A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
A few years ago I had a girlfriend named Alexa. She had a beautiful face and a big round ass. Her skin was golden brown, which she got from her mother. Her accent was southern hick, which she got from her father. She was feisty, kinky, and always ready for a laugh.
Alexa knew about my ballbusting fetish, but we rarely indulged in it. She would squeeze my nuts during sex or while blowing me, but that was about it. I could tell she was interested in busting me more, but it had never really panned out. At this point, we had been dating for a little over three months.
Alexa’s best friend, Bridget, however, was not as easy on the eyes. She was ever so slightly wider than the average girl. Her teeth were crooked and eyebrows were thick. What she did have though, was a gorgeous, full chest. She seemed to know that her breasts were her best assets, as she always wore very low cut tops, which I took great pleasure in.
We became a bit of a trio. Spending most of our evenings hanging out in Alexa’s basement, watching tv, playing games, or just talking bullshit. Occasionally we would have a few bottles of wine with us, and once we even played strip poker.
That was the first time I saw Bridget’s big naked boobs. Ever since that day I’ve had a quiet obsession with them. They were perfect, D cup at the very least. It was like the laws of gravity did not work on them, as they seemed to float, perfectly aloft, like two fleshy balloons in front of her chest.
- - -
A few days after our game of strip poker I was sitting in my room, daydreaming about Bridget’s tits. Suddenly, I got a devious idea. I sent her a text and started telling her a fake story about getting kicked in the nuts to get a conversation going. This is how it went
“Hey! What’s up?”
“Not much. How was your weekend?”
“It was fun.”
“Went to the mall with my sisters.”
“Went to my cousin’s house.”
“That’s fun.”
“Yeah, except for one thing.”
“What’s that?
“I was hanging with my cousins
then out of nowhere, my cousin Ellie
straight up kicked me in the balls!”
“Yeah, and the worst part is that
after she kicked me I fell onto the
ground and while I was there she
stomped on my balls!”
“OMG are you okay?!”
“I’m feeling better now.”
“Do they still hurt?”
“Yeah they’re still kind of achy.”
“That sucks. Not cool for her to kick
you while you’re down”
“Not cool for her to kick my
balls, period!”
“Tehe, oh yeah.”
We continued to text for a little while, still talking about the incident, which, keep in mind, was a completely made up story. Eventually, the conversation strayed to other topics and we signed off around 9:00 pm.
The next morning I woke up to a text from Bridget.
“How are your nuts feeling this
“Lol still achy, thanks for asking.”
“Really? Wow. It’s crazy that it
hurts for this long.”
“Right?! Balls are so sensitive.”
“Damn, I guess they are.”
“You’re lucky you don’t have
“Haha, I guess, but I get cramps.”
“So what are you up to?”
“Nothin much, makin some eggs.”
“Don’t scramble them too hard.”
“Or you’ll end up on the ground like
last weekend.”
“Oh god, don’t remind me.”
“Lol sry, it's just so funny.”
“I guess it kinda is.”
Like the last time our conversation strayed and eventually petered out.
- - -
A few days later Alexa, Bridget and I all met up to hang out in Alexa’s basement. We had a bottle of wine and were just shooting the shit, no plans in mind.
All of a sudden Bridget chimes in with this little gem. “So how are your nuts felling today?”
Alexa’s seemed confused and she looked at me.
I responded. “They’re doing better.”
“That’s good.” Bridget said.
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” Alexa said.
“He didn’t tell you?” Bridget laughed. “His cousin punted him in the plums over the weekend.”
Alexa’s shot me a coy, knowing glance. “Did she now?”
“Yep,” I replied. “Ellie kicked me in the nuts, and then when I fell down, she stomped on them!” I was blushing.
Alexa could immediately tell that I was lying. There’s no way I wouldn’t have told her. She realized that I had made up a fake story, so she decided to up the anti. She saw this as a great opportunity to show me some real nut pain.
“Huh…” She cooed. “You know, I’m kind of having a hard time getting a mental picture of this. Bridget, why don’t you demonstrate?”
My eyes widened. Alexa had brought up the idea of busting me with another girl before. Could this be the moment?
“Uh…” Bridget stammered. “You want me to… kick him in his…?”
“Yeah!” Alexa answered. “His nuts! Come on guys get up!”
Bridget and I stood up, blindly following Alexa’s instructions, unsure of the situation. We stood to face each other. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Bridget asked. “Won’t it hurt your balls?”
Alexa answered this for me. “It’ll be funny!” She cheered and looked at me. “Right?”
“Yeah…” I said shyly. “It’ll be funny.” My dick was already twitching just thinking about this, and Bridget’s cleavage was only helping.
Bridget giggled a bit “Well okay.” She took her stance, waited a few seconds then lightly brought up her leg to my crotch. She barely made any contact.
“Bridget!” Alexa shouted again. “You have to do it for real or I won’t get the full picture!”
“Okay! Okay!” With that, Bridget sent her sneaker-clad foot up into my crotch, a little harder than she intended. She got my testicles dead on, squishing them against my pelvis. I clutched my nuts and fell onto my ass.
“Oh my god!” Bridget cried as she came to my aid. She stroked my side. “Are you okay?”
“You forgot the stomp!” Alexa said. “Now you’re going to have to do it all over again.” Alexa looked at me menacingly.
“I feel so bad though!” Bridget lamented. “His poor balls…”
“I’m okay,” I assured her, coughing. “That was actually pretty fun, good kick by the way.” I gave her a thumb’s up.
“Really?” She asked. “I guess it was! Alright, let's try this again.” I got up to my feet, concealing my boner in my waistband. I was caught off guard when I noticed Bridget jumping (or more like bouncing) in excitement. Her jiggling tits disoriented me, and before I could gather myself, she sent another hard kick into my crotch.
This time, she didn’t forget the stomp. As I hit the floor, she brought up her leg and sent it crashing down on my balls. I could see the thrill on her face as she did it. “Auugghhh.” I moaned as she lifted her foot, allowing me to crumple into a fetal position.
“Woo!” Both girls cheered and high fived.
“That was awesome, Bridget!” Alexa said, praising her friend. “I want a turn!”
“Ughhh…” I groaned.
“Come on.” Alexa pleaded. “You can’t let Bridget do it, then deny me. I’m your girlfriend.” In reality, I couldn’t be more excited to get kicked again. The pain was delicious, but that last kick had left me momentarily mute. I stumbled to my feet. “Now that’s a good boy.” Alexa cooed.
I spread my legs and Alexa gave me a beaming smile. “Here goes.” She said and laid another kick into me. Alexa was trying hard to bruise my balls. It felt as if her foot had flattened my nuts for a second. I instinctively fell directly into a fetal position.
“Hey!” Alexa shouted. “You can’t cover yourself. How am I supposed to stomp your nuggets if you’re hiding them from me.” She grabbed my arms and pulled me up to my feet.
Before I could even gain my balance she sent a quick snap kick to my gonads. My instincts told me to cover up, but I didn’t want another do-over. I reluctantly left my legs spread and allowed her to slam her little foot on top of my balls.
Alexa’s stomp was the worst yet. Her full body weight balanced on one small orb in my pants. She even got some air as she stood on top of my right grape. It was agony,
“Yes!” Alexa exclaimed. “New record!” Bridget looked on in worried awe. She was concerned for my wellbeing, but there was a tingle in her own crotch that she couldn’t deny. She stared dumbly while I writhed around. Alexa plopped down on the couch beside Bridget. “Let’s give him some time to recoup.”
While I lay in a fetal position, Alexa expertly steered the conversation towards other ballbusting related topics. They talked about their own ball-kicking experiences.
“Yeah, I’ve never actually kicked a guy in the nuts,” Bridget said in an embarrassed tone. “But I’ve seen plenty of guys get hit there. Like one time, our gym teacher took a dodgeball right to the nuts. Poor guy was on the ground until the class was over.”
Alexa laughed. “That’s awesome, wish I was there to see that. I’ve been kicking my brother in the balls since they dropped.” Bridget giggled at this.
“Does he always fall down?” Bridget asked.
“Almost always,” Alexa said. “Sometimes I have to kick him two or three times to get the point across, but he always ends up crying on the ground.” This gave Alexa a new idea. “Hey.” She directed her attention to me. “How many times do you think we could hit you in the ghoulies before you fall down.”
There was a silence for a few seconds before I replied. “I don’t know, maybe three?”
“Only three?!” Alexa asked. “What if it was something lighter like slaps?”
“I’d say ten at most.” I answered.
“Okay, let's test this,” Alexa said as she jumped to her feet. “She walked over to me and pulled me up by my shirt. She stood behind me and slipped her arms underneath my armpits. “Bridget, come slap him in the nads and see if he can hold out for ten? I’ll make sure he doesn’t fall.”
Bridget didn’t need to hear that a second time. All this talk had gotten her super horny. Before today, she had no idea how hot kicking a guy's balls could be. She stood up and started walking towards me.
I could see a maniacal look in her eyes. She seemed to be in some sort of ballbusting fervor like she had bloodlust for my balls. She reached me, swung her arm back, and while Alexa held me up like a marionette, Bridget started pounding my balls with her open palm.
The arousal in the room was palpable. It was inevitable that every time Bridget slapped my balls, she could feel my rock hard dick straining in my pants. I looked down to her blossoming cleavage. Her nipples were showing through her shirt, and her boobs jiggled with every hit.
The first three slaps were painful. The tips of her fingers would tap my nuts and send them bouncing around in my sack. When she noticed that her palm was mostly striking my boner, she decided to move her hand downward. The next three connected dead on. She would cup my balls with every hit to make sure that she ground them into my body.
“Aughh… Aughh… Aughh…” I groaned with every hit. Still, my reactions were not enough for Bridget. She clenched her fist hard and started pounding my nuts like a hammer.
Alexa was already struggling to hold me up, but after the first closed fist punch, my legs turned to jelly. She widened her stance and put all of my weight on her.
“Eight! Nine! Ten!” Bridget cried out, short of breath. Alexa let go of me and I crumpled to the floor. Bridget’s face was flush with a pink glow. She let out a moan of pleasure and exhaustion. “Hooooooo!” Bridget fanned herself with one hand and subconsciously pet her crotch with her other hand. “That was incredible.” She said through gasps of pleasure.
“Pretty fun right?” Alexa replied.
“You bet.” Said Bridget. Then Bridget’s attention turned to me, laying on the ground, feebly clutching at my balls, seemingly moments away from vomiting or crying. “Oh my god.” She said as she regained the knowledge that she had just done me a good bit of pain. “Are you okay?! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
“He’ll be fine.” Said Alexa, waving her hand in dismissal.
“But… But…” Bridget stammered. “His balls! We freakin smashed them! I get how this is fun for us, but why would he let us do this to him?” She seemed very worried and confused.
“You heard him.” Alexa shot back. “Its fun for everyone. And I think he likes to please us.” She said with a sadistic grin. “But, if you think we should make it more worth his while, then I think I have something in mind.” Alexa unbuttoned her blue jeans and started to slip them down.
Bridget gasped and covered her mouth as she watched Alexa’s big tan ass come into view. She only had a black thong on. I looked up from my crippled state and smiled. “See,” Alexa said. “He looks happy to me. Why don’t you throw him a bone as well.” She pointed towards Bridget’s bulging bust.
“Huh?” Bridget questioned as she looked down at her boobs. “Oh yeah, I guess I can do that.” She seemed unaware that I would want to see. Bridget then gripped her shirt from the bottom and hoisted it up over her head. Her boobs jiggled nicely as they found their way back to their resting place.
Bridget was down to her bra, and the sight was magnificent. Bridget watched as I eyed her tits longingly. She thought I was about to start drooling at the sight. This made her feel very sexy, and she immediately felt better about pummeling my nuts earlier.
Alexa also took notice of my staring. “Hey!” She yelled. “Chill.” She kicked out her leg and made quick contact with my nutsack that stood to protrude from my body. “Don’t forget, I’m your girlfriend. So don’t stare at Bridget’s big boobs too much. I might get the wrong idea.” I fell back into my fetal position.
Bridget laughed and blushed again. She felt good about being the center of my attention. The girls plopped down on the couch again. With the little amount of strength I had left, I crawled over towards Alexa and began lifting myself up onto the couch beside her.
I was obviously struggling, so Alexa grabbed me by the armpits and helped me up. “Damn, he can barely stand.” Bridget said with her hands placed firmly in her crotch.
“Yeah,” Alexa replied. “This is how my brother usually is after I kick him. It doesn’t take much to put a boy down.” I finally made it up to the couch. I sat next to Alexa and spread my legs wide to give my boys a chance to hang freely. Alexa took notice of this wide-open target.
“As a matter of fact…” She said, leaning into me. “Watch this.” She gently brought her hand in between my legs. I instinctively covered up with my hands to protect my jewels. “Hey!” Alexa shouted commandingly. “Hands out the way…”
I obeyed, removing my hands from my most delicate organs, allowing Alexa to do what she wished with them. Alexa stared at my crotch and made out two bulbous orbs in the fabric of my pants. She cocked her middle finger back into a flicking position.
“Boys are just so sensitive down there,” Alexa said eyeing up her targets. Bridget sat on the edge of her seat with baited breath. “It really only takes one… little… FLICK!” With that Alexa launched a flick into my poor, busted, right nut.
“Hugghhhh…” I moaned. My eyes crossed, I doubled over, and my hands gripped my crotch. A tiny “squeak” peaked out from between my lips before I toppled over sideways onto the couch, away from Alexa.
The girls burst into laughter. Alexa wiped a tear from her eye. Bridget gave big belly laughs. “Jeez!” Bridget lauded. “Who knew one little flick to a nut could do that much damage!”
“And could be that funny!” Alexa agreed. The girls burst out into a second fit of laughter. I lay there in a fetal position, with my hands in my crotch and my face in a pillow. The laughter kept going strong as Bridget and Alexa gave their best impressions of me getting my nut flicked.
Eventually, the laughter died down to a total silence, which only hung in the air for about one second before Bridget perked up and said. “Can I flick them now!?”
Still face down in a pillow, I shook my head no. This had all been fun, but it was getting to be too much for me.
“Aww…” Bridget whined. “Pleeeease!”
I shook my head again and mumbled. “No way… There is nothing you could do that would…”
I was abruptly cut off when Bridget offered in a sing-song voice. “I’ll take off my bra.”
My head popped off the pillow. Ever since that fateful night of strip poker, Bridget’s tits have been lodged in my brain. Every wank since, I have thought about those beautiful, bountiful boobies. I couldn’t say no to that. I nodded dumbly.
Bridget smiled, still naïvely surprised that her breasts had so much power over me. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She let it fall to the floor, exposing her full rack. I was transfixed, unable to break my glance. Maybe it had something to do with the intense ball trauma I had just undergone, but all of my instincts told me to cum all over those tits. Bridget appreciated my lust for her, but someone else was not so appreciative.
Alexa watched from the sidelines, quietly stewing in anger. She was having a great time busting my balls, but she never expected Bridget to be the center of attention. She watched me staring intently at her best friend’s rack, and fumed with jealousy. Only ten seconds of this went by before Alexa yelled another command. “So flick him in the nuts already!”
Alexa’s tone brought Bridget and me out of our trance. “Oh yeah,” Bridget replied and dropped to her knees in front of me. I spread my legs, giving Bridget full reign over my testicles. Bridget shimmied her way in between my legs and sat on her feet. She brought her hands towards my balls, which incidentally squeezed her tits together.
Both of her hands assumed a flicking position. She looked into my eyes. “Ready?” She asked with a smirk.
“Mhmm…” I nodded fearfully.
“Good,” Bridget said, as her smirk became a full-on sadistic grin. Suddenly she let out a barrage of rapid-fire flicks. One after the other her fingers impacted my already bruised nuts. I wasn’t expecting this, I thought it was only going to be one or two. I tried to cover myself by lunging forward but Alexa had something else in mind.
Alexa repositioned herself behind the couch and grabbed me by my shoulders, pinning me to the back cushion. Bridget meanwhile, continued her assault on my bollocks. After showing me her tits, Bridget felt no remorse and wanted to do as much damage as possible.
“Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! My nuts! My nuts!” I screamed in horror. It was only flicking but it felt as if a champion boxer was using my balls as a punching bag. I gripped the fabric of the couch and clenched my eyes tight. Nothing could save my poor balls in this predicament.
This continued for what seemed like forever. Tears started running down from my eyes, and Alexa had wiped them away. Eventually, I felt like I was going to pass out, and luckily, Bridget seemed to be slowing down from fatigue. Right before I lost consciousness, the flicking stopped.
“Wow!” Bridget said, wiping sweat from her brow. “What a workout.” She looked at me whimpering. “Now that’s what I call making scrambled eggs.” Bridget laughed. I clutched my balls and moaned.
Alexa noticed that I had been taken past my breaking point. She knew I wasn’t having fun anymore. The sickening ball pain was too much to be sexy anymore. All of a sudden she felt bad for me.
Bridget couldn’t care less though. She became so excited and only wanted more. “So what’s next?! What else can we do to his nuts?” She pondered. “Oh!” She said, pointing a finger in the air. “We could squeeze them! I bet that’d hurt like hell! Oh, or we could throw something at them! Haha! That’d be hilarious. Or, or-or, we could…”
Bridget was cut off by Alexa. “No… no…” Alexa lamented as she watched my nearly lifeless body. “I think he’s had enough for today.” She reached down and pet my back. “Isn’t that right?” All I did was moan but Alexa could tell I was agreeing.
“Oh come on!” Bridget said. She swung her chest back and forth, sending her boobs jiggling and swaying. “I’ll let you play with my boobs!”
I didn’t even move and Alexa knew that meant I was done for. Any other day I would have been like a hungry dog hearing that. She felt bad and wanted to make everything better for me.
“Oh come here you big lug,” Alexa said as she grabbed me and lifted me to my feet. She walked me in the direction of the bathroom. “Your poor baby nuts.”
“They… hurt…” I whimpered, holding back tears.
“I know, I know…” Alexa cooed. “Don’t worry. Mama Lex will make them feel all better.
“Wha… Where are you guys going?” Bridget asked. She was confused because she was having so much fun, and now her friends were leaving her all of a sudden.
“Just give us a second, Bridget,” Alexa said. “I need to take care of him real quick.”
This didn’t aid Bridget’s confusion at all. “Uh… Okay…” She said. She took a seat on the couch as Alexa led me into the bathroom and closed the door behind us.
Inside the bathroom…
Alexa threw me down onto the toilet seat, got down on her knees and quickly went to work undoing my pants. “What are you doing?” I asked.
“You know what I’m doing.” She said as she pulled my pants down around my ankles. “Your balls hurt, don’t they?” I nodded. “Well then, as your girlfriend, I see it as my responsibility to make them feel better.” She yanked off my underwear and my cock flopped into view. “Mmmm.” She moaned. “Looks tasty.” With that, she thrust my cock into her mouth.
Outside the bathroom…
Bridget sat on the couch, tits out, hands in her lap, distinctly hearing everything that was being said and done. Currently, she was hearing the unmistakable sound of a wet mouth on a hard cock. It was awkward, but she wasn’t sure what to do. Should she leave? Or would that be more awkward?
The more she debated the issue, the more sexy noises she heard coming from the bathroom. She had already been turned on before, and she realized that the noises were only turning her on more. She slipped her hand into her pants.
Inside the bathroom….
Alexa expertly slurped and massaged my dick with her tongue. I lobbed my head back and rested it weightlessly on the back of the toilet. My balls really did feel better as Alexa gently fondled them. I closed my eyes and focused on the pleasure my junk was getting.
Outside the bathroom…
Bridget listened intently to my moans of pleasure. She imagined herself relieving a man after brutally abusing his testicles. She shuddered at the thought of having control over a man’s most precious and sensitive organs, to make him cry in pain and then cry in ecstasy. Her fingers picked up the pace and she massaged her bare boob with her free hand.
Inside the bathroom…
Alexa took great pride in her ownership of me and my balls. Bridget could kick my nuts and flash her big boobs at me all day, but Alexa knew that at the end of the day, the nuggets she held in her hand were hers and hers alone. She instinctively squeezed my testicle when she thought this, but they had already been so injured that it made me yelp in pain.
Outside the bathroom…
Bridget heard the pain in my voice and knew what had happened. “Yeah… Squeeze his nuts.” She mumbled to herself under her breath. Her fingers moved faster.
Inside the bathroom…
“Sowwy.. Fowce ob habi.” Alexa said with a mouthful of cock. She eased up on my nuts and began lifting them and then dropping them. She stroked my cock with one hand while her mouth caressed the tip of my dick.
Outside the bathroom…
Bridget let out a quiet moan. She wished she could be in the bathroom with us.
Inside the bathroom…
Alexa picked up the pace and I let out a loud groan.
Outside the bathroom…
Bridget cooed and picked up the pace as well.
Inside the bathroom…
“I’m gonna cum!” I said.
Outside the bathroom.
“Me too.” Bridget whispered.
Inside the bathroom…
Alexa pulled my dick from her mouth and pointed it at her face, ferociously jacking me off.
Outside the bathroom….
Bridget’s hand was like a blur on her clit.
Inside the bathroom…
I let loose a huge rope of cum that splashed across Alexa’s face. I moaned loudly with pleasure.
Outside the bathroom...
Bridget moaned as a massive orgasm hit her. She convulsed but attempted to keep herself quiet.
Inside the bathroom…
Alexa rubbed the last few drops of cum that were oozing out of my cock onto her upper lip. I let out a sigh and slumped even further down. Alexa fumbled to grab a towel. She found one and used it to wipe off her cum drenched face.
Outside the bathroom…
Bridget slumped down, relaxing after her orgasm. She then realized that she had left a huge puddle on the couch. She grabbed a roll of paper towels and desperately tried to mop up the juices that she created. There was nothing she could do though, it had sunken into the couch. She found a throw pillow and covered her shameful stain. She quickly dressed.
Inside the bathroom…
“Feel better?” Alexa asked. I nodded lazily. “I’m glad.” She said. “Now pull up your pants.” I obeyed and before I could even fasten my belt, she had opened the door and reentered the basement.
“Sorry about that,” Alexa said to Bridget as she walked over and sat down on the couch.
“It's cool…” Bridget said. “Uh… you have something in your hair.” Bridget pointed to a white dollop of gooey cum that sat in Alexa’s hair.
“Oh, thanks,” Alexa said as she wiped it away.
Neither of them said another word, they just sat there in the glow of post-coitus. Finally, when I exited the bathroom, Bridget spoke up. “Hey… sorry again for being so mean to your balls.” Alexa started to interrupt but caught herself and stopped.
“Its fine.” I said. “I mean… I had fun….”
“Me too…” Bridget replied.
“Then maybe we should do it again sometime.” Alexa said confidently.
“Yeah!” Bridget and I both said in unison. Our eagerness was a bit awkward because it showcased our shared and unspoken fetish for ballbusting. Still, Alexa couldn’t care less about awkward moments like that.
Alexa looked us both up and down. “So… Tomorrow then?”
Wow! Great story. Thanks for sharing. I feel sorry for Alexa's brother who doesn't get the reward after.
Yeah, a sequel with Alexa's brother would be nice!
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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