A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
It took nearly a week for Ryan’s testicles to return to their normal size after taking several vicious blows from his girlfriend, plus the kick from his ex, Stacey. The ER doctor had indicated this might be the case, but every morning when he woke up he still felt a jolt of anxiety when he discovered their elephantine proportions. So when he woke up Wednesday he was utterly relieved to find them back to a manageable size – namely that they would fit again into his jeans.
“Rebecca,” he whispered to his girlfriend, who had been kind enough to spend the night every day since their trip to the ER. “You awake?”
Rebecca rolled over, her black hair tangled across her face. She brushed it aside, and without opening her eyes mumbled, “I am now.”
“My balls are back to normal! Check it out.”
This opened her eyes, and she rubbed them to clear away the blurriness. A smile spread wide, rosy cheeks accenting her porcelain features. “Well, that’s a relief. Even I was beginning to get concerned.”
Ryan held the blue-black orbs gingerly in his hand. “The bruising is still pretty wicked, but they actually feel pretty good.”
Sitting up, Rebecca leaned over and took them in her hands, careful not to touch them too hard. “They do feel just about right. And this doesn’t hurt?”
“Nah, I might be a little gun-shy, but having you hold them doesn’t cause any pain. In fact, I think it’s turning me on.”
His dick was at half mast and the flag was still rising. Her hand moved gracefully from his balls to his cock, which she stroked gently a few times, coaxing it to its full height. Ryan laughed softly with pleasure and Rebecca decided to go a little further. Taking him deep in her mouth, she let her full lips engulf his shaft, bobbing her head up and down, slowly at first, then building speed.
Without losing speed, she climbed on top of him and pulled his hands up to her breasts. He cupped them, their soft weight stiffening him even more. Rebecca held his shaft with her hand and continued working around his tip.
“Oh god,” Ryan moaned, seconds away from climaxing.
Rebecca felt his orgasm nearing and she pulled her mouth off his cock and stroked it with both hands. Ryan bucked as he released a week’s worth of pent up cum all over her chest. Rebecca felt the hot liquid ooze into the deep cleavage and she squeezed her big breasts together in an effort to keep it from dripping.
“Holy shit that was a lot!” She exclaimed as she jumped off the bed to grab a towel.
“That. Was. Amazing,” Ryan cooed, his head still in the clouds.
“I guess a week off will do that. I’m glad it was good for you!” She headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
Ryan lay back, satisfied and relieved. It was good to know for sure that things still worked.
It also felt good to walk normal for a change. He’d had to burn a sick day at work and miss a few classes due to the fact that his testicles hurt too much to walk, even at a slow limp. Plus, he didn’t want to be seen around campus on the off chance he might run across Stacey, or even someone who saw Stacey drop him to the ground with one hard kick between his legs.
Still, he couldn’t stop himself from scoping out the scene wherever he went that day to make sure Stacey wasn’t there. He really didn’t want to see her again. His balls were by no means completely recovered and he didn’t relish the idea that she just might repeat herself if they did cross paths. He discovered a newfound respect for her, though, that much he knew for certain.
After his last class, Ryan met Rebecca for dinner at her apartment. She was glad to finally get back to it after being gone for so many days. He brought sushi, her favorite, and they cracked open a bottle of sake to wash it down.
“How’d it go today?” She asked.
“Classes were fine. Seems like I didn’t miss too much. It was actually nice to be back in circulation.”
Staring sternly, but with a small smile playing on her lips, she said, “That’s not what I meant, though I’m glad to hear classes were good.”
He feigned a sheepish grin, “What did you mean?”
“You know damn well what I mean. How are your boys doing? Did it still hurt to walk around?”
“Everything’s good down there,” he acknowledged. “Especially after this morning.” He gave her a wink.
“Ah, yes, that was fun. Can’t wait to actually have sex again. So there’s really no pain?”
Ryan thought he heard a note of disappointment in her voice. “Well, there’s still a bit of a dull ache hanging around, but no real sensitivity to movement of any type as far as I can tell.”
He definitely noticed her brighten at this, as a little twinkle shone in her eyes. “Are you glad about that?” He asked incredulously.
It was her turn to look a little sheepish. “Well, there is a part of me that’s happy to hear it still hurts – if only a little. The doc did say you might be hurting for a couple weeks. I guess I’d be a little sad if you weren’t feeling any lingering effects after only one week.”
“You are a sick puppy.” He shook his head.
“Aw, baby, you know I love you. But the thought of making your balls hurt for two whole weeks is rather alluring. Watching you walk around your apartment all gimpy the past few days kinda turned me on. Every so often you’d wince and I knew it was from the pain of having your balls kicked by a couple of girls. You looked so helpless – but in a cute way. I guess I’m already missing that expression of powerlessness.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” But he had to smile. She was so earnest and so damn adorable, he couldn’t really be that upset with her. Plus, he realized, her ideology was finally starting to sink into him. He had been skeptical at first about her views on how women should handle men, but after being exposed to it for so long, he now found himself seeing things through her eyes. Rebecca firmly espoused that women should always bust a guy’s balls. It’s a girl’s right to hurt a man’s weak spot. It shows the power a female holds. A real man can accept this.
Now, looking at Rebecca’s eager face, her large, innocent green eyes framed by that silky black hair, it dawned on Ryan that she might be onto something. As excruciating as the pain was when she kicked him in the balls – and it was absolutely agonizing – it also felt right in some strange way. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was definitely something good about it.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Rebecca watched his smile fade into a look of contemplation and knew the wheels were turning.
“I think you might be right.” He said, coming back to reality.
“Right about what?” But she had an idea what was rolling around inside his mind.
“Your take on the male-female dynamic. How girls should kick guys in the nuts. You might be onto something.”
“Duh,” She sighed, rolling her eyes. “But do go on.”
“Well, you know that I’ve been slow to accept what you keep telling me, but after this last experience, I might finally be seeing the light.”
“How so?”
“I disagreed with you because the pain was just so intolerable and seemed unnecessarily cruel. I couldn’t get past the pain. Or see it through your eyes. But now I’ve spent an entire week not being able to walk, that after making a trip in the middle of the night to the ER, and I’m still okay. The pain has basically dissipated and I will be fine. Then I see that you’re actually saddened by the – and I say this with air quotes – quickness of my recovery, because you enjoy seeing me hurting.”
Rebecca ran a pink tongue over her full lips before coaxing him on with a sly smile.
“At first I was a bit put off, but then I thought about it. Only such tremendous pain can lead to the respect and adoration I have for you now. You should’ve seen your face when I admitted there was still a dull ache. You were glowing. Still are, really. And then it hit me, you always look the most beautiful to me after you’ve busted my balls. I still remember the first date we went on, when you kneed me in th.... I was pissed because it really hurt, but then you sat with me as I recovered my wits and though I wouldn’t cop to it at the time, I found that you looked absolutely stunning the rest of the evening. It was in your demeanor as well as your appearance. You just radiated power and confidence.”
As Ryan paused, Rebecca reached across the table and took his hands in hers.
He continued, “Thinking back, I realized that in each instance where you’ve busted my balls, you became more attractive to me. It’s like knowing that you hurt me in such an intimate way makes me want you even more. It’s like it peels away some kind of fuzziness that reveals and accents all the beautiful femininity you have. I see this fragile girl, with a soft face, big eyes, sensuous lips, a small frame balancing some amazing curves, and yet you hold the power that drops me to floor, writhing in agony, with one kick to my balls. It’s humbling, exciting and sexy all at once.”
Rebecca beamed at him. “I really hope this isn’t the sake talking, because you’re really turning me on now. Maybe we better cut dinner short and go to my room.”
Ryan stood up, walked around the table to her, pulled out her chair and offered his hand. She took it and he raised it to his lips, kissing it, before leading her off to her bedroom.
As he lifted off her shirt and undid her bra, Rebecca whispered in his ear, “Imagine my knee driving your balls into your throat, dropping you to your own knees before me.”
He kissed her breasts as she continued. “Feel the radiating pain as you rest your head against my thighs. Look up at me with those brown eyes of yours so full of hurt and see me smile, reveling in your agony.”
Ryan moved down her smooth belly, kissing lightly as he went.
“Now it’s just a dull ache that reminds you how I, a fragile girl, put you in your place. Kiss my knee, the one that crushed your nuts, and know that I love you.”
“I do know,” he murmured, before pulling down her panties and returned the morning’s fun.
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