As they turned onto a quiet side street, walking hand in hand, Ryan suggested they shorten the walk by cutting through the alley behind his apartment. They were already pushing four miles and the sun had almost disappeared, blurring the line between dusk and dark. Rebecca quickly agreed. Her feet were heavy and she was ready to hit the couch for some cuddle time.

Ryan led her into the alley, yellowish light providing an eerie glow across the pallor of dumpsters, boxes and several pieces of worn out furniture. Suddenly, Rebecca stopped and let go of Ryan’s hand. He started to look toward her when something surprising caught his eye.

A girl stood about twenty yards away, and she looked completely out of place. Her platinum hair was brighter than the street lamps and her frilly white skirt stood out light a lighthouse beacon. Ryan thought her skirt appeared shorter than it was as he took in her long, toned legs. And he barely kept himself from gawking at her calves, the muscles tight, accentuated by her pink stiletto heels.

She stood, legs shoulder width apart, with her hands on her hips. Her ass stuck out as she leaned forward slightly. Even from her profile Ryan could see she had an hourglass figure. Her toned mid-riff, exposed by the tiny pink tank, made her breasts seem disproportionately large.  In fact, they practically spilled out over her black bra. He forgot all about her legs.

Ryan’s mind raced. What the hell was a girl like this doing in a dirty back alley? Was she okay? Did Rebecca notice him staring blatantly at her body? He snuck a sideways glance in her direction and was stunned to see Rebecca staring, too, with an evil, delicious grin. What the fuck? he thought. Then he realized Rebecca was looking past the girl, so he craned his neck to get her view.

She was not looking at the girl because she was looking at the guy on the ground. He was on his knees, head hanging over his body, while his hands appeared to be glued to his crotch. Even from twenty yards away, through the dull yellow light, Ryan could see the veins bulging from his neck. Through his tight tee his pecs and biceps rippled, straining against the thin fabric. It seemed every muscle in his body was taut and trembling.

And then a light went on in Ryan’s head. Rebecca had that happy, yet evil, little grin because she registered what they’d just missed. And his thought was confirmed when he saw her look at him and smirk.

The girl had clearly just busted the guy’s balls. And she had really made him hurt.

Instantly, Ryan felt his own testicles tighten in sympathy. Thanks to Rebecca, he knew that pain all too well. He wondered what the guy had done to cause such beautiful girl to bust him so hard. Though if she was anything like Rebecca, the only reason she’d need is that he was a man.

Rebecca’s hand grabbed his and he felt himself pulled forcefully behind a dumpster. They crouched down, out of sight and Rebecca whispered.

“You know what’s going on here, right?”

Ryan nodded.

“Don’t say a word. I want to see how this plays out. I’m hoping she repeats whatever we just missed.”

While Ryan’s heart went out to the guy, his interest was piqued, so he kept his mouth shut. It was nice not to be on the receiving end for a change. And, hell, if Rebecca was this excited, as her iron-grip indicated, it might be good if she got her wish.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the girl taunting.

“Your balls hurt, Tony? I hope they do!” She was bent over him now, waggling a finger. “That’s what happens when your hands go where they shouldn’t.”

She stood erect and put her hands back on her hips. “Look at me, you dick. You couldn’t stop looking at the club.”

Tony groaned, but didn’t look up.

The girl took a moment to adjust her skirt and then leaned over and took Tony’s chin in her hand, forcing him to look at her.

“Just because you have big muscles doesn’t mean you can paw all over me.”

Tony appeared to make an effort at responding but his mouth was being forced shut by the girl’s grip. When she saw he was trying to speak she let go.

“Cherie,” it came out as a whisper through gritted teeth. “I’m sorry.”

Cherie seemed to debate his apology for a beat and then made him an offer.

“I’ll help you up, but you better get the fuck out of here. I better never see you again.”

At this point, Rebecca whispered again to Ryan. “I don’t think she really bought that bullshit apology. I hope she gives it to him again.”

Ryan just gulped.

As Cherie took hold of Tony’s thick arms and pulled him to his feet, Ryan and Rebecca saw what he did not. In one simultaneous motion her arms moved from his up to his shoulders and her leg drew back. Just as he managed to get upright, Cherie brought her knee up straight into his groin, smashing his nuts into his pelvis. His legs jellied and he pitched forward against her chest. Cherie struggled to keep him on his feet as he made every effort to get back to the ground. Despite the weight of him against her, she was able to deliver another devastating knee to his balls, reveling in the howl of pain he was unable to contain. This time she let him drop.

Over his anguished moans, Ryan and Rebecca heard Cherie’s icy voice.

“The kick was for ogling me like a piece of meat all night, the first knee was for thinking you could actually score with me and the last knee was just for trying. I hope your balls swell to grapefruits. I hope – “

Cherie stopped in mid sentence when she heard something from behind the dumpster. Ryan’s leg picked a bad time to give out and he had fallen to the ground. In the process he banged off the dumpster and it made a hollow clanging noise, alerting Cherie to his presence.

When he saw her look over, he sheepishly hurried to his feet.  Rebecca stayed crouched wanting to see how he’d handle her.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” Cherie hissed, moving toward him. “You want some if this, Peeping Tom?”

Ryan raised his hands as an offering of peace and started to mumble an excuse.

Rebecca couldn’t help but think to herself, “Put those hands down before she makes them go down.”

But it was too late. Cherie had covered the distance quickly and she didn’t hesitate. She kicked Ryan square in the balls before he could even react.

Rebecca watched Ryan sink to his knees and felt a pang of jealousy that she wasn’t the one to make him hurt. But she was glad Cherie didn’t give him a chance. It was still good to watch him get kicked in the balls by her.

She heard Ryan gurgling, as if he was literally choking on his own balls, and had to stop herself from going over to him. She wanted to see how Cherie would follow up.

“You just saw me kick that asshole – you didn’t think I kick you?”

All Ryan could do was whimper in response. He felt like the kick had mashed his left testicle and it was all he could do not to roll into the fetal position. Why had he not protected himself? With his hands full of his own anguished balls, he cursed himself for being so stupid.

“I’ll give you one chance to get up and get out, otherwise I’m putting you out. One,” Cherie began the countdown. “Two…”

Ryan looked up and tried to move, but the pain was too great.

“Two and a half…”

He forced himself to attempt an escape. Putting both hands to the pavement in an effort to push himself up, he never even considered how he was exposing himself.

Cherie didn’t even say three. Instead she drove her foot between Ryan’s legs, the force of the kick sending him onto his back where he curled into the fetal position.

From behind the dumpster, Rebecca stifled a gasp. She watched Cherie’s kick drive her boyfriend onto his back, hearing her foot make a sharp thwack as it connected with his balls. She saw Ryan’s body trembling in the fetal position and was relieved that he wasn’t knocked out. But it was quite clear that he was really suffering. As hard as she’d kicked him before, it wasn’t nearly as hard as what Cherie had just delivered. Rebecca wondered if he might have suffered some serious damage. She half stood, ready to go check on him.

Cherie stood over Ryan and watched him roll back and forth for a few seconds before taking her leave.

“Assholes!” She muttered loud enough for both Ryan and Tony to hear. Then she stomped off, high heels clattering on the pavement, leaving the men clutching their battered balls.

As Rebecca peeked out from her hiding spot, she saw Cherie’s long legs turn the corner of the alley and disappear from view. Scanning over to Tony, she noted he was still hunched forward on his knees, forehead on the ground. He wasn’t in any shape to do anything except make a feeble attempt at overcoming the pain radiating throughout his body.

Quickly, she moved over to Ryan, kneeling down to offer him support. He curled into her, letting out a soft moan, and she put a comforting hand on his sweating brow.

“Baby, are you okay?” Her voice was gentle.

“I’m…not…sure.” His whispered words came out in starts.

“Just try to breathe,” Rebecca advised. “She really kicked your balls good. I wanted to warn you, but I was too late.” She felt bad about the fib, but now wasn’t the time to tell him she wanted to see if Cherie would bust him.

She put her hand over his and together they cupped his balls. She listened to him as he worked to regulate his strained breathing.

“That’s it…just keep breathing.”

After a minute or two, Ryan finally opened his eyes. Rebecca looked into them and Ryan was grateful for the compassionate expression. He let her help him into a sitting position against the dumpster where he continued to breathe as deep as he could.

“Do you think you can walk?”

He held a finger up to say give me a second, but then simply held out his hand. She took it and pulled him to his feet. He grimaced at the pain, but let his weight sag against Rebecca. She held him up.

“It’s only a few blocks home. Do you think you can make it?” She asked.

“I’ll try.”

So she looped his arm around her shoulders and hooked hers around his waist, then led him out of alley.

As they passed Tony, he looked up, hurt and embarrassment in his eyes. Rebecca just smiled evilly and continued walking. She knew it would be awhile before Tony could go anywhere. Besides, he should just stay put among the garbage – it suited him so well. Plus, she thought, it would give him time to reflect on the truth of girl power.

The couple walked the remaining blocks home in silence. They must have been an odd sight to see. A petite girl supporting the weight of a limping man holding his package tenderly. Rebecca only hoped they would think she was the one who gave him the limp.



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i read and enjoy everyone of your stories, you are a genious, I love Rebbeca.

thanks for the stories


Thanks...I love her, too!



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