Sorry for not posting for so long, but a lot happened this week. Amongst them, a national holiday, a personal problem and some days of laziness. I once again apologize for my lateness. The story is based on KnS( Kaze no Seikon) a popular anime and light novel series, by late Takahiro Yamato. For any more information on the series you can simply turn to this page :

I suggest it to you not only because it is  a great story with nice plot, characters and action but also because it contain several femdom scenes, as well as a brief ballbusting incident in episode 5.


This story describes a minor (12 years old) being tortured by an older relative (18 years old).

If any of that offends you. (Violence on Children, Incest etc.) I suggest you read not. Also it is not by any means to be read by a minor. It does not describe any purely sexual scenes, but rather fetish based scenes.

This story is fan fiction, and the character do not belong to me by any means, but rather to the individuals who own the franchise ( since the author has passed away). What transpires in this story though is purely based on my imagination alone.


Ayano had met up with Ren in the Kannagi estate garden, where they were talking about Kazuma. But at some point Ayano’s fiery nature and her inner feelings (oblivious to hershelf) got the best of her.

“That stupid brother of yours” Yelled Ayano with anger fueled by jealousy.

“If I get my hands on him… He even made my friends think that I had fallen for him. That jerk I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!” She kept on shouting oh so convincingly.

“I want to just kick his balls to his throat…”

“Come on Ayano, My brother is not all that bad” Said Ren scratching the back of his head

“he is a great magic user and he saved us during the Crisis with the Fuma Clan” He reminded her.

“I Know… And he had the nerve to ask for payment… To save his own family. I wanna kill him…” Suddenly Ayanos eyes sparkled evilly, as a devious smirk formed on her face.

“But till I get him… I will get my anger out on you Ren… You look up to Kazuma, You are his brother… So you will pay first.”

“Me?” Asked Ren pointing at himself.

“But nether me nor Onii-chan did anything bad” He tried to reason with her.

Ren had gotten used to Ayano’s fits of anger as well as her fierce nature, and he very well knew she could get a bit hard to deal with and bossy from time to time, not to mention sadistic.

“Oh shut up, you’ll be fine.”

He sighed, he knew that it was unhealthy for Ayano to keep all that anger bottled up inside of her, so he would have to calm her down a bit. It was not the very first time she would take some of her anger out on him, but it was the first time she did it for no reason at all.

Before he could say anything else, Ayano quickly rose her foot between his legs, digging it’s edge into his nuts.

As he fell to his knees Ren complained. “Ayano that is going a bit overboard don’t you think”


“But…” He tried to counter as he got up.

Ayano draw her, shapely leg back momentarily, smirking even more deviously, before  swinging her petite foot forward with all her might, smashing it on his balls.

Ren was thrown into a world of pain and suffering as he fell down, clutching his groin and writhing in pain.

She held him to stand up, and looked at him with an apologetic innocent look.

“Oh.. my god, I overdid it… Ren sorry.”

Ren knew better than to get relaxed but he acted as if  he was trying to play along with Ayano’s little game.

“It’s okay. I know how much you love taking out your frustration. Though the way shocked me this time I have to admit.”

“Yeah, and guess what…” She added smiling “I found out that this WAY IS THE BEST” She said shouting the three last words. Instantly she drove the pointy hard knee of her athletic leg, to his groin with devastating force and momentum, pounding his balls against his pelvis.

Ren gasped, as if the air was knocked out from him, and stared with terror right in Ayano’s eyes, unable to even cry the agony rushing through his body out. He was not expecting that a single strike could contain so much strength or cause so much pain. Was she working out,  he wondered. His knees begun shaking but he could not fall, because Ayano had not retracted her knee, instead she had left it stuck between his legs.

“Oh my poor Ren…” She said seductively.

“Did that hurt your little balls, I’ve heard the pain cause by a groin strike is felt both in the balls and in the abdomen. They told me the one in the balls is awful, but the one in the abdomen hurts twice as much.”

Ren could still not speak, but he weakly nodded.

“Great… You can collapse now” She said, taking her knee from his crotch, and pushing him hard, throwing him to the ground. Not that she had too, he was in too much pain to stand for long anyway.

He blacked out for some minutes. When he came to, he saw Ayano above him poking him with one hand while she had the other hidden beneath her.

“Ren…” She said softly “Are you okay?”

“Ye…Yeah, I think so”

“Great, so open your mouth!” She exclaimed happily, revealing her other hand, bringing some sort of black clothing in front of his face. Ren realize it was her black shock because of the strong stench it was emitting.

He obediently complied, he was too weak to object after all, and so Ayano stinky shock was forced into his mouth. It reeked and it was wet with disgusting sweat, the taste of which was overpowering Ren, making him feel dizzy and even weaker than he already felt after his ball beating.

He could barely understand what was happening around him at the point, but a swift kick to his groin suddenly woke him up.

He saw Ayano was talking to  the phone with someone, and he heard her say “See you soon. Don’t be late” while giggling before closing her cell and turning to him.

Ren had a bad feeling for all of that, something Ayano proved right with her following words.

“It was Yukari. She and Nanase are heading here right now for a sleepover, right now… So better be prepared to amsue us for the night.” She explained winking her eye to him, before violently digging her heel to his balls one last time rendering him unconscious.

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