Hey everyone!  I felt like I wanted to try to give back to the community and the only way I know how is to write a story.  Hopefully the formatting works okay.

Please let me know what you think!  This one is M/M, as I was inspired by a conversation with a guy on here.


Alicia felt bad for her boyfriend of a few years, Justin. He was so stressed lately with his new asshole boss at work and a missed deadline on a major project. She figured a night out on the town might settle his nerves a bit.

Since she was doing this for him, Alicia decided on something very low cut that showed off her very generous assets. Made a bit too generous by not watching my carbs, she thought, I better choose the belted blouse.

Justin came home to find his raven haired girlfriend decked out for a night on the town and his eyes couldn't help but linger. "Hey babe! Let's go out to Mason's so I can buy you a drink!" Alicia exclaimed happily.

"Honey, work was a shit show today," Justin replied tiredly. "I'm not in the mood to get all dressed up and go out. Can we reschedule for the weekend?"

Alicia looked him up and down. He was only missing the hard hat and safety vest from his foreman's outfit. She thought he actually looked quite good in just his flannel shirt, jeans and work boots while having a slightly rough appearance from working all day. "You look great as you are actually, but I can sweeten the pot with two beers if it helps?" she asked, smiling as beautifully as she could.
Justin couldn't say no to that smile! "Alright, alright! You win, let's go," he replied, smiling a bit himself.


Unfortunately, the bar and a few beers were not really doing the trick. Justin seemed distant, thinking about work and stress.

Alicia let Justin know she was going to go to the bathroom and got up from their table and made her way there. While she was walking she noticed that there was a creepy looking guy sitting at the bar oogling her very openly. When starting her way back, she looked for the guy, and noticed a younger blonde woman even more generously endowed than herself looking very uncomfortable as the creep was chatting up her shockingly ample cleavage.

This guy wasn't skinny, but didn't look muscular either, and Alicia remembered Justin's stories about how he was a hellion in his younger days, about how he would start fights just for the fun of it. In her beer addled mind she came up with an idea. Maybe I can knock out two birds with one stone! Justin can relieve some stress, and I can save that girl from the creep.

Luckily for her new plan, Justin was sitting facing away at their table, so didn't see Alicia adjust herself while walking past the bar. She rumpled her clothes a bit and gave herself a bit of a wardrobe malfunction to make it look like she'd had an unwanted hand cop a rough feel.

Alicia slid into the chair next to him and, surprising even herself, whispered in a perfect accosted voice, "That guy just grabbed my boob! Oh my god!"

Justin's head snapped up, and he growled, "Where? I'll punch his fucking head off!"

"There!" Alicia pointed out the creep. He was now bent over the bar, still leering at the woman next to him.

"Stay here," he said, and started his way over. He balled up his fists, seeing red. As he walked over, he thought about the kind of guy that would grab a random woman's chest. The bit too-tight track pants the man was wearing as he leaned spread-legged over the bar showed a very tempting target. Justin thought this was too good of a method to teach a lecherous person a lesson to pass up.

Alicia wasn't sure if she wanted to actually watch Justin fight someone. The sound of a hard composite toed work boot landing in between the creeps legs shocked her. Oh my god, he just punted his nuts! she thought. Then a half a second later, an amused smirk crossed her lips, Oh my god, I bet that hurt...

The creep released all the air in his lungs with a grunt. The kick lifted him off the ground a few inches, and when he landed he spun around, raising his fist to meet his attacker. This was short lived, however, as his hand instead traveled down to grab his battered balls and he fell over with a pained yell.

Justin was surprised at how much he enjoyed kicking the man who would accost his girlfriend in the groin. The feeling of something smushing against his boot was empowering! He wanted more.

Alicia watched the younger girl move away at the commotion, but also couldn't help but notice the smile on her face when her surprise cleared. The bouncer was perking up from the front of the bar, so Alicia felt she needed to move a bit closer to give her excuse when he arrived.

Justin kneeled down between the man's legs, and grabbed both of the man's wrists in his left hand to move the protecting fingers out of the way. With his dominant right hand, he reached down and grabbed both of the creep's nuts. He then realized how he could feel something squish against his boot when the man's large jewels could fill even his workman's hand. Suddenly feeling inadequate, and knowing this man grabbed his girl's boob, he decided to neutralize the threat. Justin started to squeeze with all his might.

The man was moaning, "Oh god, my balls... my balls..." When Justin scooped up his battered orbs in his hand, that changed to "Oh GOD! Please! Let me go! Let GOO!" before cutting off abruptly.

When Alicia walked up, she could see Justin looking at the contents of his hand and smiling like a demon. Those contents, she noticed, were attached to a surprisingly quiet man. His back was arched and his face was contorted into a silent scream. When she looked back toward the source of his anguish, she noticed that the contents were considerable, but were also in considerable danger. The muscles in Justin's arm were fully tensed from the strain of squeezing as hard as possible. Track pants offered little protection from a determined grip, and the thin fabric left little to the imagination. She could see the large balls bulging a bit out from between Justin's fingers, see those fingers sink ever deeper, the nutmeat bulge out even more. Alicia noticed that Justin appeared to really be enjoying himself. Another realization hit her, that her boyfriend was about to cause permanent damage to a man because of her lie, and found that she didn't mind and might actually even be rooting for it!

As the bouncer lazily mosied over to break up the fight, Alicia wiped the esctatic grin off her face and replaced it with a wounded look. The bouncer looked down at the altercation and noticed the worrying grip Justin had on the man's goods. He sighed, realizing that just trying to yank Justin off the man would probably cause a lot more damage, not to mention paperwork. Kneeling down, the bouncer said to Justin, "Let go of his balls."

Justin snarled in response, "I'm going to rip these shits off," and tried to make good on his promise. To Alicia's delight, she could see Justin's arm muscles and the creep's balls bulging even more. She bit her lower lip and held her breath. If there was no music or chatter in the bar, she swore she would've heard comical crunching sound effects.

The bouncer's hand, quick as a snake, went behind Justin and he gently took a firm hold of Justin's left nugget. "I'm only going to say this once, let go of his balls or you're going to have a problem," the bouncer commanded calmly.

Justin released the man's hands and manhood in unison. The bouncer gently tugged up on his handhold and they both rose. Alicia finally noticed the predicament her boyfriend was in, so said to the bouncer, with the most hurt-sounding voice she could muster, "That man grabbed my boobs! Justin was just trying to defend me!"

"He was going to try to grab me, too!" yelled the young, busty blonde. The bouncer looked at her and the blonde, then looked at Justin, and released his hold. Good, thought a relieved Alicia, I don't care about any man's balls but his!

The bouncer reached down to scoop up the man, who was just lying still on the floor at this point. Once standing again, he slyly said to Justin, "Don't go cracking any walnuts while I'm not looking, heh."

Alicia watched the bouncer half carry and half drag the man away, and couldn't help but notice the hefty bulge in his pants and thought, His balls are going to be sore for weeks! Every time he takes a step, he'll think of Justin.

Justin shook himself, looked at Alicia, and mused, "I've never hit anyone in the balls before... Just some sack taps in high school. I always thought it made you less of man, but..." He flexed his hand, remembering the feeling of having another man's entire world crumbling in his palm and said, "I feel like more of a man now than I have in years. I think if no one stopped me..." Pausing to reflect about what got him into this in the first place, he asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Looking at his hand flexing around imaginary gonads and his tensing arm muscles, Alicia thought about his statement. She thought about how he looked so in control, thought about how that creep and his nuts wouldn't soon forget the better man, her man. Moving closer to Justin, squishing her breasts against her boyfriend's arm, she rose onto her toes and whispered in his ear, "Let's go home, I need you to fuck my brains out."


The next morning, Alicia watched Justin leave the house with a renewed spring in his step. When he came home that night he talked negatively about work, of course, but his outlook seemed much more positive.

Smiling at Justin across the dinner table as he talked about his day she came to a realization, A random man's ball or two is a small price to pay for Justin's happiness. A very small price, she added in her thoughts, giggling internally. She resolved to somehow repeat the previous night the next time Justin was feeling down and not in control. Next time, though, maybe where no bouncer was around to bring a premature end to the festivities.

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Replies to This Discussion

This is one of the best written and most engaging stories I have read in a while. Well done.

Thanks :D



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