It was a few years ago when I found out that my friend Tanner was into ballbusting. It was during a Christmas break that he came home from his second year of college. I had texted him to ask him if he would like to hang out or anything while he was home. He replied asking me if I would like to go with him to a party with a few more of his friends. He promised they were going to play all sorts of fun games and that I'd might get to meet a girl I'd like. I took him up on his offer and later that night he came and picked me up.
    "How you doin, man?" He asked me as I got in the passenger side of his car. I looked over at him to see his peculiar smile. It was like he knew something that he wasn't going to tell me until I found out exactly what it was.
    "I'm good," I replied, "How have you been doing?" He cranked his vehicle and began driving. He informed me it was going to be about a twenty minute drive.
    "I've been doing great man," he answered, "School's being going good. I've met all kinds of new interesting friends. In fact, a few of them are going to be there tonight. A few hot girls will be there tonight, Will."
    "Oh really?" I asked.
    "Oh yeah, wait 'til you see this girl Kristen," he said, "She's hot and really cool. In fact she created some of the games we're gonna play tonight."
    "What games are they?" I asked.
    "Just wait 'til we get there man," he replied, "It's gonna be great. It's a pretty funny game." I assumed that it was some kind of game where you gave funny responses to questions or something. I was starting to look forward to it and meeting this girls Tanner kept telling me about. I started to wonder a little bit why I didn't know any of these people that lived in our hometown and why Tanner didn't know them until after he attended college, but I didn't mention it.
    We finally got to Kristen's house. Her parents were out for the night and allowing her to throw a party. Tanner and I walked up to the front door and he rang the door bell. About a minute later, Kristen opened the door and there she stood with long straight brown hair, cute glasses, tight blue jeans, and in her pink socked feet.
    "Hey Tanner," she said, "This must be your friend Will, come on in and take your shoes off please." I could tell Tanner was in love or lust with this girl. Maybe both. After we removed our shoes, she introduced us to the rest of the group that would be playing games.
    "This is my friend Ashleigh," Kristen introduced me to her thin curly blonde haired blue eyed friend. I shook her hand and informed her it was nice to meet her.
    "And this is my friend Amber," she introduced me to a short haired blonde girl, who was dressed very similar to Kristen. All I could think to myself was "wow".  These three girls were all adorable. She also introduced me to another guy, Jerry, who was Amber's boyfriend. He was really friendly and did his best to make me feel welcomed.
    "Aright," Kristen said, "Who's ready to play our first game?"
    "I know I am," Ashleigh answered as all three girls began to giggle. I thought that was kind of strange, but maybe there were just that way. I decided to ask what game we were about to play.
    "So what game are we playing?" I asked Kristen.
    "Spin the bottle," she replied, "With a twist." I kind of laughed and was pretty excited about a chance to kiss these girls.
    "What's the twist?"
    "You'll see."
    All six of us sat around an empty wine bottle on the hardwood floor. Kristen made the claim that since it was her party that she got to go first. She also reviewed the rule that if the bottle lands on you and you refuse to participate, you are eliminated from the game. She then took the bottle and gave it a good spin and it gradually slowed down landing on Tanner.
    "You ready boy?" she asked him with a mischievous grin. Tanner stood up and just barely nodded his head yes. All I was thinking was he was being a little shy and nervous because his dream was about to come true. Then she stood up  and WHAM! She kicked Tanner right in the nuts with her pink socked foot. He doubled over, grabbed his crotch and fell sideways to the floor. Kristen, Ashleigh, Amber, and Jerry all burst out with laughter at Tanner's pain. I just sat back in shock. I had no idea that was coming, and I certainly did not want that happening to me. It freaked me out that all four of them just sat there laughing, but Tanner didn't seem to be very upset about it.
    "It's your turn Tanner," Kristen informed him. She then turned and looked at me and asked, "You ready to play this game Will?" I kind of stuttered not sure of how to answer her.
    "What is this game?" I asked in a frightened tone.
"Well now that you've seen it, I'll tell you how it works," she answered, "We spin the bottle and whoever lands on gets kicked in the crotch. If it lands on you and you refuse to be kicked you're eliminated. It goes until there's only one person left and the winner gets to choose who they want to kick last as the others hold them for it. Come on doesn't that sound fun?" I was kind of too scared to quit, even though I was too scared to play. Tanner then took the bottle and spun it, which landed on Jerry. Tanner got up and kicked Jerry in the nuts as all three girls broke out in laughter.
    "I love this game," Amber exclaimed through her laughter. Jerry spun the bottle and it landed on her. She took the kick, but it didn't seem to hurt her as much as the kicks to Jerry and Tanner did. Amber spun the bottle and it landed on Kristen and Amber kicked Kristen about has hard as she could, but Kristen took it like it barely hurt her. She just giggled about the pain Amber caused her. The game continued several more rounds and fortunately, the bottle never landed on me. It would come so close and I could feel myself sweating in fear, but it move just a little bit more to the next person each time.
    Ashleigh got a hold of the bottle and this time it landed on Jerry, after he had already been kicked twice before. She looked up at him, "You ready for another one Jerry?"
    "You know what I'm out," Jerry submitted. Which I guess if someone submitted it allowed the spinner to spin again, because Ashleigh spun the bottle once more and it landed on Amber. Amber took a mighty hard kick from Amber, but she got back up and spun the bottle which landed on Tanner. She kicked Tanner has hard as she possibly could, his eyes nearly popped out of his head and his jaw dropped to the floor to the amusement of all three girls. Tanner stayed with it and spun the bottle which landed back on Amber. Fearing his kick, Amber gave it up and Tanner spun again. This time it landed on Kristen.
    Tanner seemed reluctant to kick Kristen and barely hurt her. I continued to sit in terrifying anticipation as to when the bottle was going to land on me. Kristen spun the bottle which landed on Ashleigh. Ashleigh took the kick and spun it to land on Tanner. Tanner gave up. Ashleigh spun again and it landed on Kristen. Ashleigh tried as hard as she could, but Kristen refused to give up even after one devastating kick. Kristen returned a spin that landed on Ashleigh and Ashleigh forfeited.
    Kristen looked over at me, "You know that means it's your turn right?"
    Without hesitation I responded,"I also quit." Kristen responded with laughter.
    "You know that means I win! And I get to choose who I want to kick while the others hold them for me."
    "Who do you choose?" Amber asked.
    "Will," she answered as I felt Ashleigh, Jerry, Tanner and Amber all ganging up behind me, holding my arms behind my back and splitting my legs apart.
    "No no! Please don't! I didn't want to play this!" I begged. Kristen didn't seem to care that I was begging. If anything she found it more funny than anything. She measured up the kick with her foot and hinted this was going to be the hardest kick of the night. I realized there was nothing I could do to prevent it, so I just closed my eyes hoping for it to be over with. I heard her counting down. 3..2.WHACK! My eyes opened immediately as her foot made contact with my groin. It felt as if my crotch caved around her foot. All I could see was her smiling face and how pleased she was with what she had done. I bent over and dropped to the floor as the others all failed to contain their laughter.
    "Nice kick," Kristen's mom, who had been watching from a doorway after coming back home, said, "You got him right in the balls!" She giggled. I continued to lay in agony feeling my face turn red from humiliation. Kristen's mom then stepped on me on her way across the room.

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Replies to This Discussion

Great! Tip, when I write I try to have names start with different letters, makes it easier to keep track. "Amber took a mighty hard kick from Amber", I believe was a typo :P Only thing I noticed, loved it, love to see more.



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