A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Reminder: if you enjoy my stories, please donate to Kicked in the Groin so that I'll continue to have a community to share them with.
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
From here I headed down the street. The next block was houses, but no one seemed to be home. Just beyond that, though, there was a building with a couple of stores and then a parking lot after it. The first store, a thrift shop, didn't have cameras. The second one, though was a convenience store so I felt pretty sure that they would.
I went inside and there were a couple of clerks, an older white guy and a very cute black girl. She was slender, and the tight grey polo shirt she was wearing for work really hugged her pert round tits. She looked pretty hot in it, but by this point I was hoping not to get nutted any more for a while. I told the two of them about my missing friend, leaving out any reference to BallsBounty. The young black woman said, "I can help you with that. Come to the back with me. That's where the playback system is."
I followed her into the back room where all their inventory was, but I was suspicious. I felt like I'd seen a gleam of recognition in her eye. But then she really did sit down at the console and start cueing the video back to late Saturday night. I stood behind her and to one side.
I breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew," I said. "I was afraid you were just getting me back here to collect from BallsBounty. I'm glad you're really helping."
"Wait, you're on BallsBounty?" she asked.
I knew I'd stepped in it, but I tried to avoid the inevitable. "No, no, it's just something I'd heard about." Just then, Zepz appeared on the video. "Hey! That's her!" She was walking by the front of the store. You could see her clearly through the store window on the security footage. I looked down at the clerk to see her reaction which is when I realized that although she'd been scrolling through the footage using fast forward and rewind with her left hand, she had gotten her phone out and was working it one-handed. I saw my own face looking back at me from the front page of the BallsBounty app.
I won't say that I was ready for her to suddenly punch me full force right in the balls, but at least I understood why it was happening. My balls hadn't really recovered much in the few minutes since leaving the sorority, and the punch, to my surprise, floored me. Once she hit them, I just crumpled to the floor, my legs giving out. I lay there on the concrete floor in the fetal position, holding my nuts, moaning softly. But after about thirty seconds, I heard the clerk say, "Oh shit! Your friend's in real trouble!"
That managed to penetrate the fog of pain. I looked up. "What happened?" I asked.
"She's been kidnapped! Here, look!"
I managed to sit up despite the pain and look at the monitors. There were two monitors, each with four cameras, one in each quadrant. In the camera view I'd seen earlier, I could see Zepz walking by the store, and as she gets towards the edge of that camera I could see her appear on another camera. She walked on past the end of the storefront and then I could see her on the parking lot camera. And then she'd walked past the end of the parking lot, and she disappeared from view just past the end of the light thrown by the lights of the parking lot.
And for a moment, I wondered what the clerk was talking about since it seemed like Zepz had only walked by the convenience store which doesn’t seem that troubling. And then suddenly on the video of the parking lot camera, I saw a door open from a car which was parked on the street. The cabin light was just enough that I could see a man get out holding some sort of rag or piece of cloth. Then he was beyond the light of the car, but in a moment he was back, moving towards the car and supporting the limp figure of a tall woman with long dark hair.
This is all happening far enough away that I couldn't see her face and it was too dark and distant to clearly see if the woman had the same clothes we'd just seen Zepz wearing, but I was sure it was her because we hadn’t seen anyone else go that way and it looked like her from a distance. He opened the back door and pushed her into the back seat, lifting her legs so he could close the door. And then he ran around to the driver's side, got in, and tore away into the night.
It was everything I'd feared. She'd been kidnapped by some sociopath. This was serious business. The clerk knew it, too. "I'll see if I can find the license plate number somewhere on the footage. You go get the cops!"
"Should I call 911?" I asked.
"No, no. There's a police substation one block that way," she said motioning in the direction of behind the convenience store. "See if you can get a detective!"
It occurred to me that I ought to look at the police report from before, so I pulled that up on my phone. The form included information about the investigating detective, including his work address, and it matched the name of the next street over. So I figured I should head over and see if the investigating officer, who it said was “Detective Green” was available. When I left the back room, the other clerk was busy with a customer, so I figured I’d let her fill him in, and I headed directly out and then to the station.
The police station was just a small substation, but it had police cars in the parking lot and when I went in, there was a reception area and then several desks behind it. I asked for Detective Green, but the officer at reception said he was away for the day and not available. Another detective piped up, “He told me about this case, I can help him.” She was a pretty young detective. She was short, but slender and on the chesty side. She wore a tight pantsuit with her badge in a holder on the breast pocket. Her dark hair was back in a ponytail showing off her pretty face.
She came up to the reception area. “Here, come with me back to the interview room, and we can discuss the case. I have new information for you.”
“Oh,” I said, “so do I.” I let her lead me back to the interview room. It was a plain room with a bare concrete floor and a table in the middle. We both walked in, and then she closed the door behind us. As I turned back to her, she stepped in and kneed me in the balls. My balls were still so tender, I fell immediately to the ground, moaning. The pain was so bad my stomach was cramping, and I thought I might vomit.
“I know what this is,” she said, mocking me, “someone kicked your poor little balls and like all the guys you reported it to Green since he’s the only male detective here. Well, he’s not going to help you and neither am I. I don’t know what you did, but I’m sure you deserve this.” She looked down at me there on the floor. My thighs were squeezed tightly together as I was curled up in the fetal position, but my hands were across my cramping stomach rather than guarding my poor tender balls. Seeing that, she gave them one more kick. The toe of her pump got me just in my left ball, the point of it slamming directly into the center of my left testicle, pressing it back against my thigh. The pain was so intense that I, honest to god, thought that she had ruptured it. I writhed on the floor, kicking and flopping about trying to dull the pain. The only thing which kept me from screaming was trying to not vomit. I could feel my breakfast cereal mixed with bile rising in my throat. and I swallowed trying to hold it back down.
I heard her chuckling at my pain and although, thinking back, I would later find that somewhat hot, at the time, it made me angry enough that I was able to spit out a couple of words. “Missing person!”
I tried to control my breathing and talk through the pain, but it was difficult. “I’m here because my friend was kidnapped.”
“Oh,” she said. “Oh!” Her whole demeanor changed. “I guess I’ll get you some ice, then.” She disappeared and came back with some ice for my groin.
When she returned a couple of minutes later with a plastic bag of ice cubes, she helped me sit up against the wall, and I held the bag against my crotch. “I think you might have ruptured one. I probably need to go to the hospital,” I said, feeling sincerely worried.
“I didn’t kick that hard, but we can check,” she said. She began pulling at my shorts to help me get them down without having to stand. Once we got my shorts and underwear off, which was a struggle to do without standing, we were able to get a good look at them. My left nut had a big fresh purple bruise and was swollen to almost twice the size of the right one which looked kind of swollen itself, but it was definitely not ruptured.
“Oh, thank goodness,” I said. “Still in one piece.”
“Why do you have tape around your penis?”
“It got injured when I got kicked earlier, and I didn’t want it to get damaged.”
“So you knew more kicking was coming?”
“Yeah. You’ve done a good job of not letting it slip, but I know about BallsBounty. I know I’m on the front page. It’s all connected to my friend. She’s been kidnapped. We’ve got to help her.”
“Wait, how’s all of this connected?” she asked, sounding pretty confused at this point.
“I don’t know, entirely, but I think that the BallsBounty thing is a call for help. She was kidnapped Saturday night on her way home from a party. I just found that out. We knew no one had seen her, but I just found out what happened, that’s why I came here. But Sunday she posted me on BallsBounty. So, she posted after she got kidnapped. If we can find out where she posted from, I think we can rescue her, and I think maybe that’s why she posted.”
“How do you know she got kidnapped?”
“I checked along her route home. There’s a convenience store a couple of blocks from here which caught it on videotape. That’s why I came here, to get a detective to come see the footage.”
“Oh, sorry for kicking you.”
“That’s okay. I’ll live,” I said. What I actually meant was that I was glad to be intact and not having to go to the emergency room, but also that given that I was intact, I’d probably wind up jacking off thinking about all of this later.
“Okay,” she said, “We’ve got several things to do. I’ll see if I can find a way to contact BallsBounty. And then we’ll probably need to get a court order to get location data from the ISP, so I should go get a copy of the video from the store logged into our evidence system.”
So she set to work. Somehow she did manage to get BallsBounty on the phone and once she proved that she was a member, an ardent supporter, and also a police officer they really listened to her. Then once she convinced them that she was trying to locate one of their members who had been kidnapped, not identify someone to press charges for assault, they were willing to give over the IP address. It was fairly easy to find out what ISP owned the block of addresses which included that one. But getting the ISP to provide the customer was a whole additional thing. They wanted a court order.
We went back to the convenience store, and she viewed the video and then got a copy of it. The clerk had not been able to find a clear shot on the video which included the license plate. The detective sent a copy of the video to the district attorney along with a witness statement from me saying that I’d seen communication from Zepz via a website (not named specifically) and then a statement from her that the website had indicated which IP address had been used. But still, it was hours before the court order was processed and delivered to the ISP and before they responded. And then we had to get a search warrant. In the meantime, I texted Emma to let her know what was up.
By the time everything came through and we had location information and the search warrant, it was almost evening. The detective offered that I could ride along as they served it. The house turned out to be about half an hour away, out in the country. And disappointingly, it turned out to be owned by a little old lady. As the police searched the house, they asked her if anyone else lived there, like if she had a son or renter or anyone and the answer was no across the board. She was very cooperative, and there’s no way she was the kidnapper, but the police checked the house from top to bottom just in case and found no sign of anyone other than the old lady having been there.
It was starting to look like a deadend, but as I thought about it, I realized that you don’t have to be in a given house to use its WiFi, and out here in the country where there aren’t a lot of routers operating you can sometimes get pretty good range. So I went outside and started looking around. There was a house across the corn field and just a bit up the hill which had a tall wooden fence and a bunch of no trespassing and keep out signs which immediately raised my suspicion. I headed across the corn field and when I got to the fence, I found that I could peek through the cracks between the boards. I could see that the house was fairly dark except for one room which was lit up but had the curtains closed and a little basement window. I looked at that, trying to see what I could when suddenly, someone walked by it inside the house. I could only see part of their head as they went by the window, but instantly I recognized that it was Zepz. I’d found her!
I went running back to the cops. “She’s not here! She’s in that house up the hill! I saw her!” The detective and the pair of patrolmen accompanying her came with me immediately. I showed them where I’d peaked through the fence and pointed out the window. It seemed like forever before they saw her pass in front of the window. Once they did, the detective immediately got on the phone to the DA, leaving me to watch to make sure that she seemed to still be okay, that the kidnapper didn’t show up in the basement to do anything. Police are allowed to rush in without a search warrant when someone is in immediate danger, so we maybe could have, but the detective wanted to make sure we nailed this guy and with all the keep out signs on the fence, it was best to make sure he didn’t have a defense.
It took about ten minutes for the DA to talk to a judge and secure an emergency search and arrest warrant. My heart was pounding with worry the whole time. I was so scared that just when we’d found her something bad would happen, but fortunately nothing did. Once we had the warrant, the cops stormed in. They found only one person in the house, a man in his late thirties who had to be the kidnapper. I stayed outside on the porch. The man was the only one in the upstairs part of the house and although there were a lot of guns in the house, he didn’t put up a fight just muttered about how this was “tyranny” while allowing himself to be arrested.
As one of the officers told me that things were clear and waved me into the house (I’d been watching through the open front door), the other one opened up the basement and yelled down, “Police, Ma’am! We’re here to rescue you!”
I headed in that direction and when I got there, she was coming up the basement stairs. She looked haggard and stressed, but healthy. It looked like she was still in the same clothes from Saturday night, black pants and a blue shirt which showed a lot of cleavage. “Ed!” she said when she saw me. “It worked! You rescued me!” And she jumped on me, giving me a big hug, the kind that squished her big breasts right against my chest and then squeezed them there. I returned the hug. Primarily I was relieved to see her, but, you know, the boobies were nice, too.
On the drive back to the police station, she told me about what had happened. “I was walking home from the party when suddenly, someone put this cloth over my face from behind. It smelled like a weird chemical and I passed out. I woke up in that awful basement. Initially, I was alone, but then that guy came down the stairs to tell me that I was going to be his bride. He had a handgun pointed at me at the time. Every time I saw him he had a gun pointed at me. And good thing for him he did or I’d have kicked him in the balls and ran.”
“I’m sure you would have.”
“He was always really cautious when he brought me food or changed the poop bucket. But he kept telling me how I’d be happy if I just relaxed and learned to enjoy it.”
“Did he touch you or anything?” I asked, not wanting to use the word “rape” in case he had since I’m sure it would be still quite a raw wound.
“No. He was waiting until after the wedding, which was supposed to be Friday. He gave me a dress to put on and everything. He told me that I was pretty like his mom had been and wanted me to wear the dress she’d been married in. I’ve never met the woman, but I can tell you from her dress that she was slender, about five foot or so, and at most a B-cup. There’s no way my tall busty self was fitting in that dress. He was clearly delusional in more than one way.”
“This whole thing sounds like a nightmare.”
“Yes. I’m so glad you saved me. Thank goodness I found that old cellphone and charger in that box in the basement.”
“So, umm, if you had a cellphone, why not just call 911 instead of put a bounty on my nuts?”
“I couldn’t get any bars from the basement. I tried calling 911 holding it up to each window a whole bunch of times, but I never got through. With it held up to one of the windows, though, I could just barely get WiFi.”
“Okay, but why BallsBounty? Why not like Twitter?”
“I tried a bunch of different sites first. This cell phone was ancient and most of them just gave me a ‘please update your browser’ screen or a ‘please download our app’ page. Twitter actually seemed like it would work, but I couldn’t log in because I had two-factor turned on, and he had my phone. And then the create new account page needed either a working phone number or email to validate and I couldn’t get texts and couldn’t find an email service which I could log into with that old-ass web browser. So then I tried just every website I could think of. And BallsBounty worked. It wasn’t perfectly functional, but I could log in and at least post a bounty. My bank account was already linked to my account after I'd posted that bounty on that guy who had tried to rape me.”
"Someone tried to rape you?"
"Yeah. Last year. We were on a date and at the end, he asked if he could come up and use my bathroom. I let him and he tried to force himself on me. I kneed his nuts as hard as I could and then as he tried to run away, I got him with another kick or two before I dragged him out of the apartment. I didn't call the cops because there was no evidence, but he definitely deserved more kicking, so I got him ten more kicks on BallsBounty."
“Not to complain since it all worked out and I’m glad we rescued you, but why me and why a hundred kicks?”
"Oh, well, the hundred kicks was to make sure you couldn't ignore it. And I chose you for three reasons. One, you were already in the system. Two, I thought you'd probably be smart enough and persistent enough to figure things out and help me. And three, Libby told me about how you'd asked her to kick you in the balls, so I thought that unlike most guys you might actually enjoy it. Did you?"
"Some of it was kind of hot, but it was pretty overwhelming. Wait, why was I in the system already? I've never had a bounty before, have I?."
"Libby added you after you dumped her. She actually did post a bounty, but only for like five minutes before I pointed out that you might like it and she took it back down."
I chuckled. “I had wondered at first why such a high bounty, too, but I can see why you’d spend the money to try to escape all that.”
“Yeah. I just put in the maximum amount figuring that would bring the most attention. Was it hard to find me?”
“It really kind of was. First I had to figure out why I was getting kicked in the balls which meant finding someone who would break the site rules. Then since the site uses usernames, I had to figure out who HindenburgUncertaintyPrinciple was. And that was pretty difficult, mind you. since your face isn’t visible in anything and neither are most of your friend’s faces. I wound up working it out once I figured out that TallSuperHotty was Libby which I only figured out by looking at her friends. And only after I knew that did I find out you were missing.”
“Wow! I didn’t think about the fact that it wouldn’t be obvious it was me.”
“Your profile picture is just your cleavage which is sexy, but not that distinctive. So, yeah, it was a lot of work. Emma was really helpful. She was worried sick about you. Oh, let me text her to tell her you’re safe.”
Emma was relieved to hear the news. When we got back to the station, the detective wanted to get a thorough statement from Zepz even though the whole thing seemed like a pretty slam-dunk case by this point. So I went back to my dorm room. When I got there I realized that I hadn’t eaten lunch or supper. The adrenaline of the whole thing had totally masked my hunger. And I also realized that the dining hall was closed by this point. One of my friends on the hall hadn’t eaten supper either so we wound up ordering a pizza and chilling and watching some TV.
Continued in Chapter 8
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