Alyssa wasn't trying to peek over her roommate's shoulder, but she saw a little by accident, and she had to ask.  "Bri, what are you reading?  It looks like porn.  Is that Fifty Shade of Grey?"

"It's not Fifty Shades of Grey, but yeah, it's porn.  I'm reading it for a good reason, though.  It's David's porn."

"David from our Linguistics class?  The one you said you used to go out with in high school?"


"I like him, he's cute and seems smart.  But why did he give you porn to read?"

"He didn't.  It's porn he wrote.  Carmela told me that he wrote some sometimes.  So I googled his email address, found some account of his on on-line forums, googled the username, and found his porn story blog.  They're all about ballbusting."

"Ballbusting?  What's ballbusting?"

"I hadn't heard of before either, but it's a sexual fetish that some guys are into where they get turned on when girls kick them in the balls."


"Yeah, honest.  You can Google it yourself if you don't believe me."

"Wow.  I could use a guy like that.  Imagine being able to kick a guy in the balls whenever you felt like it."

"Yeah," she said with a laugh, "and they'd thank you for it."

"Does it, like, not hurt for them?"

"Oh, no, it definitely hurts.  How painful it is is a big part of these stories.  They just get off on it."

"So, David's into ballbusting?"


"I wouldn't mind kicking his balls.  That might be kind of fun."

"Well, that's good, because I was hoping you would.  The reason I've been reading his stories is because he's seemed so down ever since Carmela dumped him.  I mean, I thought he'd be happy.  He seemed miserable when they were together.  She always acted like she was better than him and was always putting him down.  I mean, it's been like two years of her belittling him and acting bitchy towards him.  He's seemed like he was permanent sort of bummed ever since they started dating."

"I bet she busted his balls."

"No, he asked her to, but she refused.  She told me about it after they split up.  She seems to think that now that we're both ex's of his, we've now got some sort of bond, so she keeps telling me things about their relationship.  I want to discourage her, because I am definitely not her friend, but I am curious what their relationship was like."

"Did you bust his balls when you were dating?"

"No, but he didn't really tell me he wanted me to.  I mean, now that I think back about it, I remember a time or two when he said something about wanting me to play a little rougher with him, but I wasn't sure what he meant and he didn't press it."

"It seems like you're still pretty fond of him.  Why did you guys break up anyway?"

"I cheated on him.  It was stupid, but I got caught up in obsessing about this other guy who wasn't even all that great.  I cheated with the other guy and it got back to David, and he broke up with me.  I didn't handle it well, at the time.  I yelled at him a bunch.  I still owe him an apology, really."

"And the plan is to say you're sorry by kicking him in the balls?"

"Hah, something like that.  I guess, I just think that if one of his sexual fantasies came true, it might pull him out of this hole he seems to be in.  Most of his stories involve more than one girl, though, so would you be willing to help out?"

"Yeah, sure, if you think he'd find me attractive.  I'm not tall and pretty and blond like you."

"Pff!  You're lovely.  And, I happen to know that David has a weakness for big boobs, you know, like the massive pair you've got."

"Brianna!  I'm not that big," she said somewhat indignantly.

"I've seen your bras.  You wear a 34J and you otherwise have a very nice figure.  I wish my waist was as small as yours.  I have no worries about whether or not he'll be into you.  I'm just trying to work out how this will work.  In David's stories, the girls are always mad at the guy and that's why they're kicking his balls.  Often they wind up even popping one."

"Ew, I don't want to do that."

"Me neither.  But we could say we're gonna.  That would probably be a turn-on for him."

"We're gonna have to pretend to be pretty mad it him to do that, though."

"Yeah.  We need a good excuse.  Hmm.  Say, would you be okay with letting him play with your boobs?"


"Then, I think I've got a plan."

The next evening at around seven, David knocked on the door.  Alyssa answered.  "Oh, hey, you're David from Linguistics, right?  What are you doing here?"

"Well," he said nervously, "Brianna asked me to come by.  She said she wanted to talk to me about something important.  Is she home?"

"No, she's not here right now.  But since you're here, maybe you could help me out with something?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so.  What do you need help with?"

"Well, I just bought this new bikini top and I was trying to figure out if it's too small.  Can you give me your opinion?"

"Um, I guess so."

Alyssa lifted her shirt over her head.  Underneath she was wearing a triangle-top bikini which was obviously quite small on her.  It covered enough to be legally worn on the beach, but just barely.  Her ample cleavage was on display and plenty of side-boob, too.  David found himself staring.

"So," she asked, "do you think it makes my boobs look good or is it too small?"

He struggled for a moment to find an answer to that.  "Well," he finally said, "your boobs look fantastic in it, but I worry that it may be too small.  I worry that you might, well, fall out of it when you wear it in public."

"Oh, you think so?" she asked.  "Let me try a little jogging in place."  She jogged in place quite vigorously and soon her breasts were bouncing and jiggling.

David's jaw was agape as he watched her big breasts jiggle and sway from the jogging.  He'd been so depressed that he hadn't even been jerking off lately and this was the sexiest thing he had seen in a long time.  His cock was twitching hard already when suddenly, one of her breasts slipped right out of the bottom of the bikini top.  Once the first escaped, the second quickly followed and his cock twitched so violently watching her big breasts slip from her top, that he thought for a moment that he might cum.

She smiled, see how rapt his attention to her breasts was.  "Oh," she said, "you're right.  Well, you've saved me a lot of embarrassment.  I would have felt very silly if I had worn this to a beach and wound up like this.  Wouldn't that have been terrible?"  She waited a moment or two for him to answer, but he wasn't really listening at this point, instead he was staring at her newly uncovered nipples which she was making no effort to hide.  "You know," she said, "you've gotten quite a good look at my breasts.  Would you like to see how they feel, as well?"

"Really?" he asked.

"Sure," she said.  "I think you're pretty cute.  You can give them at least a nice little squeeze as a thank you."

Cautiously, he reach out his right hand, and gently cupped her left breast.  He gave it a gentle squeeze, marveling at how large and soft it was.  Then he reached out with his left hand and cupped her right breast.

Suddenly, the door to the apartment opened.  Brianna was in the doorway.

"David!" she yelled.  "What are you doing?"

"Well, I --" he started to say, but she cut him off.

"I invite you over for a date and I find you feeling up my roommate!"

"A date, what?"

And that's when she strode forward and gave him a hard kick right to the crotch.  He let out a loud "oof" and staggered back, bending forward.  The kick had gotten his left ball really solidly and his head was swimming from the pain.

Alyssa exclaimed, "You never told me you were here for a date!" and lashed out with a kick too.  Her foot caught him solidly right in the nuts and he collapsed to the floor, moaning in pain.  Her kick had caught his right testicle even harder than the previous kick had gotten his left, and he was in immense pain.  When it came to ballbusting, he had a lot of fantasies, but very little experience so his nuts were really sensitive.

The girls watched him lying there for a half a minute or so.  Then Alyssa took the initiative and went and picked him up off the floor.  She held him up and put him in a full nelson to keep his hands away from his groin.

"Why did you do it?" Brianna yelled.  She pulled her shirt off, to reveal her naked pert breasts.  David was pretty out of it, but that certainly got his attention.  Brianna's chest wasn't as ample as Alyssa's but they were nice firm tits and he had loved playing with them back when he and Brianna had been dating.  "Are these pears not big enough for you?  You had to try to trade up to melons?"

She reared her foot back and kicked him hard right in the nuts.  The kick got both evenly, but they were so tender that it hurt thoroughly.  He grunted and Alyssa had to struggle to hold him up.  "Well," she continued, "it's gonna cost you your cherries."  She delivered another solid kick with the toe of her shoe impacting his balls directly.  He screamed in pain and even Alyssa couldn't hold him up any more, as he bucked out of her grasp and fell to the floor.

The girls gave him a little break.  David was pretty out of it as a result of the pain and Brianna was starting to get worried that maybe they had gone too far.  So the girls communicated with pointing and mouthing words.  Alyssa managed to show Brianna that when you looked from the right angle, you could see that David clearly still had an erection and that soothed her worries.

After waiting a minute or two more to give him some chance, Brianna went and pulled David up to a standing position.  She took her turn to hold him from behind, restraining his hands behind his back.  Alyssa sauntered over.  "I'll bet that this was part of play to try to get the both of us in bed with him.  Was that what it was, David?  A clumsy attempt at a menage a trios?"

"No, I wouldn't, I …" he started, but didn't know how to finish.

Alyssa didn't let him finish anyway, she stepped in closer, her chest almost brushing his.  "Well, you're between the two of us now."  Suddenly her knee shot up, crushing his balls against him.  His legs started to shake, but Brianna held him up.  "How do you like it?  Is it what you hoped it would be?" Alyssa continued.  And then she smashed him in the balls with her knee again.  David yelled and started to pitch forward, pushing against Alyssa, but she caught him.  "You're not getting off that easy," she chastised.  And then she brought her knee up fast and hard and David yelled in pain, but as he yelled, her knee came up again, smashing his balls against his pubic bone once more.  Finally, the two girls let him fall to the floor to nurse his agonized balls.

Once it was clear that he was pretty well lost in the pain, the two girls each grabbed him under a shoulder and managed to get him under the arm well enough to guide him to the bed in Brianna's room.  They led him to the bed and laid him down.  Sensing he might start to resist, Brianna gave him a quick punch in the balls.  He pulled his legs up and rolled to the side, moaning softly.

The girls took hold of his hands and before he knew what had happened, they each slapped one end of the handcuffs on.  The handcuffs had cheap fuzzy fake-fur lining of the sort you get from adult stores.  The cuffs had been wrapped around one of the brass bars of Brianna's headboard and once they were attached to his wrists, David was trapped.  Alyssa grabbed his shirt and pulled it up around his wrists.  She enjoyed seeing his well-muscled chest and nicely defined abs, especially since they were now quivering some.  Brianna then undid David's shorts and pulled down his shorts and underwear, leaving him basically naked.  His balls were red and looked like they might be swelling up, but his penis was still rock hard.

"Wow," Brianna said, "those balls are pretty red."

"Yup," Alyssa said.  "but definitely still intact."

"So, David, are you sorry?" Brianna asked.

"What?" he managed to ask, still pretty overwhelmed by the pain.

"Are you sorry?"

"Y-Yes," he said.

"Good, then you should be willing to take your punishment," Brianna stated.

"Punishment?" he asked.

"Yup.  It seems pretty simple.  There are two of us and you have two balls, so we're each going to pop one."  The girls sat down on either side of his crotch.

"No, please, I didn't mean to, I don't -- aargg!" he yelled as each girl began to squeeze one of his testicles.  They squeezed hard also each giving little yanks to the testicle, enjoying seeing him writhe a little extra as they yanked or increased the pressure.  After a couple of minutes of increasing pressure he started panting out loud from the pain.

"Oh," said Brianna, "that's no good.  I bet he's just gonna get louder and louder.  Why don't you keep him quiet while I pop my ball and then you can have your turn?"

"Sure thing," said Alyssa.  She released his ball, much to his relief and then pressed one of her large breasts against his mouth, smothering him, but still making sure he could breathe from time to time. His cock ached and twitched, even as his testicle felt more and more pain as Brianna squeezed and pulled it as if she was trying to destroy it.

Suddenly, Brianna released his trapped testicle.  "You know, what," Brianna said, "for old time's sake, I'll give you one last chance to cum before I destroy your ball."  She got some lotion from her nightstand and squirted it on his cock.  It was cool to the touch, but he didn't mind, especially once she began to squeeze his cock up and down, coating it in lotion.  "If you don't manage to cum before I burst your ball, then too bad," she added as she once again began to squeeze his poor tortured gonad.  Her right hand forcefully stroked his well-lube cock while her left hand crushed his aching nut.

It only took about thirty seconds of that treatment for his cock to erupt, shooting hot, gooey streams of cum several feet up in the air.  One shot hit Alyssa in the back and startled her.  She rolled off of David's face and both girls started laughing.

"So, how was it?" Brianna asked.

David just lay there confused.  Brianna went and got the key and unlocked the cuffs.

"How was it?" Brianna repeated.  "Did it live up to your fantasies?"

"Huh?" David replied.

"We've been reading your stories," Alyssa explained, with a smile as Brianna went and fetched a couple of towels to use to mop up the cum.

David didn't say anything being pretty dazed, still.

When Brianna got back with the towels, she started by wiping off Alyssa's back.  "Your ballbusting stories.  Carmela told me you were writing them and I found them and showed the to Alyssa.  I figured we should do something nice for you."

"Wait, so you're not mad?"

"No, silly," Alyssa said.  "We were just acting.  So how did it compare to one of your stories?"

"So no one's really popping anyone's balls?"

"Of course not," Brianna said with a smile.  "It must have been pretty good because you came so quick."

"This whole thing was a set-up?"

"Of course.  How did you like it?"

"It was amazing.  It was kind of terrifying, but it was amazing.  That was like the hardest I've been since I lost my virginity.  What did I do to deserve that?"  Finally David had understood the whole thing and was smiling widely.

"Well," Brianna began, "you've just seemed so down ever since Carmela dumped you, despite how miserable you were when you were with her, that it seemed like you really needed a lift.  And it's sort of still a part of an apology for cheating on you so long ago.  Plus, even though I'm not looking to date you again, I still think you're cute, and it just sounded fun."

"It was fun," Alyssa said.  "I'd gladly do it again."  She smiled.  "Although," she said after a pause, "I doubt you'll find our anger and ball popping threats as convincing next time."

"You keep kneeing me that hard, and I promise I'll believe that you're mad at me."

"Did I overdo it?"

"It was really sexy, but I think I might be walking funny for a couple of days."

"Well," Brianna added, "think of it as an extra reminder of how you got your balls busted by two sexy girls."  She giggled and the two girls snuggled in on either side as David used one of the towels to wipe the cum off his stomach.

That wasn't the only time Brianna and Alyssa busted David's balls or even the roughest, but when they looked back at it, they all agreed that it was the most memorable.

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That is one heck of an amazing ballbusting story!!



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