Disclaimer: This story involves balls being tortured not just by humans, but also by sea-life in the aquarium tanks.  If that's going to bother you, you should skip this story.

A few weeks later, the wetsuit which I usually wore developed a hole in the crotch.  Right where my cock and balls go, the stitching just wore out.  I'd love to claim that it was my mighty genitalia ripping through, but I'm pretty sure it was just that the seam wasn't sewn as well as it should have been and a little hole ripped.  Maria suggested that rather than getting it replaced, I ought to wear it anyway and just let my parts dangle.  She suggested that I would get some great shrinkage in the cold water tank.  And then her eye's lit up when she suggested what fun it would be if I were to wear that in the jellyfish tank.  It was then that I started to realized how much the idea of hurting my wedding tackle appealed to her.

Anyway, I filled out some paperwork so that they would get me a replacement wetsuit.  I left the old one out and it disappeared, so I assumed that they'd thrown it out, and in a few days, I had a replacement.

When the second Steelers-Ravens game came around, however, I found out that the wetsuit hadn't disappeared.  Instead, Maria had taken the wetsuit.  And she'd done some sewing to reinforce the hole and added a drawstring there so that it really did seal up with the cock and balls effectively outside of the suit.  So, her bet this time, was that rather than wearing a Raven's thong, instead I would have to wear the modified wetsuit with my cock and balls hanging out.

That seemed to me like upping the ante quite a lot.  So, the best counter-bet I could think of was that she would simply forgo the top on her bikini entirely for the remainder of the time.  She agreed to the terms, and we shook on it.  I gave her hand a nice hard shake while staring at the jiggling of her cleavage which resulted.  She caught me staring, smirked, and kicked me hard right in the balls.

Unfortunately, when Monday Night Football rolled around, my Steelers let me down.  So there would be no continually topless Maria in my future and instead I would have to wear the wetsuit with the hole in the crotch.

The first couple of nights were no huge deal.  I think she definitely liked seeing my junk hanging out, but I wasn't especially ashamed or anything.  We had to clean out some cold water tanks and there was definitely some shrinkage going on.  It was certainly sort of unpleasant, especially the one with the arctic fish where the temperature was kept actually just below freezing (which doesn't freeze due to the salt in the water).  I was shivering by the time I came out of that one and even felt just a little numbness in the skin of my cock and balls.  But I could handle it.  Well, I could handle it until she gave my balls a slap afterwards.  They hadn't quite warmed up, and it stung like hell.  But it was only the scrotum which was tender, not my testicles.

When I was in the wetsuit, she seemed to bust my balls a little harder.  Maybe it was that they were extra-tempting targets because they were dangling there or maybe it was just that it hurt more because they were trapped.  Either way, when she gave me a punch while I was wearing it, it took me out for a couple of minutes longer than usual.

When Friday rolled around and it was time to clean the jellyfish tanks, that's when I got really worried.  I figured that I would probably be okay.  So long as I wasn't hard, I didn't think I'd snag any tentacles.  And I was almost correct.  We managed most of the cleaning without any stings, but then right as I was about to get out, I felt a jellyfish gentle brush my cock.  I jerked spasmodically away, and I only got a very mild sting.  The sting left a little welt and once we got out of the tank, laughed at me a little.  "Ha ha, she got you good!" she said.

I just blushed.  I was only in just a little pain, nothing I couldn't handle.

At this point we had about seven weeks left in the semester.  The next week went about the same in the other tanks, except that there was one tank with lots of little tiny fish.  We usually used the wetsuits when in that tank to avoid the little fish who were too dumb to tell the difference between divers and food.  They would tend to nip at our skin if it was exposed, and so Maria was pleased to see the little fish nip at my cock and balls.  They didn't manage to break the skin, so their bites felt like lots of little pinches.  Before I knew it, all that stimulation from those little fish caused me to have an erection.

When we got out of the tank Maria said, "Oh, so that's what you're into," and smiled at me.  I turned bright red, but my cock stayed hard.

When Friday rolled around and it was time to clean the jellyfish tank again, I could see a look in Maria's eyes like she was up to something.  Apparently, she had realized that if I got a hard on, I would be much more likely to accidentally get my cock stung by jellyfish because as I was sitting on the edge of the tank getting ready to get in, she came and sat beside me and suddenly grabbed my cock and started pulling on it and rubbing it.

This seemed really forward and unexpected to me, and the boldness of her actions made her even more attractive to me and in no time, my cock stiffened in her hands and I had a throbbing erection.  She gave me a couple more long strokes and then grabbed it tight and used it to pull me into the tank and then jumped in after me.

I have a nice long cock, about eight inches or so, and when I'm hard it sticks almost straight out, so I was much more worried about snagging something this time.  The jellyfish were being really active and just on my way down to the bottom to start cleaning I couldn't dodge well enough managed to accidentally snag a tentacle with my penis.  These are not the sort of jellyfish whose sting can kill, but still I got stung all across my cock and it hurt like hell.  It was, to that point, the single most painful experience I'd ever had.  Because I was in SCUBA gear, I tried my very best to avoid screaming and I managed to do so, but only with great effort.

I didn't finish cleaning but instead, jerked away from the jellyfish and headed towards the top of the tank.  I was moving with the speed of pain, almost in a panic, and I didn't do a good job of dodging on the way back up either, and I caught another jellyfish.  This time I got hit by multiple tentacles.  Some wrapped around my cock, stinging it in even more places.  And one of them got me right on the scrotum stinging in a line which went across both balls.

By the time I hit the surface, my erection was totally gone.  I managed to get out of the tank and just flopped and rolled on the deck, moaning in pain.  When she got out, she chuckled at me some, but went and got the vinegar and rinsed my red, swollen genitals off to deactivate the stingers.  She finished cleaning the last tank by herself and then helped me limp to the shower.

She stripped down to her bikini and then helped me out of my wetsuit.  And she got  in the shower with me and used to soap to help try and scrub the area to reduce pain.  I was so tender from the stings that her touch hurt, but I knew it was the best way to reduce the pain, and plus she looked so sexy in her too-small black and gold bikini, so I didn't object.

As I said, I had been fantasizing about ballbusting before this.  So although this was debilitating in the moment, I found the memories of it very sexy.  The next week, I kept trying to jerk myself off to it, but it turned out that the skin on my penis, which was still bright red, was still so hurt that any time I touched it at all, I was in severe pain again.  I wound up not being able to get off at all and having to move around really gingerly.  I could still get hard when I saw sexy things, but if I touched myself at all or if my cock rubbed against a rough spot in my underwear, it was pretty much an immediate boner killer.

That following week, she could see how red and tender I was and I think she worried that she might have really damaged me.  She was much more gentle with me all week.  She didn't bust my balls when I looked at her cleavage, even though I was being more likely to get an erection when I did.  I suspect that she noticed, though, how much more my cock was on a hair trigger.  And she even let me skip the tank with the little biting fish.

When it came time to clean the tank with the jellies again, she tried to stroke me again, but I specifically held her off and told her she wasn't allowed because I didn't really want to repeat that experience.  But when I prevented her from grabbing my cock, she decided, instead, to try to entice me to erection with her cleavage.  She may have noticed how I been getting more erections that week.  She unzipped her scuba top some and then reached in and untied her bikini top.  Then she zipped up enough to cover everything and pulled out the bikini top.  Then she began to slowly unzip, squeezing her tits together with her arms, showing more and more cleavage as the zipper descended, getting tantalizingly close to actually showing me her nipples.  And then, suddenly, she zipped back up and the started descending again.  She did this about five times and by the end, I was rock hard and eager to see more.

That's when she went and pushed me in and then jumped in, too.  So there I was trying again, hoping to avoid any stings this time.  I tried facing the wall, so that there wouldn't be any jellyfish near my cock.  I also hoped that my erection would go down, but as much as I knew it would hurt, there was still a part of me which found the whole situation very sexy.  I did pretty well at avoiding for a while, but then I accidentally got really close to a jellyfish without seeing it.  At the last second, I saw it and jerked away suddenly.  I avoided that one, but in my jerking away, I ran my cock right into another one.  I got stung all over by that one which caused me to jerk away from it and I swung right into two more.  This time I think every square inch of exposed skin got stung.

I managed to pull myself out again and flop down again beside the tank.  This time I was literally crying from the pain.

She finished cleaning the tank herself, but she had a big smile on when she climbed out.  "That was amazing to watch happen," she said.  "They really got you, didn't they?"

"Yeah," I managed to grunt despite how much pain I was in.  My whole cock and balls felt like it was one fire.

Once more she got the vinegar and then helped me into the shower.  After she peeled her wetsuit off this time, I could smell her arousal..  So this was when I knew for sure that she was getting off on seeing me tortured.  When she soaped my cock there in the shower, I wanted so badly to just come right there in her hands, but every touch left me wracked with pain, and I wasn't able to get anywhere near hard.

The next week, she had apparently realized that I could take the punishment without it causing any permanent damage because she stopped being nice.  She went back to hitting me in the balls when she caught me looking at her cleavage, which was even more than usual since it had now been over a week since I'd been able to jerk off.  And now every hit hurt worse than before, both stinging the skin of my scrotum as well as the force of her fist smashing my balls.  And when we got to the tank with the little biting fish, she insisted that I do it with her.  My cock which was still bright red from all the stings was soon being pinched and bitten by all the tiny fish.  And unlike before, the tenderness of my skin made it absolutely torture.  I managed to continue cleaning and not just flee, but every little bite made me jerk in pain.  And I could tell from the expression on Maria's face that she loved watching it.

When the jellyfish tank cleaning came around, instead of discarding the bikini top to tease me like she had the previous week, she just zipped her wetsuit way down and then began to play with her boobs with the bikini top still on.  I couldn't take my eyes off her playing with her big barely-covered tits, and I wound up getting into the tank with an erection for a third time.  I tried going right into the corner of the tank, but it went about like the previous time.  I had a close call and then, trying to avoid it, I got one tiny sting right on the head, but I jerked away and before I knew it I was trapped with jellies all around my cock.  I couldn't figure out anywhere to go and before I knew it, one settled down on me and I got stung all over again.  Once more I managed to pull myself out of the pool and waited in pain for her to get the vinegar.

That next week, I still couldn't get off and I got punched in the balls by her for staring at her boobs so much that I considered trying self-hypnosis or something to get me to stop.  It was very sexy, but the pain was starting to get to be too much.  It seemed like she started punching harder, too, although it might have just been me being more sensitive down there,  I started praying that I'd have a wet dream so that at least I could get off once and maybe be less distracted by her cleavage, but it didn't happen.  Cleaning the tank with the little biting fish was just as torturous as it had been before.  This time, though, she insisted on doing a little close-up watching.

When it was time to clean the jellyfish tank, she teased me by flashing her nipples at me very quickly.  It was a quick flash, but it was enough.  They were brown and very pointy, and just seeing them for a moment was enough that I couldn't help but imagine myself sucking on them.  So I was hard in no time.  This time, I didn't last ten seconds.  I snagged just one on the way down, but it got really wrapped around and stung everything.  I had to hold it together long enough to unwrap the tentacles before I could escape back out of the tank.

Because I was in and out so quick, it was a long wait until she finished the cleaning the tank and emerged to go get the vinegar.  As a result, that was probably one of the worst in terms of total pain.  That one wound up leaving these big welts on my cock which didn't fade for about six days.

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Replies to This Discussion

I hope all this torture pays off in part 3. 

Well, it will definitely pay off with even more torture.  But, yeah, odds are good that good things will happen to him, too.  :)



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