Thanks Owen for suggesting I continue this story. I get my motivation from the community, so let me know what you like! :)

Ballbusting 101: 

A group of 4 girls sat around a lunch table, huddled in with their voices just above a whisper. Suddenly, they all burst out into laughter. One of the girls continued talking. “Its just so funny.” She said. “When they clutch their nuts and make that face.” She contorted her face and crossed her eyes. All the girls laughed again.


“Ugh Claire, you’re so lucky.” One girl lamented. “I wish I had a brother like you.”


“It's okay Jamie,” Claire replied. “You can come over and kick my brother's balls if you want. I don’t mind.” Jamie blushed.


“Oh my god.” Another girl said as she leaned in closer. “Have any of you ever… while you’re… you know… pleasuring a guy…” The other three leaned in as well. “Have you ever just like, pinched his nut to see what would happen?”


“Sam!” Claire yelled. “You’ve really done that?”


“Hell yeah,” Sam replied. “It was hilarious. And its like, hello?! Your dicks in my mouth, what are you gonna do? Stop me?”


The girls all chuckled. Then, the shy girl who hadn’t spoken yet raised her hand. “Actually…” She said. “I’ve done that…”


“Lily!” Claire yelled. “You have!? With who!?” Lily was considered a prude by most standards.


“Jimmy Mullock,” Lily replied. “I squeeze his balls all the time. It's fun to watch him squirm.” A devilish grin crept across her face.


“Wow. You’re all grade-a ballbusters!” Jamie cried out. “I never knew this was such a thing! Now that we're talking about it though, I kinda want to give it a try!”


“You should!” Claire said. “It’s so empowering!”


“You know what you should do,” Sam said menacingly. “You should go flirt with Timmy over there and convince him to hang out later. Then we can show you the ropes.” She pointed at a boy sitting alone at a different lunch table. He ate a PB&J sandwich and stared vapidly into the distance.


“Really?” Jamie said, blushing again. She scanned her friend’s faces and everyone was nodding emphatically. “Well… okay.” Jamie said as she stood up. She walked over to Timmy’s table.


“Hey Timmy,” Jamie said in a sultry voice as she approached the table.


“Hey.” He replied.


“So I was wondering,” Jamie said, looming over him. “Would you wanna hang out later? Maybe behind the bleachers?”


Timmy was surprised but excited. Every porno he had ever watched told him this would turn out well. “Uh, sure!” He said.


“Great!” Jamie replied. “Meet me there at three o’clock?”


“Uh… Okay.” Timmy said.


“Cool, see you then!” Jamie said. She turned and waved as she walked away. She made sure to sway her hips as she did. She got back to her friend’s table and they all looked on inquisitively. “He’s meeting me at three o’clock behind the bleachers.”


“Yes!” Sam cheered. “This is going to be fun.”


- - -


Three o’clock rolled around and Timmy was pacing circles in the grass. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in a window. “Oh hey Jamie,” He said in his best nonchalant voice. He shook his head shamefully and checked his watch… 3:05. “Shit…” He said as he gathered his courage and took off towards the bleachers.


As he rounded the corner he saw Jamie standing there looking at her phone. She was stunning. He couldn’t believe that a girl like her wanted to talk to a guy like him. Jamie looked up from her phone. “Oh hey, Timmy.” She said with a glowing smile.


Jamie looked at Timmy’s lanky, weak build. His non-confrontational stance proved he was going to be an easy target. “Hey.” He said with a limp wave. He was perfect.


“So Timmy,” Jamie said sensually as she sauntered over to him. “I just wanted to say…” She rested her hands on his shoulders and leaned in close. “I think you’re such a great guy.” Timmy could smell her perfume. “And it was so nice of you to lend me that pencil the other day.” Timmy’s eyebrows quivered. “So… I just wanted to say… I’m sorry.” Jamie said.


“Sorry for what?” Timmy asked.


Jamie hesitated, shook her head then said. “For this.” With that, her knee shot up into his crotch. She used her hands to provide leverage so she could really grind his nads into his pelvis and make sure he didn’t recover for quite a while. Timmy crumpled over but Jamie held him up.


This was the signal for the other girls. They fanned out from behind a corner. Claire and Lily each grabbed one of Timmy’s arms while Sam circled around him. Jamie backed away and mouthed, “Sorry.” to Timmy.


“Well done ladies,” Sam said. “And welcome to Ballbusting 101.”


Timmy, who had previously been too shocked to speak, finally said something. “What the hell is going on?!” He asked.


“Claire, would you please?” Sam commanded. Claire used her free hand to cover Timmy’s mouth. “Much better,” Sam said. “Now today we will be learning about… balls.” She walked over to Timmy and began unzipping his pants. “These,” She said as she reached her hand into his fly and fished out the two fleshy orbs that hid inside. “are Timmy’s testicles.” Sam let Timmy’s nuts hang free in the open air.


Jamie gasped and covered her mouth. She wasn’t expecting to see Timmy’s nuts so soon, and she didn’t expect them to be so big and shiny! “Balls,” Sam announced. “are a guy’s most prized possessions. Can anyone tell me why?” Lily raised her hand eagerly. “Yes, Lily?” Sam said.


“Because that’s where the jizz comes from!” Lily replied.


“Correct! Very good.” Sam said. “Give em a nice whack for a job well done.” Lily didn’t skip a beat. She flung out her free fist and contacted Timmy’s nuts hard. Timmy writhed and his muffled groans could still be heard from behind Claire’s protective hand. Lily looked very proud of herself.


“Since these little things hold Timmy’s only chance for reproduction,” She cupped Timmy’s balls in one hand. “They are extremely sensitive.” She began fondling and rolling his nuts around. Timmy’s head lolled back. “As you can see, they can be used to produce the utmost pleasure.” She watched Timmy’s ecstasy. “Or…” She said. Timmy’s head popped up in fear. Sam took great pleasure in this.


“Or.” She repeated. She began to slowly apply pressure to his trapped gonads. “The utmost pain.” Timmy’s eyes bugged out and he started frantically trying to break loose. The girls held him in place though, and Claire continued to cover his mouth. The girls could tell he was begging them to stop but they ignored him.


Timmy’s groans turned to muffled screams as the pressure became unbearable. When Sam felt that her point was conveyed, she released his nuts. “This weakness,” Sam said, brushing off her hands. “Is crucially important for self-defense…” She looked around at the girls. “And for having a really fun time if you know what to do.”


Sam chuckled. “So? Who wants to give it a try?” Claire and Lily both shot their hands up, but Jamie seemed not so keen. Sam took notice of this. “Jamie!” She called out. “Seeing as you have the least experience here, how about you start us off?”


“Uh… Okay.” Jamie said. She looked from Timmy’s agonized face, down to his nuts, and back to Timmy. She felt bad, but the tingling in her loins told her otherwise… She looked to Sam who just nodded in Timmy's direction. Jamie took a deep breath, reached out her hand, and took hold of Timmy's hefty, shaved balls. 

Views: 462

Replies to This Discussion

I wish I knew 4 girls like them!

Thanks for the new part, it's awesome! I loved how Jamie said she was sorry and that he was a good guy before busting him! I would love to see more chapters of this story :)



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