A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Bitter wind whipped through Rebecca’s hair as she hurried to Ryan’s apartment. A sliver of moon stood out against the black sky. Tucked under a warm comforter, nestled up against Ryan was where she wanted to be, though she felt ridiculous thinking about being in bed when it was just past 6pm. She laid on the buzzer, anxious to get inside and let her fingers, ears, nose, hell even her eyes thaw out. It felt like an eternity passed before he buzzed her in. Hustling up the stairs as fast as her numbed legs could carry her, she burst through the door, letting the heat wash over her.
“I’m in here,” Ryan called from the kitchen.
The aroma of sautéed mushrooms and onions hit her and she lit up. He made spaghetti, her favorite. She tossed her coat and scarf on the chipped, wooden bench that served as a coat rack and kicked off her shoes.
“You made my fave!” She exclaimed, as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he stirred the sauce.
“A night like this just begged for comfort food.” He turned into her. “I hope you weren’t planning on going out. I know it’s Friday.”
Rebecca leaned in and kissed him. His mouth felt hot against her icy lips. His head jerked back.
“Whoa! Your lips are freezing.”
“Tell me about it. It’s stupid cold outside. So, is it ready? I’m starving.” She eyed the bubbling red sauce, betraying her ravenous appetite.
“Yep. Just waiting for you.” Ryan reached into the cupboard and grabbed two plates. “Can you get a couple forks and I’ll dish it up.”
They sat down at the small two-person table and proceeded to consume a heaping helping each. What took Ryan 45 minutes to prepare was devoured in mere minutes. It was only after she wiped the ring of sauce from her mouth that Rebecca noticed an unopened bottle of wine on the counter.
“Was that supposed to go with dinner?” She asked, pointing in its direction.
“Hah! I totally forgot about that. Guess we were in too much of a hurry to eat.” He stood up and grabbed the corkscrew, quickly popping it open. Pouring two generous glassfuls, he returned to the table.
“Maybe we can talk now that we’ve satiated our hunger.” He winked at her.
She took a sip and then let loose about her day. Ryan half-listened, but watched intently at her animated face. Her milky cheeks still held a faint pink from the cold and he smiled at how ruby red her lips were. Those big, round eyes grew large as she reached a moment of exasperation in her narrative, and he took in the lively green color so vividly displayed.
“Are you even listening to me?” She interrupted his revelry.
“I’m listening. But I’m also realizing how beautiful you are.”
“Don’t try to smooth talk me, mister. I was telling you about how irritating my boss is.” She creased her eyebrows, scolding him.
“Sorry.” He got up and reached for something on the microwave. “Maybe this will serve to appease you.”
Rebecca took the DVD from his hand. It was a drama she’d been bugging him to see for a few weeks now.
“Me, you, the couch, PJs and a movie?”
She was sold.
Though Ryan wasn’t really interested in dramas, he was glad to have Rebecca curled up against him for the evening. And if it made her happy, what the hell he thought.
About two-thirds the way through, Ryan felt himself growing bored. But then things took a turn. A heated argument broke out between the main character and her abusive husband. She was a thin blonde, a little too bony for Ryan’s taste, and she came off kind of lame after suffering a few blows from her controlling husband. He was a big guy, not fat, but not ripped either. In fact, he perfectly exemplified the kind of beast that would abuse his wife.
Here we go again, thought Ryan. Rebecca shifted in her seat and he could feel her body tense up. He could see her chest rise and fall more quickly. He wasn’t sure whether to watch that or the movie. When the dialogue reached a fevered pitch his attention swung back to the television. He turned just in time.
As the man pointed a beefy finger in his petite wife’s face, a sudden calm came over her face. Then it darkened into a scowl and she stepped back. Her husband reached out to grab her but he was stopped dead in his tracks as she viciously kicked him in the balls with a loud crunch. He fell to his knees coughing and retching. The woman reached out and lifted his chin, forcing him to look up to her. She smiled cruelly and then slapped his face. His head snapped sideways and he reached for his reddened cheek. As he did, she drew back her foot and delivered a second kick in his balls that elicited a squishing sound this time. He slumped forward, unconscious, with his head resting against her patent red heels. She pulled her foot away and his head thumped on the floor. Without saying a word, she grabbed her purse and walked out the door.
While Ryan sat stunned by the scene, Rebecca reached for the remote and paused the movie.
“Oh my god! Did you see that!” She was almost bouncing on the couch. She looked at Ryan to see his eyes wide in horror. She took notice of his hands, too, which were now covering his groin in instinctive sympathy. “I want to see that again.”
She hit rewind and then play. Just before the woman’s attack, she hit slo-mo. They both watched as again as she drove her foot into his groin, this time seeing the bulge in his pants rise from the blow. His face contorted into an ugly grimace as he fell. Rebecca hit play and watched at regular speed as she slapped him and then went back to slo-mo as her second kick crushed his balls and knocked him out. She left it paused on the woman standing over the man, sneering down at him while he lay unconscious and curled up with his hands cupping his jewels.
“Oooh. That was so perfect!” Rebecca huge smile radiated glee. “I was so hoping she would bust that douche in the balls and she didn’t let me down. I don’t even need to watch the end. I could just watch that over and over.”
Ryan blinked and tried to get past the shock. He found himself excited by the scene, too, more so than he expected. He looked at Rebecca.
She could see in his eyes that he was aroused by what transpired and it made her laugh.
“She did what a girl is supposed to do. Kick him in the balls.” She pushed Ryan lightly in the chest.
“She also slapped him,” he added.
“Pfft.” Rebecca waved it off. “Whatever. She should’ve cracked his eggs a third time instead. Make him look into her eyes as she kicked his nuts into his stomach. His face ain’t gonna hurt like his balls. And she should make him hurt as much as possible.”
Ryan shook his head in disbelief. “You’re brutal.”
“C’mon. You know I’m right. He needs to know how much a woman can hurt him.” She slammed her fist into her open hand. “Bust his balls and leave him writhing in agony. Let him wrestle with his ego and feel the embarrassment of having a woman stand over him in female triumph. Too bad she knocked him out. I’d get smelling salts so he was forced to lie there in utter misery, feeling the pain grip his abdomen and radiate all through his body. Watching as the sickening burst ebbs into a deep aching. As much as he deserves to get kicked in the balls, she deserves to bask in his anguish and relish her feminine power.”
“Isn’t it enough that you are?” Ryan chided.
“I’d be careful if I was you,” she taunted back, pulling both her legs onto the couch.
“Why? Because you’re all atwitter with excitement and can’t control yourself?”
“That’s it.” She pushed him back against the armrest and put her face an inch from his. He could feel the weight of her breasts resting against him. He tried to jerk out from under her grasp and they grappled for a quick second before Rebecca drove her knee into his balls. His spasm nearly bucked her off him, so she kneed him again. He let go of her arms and grabbed his testicles, crying out in pain.
Rebecca silenced him by covering his mouth with hers as she kissed him forcefully. He grabbed her hips and tried to push her away, so for a third time she brought her knee swiftly into his balls. Before he could cup his hands she had her knee pressed into his groin, compressing his balls into his pelvis.
Ryan thought his testicles might burst and his mind was consumed with pain. It seemed like days before she finally pulled her knee away and broke off the kiss.
“You better not pass out,” she warned over his moans. “I’m going to enjoy watching you deal with pain in your balls courtesy of my girlish knee.”
She reached for the remote and let the sickening crunch of the movie kick play over and over and over.
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