The lush forests of the moon of Karon VI rapidly filled the viewport of the cockpit. Kalin flicked a few switches on the console, handing control of the craft over to an autopilot system. He redirected his attention to the results of a scan he had up on another screen. He flicked through, his eyes landing on key details such as "gold concentrations" and "slow moving plants." Finally, he cross checked against another database, his eyes landing on the words "no reports of sentient life," as his craft landed with a thud. He clapped his hands and rubbed them together with excitement as he prepared to go out.
Kalin's reputation as a daring thief had been well earned, but he was excited to strike this much bigger payday without needing to evade anyone's gaze or risk any sort of retribution. A couple of migratory clusters of vines were far less likely to miss the gold than the oligarchs he would typically target, and that response was likely to mean a commensurately low effort would be put into chasing him down once he left.
He ventured away from the clearing, following his scanner for his route to the vast wealth he was about to acquire. He surveyed his environment, keeping an eye out for the plant life he'd been told to expect in his research. As he continued through the forest, he encountered a deep-black structure that seemed to blend in seamlessly with the shadows of the forest, its location only given away when a bioluminescent pulse flickered through the surrounding plants and left the space blank.
Without warning, a group of tall figures emerged from the structure. The figures looked, to his estimation, to all be over seven feet tall - some were probably closer to eight feet, with their skin a rich, verdant green. They each wore casual attire - shorts and something resembling a t-shirt. As the next bioluminescent pulse flickered through the local flora, their figures were revealed more clearly, suggesting lines and curves in keeping with athletic human women, simply at a scale Kalin would never have imagined. These were Viridians, a species of aliens that humanity had been yet to detect.
Following these Viridians, stepped out one more figure, the commanding Zara. Another pulse flickered through the nearby plant life; her verdant green skin was broken up by a black mini dress that sat perfectly on her strong build. Her eyes scanned the environment and Kalin, not knowing what to do, simply tried to remain still in the hopes that the area was not lit well enough for him to be detected. As she signalled to the others to stop, she radiated an authority that he found simultaneously intimidating and yet somehow also alluring.
As her eyes fixed on Kalin, she charged towards him, the soft thuds of her strides quickly echoed as she approached. Kalin barely had time to react, but also simply did not know how to react to the appearance of several giant beautiful green women on an alien moon that should have been home only to plants.
Zara completed her final step, swapping a next step for simply swinging her back leg forward, converting her momentum into a kick with both precision and power. Her people, lacking notable weak points, predominantly focused their strikes on what they would call confluence points, where the confluence of body parts might 'catch' a strike, rather than presenting a risk of the blow glancing off. In this case, Kalin realised in horror as her leg swung forward and up, connecting her foot firmly between his legs, an unhappy coincidence for him. His face contorted as he let out a gasp of agony and he collapsed to the ground, writhing and curling up as he clutched helplessly at his aching balls.
As he lay in a heap in the lush alien forest, the Viridians surveyed their new discovery. "Did that hurt?" She mocked, "I suppose you will not be acquiring any of our possessions. You will, however, become one of mine. Welcome to our moon."
As they dragged him into the structure, Zara continued, "the real treasure here, you'll soon find, is the enjoyment we find in our new toys." She let out a cruel laugh, "but I must warn you, I do find great joy in keeping my toys disciplined."
Within the expansive structure, the eventually reached a room with the dual purpose of both laboratory and holding cell. A large transparent wall of the holding cell slid open and the still helpless Kalin was carelessly deposited therein. The other Viridians cleared out some dried-up husks of what has once likely been the moon's native flora taken for observation.
As the transparent wall slid shut, Zaras gaze returned to her team, their athletic forms illuminated by the cool light of the laboratory. "One of you get on the research net and find out what this creature is. It's obviously not native to the planet. Someone else find out how it got here. I expect him to be a lot more entertaining to experiment with than the moon's native life-forms, however: so, let's come up with some experiments."
They all turned to look at Kalin, lying on the floor of the containment cell. His breathing returning in long ragged gasps, he rolled onto his side and scurried to the wall furthest from the large transparent wall. One of them began, "he appears to have quite a weakness where you kicked him between his legs," she mused.
"I cannot wait to investigate and document it," Zara grinned, speaking almost more to him than her colleagues. She leaned in towards his cell, speaking unambiguously to him now, "I would also advise you not to bother attempting to escape, by the way. Escape attempts will be monitored and let's just say, enthusiastically discouraged."
"What do you want with me?" The thief barked back in a hoarse grown, desperation filling the void where he had hoped to present an air of confident defiance.
She leaned in, whispering, "As stated, you're now my toy and toys are for playing. My colleagues and I will document and study your species' resilience and pain thresholds," as her dark lips shaped the words almost artistic expressions of pure malice, meant to demoralise. "Your voluntary participation is not required. Involuntary participation will be arranged."
Another Viridian stepped forward, looming over the broken Kalin just as easily as Zara had despite her being several inches shorter. "Should you prove durable, however, we may find other uses for you." The two Viridian women engulfed Kalin in shadow as their words sunk in. They both let out a laugh and one by one all the Viridians left the room.
From the nearby corridor, a last "prepare him for the first series of tests; let's see how much playtime he can handle before he breaks," punctuates the beginning of silence, giving way to the soft hum of the equipment of the lab portion of the room.
Kalin struggled to roll onto his back. The cold floor gave a sensation to contrast the pain that continued to radiate throughout his body. He tried to take his mind off the pain and the fact that he seemed to be at the mercy of his captors, and mercy did not appear to be a trait they possessed in any great abundance.
The pain finally began to ebb away, and he began to make some progress in mentally cataloguing the panelling of the ceiling and made a note of which ones to check when he was properly alone. After a while, just for the moment, his attention was drawn to the area outside his cell. His captors were gathering, eyeing him intently.
Chains seemed to materialise out of nowhere, binding his wrists and ankles. The chains tightened, to his horror, pulling his arms above his head and his legs apart. He was exposed, defenceless, helpless in the face of impending brutality.
The wall slid open, exposing him to Zara and her five Viridian colleagues. A sense of dread washed over him as he looked up at them. They stood tall and imposing, their athletic forms highlighted by the simple yet effective minimalist attire of shorts and t-shirts, which contrasted sharply with Zara's sleek short black dress. The green of their skin seemed to almost glow in the dim light of the containment area.
Zara stepped gracefully into the containment cell, finding herself a perfect vantage point leaning against a side wall. He glanced over at her, giving an unintentionally pathetic stare in his hopeless attempt at garnering sympathy, yielding instead only a curl of her black lips and a stifled laugh as casually commanded her colleagues, "let's begin."
The first Viridian stepped forward. Kalin examined her face, hoping for so much as a whisper of sympathy, but instead found only a look of curiosity. She positioned herself and quickly delivered a powerful kick to his groin. Even without the momentum and buildup preceding Zara's kick earlier, this impact was still devastating, sending a wave of agony through his body that left him gasping for breath and unable to muster a scream. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring his vision. He sagged in his chains as she stepped away, fighting an urge to go again.
The pain would have been enough to incapacitate him on his best day and had seemed effortless compared to the one that had seen him captured. One by one, the other Viridians each took their turns, each kick as precise and forceful as the last. Each time, the pain spiked, the experience eclipsing anything he had ever experienced before that day. The subtle scuttling of their boots on the hard floor was punctuated with the sickening thud of boots connecting with vulnerable flesh. Each kick slowly morphed the raging fire of his will to escape into a will to survive which finally flickered down into the rapidly cooling embers of a mere hope to survive.
"My turn," Zara announced with a smile, a gesture made all the more chilling by the smile reaching her eyes. With excitement evident in her movements, she herded her colleagues away and stepped back, lining up her shot in front of Kalin. He swallowed hard as the blurry image before him of Zara's towering form lined up what would no doubt be the worst pain of his life.
Kalin barely heard the sound of the impact as it echoed around the room like a gunshot. All his senses seemed to have momentarily gone offline except for one. The sterile silence of the room returned as Zara and the others leaned in expectantly awaiting Kalin's response.
Kalin wanted so desperately to scream, but he had been rendered completely breathless by the intense pain. He mustered barely a hoarse groan as he trembled violently against his restraints. His perception of the world narrowed to the excruciating pain radiating ceaselessly from his battered gonads.
As he hung there, broken and gasping, Zara turned to her team, her smile satisfied. "Excellent work, everyone. Prepare your reports, and remember, detail is crucial. I look forward to your insights." She then turned her attention back to the thief, her expression less stern yet somehow Kalin knew to find this no less threatening. "And now, for some fun."
Zara leaned forward, her colossal figure dwarfing Kalin as she loomed before him. She reached down, slapping her large hand against his tender testicles. Less than a second later, she did it again, then again, then again. She continued her onslaught without pause, a constant parade of these light taps. The impacts were relatively speaking quite mild, each one evidently an act of great restraint on behalf of Zara to deliver - at least in her eyes - no more than a light tap to her new toy's most vulnerable area.
Her colleagues gathered around, their expressions a mix of morbid curiosity and genuine amusement, as Zara escalated the 'fun', exploring the limits of what one human could endure as she maintained the pace of her endless light slaps. The toy, overwhelmed by pain and fear, could only wait and hope for an end to his torment.
The Viridians continued to observe the thief's reactions. They showed no sign of empathy or concern, only a perverse interest in the events unfolding. They discussed among themselves, before one of them finally stepped forward. She stepped beside Zara as she continued her pummelling and leaned down to look him in the eye. "We're documenting all your reactions. Try to be more interesting."
"He reacts much more dramatically than anticipated for such light taps," one of the other scientists noted, noting down observations on a simple device. "These human creatures truly do appear highly susceptible to this form of incapacitation."
"How unfortunate that such a weakness would be placed at a confluence point," another remarked.
Another chimed in, "It's fascinating how such a physically vulnerable species has managed to spread so widely across this region of space. Perhaps they possess some other form of resilience, such as cultural or maybe even psychological."
As they spoke, they watched the toy's every twitch and shudder, their eyes lit up by the curiosity. They analysed the way he arched his back, the involuntary tears streaming down his face, the desperate gasps for air, each a detail to be meticulously recorded for their reports. Zara finally ceased her onslaught and stood back; a moan of disappointment could be heard from a colleague.
Zara let out a short mocking sigh, "lowest pain threshold ever documented in a sentient life form, I think." Her eyes shooting to his to gauge the impact of her words. The toy, however, simply hung limply in his chains, his body wracked with spasms of pain. The Viridians continued their discussion about his frailty, it registered as little more than distant noise compared to the constant, unyielding agony that enveloped him.
"How shall we test his endurance next?" Another Viridian asked, leaning in very close to the toy as he hung helplessly in his restraints.
Zara, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement, pondered "I'm curious to see how long he can remain conscious under continuous duress."
The team nodded in agreement, their curiosity about this new creature they'd found overriding anything that might even resemble a Viridian analogue for compassion. They prepared for the next phase of their sadistic experiment, their movements precise and unhurried, as if they were merely setting up for another routine procedure, the prolonging of the torment of a sentient being was the furthest thing from their considerations. The toy, his mind foggy with pain, sobbed softly: his ordeal was far from over.

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