless beauties, though, his odds aren't good.

Davida: No, but he's starting his run back.  He dances past a knee from Dani, and Darcy's ready with another kick, and this one is on target.  His last egg is broken, too.

Ashley: I don't know what's more fun, watching the look on the guy's faces when they get kicked in the crotch or watching the girl's tits' jiggle when they run and kick.

Davida: Whichever you prefer, we had some this round.  At the conclusion of the round, Lucas and Tommy are out.  Peter lost both eggs, but he still has one more.  Since none of the guys made it through with any eggs intact, the girls don't have to strip this round.

Ashley: Boo!  I like pussies!

Davida: Well, you'll either get to see some next round, if Peter succeeds, or you'll get to see some when the oral service begins if the he loses.  And they are readying Peter for this round.  One final egg goes into his speedo.

Ashley: Into his tent, you mean.  That guy is definitely excited about this event.

Davida: The girls are bunched up near where he is, and off he goes.  He runs along the end-line before heading into the danger zone, and gets a pretty good head start.  Kaci and Jordan are trying to chase him down, while the rest were caught flat-footed.

Ashley: Look at those boobies bouncing.  Kaci's little perky ones and Jordan's melons are both going at it like crazy.

Davida: Oh, and they catch up to him, but Kaci's attempt to kick from behind just catches him in the butt.  The kick in the butt causes him to make a sudden turn, and Jordan is not where she wants to be.  She's cutting to follow him, but it's too late.  He's across the safety line.  He wastes no time, though, in heading back.  I think he's hoping to catch the girls off guard.  The other girls have already formed into sort of a net, though, and they're closing in.  He's gonna have to try going past one of them.  He stops suddenly, perhaps considering his options, and oh, I don't think he realized that Jordan was still chasing him from behind.  And I know that she wasn't expecting him to stop like that because she's just run him over.  The two of them are in a pile on the ground.  He's trying to get his feet under him, but she grabs him in a bear hug which Darcy advances on him.  Darcy stomps away, giving his groin three quick hard stomps, and his egg is broken.

Ashley: And maybe his balls, too.  Those were some hard stomps.

Davida: Things could be over now, but I bet the referee is going to have something to say about that.  Yup, sure enough, she's coming over.  She reminds the girls that grabbing is not allowed, and awards Peter one free pass to safety and a replacement egg.  So, that means that Peter survives the round with one egg intact.  You know what that means.

Ashley: Pussies!  No more panties allowed.

Davida: Correct, the girls are removing their panties.

Ashley: Naked pussies!  Awesome!  Oh, everyone's carpet matches the drapes.  No hair dye here.  And those are some great looking pussies.  I wish I could grow a dick so that I could fuck them all.

Davida: No matter what happens, this will be the last round.  After getting naked, the girls have spread out across the area.  Peter's going to have a much harder time getting through clean this time.  He runs along the line again to build up speed, and it looks like he's going to try to split between Dani and Rachel.  They close in on him, he dodges Rachel's kick, but Dani's long legs get him.  Clearly that was a little high, though.  He's gotten kicked in the stomach, and it's staggered him.  He keeps moving, but not quite as quickly, and it's given Jordan time to get between him and the line.  He cuts diagonally, but our soccer player is quick.

Ashley: Despite all that lovely bouncing!

Davida: And she has a good chance with this kick.  That was hard and right on target.  As he stumbles across the safe line and falls over on his back, I'm sure his last egg is broken.  The judge is checking, yes, the game is over!  The girls have won!

Ashley: Great job girls!  Now it's cunninninnilingius time.

Davida: I think you mean cunnilingus.

Ashley: Whatever!  It's pussy licking time.

Davida: Now that the game is over, the judge and the referee are finally having mercy on the guys and helping them out of their speedos and washing off whatever was inside their suits.  Tommy and Ethan are definitely glad to have those bees out.  From the swollen spots on their genitals, it looks like Tommy got a couple of stings and Ethan got three.

Ashley: Lucas and Aiden both look like bulletin boards!

Davida: Yup, those tacks are really stuck into their scrotums, but the officials are pulling them out.  And they're picking the leeches from Aiden too and from off of Ethan.  And now they get out the warm, soapy wash-clothes and start washing everything off the guys.  The girls have come over to help, too.

Ashley: Oh, and the guys appreciate that!  It's boner city down there.

Davida: Now that they're all cleaned off, their cocks and balls are still pretty red from all the abuse they've taken.

Ashley: Plus some of them have some pretty little spots from the tacks or from the ant bites.  That's so hot.  Which one do you think has the biggest cock?

Davida: Well, it's hard to say.  Aiden's curving banana is probably the longest, but Trent, although not that long, looks really thick.  All of them have decent-sized cocks, though.  No one is tiny.  Oh, and the girls are making their selections.  Jordan had the most broken eggs with a whopping fifteen out of the thirty-six eggs.  Watch out for her, boys.  And so she gets first choice, and she chooses Peter.  I guess she likes having a guy who likes getting his balls busted.  In second, we have a two-way tie between Darcy and Kaci who each broken five eggs in competition and each got one in the practice round.  They're talking it over and it looks like they wanted different guys anyway.  Kaci chooses Aiden, preferring the tall slender fellow with the curvy banana.  And Darcy chooses Tommy, I guess she likes her guys tightly muscled.  It's an interesting contrast, she's so gently curved and he's so sharp and angular looking.  It's Rachel's turn to pick now, having broken four eggs in competition and one in practice.  She chooses Trent.  She's pretty tiny, but I guess she likes her guys stockier.  Next it's Maria's turn.  Only Ethan and Lucas are left, but she seems eager to choose Ethan.  She's already rubbing his muscles and then leading him towards a chair.  Lastly Dani is stuck with Lucas, but she looks happy with that.  He's the only guy who is definitely and distinctly larger than her, and tall girls sometimes like that.  The officials have brought out some chairs and beds for the contestants to use for their two-hour lick-a-thon, and the couples have headed over to them.  Jordan is sitting at the edge of a chair and Peter is kneeling in front of her licking her out, and as he does, she's repeatedly kicking him in the balls.  All the guys have erections at this point, but Peter's looks like it could explode at any minute.  It's so swollen and just pulsing there.

Ashley: It's no fair.  I want a guy with a hard cock to come eat me out.  There aren't any left.

Davida: Well, you didn't play the game.

Ashley: I know, but I need my pussy ate out!  It's no fair!

Davida: The guys and girls are all settled in and there is lots of cunnilingus going on out there.  Both on the field, and there's some happening in the stands, too.  And with two more hours of this, we're about to put the wraps on the play-by-play announcing.  It looks like we're about to get a visit from our referee and our judge.  Oh, they're taking Ashley.  They've found a volunteer from the audience who's willing to eat her out.  Oh, but they've pulled her skirt and underwear down and are insisting that he give her a bare-bottom spanking for being so whiny first.  He's a pretty big guy and he easily lays her over his lap and starts spanking her bare ass.  I don't know if she loves it or hates it.  All I can tell is that every blow is making her squirm like crazy.  He finally lets her go after about ten good swats.  She climbs off, he stands up, and she kicks him right in the balls.  He's down on her knees, and now she steps in to have him lick her pussy.  And away he goes, eagerly.  From here on out, it's just gonna be pussy licking for the next couple of hours, so you don't need me to call the action.  It's been a pleasure telling you about our special event.  If you enjoyed it, remember to come back next month for the alumni game.  Oh, and Ashley is coming already.  That was quick.  The contestants are still getting there, but they all seem to be having a good time.  Now I'm gonna go find my boyfriend and play the home version of the game.  To all of you out there listening, I wish you good night and good lick.


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Replies to This Discussion

This was a great story. I laughed a few times at some of the jokes.

Did you model the girls on girls you know personally?

The physical description of Kaci was based on a girl I worked with.  I never saw any signs that she was into ballbusting, though.  And my cousin married a very busty soccer player.  I'm not sure I'd say that the character in this is based on her because the description and personality don't otherwise match her, but it's fair to say that she helped inspire the character.

Very nice story !

I thought the bad puns from Ashley were a nice touch.

great, a fun game



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