A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
An Unexpected Night at the Bar
The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled Rebecca’s kitchen as she slid a slice of chocolate raspberry cheesecake in front of Ryan. Despite his indulgence in a second helping of spaghetti, she saw the greedy look in his eye as he reached for his fork. Turning back for the coffee, she said, “It’s not your mom’s, but I think you’ll like it.”
She set down two steaming mugs and just as she was about to dig into her own small sliver, her phone buzzed on the counter. Ryan, mouth full, mumbled for her to let it go, but she felt compelled to answer it. She didn’t recognize the number and was about to reject the call when she decided against it.
Ryan could hear a female voice on the other end and figured it was just a friend, but was surprised when Rebecca didn’t know who it was.
“Rachel?” He heard her say. “I think you must have the wrong number.”
After a lengthy explanation, Ryan saw a light bulb go on in Rebecca. He put down his fork and shot her a quizzical look. She covered the receiver and whispered to him.
“It’s Rachel.”
His quizzical expression didn’t change.
“You know, Rick and Sandy – from the bar a few weeks ago – their daughter.”
His eyebrow rose as he remembered something about them having a daughter.
“Sorry, Rachel, I was trying to tell my boyfriend who was calling. Of course I remember your parents. Are you okay?”
Ryan tried to make out Rachel’s side of the conversation, but he was only to catch fragments.
“I see,” said Rebecca after a minute. “I don’t think it would be a problem if you came over tonight.” She paused for confirmation from Ryan who just shrugged his shoulders in indifference.
“Eight o’clock is great. I’m at 310 Walnut Street, unit 3B. See you then,” she said, setting down the phone and returning to her cheesecake.
“What was that all about?” Ryan asked, scooping up the last of the crumbs on his plate.
“I guess Sandy must’ve given Rachel my number.”
“I didn’t even know you gave them your number.”
“I exchanged it right before we left. I thought she and Rick were pretty cool and said to give us a call the next time they were in town. I didn’t even think about her passing it on to Rachel,” she said, thoughtfully savoring a sweet bite.
“Huh. Probably a good idea considering she doesn’t really know too many people around here. So what’d she want?”
“Turns out she’s having a little trouble in that rhetoric class we had. Sandy had mentioned to her that we’d both taken it, so she thought she’d reach out to me, to see if I could help her out.”
“So she’s coming over soon?”
“Yep. Guess we’ll have to take a rain check on that movie tonight.”
“No big deal. Maybe I can help too, if you don’t mind me sticking around.”
“Please do. You can always turn on the game if you’re bored. I doubt she’ll stay that long.”
With that, Rebecca drained the last of her coffee, glad she made a full pot considering the unexpected company, and went off to do up the dishes while Ryan straightened up the living room.
The apartment bell chimed just as Rebecca finished toweling off the last pot and she hollered for Ryan to let Rachel in before joining him at the door to welcome her.
Rachel approached the entry hesitantly, but brightened immediately when Rebecca enthusiastically waved her inside. “You must be Rachel,” she said offering her hand, which Rachel took. “This is my boyfriend Ryan.” He smiled politely, stepping back to give her space to come inside.
“Thank you for letting me drop in like this, on such short notice!” Rebecca and Ryan both picked up on the twang in her voice – no doubt she was the product of Rick and Sandy. Besides her speech, Rachel was quite obviously a perfect blend of her parents. Sporting Sandy’s strawberry blonde mane, petite build and dimples, she also featured Rick’s high cheekbones, wide mouth and dark eyes. She was a looker.
“Our pleasure!” Rebecca said with gusto. “Would you care for some coffee?” She would’ve offered something stronger, but she was pretty sure Rachel wasn’t of drinking age yet.
“That would be great,” she answered as Ryan motioned her to a chair next to the couch. She sat down, smoothing her tight pink and gray striped t-shirt, and Ryan couldn’t keep from stealing a glance at the deep cleavage displayed by the low cut, v-shaped neckline. Even her breasts were freckled, he noted. Hell, he thought, this might be better than I planned it would be. He quickly averted his eyes, though, as Rebecca returned with her coffee.
Ryan and Rebecca shared the couch, with Rebecca sitting closest to Rachel, giving Ryan the opportunity to attend to the television, which was playing the game on mute, if the conversation got boring.
After some small talk about how Rachel was adjusting to college life and a brief bit on their school experiences, Rebecca decided to tackle the reason for her visit.
“So, you’re having trouble with Rhetoric 102.”
“I am. I don’t really understand the point of the class. It’s just like one never ending argument where we’re always talking in circles and citing all these papers written in unbelievably boring academic-speak. I feel like everything can be answered if we just used some good old horse sense, but no one ever pays any attention when I try to speak up.”
Ryan harrumphed. “Sounds about right to me. I hated that class. Except for the fact that I met Rebecca,” he added quickly.
“It can be a bit infuriating,” Rebecca admitted, shooting Ryan a sharp eye. “Besides commiserating with the frustration, how can we help?”
“Well, we have a paper coming due soon, and I don’t even know where to start. I thought maybe you could help me with some ideas.”
“Maybe. What’s the overall theme of the class right now?” Rebecca asked.
“We’ve been talking about feminism and it has the class all riled up. There’s a group of guys that constantly dig at it and a group of girls that are really trying to ram it down our throats. I’m torn on the whole thing.” She let out a deep sigh, reaching for her coffee. Realizing it was empty, she put the mug back down. Rebecca reached for it and handed it to Ryan who went to the kitchen for a refill.
“Ah, yes. Feminism. That stirred up some controversy in our class, too,” Rebecca concurred.
“I’m all for it – thank you –“ she said to Ryan as he handed her a fresh cup, “but I’m not die-hard about it. I’m not a man-hater or anything like that.”
“Me either, obviously,” she said, patting Ryan’s leg.
Rachel smiled. “Yeah, but then those stupid guys start trying to belittle them and it just pisses me off. Sometimes I just want to kick them all in the balls!” She pounded her fist into her open hand as she said it.
Ryan choked on his coffee, nearly spitting it all over the living room. Rebecca clapped happily. “Now that’s the spirit!” She exclaimed, giving Rachel a huge grin.
“Oh – I hope that wasn’t too much,” she quickly apologized, giving Ryan a sincere look.
“No, no. It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting that,” he said with a chuckle.
“So, what exactly did your parents tell you about us?” Rebecca asked, sensing an underlying reason for Rachel’s sudden call.
Rachel looked down at the ground, trying to find the right words. “Well, my mom just said that you two share some similarities in your, um, perspective on things. Especially when it comes to the male/female dynamic.”
“I knew it!” Rebecca exclaimed, slapping her knee. “So you know you don’t have to be shy with us when it comes to busting a guy in the balls.”
Rachel’s cheeks reddened slightly as she wrung her hands. “I guess I thought I’d just throw that out there and see how you reacted.” She shrugged and raised her eyebrows hopefully.
“You’re in the right place,” Rebecca said, reaching out and taking the girl’s hands. “So, tell me, are you going to give those stupid boys what they deserve?”
Rachel withdrew her hands and rubbed them on her legs. “Oh, I could never. They’re way bigger than me. I’d be too scared.”
“Well, your dad’s bigger than your mom, but I don’t think that stops her, right?” Rebecca shot back.
Her verve made Rachel chuckle a little. “You got me there. I know Mom isn’t afraid to go for the nuts. She doesn’t usually do it to Dad in front of me, but I have seen her knee him in the groin on several occasions. Sometimes I used to hear them arguing and then I’d hear a thump and a grunt and I’d see my dad go walking by with a distinct limp. He’d smile at me, trying to play it off, but I know what happened.”
“Yep,” Rebecca jumped in, flashing Rachel a wicked smirk. “She used our most effective rebuttal. Argument over.”
“So you’re familiar with that, too?” Rachel asked, looking directly at Ryan, who was shaking his head.
“All too well,” he sighed. “It’s a rare argument that doesn’t end with Becca kicking my balls.”
“Awwww, you poor guy,” Rachel said sympathetically. “How do you stand it?”
“I don’t know,” he started, but reconsidered. “Well, I do know, but it’s long and convoluted. The short answer is that I love Becca and she firmly believes that girls need to bust balls, so I take it.”
Rachel’s mouth gaped. “What?! Wait. First, you let her kick you in the nuts? Second, what do you mean we need to bust balls?” She asked looking at Rebecca, while using air quotes around ‘bust balls’.
“Whoa. I never said I let her bust my balls. I said I take it. Getting racked in the nads hurts like hell, and I don’t particularly relish the agonizing pain, but I take it because Becca thinks it’s good for me and I’ve come to agree with her.” He paused, giving Rebecca a chance to add her opinion.
“Male arrogance is inherent. They see themselves as providers, problem-solvers, tough guys or whatever. They always think they know what’s best. Even the most sensitive and gentle men are still afflicted with an underlying sense of macho-ness whether they admit it or not. It’s in their DNA,” she laughed and corrected herself. “Well, it’s in their testicles at least. And to remind them of this fact, and to keep them honest, women need to cause them pain – right at the source. You bust his balls and he remembers real quick. You’ll be amazed as his macho attitude evaporates into thin air.”
Rebecca paused and bit her lip in an attempt to quell her rising passion. She noticed Rachel was on the edge of her seat, so she continued, “Plus, it just feels really, really good when you crush his balls and watch him gasp, moan and cough while he clutches his anguished package as he sinks red-faced to his knees at your feet. You know what I mean?”
Rachel’s eyes were wide with innocence and incredulity. “I don’t,” was all she could manage.
“Wait. You’ve never hit a guy in the nuts before?” Now it was Rebecca’s turn to look stunned.
“Well, I did knee a boy between the legs once when I was younger, but it was more of an accident,” she confessed sheepishly.
“Wow. I would’ve thought a daughter of Sandy’s would be a full-fledged ballbuster by now,” Rebecca said shaking her head in disbelief.
“Like I said, my mom doesn’t hit my dad there,” she pointed at her crotch, “in front of me, at least knowingly. She has advised me to go for the balls if I’m ever threatened, but she never explained it like you just did. Is that how she feels?”
“It is,” Ryan confirmed. “And your dad feels the same way. We had an interesting talk about it when we met them.”
“Geez. I really had no idea,” Rachel said in a voice filled with wonder. “But you make it sound so…appealing. I really wouldn’t know where to start, though. I mean, I can’t even picture myself walking up to a guy and kicking him in the groin. Especially not one of the guys in my class.”
When Ryan saw a slow smile spread across Rebecca’s face as she tapped her fingertips together, he knew he was in trouble. He tried to ease his way off the couch while she was distracted in thought.
Her arm reached out, like a bolt of lightning. “Where do you think you’re going, Mister?” She said coyly.
“Um, nowhere,” he said chastened as he sat back down.
“Today’s your lucky day, Rachel. How about I give you a crash course on how to crush nuts?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’ll teach you how to properly bust some balls. On a live person. You’re game, aren’t you, Ryan?” She gave him a stern look, daring him to meet her eye. “C’mon, up you go,” she said giving him a shove off the couch.
“I guess so,” Rachel said, still uncertain.
“I want more enthusiasm than that!” Rebecca chortled. “You gotta get fired up!”
Rachel jumped to her feet. “Teach me how to bust some balls!”
“That’s better,” Rebecca said with a wink while pulling Ryan in front of them. “Here’s how it’s going to go. I’m going to demonstrate and then you’re going to have a crack.”
“Wait a minute,” Ryan interjected. “You’re going to let Rachel bust my balls?”
“How else is she going to learn?” Rebecca retorted. “You better man up. Besides, you’ve been pain-free for over a week now.”
“Whoa,” Rachel slipped in. “You hit him in the balls every week? Wow.”
“Definitely! Sometimes more,” she added brightly as Ryan braced himself. “First we’ll start with a kick.”
Rebecca jumped up and down lightly a few times to get loose. Ryan noticed Rachel staring unabashedly at Rebecca’s large bouncing boobs. Evidently she hadn’t noticed them when they weren’t in full motion. When she noticed Ryan looking her way, Rachel just mouthed “holy shit” to him, which made him grin in spite of what was coming.
“You’ll want to start by taking aim,” Rebecca began the lesson, lifting a sock-covered foot between Ryan’s legs, feeling his hanging orbs through his loose shorts, “but eventually, like me, you’ll know where to aim.” She dropped her foot back to the ground and tugged at her own pink cotton athletic shorts. “Now, just draw back your leg and swing it forward like this.” No sooner had the words left her mouth than Rachel watched as Rebecca’s foot drove into Ryan’s groin causing him to grunt through clenched teeth as he grabbed for his testicles. He was thankful she went light considering it was only the first of many.
“Think you can do it?” Rebecca asked, stepping aside. Rachel nodded her head and lifted her sneaker toward the vee of Ryan’s legs. She gave Rebecca another doubtful look.
“It’s okay. Bust away,” she encouraged, stepping behind Ryan and pulling his hands behind his back.
It was all Rachel needed. She stepped back and kicked him in the balls. Ryan buckled at the knees and let out a soft “unff” though the force of her kick was lighter than Rebecca’s had been.
“I know you can do better than that,” Rebecca said, drily, forcing Ryan’s legs apart with her feet. “Try again.”
Rachel furrowed her brow and bit her lip. Wanting to please Rebecca, she willed herself to kick him harder. Sensing her determination, Ryan forced his legs wider to accept her kick and bent slightly at the knees to make his balls a ready target. He thought about the joy on Rebecca’s face when she floored him and how angelic she looked standing over him and he found himself wondering if Rachel would feel the same as her.
Rebecca watched as Rachel’s eyes locked onto Ryan’s crotch and she instinctively flexed her thighs and tightened her core to brace herself in case the force of Rachel’s kick drove him backwards.
“I think this might hurt!” Rachel announced as she drove her foot sky-high, crushing Ryan’s balls into his pelvic bone and lifting him into the air. He tried to scream out but the air rushed from his lungs. Pain exploded in his abdomen as it felt like a thousand knives were stabbing at him. Rebecca let go and let him drop mercifully to the ground where he immediately curled into the fetal position and rocked back and forth violently. As he convulsed, Rebecca commended Rachel.
“Now that is how you kick a man’s balls,” she said with admiration. “How did that feel?”
“Oooh,” Rachel gushed, “that felt amazing! I totally smashed his balls, didn’t I?” She hopped up and down excitedly clapping her hands together.
“Just like a good girl should,” Rebecca said, beaming. “Look at him writhing in agony at our feet, ravaged by the humbling pain only a woman can bring to a man.”
The two girls stood in silence, hands on hips, wearing ear-to-ear smiles, taking in Rachel’s handiwork. After several eternal minutes, Rebecca could see concern creep into Rachel’s eyes.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be okay. He’s taken much, much worse than that.” She reached down and pulled Ryan’s hands from his crotch. “Up you go, you big baby,” she said, struggling to pull him to his feet. Only when Rachel lent a hand were they able to get him upright. “Just breathe, nice and slow,” she said calmly as Ryan oriented himself. “I was going to teach you knees, punches, and back kicks,” she said to Rachel, “but I think we may have to stop at knees after that second kick.”
“That’s okay,” Rachel said, “I could come back again.” Her voice rose with hopefulness.
“Good point,” said Rebecca with a smile. “So let’s try a knee.”
Putting her hands on Ryan’s shoulders, Rebecca lifted a creamy white thigh between his legs, which closed involuntarily at the approaching danger. “Aw, c’mon baby. Stay strong and spread those legs,” she cooed before giving him a quick kiss on the mouth. He widened his stance in response.
“What you want to do is catch them with your knee cap,” she instructed, bouncing his balls on the top of her knee. “Don’t get your thigh too deep or the pain won’t be as intense.” She dropped her leg and then proceeded to lift it in slow motion so that Rachel could observe as her knee connected more toward the front of Ryan’s crotch. “Do I need to go full speed, or do you think you have it?”
Ryan secretly prayed she got the drift as he wasn’t sure he could handle both of them doling out sharp knees.
“I think I get it,” Rachel said with confidence, stepping up to Ryan as Rebecca slid behind him.
As she put her hands on his broad shoulders, Ryan tried to concentrate on her cleavage, focusing on the deep valley between the cresting globes of her breasts pushing up out of her v-necked shirt. He wanted desperately to reach out and squeeze their perky firmness, but knew that would only result in further agony. He felt her push down on his shoulders and braced himself.
As she pushed down, Rachel stepped back and drove her knee directly to the front of Ryan’s groin. He cried out and tried to cover himself but Rebecca grabbed his hands. Seeing a second opportunity, Rachel hit him with another knee, catching his balls squarely with her kneecap. She felt his testicles compress momentarily against her knee like a stress ball. When he fell trembling against her, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her, enraptured by the power of rendering him dead weight. Rachel threw back her strawberry blonde hair and laughed gleefully when she felt him grab onto her hips as he slumped to his knees. Rebecca leaned over him, letting the heavy weight of her boobs rest on his head, but the pain was too great for Ryan to enjoy the tease. Looking up at Rachel she said, “Welcome to womanhood – but I think his cherries are the ones that got popped.”
The two girls shared a laugh as Ryan finally slipped fully to the ground, holding his balls tenderly.
“God, that never gets old,” Rebecca said, pointing at Ryan holding himself. “I just love to see a man holding his throbbing, aching, bruised and busted balls after a woman kicks them really hard.”
“Or after she kicks and knees his balls,” Rachel added, smirking.
“When you’re right, you’re right,” Rebecca agreed. “Now. Let’s talk about that paper.”
Awesome! Very nice sequel!
I think Rebecca wanted to bust a guy at work, I would love to see how it went!
You're right! The Follow-up Appointment mentions that. I'd better get crackin'. Thanks!
Dude, awesome stuff!
And I have been dying to see Rebecca AND her cousin from the bar bust Ryan. When Ryan first met her, there was mention of them all going back to Rebecca's and the girls 'explaining things' to him. And then when Ryan lost the best, Rebecca invites her cousin over to watch and maybe join in.
Here you go sir: Ryan and Rebecca Watch Bette Work
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