This one turned out quite a bit longer than I intended, but I couldn't find a good place to split it into parts, so I left it as one. It takes a bit to get to the ballbusting, but it's there I promise!

A New Sunday Tradition

Tom was idly watching the clock as the end of his shift at the warehouse approached, when he felt a hand slap him on the shoulder, “Wake up Tommy boy, the days not done yet!” Martin’s booming voice snapped Tom out of his trance.

“Oh, I was just, uh-”

“I’m just giving ya shit, Tom, 4:50 is close enough to done! You coming out for drinks with us after?” Martin was the warehouse manager, and had taken young Tom under his wing since he started.

“I, uh well, I told Jennifer I wouldn’t be out too late tonight,” replied Tom.

“Ha! Damn son, that pretty little wife got you by the balls already huh?” Martin laughed as he shook Tom by the shoulders playfully. “Hey Andy, ya hear that? Tommy can’t make it tonight, the Misses wants him home for bedtime!”

“Oh, lay off him Martin. Don’t act like you wouldn’t be eager to get home to that young thing. Besides, I’ve heard you on the phone with Maria plenty of times all ‘yes dear’ this, and ‘of course sweetie’ that!” Andy smirked and made a whip cracking motion at Martin.

“Bullshit Andy!” Martin retorted, “I’m surprised you can make it out tonight! What, did you wake up early and finish all your chores?”

“Very funny, you know damn well Claire knows her place,” laughed Andy.

“Hey guys,” Tom piped up, “I mean, I’m not whipped or anything, I’ll just tell her something came up.”

“There ya go Tommy! Alright boys let’s go while we can still catch the tail end of happy hour. Hey Andy, you got the first round?” asked Martin.

“Oh, fuck off you know you still owe me from last week!” Andy gave Martin a jab in the ribs as the three headed out the door.

They found a table and Martin ordered a pitcher at the bar. It was pretty slow, but also still pretty early. Eventually the bar got fuller and fuller, and the three co-workers got drunker and drunker. Martin and Andy began chatting up some of the women, but Tom seemed uncomfortable. Andy noticed and sidled over to him.

“Hey Tommy liven up! It’s just a bit of flirting, never hurt anyone. Jenny ain’t here man, she never has to know!” Tom was about to reply when they heard a yell from behind them.

“Fuck you Martin! It’s Cindy, you drunk-ass! You know, the Cindy that works with your wife! Wait til Maria hears about this!” She slapped him and stormed off.

“Hot damn Martin!” laughed Andy, “You asshole, you’re lucky she didn’t kick you in the nuts! Did you not recognize her?”

“Haha I guess I’m a little drunk, fellas! Oh well.” Martin burped and kept laughing.

“Is she really going to tell your wife?” asked Tom.

“WHO CARES!” bellowed Martin, “I didn’t do anything anyways, I was just complimenting her tits. Fuck it, Maria’s are bigger anyway.” Martin plopped down into the booth, followed by the others. “You gotta lighten up Tom, why don’t you get us another pitcher?” Tom obliged and returned to find Martin and Andy talking football.

“What do ya say Tommy, back here on Sunday for opening week? They’re gonna have every game on, and half off pitchers all day! Come on, we have been doin it for years! You’ll love it!”

“Uh, that sounds great, I’ll just have to ask- erm, I mean yeah, I’ll be here!”

“Hey hey, my man!” shouted Martin “That’s right, you don’t need permission from Jenny. Don’t let her cut your balls off son!”

“Yeah,” Andy chimed in, “It sucks, you know from experience right Marty?”

“Oh fuck off! Hey I think I hear Claire hollerin for you. Is it time for her foot rub?” teased Martin.

After another hour or so of shit talking, they all caught cabs home. Tom arrived home to find his wife already sleeping, so he crawled into bed beside her, and quickly drifted off.

In the morning, Tom was awoken by the smell of coffee and bacon. He stumbled into the kitchen to find Jennifer hovered over the stove, wearing only an apron. Her ass jiggled as she worked the spatula in the pan, whipping up some scrambled eggs. Holy God thought Tom, as he felt a stirring in his boxers.

“H- Hey Jen. How long have you been up?”

“Oh, not too long babe, just long enough to make some breakfast. How was last night?”

“It, uh, it was fun. Just me and Martin and Andy, had a few beers.”

“That’s great! I’m glad you had fun. I had a good night too. Claire and Maria actually came by for a bit. Had a little wine-and-movie night. They are soo sweet!” Jennifer smiled at her husband.

“Good for you!” replied Tom, “I’m glad you guys are hitting it off so well.” He found it odd that Maria and Claire had showed up on a night when he and Jennifer were supposed to having date night, but he decided not to mention it.

“Oh, we are! In fact, Maria had a great idea. She said that Martin and Andy usually go to the bar to watch football on Sundays, but suggested that we all get together at their house instead! You guys can kick back on the couch, and us girls can catch up on gossip and make snacks! Doesn’t that sound better than a dingy bar.” Jennifer leaned over the table to hand Tom his plate, exposing her deep cleavage as her boobs nearly spilled out of her apron.

“Sure, babe,” Tom mumbled, suddenly distracted. “Oh, but, I’m not sure Martin and Andy will go for it. They seemed pretty set on the bar. Apparently they have been doing it for a while.”

“Huh. Maria seemed certain Martin would agree.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. Anyways, thanks for making breakfast, you didn’t have to do that. You’re the best Jen!”

“Oh no worries. I figured you would need it after your late night!”

Man, thought Tom, I’ve got a got a good going here. He chowed down on his wonderful breakfast. A few minutes later his phone vibrated. It was a text from Martin:

Hey Tommy boy, change of plans for Sunday. Let’s meet at my place, watch on the big screen. Bring Jenny, our little ladies can wait on us hahaa!

“That was Martin. I guess you were right babe, Sunday at his place is a go.”

“Well of course I was right dear, do you think you could say no to that gorgeous woman? I mean come on, I know you’ve noticed her HUGE tits! And that ass, sweet Lord! You better watch out Tom, she might steal me away from you!” joked Jennifer.

“Haha, ok Jen. As long as I get to join in! Or at least watch!”

“Whatever creeper, finish your coffee you are obviously still dreaming!”

The next day they all met up as planned, about an hour before the first game. They sat around the TV talking, while Maria flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch before the game started. Suddenly she let out a surprised sound, in between a gasp and a giggle. The others hadn’t noticed as they conversed, but the screen had just flashed a shot of a man attempting to jump down a flight of steps on his skateboard. His jump didn’t quite go as planned, and he ended up racking his junk on the center railing. The others turned their attention to the screen, just in time to see the man rolling in agony.

“Oh! Oh!” Claire chirped excitedly, “I love this show! ‘America’s Funniest Nut-Shots!’ It’s so good!”

“Oh my god!” exclaimed Jennifer, as they all watched a kickboxer take one between the legs, “Is the whole show just guys getting hit in the junk?”

“Yeah, isn’t it great!” replied Claire, “I think it’s on every week. I don’t know how they have enough different clips though. You would think guys would learn to protect those things!”

The women laughed and pointed at the screen, as countless men had their most fragile bits smashed by accidental punches, knees, pinata bats, soccer balls, and various other objects. “Oh now that one looked like it hurt!” exclaimed Maria covering her crotch, “Glad I’ve got one of these between my legs,” she added with a smirk to her husband. Claire and Jennifer nodded in agreement, shaking with laughter.

Tom looked around and noticed Martin and Andy seemed especially uncomfortable, even for a couple of guys surrounded by women laughing about men getting hit in the balls. The two normally boisterous men were unusually quiet, as they sat twiddling their thumbs. Martin had a sneaking suspicion that his wife hadn’t stumbled across this show by accident.

“Hey, uh, Maria,” Martin spoke up, “Can’t we just watch the pre-game show? Oh and how about those snacks you promised?”

“Oh, What’s wrong Marty boy, does this show hit a little too close to home for you? And don’t you worry about the snacks, I see plenty of grapes, nuts and plums right here!” Maria grinned cruelly at Martin, and his eyes sank to the floor. Claire giggled and placed a hand on Andy’s thigh giving him a little squeeze. Andy too, could only gaze downwards. Meanwhile, Tom and Jennifer were completely lost.

“I’m sorry, what’s happening now? I think I missed something,” Jennifer scrunched her nose.

“Oh sweet Jenny,” sighed Maria, “We didn’t have you and Tom over to watch football silly! Claire and I just wanted to teach you two newlyweds a few things about married life. As well as give our husbands a little refresher course.” she turned to Martin, “Cindy called me last night dear. She told me she saw you three whoring around the bar, and that your dumb-ass even hit on her! Guess we have been a little to lenient with you boys lately, huh?” Martin and Andy’s eyes sank even lower, as their fears were confirmed.

“We thought our boys might be giving young Tom here the wrong impression about how things work in a marriage,” Claire added. “Let me guess Tom, Andy has probably mentioned something about me ‘knowing my place’ right?”

“Oh and Tom, has Martin given you his spiel about ‘not letting your wife get ya by the balls’ or some dumb thing like that?” Maria laughed and placed her hand on Martin’s inner thigh.

“Well, uh,” muttered Tom, “I mean... I guess...”

Before he could mumble any further, Maria interrupted him, “Well, Martin, why don’t you tell Tommy the truth about who really owns these balls?” With that she grabbed him by the nuts and gave him a sharp squeeze.

“Ah! You own my balls Maria! My balls are yours!” Martin’s voice was shaky and slightly higher pitched than normal. Maria laughed. “That’s what I thought!”

“And you, Andy!” Claire followed suit and grabbed her husband between the legs, “Who is the real boss here?”

“You’re the boss Claire!” replied Andy, quickly and nervously. “Good boy!” Claire mocked.

Tom and Jennifer were wide-eyed and speechless. Tom couldn’t believe how his two manly-man co-workers were now cowering in front of their wives, and Jennifer was blown away by the sudden aggression shown by the two sweet women with whom she had just spent the night drinking white wine and watching chick-flicks.

“And as for you miss Jenny,” Maria turned towards the young couple, “I’m guessing you made your man a nice breakfast yesterday morning, while he slept off his little guy’s night out.”

“Well, I just thought he would need it to help his hangover...”

“Oh he needed something alright, but something to help his attitude, not his hangover. And it didn’t require a full breakfast. A pair of scrambled eggs would have done just fine!” Maria and Claire shared a laugh, their husband’s balls still firmly in their grasp.

Tom was visibly uneasy, but to his surprise, Jennifer seemed intrigued, “Wait, so you two hurt your husbands balls, and they just let you?”

“Of course they do Jenny!” Claire replied, “Do you think they could say ‘no’ to a couple of gorgeous women like us?” Fair point... Jennifer silently agreed as she took a moment to appreciate the two beauties sitting before her.

“Surely you’ve wanted to give Tom a swift kick in the nuts when he’s pissed you off before,” said Maria.

“Well, sure we fight sometimes, and yeah he doesn’t always listen, but i thought that was normal relationship stuff.”

“Well, I suppose it is normal,” replied Maria, “boys will be boys, as they say. But you are married now! Time for Tommy to start acting like a man, which means learning some obedience and discipline.”

“And let me tell you sweetie, the easiest way to teach a man, is with these two things right here!” added Claire as she gave Andy’s nuts a quick tug. He rose up off of the couch a bit to relieve some of the pressure. “Ha! Ya see? Up down, and all around, wherever I pull his balls he follows! Oh wait, I bet I could make that rhyme! Hmm...”

“I have to admit,” Jennifer said between giggles as she watched Andy being pulled around by his manhood, “I have always been fascinated by the thought of kicking men in the balls. But I just thought I was weird, so I never acted on it. And i guess, now that i think about it, there have been times when Tom has made me so mad I’ve wanted to kick him, but we always end up making up.”

“Oh of course, you make up and then what? He goes back to his same old behavior, staying out all night when he said he’d be home for dinner. Trust me dear, you gotta show him who’s boss early on, it will do wonders for your relationship down the road. Right Marty?” Maria gave her husband a peck on the cheek, still gripping his balls firmly.

“So what do ya say Jenny,” asked Claire, “ready to grab your marriage by the balls?”

“Hey now, wait a minute,” Tom broke his silence, “This is- I mean wh- what’s goin on here?”

“Quiet Tom!” Jennifer said sharply, suddenly emboldened by the older, seemingly wiser women. “I think they may be on to something here. You have been acting up quite a bit lately, and I’ve kept quiet and tried to keep you happy. But you never even apologize for anything, you just keep doing the same things over and over, and taking advantage of me! Like Friday night, you skipped dinner to go to the bar, and I made you breakfast in the morning! You never even said you were sorry for bailing on me!”

“Oh come on Jen,” Tom protested, “you are being crazy! It was just dinner!”

“Really Tom? You can’t even just admit you were wrong? And just dinner? You are so ungrateful!” Jennifer was becoming furious. “Maybe it is time I take control!”

“That’s the spirit!” cried Maria.

“So you ready to kick some balls Jenny? What do ya think boys, are crushed nuts a good football snack?”

“No way!” Tom yelled, “Come on Jenny we’re leaving!”

“I don’t think so Tom. You walk out that door and we are done. That’s final! You have never treated me with the respect I deserve. Well, I’m done accepting it. I’m not going to be your little housewife servant girl. I am not your maid, or your chef. I am your wife, Tom. And from now on I am your boss!”

“Jenny... are you, you can’t be serious! Come on let’s go! We can talk about this at home.”

“I am serious Tom. I should have stood up for myself a long time ago. You have gotten so used to getting away with everything, you don’t even notice when you hurt me! And your behavior keeps getting worse! So these are my terms. Either you surrender your balls to me right now, or you can go home and start packing your things.”

“Jenny... Jenny I don’t want to lose you! But please, you don’t have to do this, I promise I’ll change! I’m sorry!” Tom really was sorry. He hadn’t even realized Jennifer was unhappy. He was under the impression that he was a pretty good husband, especially compared to the way other men he knew talked about their wives.

“It’s to late for words now Tom. I want to see some action. I want to see that you are ready to obey me. And plus, this is a fantasy of mine that I’ve always kept hidden away because I felt weird about it. But now that I see that other women do it, I really want to try it. Don’t you want me to be happy Tom?”

“Jenny I... of course I want to make you happy babe, but... does it have to be like this?”

“Yes Tom, now whats your answer? I'm getting impatient”

“I uh...” Tom paused. He obviously didn’t want his balls hurt, but he could tell Jennifer was serious. He didn’t want to lose her. “I... if this is the only way... um, oh... ok Jenny.”

“Wow!” cried Maria, “You guys just had a major breakthrough there!”

“Yeah Maria, maybe we should start a marriage counseling service!” added Claire.

“Oh!” gasped a startled Jennifer, her cheeks reddening “I uh, I kind of forgot we weren’t alone...”

“Don’t be embarrassed Jenny, that was great! Sounds like you really want to do this! So you’ve never kicked any man in the balls before?” Claire inquired.

“Never! But like I said, deep down I’ve always wanted to. I just always felt like I was a freak for having that kind of desire. And I wouldn’t want to hurt someone too badly.”

“Well don’t worry dear, it’s perfectly normal for a woman to want to kick her man’s nuts! And now you’ve got a couple pros to show you the ropes. Men’s balls are surprisingly resilient. You can put them in a lot of pain without doing any actual damage. Isn’t that right Marty?” Maria yanked yard on his balls, bringing him to his feet. Martin groaned in agreement.

“Alright enough chit chat, clothes off boys, chop chop! Class is in session” Claire brought her husband to attention in the same manner as Maria.

Martin and Andy quickly shed their clothes, while Tom protested, “Wait, why do I have to be naked?”

“Well first of all, because a woman said so,” smirked Maria, “and secondly, Jen has to see what she is kicking, right?”

“Do it Tom. Come on you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of, big boy,” Jennifer tapped his crotch. Tom blushed and joined his co-workers in standing naked before the three women.

“Oh my, thats quite a package he’s got! Lucky girl! Now have him hold it out of the way. We want to focus on those balls.” Tom obliged as Jennifer commanded him to hold his cock up away from his nut sack. “Good,” continued Maria, “ Now, we will start simple. A good old-fashioned front kick, square in the nuts! You want to get the top of your foot up under his balls, and follow through so you really smash them up against his body.” Tom gulped as Maria demonstrated in slow motion on her husband.

“Yeah try to kick through his balls. Like this!” Claire sent her foot flying up between Andy’s legs, her soft sock crushing his balls flat against his pelvis.

“Or this!” cried Maria. A sharp slapping sound filled the room as her bare foot collided with Martin’s hanging balls. The two men were left bending over holding themselves. “Give it a try Jen! Line up your kick first, and then let him have it. As hard as you can, you want your first one to be a good one! Take out some of that anger on him.”

“Um, ok- I think I’m ready!” Jennifer raised her right leg, placed the top of her flat under Tom’s sack, and gave it a little nudge. Tom shuddered.

“Don’t move Tom!” shouted Claire, “Thats great dear now give it all you got!”

Claire took a deep breath, cocked her leg back, and sent her shoe crashing into Tom’s poor balls. They were caught perfectly between her hard shoe and his hard pelvis. Jennifer felt them flatten a bit, and she knew she had got him good. Oh yeah! she thought, as Tom's eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. He instinctively clutched his nuts as his legs gave out and he crumbled to the ground at Jennifer’s feet. He wanted to scream but all the air had left his lungs.

“Yeah girl!” cried Claire, “That’s how you do it right there!”

“Wow you’re a natural! That was a textbook kick in the balls! How do you feel?” inquired Maria.

“I feel..” Jennifer’s heart was beating out of her chest, “I uh, I feel great! Holy shit look at him! I did that to him! Oh god look, it’s so funny! He looks like he is going to cry! It’s so, it’s... it’s kind of, um, hot actually...” Jennifer was puzzled. “I mean I always thought I would like kicking a man’s balls, but I never dreamt it would turn me on. I don’t know what it is, I mean... I mean just look at him down there!” All three women burst out laughing.

“It’s a huge turn on Jen,” Maria reassured her, “there is no feeling quite the same as dropping your man like a ton of bricks, with little effort on your part.”

“Well, that and the feeling of watching him roll around clutching at himself and moaning! ‘Ohhhhh! Ohhhh my balls! My poooor baaaalls!’” mocked Claire, cradling her imaginary testicles. “Well boo-hoo! That’s what you get for being born a man! I mean look at them hanging there, practically begging for it!”

Jennifer laughed, “Why do they hold them like that, is it supposed to help?”

“Jen, don’t try to make sense of a man’s behavior, simply line em up and hit em again! Speaking of which, how about some knees?” Claire shot Maria a look, and they both turned, grabbed their respective husbands by the shoulders, and rammed their knees into their dangly, fleshy orbs. The two men groaned and joined Tom at the feet of the women.

“Oh now that looks fun!” Jennifer cried gleefully, “Hop up Tom I wanna try a knee!”

“Jen please, no more! My balls h-”

“Yeah, yeah,” interjected Maria, “we know, your poooor balls hurt sooo baad! Well tough shit, you heard your wife, on your feet!” With that she and Claire grabbed him under the arms and raised him to his feet. “All yours now Jenny! Line it up and follow through, just like your kick. Oh and be sure to push down on his shoulders as well.”

“Yeah, ram those suckers right into his throat Jenny!”

Jennifer placed her hands on her husband’s shoulders and checked her position by gently raising her knee into his stinging nut sack. Tom winced and leaned forward, but Claire and Maria jerked him back up. “Straighten up boy, stand at attention for your woman!” Maria demanded.

“I love you Tom,” Jenny said looking into his eyes, right before she delivered a perfect knee between his legs, knocking the wind out of him as his balls were once again flattened. He tried to fall but the women held him firmly in place.

“Yes Jen! More, more!” shouted Claire

Jennifer didn’t hesitate to send a flurry of full force knees into her husband’s aching crotch. Tom thrashed around violently and managed to free himself from the women's grasp. He grabbed his balls and turned away from them, dropping to his knees and plunging face first into the couch.

“Oh perfect! Hold that pose dear!” Maria sat on his back before he had a chance to move. She hooked her feet around his ankles and spread his legs apart. Tom tried to plead for mercy, but she reached back and shoved his face into the couch muffling his screams. “Hey boys, why don’t you join your friend on the couch?” The two other men crawled over and assumed the position, leaning over the couch and exposing their balls to a grinning Claire. “Ok Jenny, you focus on your man, Claire will take care of the other two.”

“More like other four!” Laughed Claire, “Oh I crack myself up!”

Jennifer lined up her kick as she had done before. She was about to let loose when Claire interrupted her.

“Oh wait! Why don’t you kick him with the toe of your shoe this time? Toe kicks hurt even worse, at least according to Andy.” Claire bent down and felt the tip of Jennifer’s shoe. “Oh yeah that's a nice hard tip. Wouldn’t want you to hurt you toes now! That is always one thing to keep in mind with toe kicks. Pain is for a man’s balls, not a lady’s feet!”

“Oh, alright then!” Jennifer chuckled and adjusted her aim, swinging her leg a few times to make sure it was perfect. Her heart was still racing and she took a deep breath to calm herself. Then she reared back and let her leg fly. Tom’s right nut took the full force of her toe, causing him to buck wildly under Maria, while screaming into the couch. She released his head to hold his body still, while Claire delivered swift kicks to the other two men’s dangly bits. Martin and Andy grunted, while Tom, his head now free, wailed in agony!

“Ahhhh! Please no more! I can’t take anymore! I’m begging you Jen, I swear I’ll do whatever you say I promise!” Maria reached down and inspected his balls roughly, causing him to yelp in pain.

“Oh your balls are fine Tom, don’t be such a pussy!”

“I bet you wish you had a pussy right about now, huh Tom!” Claire smiled, proud of her little jab, and all three women shared another laugh. Tom, failing to see the humor in the situation, continued to beg for mercy.

“You up for a few more Jenny?” Maria asked, ignoring Toms pleas.

“Oh God yes!” Jennifer was shaking from excitement. “I can’t believe I waited so long to do this!”

“Well lets finish these guys off.” suggested Maria, “I’m going to get up now Tom, you will stay put if you know what’s good for you!” Tom indeed stayed put.

“Damn Jenny, looks like you could use a breather! Why don’t you take a seat for a sec. Me and Maria need to go put on some appropriate testicle shattering footwear!”

“Yeah I could use a minute,” Jennifer panted with excitement.

The women returned wearing their selected shoes. Maria had chosen her favorite pair of Doc Marten’s, while Claire went with her pointy-toed thigh-high “stripper boots” as she called them.
They overheard Jennifer addressing Tom as they entered the room.

“I am so proud of you babe, thank you so much for doing this. It really means a lot to me.”

“Yes Jennifer, I just wish there was another way to show you... I mean i really do care about you, I just didn’t realize you were so unhappy... I just... I’m so sorry Jennifer.” Tom had tears in his eyes.

“Oh, I know you’re sorry babe. And don’t worry, I still love you very much. But I’m afraid we aren’t quite done here. Think you can take a bit more? Oh and I should warn you, there is a right and wrong answer to that question.”

“Whatever you say Jennifer,” Tom replied wisely, as a tear rolled down his cheek.

“Aww, how sweet...” Claire whispered to Maria, before making their presence known with a few exaggerated steps in her clunky boots. “How are the lovebirds?”

“Oh, great, just having a little chat. Oh wow, those boots look mean!”

“Well, they are mean!” replied Maria.

“And so are we,” laughed Claire, “and besides, we have to make sure we finish off our boys now as well. They can take a bit more than young Tommy here, they have had years of practice!”

Maria had an idea. “Hey lets make it interesting! How about the last man to drop to the floor gets off easy next week, and gets butler duty while they other two provide the entertainment!”

“Oh I love it!” Claire beamed.

“Next week?” questioned Jennifer.

“Of course Jenny? You didn’t think this was a one time thing did you? You’ve still got plenty to learn young lady. I mean, that is if you want to of course?” Maria asked, already knowing the answer.

“Oh for sure! I’ve had so much fun today!”

“Well how about a bit more fun? Ready ladies? May the weakest men lose! 3-2-1 GO!!” Maria signaled the start of their impromptu competition.

A moment later, three feet smacked into three waiting ball sacks, and three men cried out in unison. The kicks continued to come, and the men struggled to remain leaning against the couch as their aching balls were rattled around in their sacks. Maria’s chunky toed Doc’s smashed Martin’s balls dead on, over and over, causing an overwhelming ache to grow in his nuts. Claire skillfully alternated jabbing her pointy toe into each of Andy’s nuts, one at a time, sending sharp pains shooting from the very core of his balls up into his stomach. Jennifer decided to use the top of her foot again, finding it easier to aim with. She focused on following through, and slammed Tom’s balls into his body perfectly, as if she had been doing it for years. The women were dying laughing, as the position of the men gave them a great view of their ever reddening ball bags flying around every which way.

Then a wonderful sound filled the air as all three women landed devastating blows simultaneously. The thud of Maria’s boot, the crunch from Claire’s toe, and the slap from the top of Jennifer’s foot all combined into a loud boom that saturated the room. However that sound quickly faded, and was overcome by the sound of three men letting out various strange screams, groans, and gurgles, and then crashing against the floor.

The women had to lean on each other to keep from falling over from laughter.

“Oh shit! A triple knockout!” Claire shouted.

“Oh it’s too funny,” Jennifer was in tears from laughing so hard, “Bahaha it’s too much, oh my sides! Oh god, look at them all rolling around! Hey, I think poor Tommy is crying!”

“Well he has had a rough first day,” admitted Maria, “he should be nice and sore for a while. Hope he’s feeling better by next week, I think we’ve created a fine new Sunday tradition here!”

“Yeah just think,” Claire spoke up, “while other men are kicking back on the couch, watching the game and enjoying a few beers, you poor fellas will be getting your balls bashed in, and waiting on your wives hand and foot! Oh yeah, wasn’t there talk of snacks earlier? I think you boys better get on that, unless you want a second helping of crushed nuts!”

The women finally couldn’t take anymore laughter, and stepped over their writhing men to plop down on the couch. They pushed the them off towards the kitchen with their feet, while relaying their snack orders and drink preferences.

“Aw man," said Jennifer, “‘Funniest Nutshots’ is over. You know anymore shows like that?”

“No, but I sure know where to find some videos if that's what you want to see! Way better than what’s allowed on TV!” Maria motioned towards her laptop on the table. “We can hook it up to the big screen!”

“Do it! Do it!” squealed Jennifer.

“Yeah let’s continue her education!” Claire smiled as Maria connected her laptop to the TV screen.

Soon it was filled with the image of a naked man, standing restrained with his legs spread. A woman walked in, and immediately began kicking the shit out of his balls.

“Oh my god! That’s awesome! I had no idea this existed! Oh she is going to kill him!” Jennifer was beside herself.

“There’s plenty more girl, just wait! We’ve got a long day ahead of us.” said Maria, as the boys returned with the first round of snacks and drinks. They set the refreshments in front of the women and stood there with their swollen sacks, unsure of what to do. “Well, don’t just stand there blocking our view! Go find something to clean! On second thought, I think we could all use a good footrub!” She kicked off her boots, followed by the other women. The men knelt down and immediately got to work.

“Oh this is niiiice,” moaned Claire. “Oh wait! Who won the contest?”

“Um, I think they all fell at pretty much the same time. What does that mean?” asked Jennifer.

Maria answered, “Im gonna make a call on this one an declare it a three way tie, meaning they all get double duty next week. They can all three serve us, and no man’s nuts are safe!”

The other two agreed, as they leaned back to fully enjoy their footrubs and wine. They howled with laughter as countless men were being destroyed by women on the big screen.

“Welcome to real married life Jenny,” smiled Maria, “I think you’re gonna like it...”

Views: 580

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Very good. Hope you will continue the story!



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