A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The hills in the distance appeared to be on fire as Tonya stared out the window of the nook in her kitchen where she was sipping a cup of coffee, the sun only beginning its daily ascent. The house was quiet and still as her husband and son lay upstairs in their rooms fast asleep, providing Tonya with this cherished time of solitude. A small smile stole on her lips as her eyes took in the beauty of nature, light spreading across the lush green of the trees upon the hills. Her fiery, red hair, as vibrant as the morning’s sun, lay in piles of loose ringlets on her shoulders and she brushed a stray lock away from her face. As she did, Tonya’s eye fell upon a photograph hanging on the refrigerator. She peered at, smiling at the memory of her son’s final prom. The girl in the picture was a tiny thing with glossy black hair that hung nearly to her waist. She was wearing a pink dress that hugged her body, the skirt showing almost every inch of her legs. Tonya shook her head in wonder thinking how much things had changed since she dressed up for prom. No way in hell would her father have let her out of the house wearing so little at such a tender age. But these day? Apparently anything went.
Setting down her steaming mug, Tonya walked over to the fridge and plucked the picture out from under the heart-shaped magnet holding it in place. She studied her son’s face noting the innocence in his bright blue eyes – eyes he’d gotten from her. It was, she thought, the last time they’d sparkled with such boyish purity. She looked back at the girl trying to remember her name – Candace, was it? Though her son had never said anything, his demeanor had changed overnight after his senior prom and Tonya suspected it was due to the loss of his – and possibly her – virginity that night. Ever since then, Ryan had seemed more worldly, carrying himself with confidence, and whenever she found his gaze on a pretty girl Tonya detected a sense of ownership in his eyes. Well, maybe ownership was too strong a word, but there was definitely something in them that showed he felt like the girl should belong to him. Again, Tonya shook her head. Whatever had transpired that night had seemingly created a monster. No less than a half dozen girls had graced their doorstep between prom and the end of summer – none of them being Candace. Tonya could barely keep track. Sowing his wild oats her son was, like it was going out of style, she thought. She squinted her eyes at the boy in the photo and thought, “And I think it’s going to your head, my dear son.”
Settling the picture back under the heart magnet, Tonya sighed. He might think he’s a man now, but she knew he wasn’t quite there. No doubt her husband, David, would agree. Sitting back down, Tonya actually chuckled to herself as she thought back to when she and David first met. They were seated next to each other in a science lab – chemistry? Or was it biology? – freshman year of college. David was a really good-looking guy but it was his sense of humor, which Tonya had discovered over the course of the semester, that really won her over. Eventually they started dating and that’s when Tonya realized that though David was old enough to be a man, he still held onto some very childish notions – one being that men were generally better at things than women, especially when it came to sports and other physical activities. Of course, that kind of thinking did not sit well with her, Tonya mused as she sipped her coffee.
One day, not long after they’d starting seeing each other a little more seriously, David was complaining about how boring the game was as the two of them watched their college’s women’s basketball team. He said the girls couldn’t jump as high, run as fast or dribble as well as the men and that they were just slower and weaker in general. Even now, Tonya found herself shaking her head indignantly. But a smile slowly crept across her face as she remembered what happened next. Irritated, she’d stood up in a huff and stormed out of the arena. As she expected, David soon followed after her. Tonya made a beeline behind the arena and then waited for David to catch up. When he’d rounded the corner, she sneered at him. “Girls are weaker, eh?” She spat out as he walked up to her. Then, when he was close enough, she kicked him square in the balls.
Chuckling lightly now, under her breath, Tonya easily recalled how his body had gone limp, the air rushing out of him as he doubled over grabbing for his injured testicles. His teeth were clenched and his eyes pinched, brows furrowing together. It was as hilarious now in her memory as it was back then. And just as intoxicating. Slowly, David had sunk to his knees, unable to find any strength left to stay upright. The expression on his face was priceless. He looked so confused and shocked but also quite regretful. Oh, and the pain. The pain was also entirely evident in his eyes. It was the perfect elixir for Tonya’s offended soul. What had she said to him after that? Tonya took another sip of coffee as she tried to remember. Ah yes, she thought, the words coming to her. “Guess girls aren’t so weak after all, are they? I bet your balls really hurt!” David’s body sagged and his head drooped on his chest like the words had been a physical blow. Tonya had smiled at his humbled state and then spun on her heels and strode off, leaving David to nurse his nuts alone between the dumpsters.
She’d called him later under the guise of finding out how he was doing, though in reality she was feeling a little guilty – not for kicking him in the nuts, but for potentially hindering their budding relationship. He answered immediately and actually sounded rather upbeat, which surprised her. He even asked her to come over, sounding a little worried that she might not. She’d found his hesitation and uncertainty endearing and she headed over straight away. As soon as she knocked, David answered, apologizing immediately, completely stunning her. He’d led her into his dorm room and encouraged her to sit at his desk chair while taking a seat himself on the edge of his bed. Now, in the quiet of the house, Tonya sighed happily remembering how he’d looked at her and what he’d said next. He looked ashamed and humble, his pleading charcoal eyes searching hers as he spoke.
“I’m so sorry Tonya,” he began, apologizing again. “I’ve been wrong to say women are weaker all this time.” He’d spoken in a resigned whisper and Tonya had to lean forward to hear him, and she’d really wanted to hear what he had to say. “You were right to kick me.” When he smiled, a crooked, goofy smile, it caught Tonya off guard and she could feel her eyes widen. But then her jaw dropped when he said, “And, yes, you bet right. My balls really hurt. Wow.” Before she could pick her jaw off the floor, he added, “But you know what? I’m glad you kicked them like you did.” Tonya’s jaw stayed where it was. A million thoughts were flying around inside her head but her tongue was stuck fast as she just gaped at David’s handsome face. How sweet was the sound of his light laughter as he looked at her dumbstruck face. Tonya could still feel his soft touch as he reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. To this day, she loved the warmth and strength she felt in his hands whenever he touched her.
“Thank you,” David whispered.
“Thank you?” Tonya remembered uttering in her shock.
“Yes. I feel like my eyes have been opened. I’m like a new man! I always thought I was this strong, stoic man, able to take on the world. An island, you know?” David ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. “But I’m not. I can’t even take one simple kick to my balls...from a girl!” Again, he smiled that goofy, half-embarrassed smile. “At first, I was so mad because it hurt so much and I was so embarrassed, but that anger turned to fury when I realized that I couldn’t do a damn thing about it even if I wanted to. I had nothing left. No strength at all. I was consumed by the pain in my nuts.” Here, Tonya remembered clearly how his hand had involuntarily slid toward his groin, covering his wounded jewels. It had been adorable to see. “But as I laid there behind the arena, I could feel the small seed of a thought beginning to sprout and as the pain ebbed a little. I realized that my outlook on life this whole time was all wrong. Guys aren’t the strong ones in this world. Girls are. You proved that to me by giving my balls a swift, hard kick and then you just walked away like it was nothing. Meanwhile, my world was temporarily shattered.” Tonya could still see David shaking his head in wonder at this truth.
Without saying anything, Tonya had slid the chair closer to him and had taken his chin in her hand. She lifted his face and looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of dishonesty. To her relief, she could see he meant every word he’d said. She’d pulled his face close to hers and kissed him deeply. When she pulled away, she could see him smiling for real and she said, “Only a real man can take a kick in the balls from a woman and understand – own it, even – that it’s she who has the power. Do you feel like a man now?”
“I do,” David had said, nodding.
Now here they were, twenty-five years later, a man and his wife. And their son. Tonya’s brow knitted together at the thought, as Ryan’s handsome face, his expression almost smug, popped into her mind. He was eighteen now, not much younger than David was when they’d met. Perhaps it was time Ryan became a man, just like David had.
Tossing the tepid dregs of her remaining coffee into the sink, Tonya made her way to the stairs. It was time to wake up the boys. As she walked down the hall, she noticed Ryan’s jacket in a heap on the floor by the door. She sighed and shook her head as she stooped to pick it up. He might have a man’s body now, but clearly, no sense of adult responsibility...yet. As she lifted it, a piece of paper fell from a pocket. Curious, Tonya tossed the coat on the rack and then scooped up the folded sheet. Should she open it? It felt a little like an invasion of privacy to her, but then she reconsidered. If he’d just hung up his coat like he was supposed to, then he wouldn’t have to worry about his privacy being invaded, she mused.
Boy was she ever glad she chose to open it. Inside, the long, looping letters, clearly from a girl’s hand, jumped off the page at Tonya. They read,
Dear Ryan,
I just wanted to let you know how pissed off I am that you ghosted me and how I had to find out second-hand that you’re now seeing my best friend, Danielle. I don’t care if you don’t like me or that you like Danielle. You probably just like her big boobs, anyway. But you could’ve at least been a man and told me face to face that you didn’t want to see me any more. But no, you had to be a coward. I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.
P.S. I really feel like kicking you in the BALLS as HARD as I can!!!
As Tonya re-read that last line, she could feel a warm tingling sensation spreading inside her. It never failed to thrill her to know that a girl wanted to kick a guy in his balls, and especially when the girl had the urge to kick him as hard as she could. Tonya smiled as she folded up the note and returned it to Ryan’s jacket pocket. The timing could not have been any better. Cheer up, Ashley, she thought, taking the stairs two at a time, I think you might just get your wish.
As the small family unit convened around the breakfast table, Tonya casually asked her son if he had any plans for the day. At least she hoped she sounded casual. It was hard to mask the excitement she was feeling over the secret knowledge she’d learned. In fact, it was this knowledge that prompted Tonya to scramble some eggs for her men, a fun and private joke for her own amusement. And as Ryan forked his, it was almost too much for Tonya to keep a straight face as she imagined this girl Ashley jamming the pointed toe of her high heels into Ryan’s huevos much the same way.
Ryan shrugged and swallowed his bite. “I might catch a movie this afternoon with this girl I’m seeing,” he offered, sounding like it wasn’t a sure thing.
“Oh?” Tonya said, raising an eyebrow. “With, um, Ashley?” She asked. Though Tonya knew it was most certainly not with Ashley, she was probing, trying to learn a little more about the girl.
Shooting his mom a perplexed look, Ryan replied brusquely. “Ashley? The blonde girl who works across the mall from me at Altar’d State? No, why?”
Tonya filed that little nugget away and replied airily, “Oh, sorry, I thought that’s who you were seeing these days.” She shot a glance at her husband, but David was wrapped up in the morning paper and seemed uninterested in their conversation. If Ryan finished his breakfast quick enough, Tonya thought, he might be a tad more interested when she filled him in on what she’d found in their son’s jacket pocket and what she’d decided to do about it.
“Nah, that was nothing,” Ryan shrugged. “I’m hooking up, er, seeing this girl Danielle now. That’s who I’m meeting at the movies.”
Tonya pretended not to notice the quick correction of his choice of words, but it did serve to confirm her suspicions that he was using his summer to “get around” – as they said in her day. “What time are you going?”
“I dunno,” Ryan replied through another mouthful of eggs. “I was thinking the two o’clock showing if Danielle gets off work in time.”
“Will you be home for dinner? And will this Danielle be with you?”
“Geez Mom! What’s with the twenty questions?” Ryan fired back, though he did answer Tonya’s questions, sort of. “I think I’ll be back for dinner because Danielle has some family thing tonight. Look, I gotta do some stuff this morning,” he mumbled pushing away from the table.
Typical teenager, Tonya thought, not taking her son’s exasperation personally, though she wanted to give his ‘tude right back to him asking, “Oh yeah? Like what?” But unlike her man-child, she was able to hold her tongue. Fortunately, Tonya’s husband chose that moment to finally pipe up.
“Like mowing the lawn, right?” David asked, looking over his paper.
“Sure, Dad,” Ryan grumbled as he dumped his plate in the sink and headed off to his room.
“Good,” David said, his eyes already returning to the paper.
When Tonya was sure Ryan was back in his room, she leaned over and put one finger on the top of the newspaper and pulled it down so that David could see her. Seeing the intensity of his Tonya’s blazing blue eyes, David smartly set the paper aside and looked inquisitively at his gorgeous wife.
“You’re never going to believe what fell out of Ryan’s jacket!” Tonya exclaimed when she saw she had his attention.
“You’re right, hon. I probably won’t,” he said, keeping his face straight, knowing it would exasperate her to not play along. The brief daggers she shot him confirmed this notion.
“I found a note from this girl Ashley.”
“That cute little blonde he’s been seeing?” David queried.
Tonya’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, so you think she’s cute, do you? I didn’t realize you were paying such careful attention to the girls our son has been seeing.”
David, realizing he may have just stepped on a proverbial landmine, quickly back pedaled. “Oh, you know, I just thought they made a nice couple. Real lookers, the two of them. Kinda like you and me,” he said, winking. When his wife didn’t return his smile, he added, “Of course that’s because you look good enough for the both of us.”
“Nice try, Mister,” Tonya replied, her voice as dry as the late Indian summer ground. But then she smiled, letting David off the hook. “Apparently he’s not seeing her any more,” she said, and then waited to see what her husband had to say about that.
“That’s too bad,” David shrugged. “She seemed like a nice girl.”
Tonya barked a laugh. “You might not think so when you hear this. I guess our son ghosted her and moved on to someone else, according to her note. But the best part is – ,” Tonya leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with mischievous delight, “because he wasn’t man enough to tell her himself she wants to kick him in the balls. Hard, too, from what I can tell.”
David sat back and took in his wife’s huge smile, thinking to himself how unbelievably beautiful she looked when something excited her. After a long moment of self-indulgence, he replied, “Is that so?” Tonya nodded her head with enthusiasm. “Well, I do think it’s about time Ryan learned the hard facts of life and what it means to be a man. But if he’s ghosting her – whatever the hell that means – how will she have the opportunity?” Judging by the smile Tonya flashed him, David quickly realized his wife already had a plan.
“I think I’m going to go over to the mall today. Ryan said she worked at a store there. If I find her, I’m going to tell her I found the little note she wrote and after reading it I came to the same conclusion she did – that Ryan deserves to have her kick him right in the balls for what he did. Then I’ll invite her over this evening and tell her she has my blessing – and yours – to kick him in the balls as hard as she feels like. What do you think?”
David sat silent for a moment, stirring his eggs around with a fork. Suddenly he smiled and then laughed heartily. “Is that why you made eggs this morning? Was it your subtle way of telling me you knew someone was about to get his eggs scrambled?”
Tonya only beamed.
“You know, hon,” David said thoughtfully. “She might not be working today. I sure hope she is, though. It really is about time he experienced what it feels like to be brought low by a girl, so he can learn what it means to be a true man. I should be home from work by six tonight, so maybe you could have this girl come by around seven? If you find her,” he added, looking at his watch. “Hey babe, I gotta get going. As much as I’d love to talk more about this, duty calls.” He stood up and kissed Tonya on the forehead on his way to add his dishes to the sink. “But just know, I’ll be waiting anxiously all day!” He called over his shoulder as he headed out the door.
The day passed slowly for Tonya. Ryan did indeed mow the lawn – edged it, too. Good boy, she thought as his sweaty body drifted up the stairs on its way to the shower. She looked at the clock in the home office where she was filing some bills. Thirty minutes and he should be gone and I can set my plan in action, Tonya mused.
As she strolled through the mostly dead aisles of the mall – 2:15 on a week day wasn’t exactly peak shopping – Tonya headed for Rally House, where Ryan worked part-time, remembering that he’d said Ashley’s store was across from it. Sure enough, Altar’d State was directly across the way. Tonya ducked inside and started scouting for the cute blonde Ashley. She was in the far right corner of the store folding a stack of t-shirts.
“Ashley?” Tonya asked quietly, afraid of interrupting the girl’s progress. Ashley looked up and Tonya could see a quick burst of confusion in the Ashley’s electric blue eyes. But then it quickly passed.
“I know you,” Ashley said, her voice light and silky. “You’re Ryan’s mom, aren’t you?”
As Ashley voiced her son’s name, Tonya could see the girl’s pretty mouth turn down a little at the corners. “I am,” Tonya answered, “and I understand why you might frown at the sound of his name.” Tonya hoped her own voice conveyed the support she had for Ashley and not her son.
“What do you mean?” Ashley asked, confusion clouding her face.
Tonya smiled warmly. “Let’s just say I found a little note you wrote my son.” Ashley blanched. “It’s okay, Ashley. Really.”
Ashley looked down at her feet. “I was really angry when I wrote that. I’m sorry I said – ,”
Tonya quickly cut her off. “Don’t be sorry! I may be Ryan’s mother, but I’m also a woman. If a guy did that to me, I’d want to kick him in the balls, too!”
Ashley looked up, allowing her face to brighten slightly. “Really?”
“For sure!” Tonya answered emphatically. “Trust me, my son deserves that kick in the balls you want to give him. In fact, I was thinking maybe if you weren’t busy later, you could give it to him tonight. Would you like that?”
Ashley smiled, but her eyes had a certain are-you-for-real-right-now kind of look. “Um, I…” Ashley started but then trailed off, still not fully believing what was happening.
“I am dead serious about this, Ashley,” Tonya said when she saw the doubt in Ashley’s eyes. “In fact, my husband also agrees that you are well within your rights as a girl to boot Ryan’s balls for how he treated you. So what do you say?” Tonya waited, her breath bated, feeling the anxious excitement swelling inside her as Ashley seemed to consider her offer.
“Well, I get off at 6:30 tonight and then I guess I don’t have any plans,” Ashley admitted, finally allowing herself a small, delighted smile. “You really don’t care if I kick him in the balls?”
Tonya again smiled warmly at the incredulous tone of Ashley’s voice. “No dear, of course not! I want you to,” she affirmed, reaching into her purse to scribble down their address.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Ashley said. “I know where you live. I’ll be there around seven.”
“Perfect!” Tonya exclaimed, stashing the pen and paper back in her purse. She gave Ashley a quick looking over. The girl was wearing skinny jeans that drew ones eyes to her youthful, womanly curves and a slinky pair of shiny beige high heels that came to a nice point. She had one side of her large, glittery-necked t-shirt tucked into the waist of her jeans, stretching the thin fabric taut over her well-rounded young breasts. How in the hell could Ryan walk away from such a picture of femininity, Tonya wondered while understanding why her husband might remember this particular girl. “Don’t change,” Tonya added before making her exit. “Those shoes will really crunch his nuts.”
On the drive home, Tonya’s heart raced. She dialed David and the words rushed out of her immediately upon him answering. “She’s gonna come over,” Tonya gushed. “Around seven. Yes, I’ll make sure Ryan doesn’t make any plans tonight. No, we’re having lasagna. Oh – and you should see the heels Ashley is wearing. Yeah, very pointy. Oh for sure, yeah, she’s really going to make his poor nuts hurt. Mmmm. Love you, too.” When Tonya clicked off, she was grinning from ear to ear and laughing with glee all the way home.
As David took care of washing the dishes, Ryan shuffled off to the living room to play a video game on his phone. Tonya, meanwhile had another trick up her sleeve and she set about making it happen. First she grabbed the small tripod from the home office and then set it up on the ledge of the cut out between the kitchen and the living room. She placed her phone in the tripod’s clamp and flicked on her camera. From the window in the wall between the rooms, Tonya had a perfect view of the wide open area in front of the fireplace where the TV hung. That, she thought, is where Ryan will get his balls busted for the first time. She glanced at the clock. Ten minutes to seven, she read, and her heart beat quickened. At precisely 7:03, the doorbell chimed. Tonya saw Ryan’s eyes raise briefly then return to his phone, completely oblivious as to what was about to befall him. Tonya chuckled merrily to herself.
“I’ll get it,” David called, making his way over to the front door. “Probably just a solicitor,” he added, trying to calm the excitement from his voice. But it was hard not to be excited. His son was about to become a man!
“Why hello,” David said, smiling warmly as he opened the door and ushered Ashley inside. “Hey Ry,” he called, “I think it’s someone for you.” Per his wife’s plan, David whispered in the girl’s ear. “You’re still pissed about what he did, right.” When Ashley nodded her pretty head, he continued. “Good. Ryan will be surprised to see you, I’m sure. Don’t say a word, though. Just walk up to him real calm like and then kick him in the balls as hard as you want.” When Ashley’s eyes widen a little, David flashed a reassuring grin. The grin became a smile when the hard edge returned to the girl’s eyes and David knew she’d taken his words to heart.
As David imparted these last bits of instruction, Tonya pressed the record button on her phone’s camera and then slapped Ryan lightly on the back of his head. “You have a visitor. Get off your phone.”
Ryan tossed his phone aside grumpily and rose slowly from the sofa. He started stretching but stopped when he saw who his visitor was. His eyes went wide from shock or horror – or both. “Ashley!” He cried out, sounding stunned as he back pedaled across the living room floor.
Perfect, thought Tonya as she watched her son moved directly into the camera’s line of sight.
“What are you doing here?” Ryan demanded, looking as if he was trying to disappear into the fireplace.
But Ashley said nothing as David guided her into the living room before dropping his arm from the small of her back and disappearing into the kitchen where Tonya was watching, breathless. The happy parents left their son alone in the living room to face the pretty young girl he had recently ghosted. They watched, silent and intent as she walked toward him, impressed by the authenticity of the smile Ashley forced onto her face.
“Her eyes are sparkling,” Tonya whispered giddily to her husband who was peering around her shoulder and into the living room.
“So are yours!” David whispered back, sounding every bit as excited.
“Seriously, Ash. What the – ,” Ryan sputtered, backed up against the mantle.
Before he could finish, Ashley was in front of him and she was no longer smiling. Instead, her eyes had narrowed and her thin, neatly trimmed eyebrows were furrowed from her rage. There were two spots of color as her cheeks flushed. Her heels clacked hard on the living room’s wood floor and echoed around the airy space. To Tonya and David – and most likely to Ryan as well – Ashley, despite her soft femininity, looked like she meant business. In fact, there was no hesitation in her fluid movements. Without breaking stride, she planted her left foot, the resulting clack of her step sounding like a gunshot, even as she drew back her right leg.
Tonya watched the pretty girl’s graceful movements greedily while David studied his son’s face. The poor kid looked completely baffled, confusion swimming in his terrified eyes. David’s heart skipped a beat as he heard Tonya whisper intensely under her breath. “Kick his balls, Ashley. He deserves it! Kick them hard.”
David, his eyes darting from Ryan’s face over to Ashley’s nubile form, watched as the beautiful young woman, as if hearing his wife’s urgent plea, drove the top of her foot squarely between his son’s legs. David grimaced involuntarily, gritting his teeth at the awful thwump the girl’s dainty foot made as she smashed the tender, fertile and heavy balls hanging between the solid and muscled legs of the young man. David heard his wife moan with pleasure as Ashley kicked their son hard – almost deliciously so – dead in his balls.
An immense warmth surged through Ashley like the release of an orgasm as she felt Ryan’s testicles give, deforming into flat discs between his pubic bone and the top of her foot. Her delicate face flushed immediately at the pleasurable sensation, giving Ashley an aura of divine radiance. She felt his body weight instantly sag against her foot, pushing her leg back toward the floor as any trace of strength he once possessed disappeared with her busting of his balls. Though it was her first time ever kicking a guy (but oh, how she’d wanted to so many times) Ashley knew, instinctively, like a gift bestowed to her by the gods, that she had smashed his balls indelibly. What took her breath away was feeling of intoxication that enveloped her as she busted him, going straight to her head like champagne, making her dizzy with delight.
Her pleasure only heightened as she stepped back and watched the fallout. There was so much to take in! Ashley’s eyes immediately gravitated below Ryan’s belt where his hands flew, in a blurring rush, between his legs as he doubled over at the waist. It left him looking undignified to say the least but Ashley understood with sudden clarity that he simply couldn’t help it. It was what a man had to do when a woman kicked his balls: hold them with both hands as they radiated blinding, insatiable pain throughout his body and soul. And seeing Ryan clutch fruitlessly at his balls brought a smile to Ashley’s glossy, painted lips that reached all the way up to her eyes.
Those smiling blue eyes drifted up and Ashley nearly laughed when she saw the straining cords of his neck muscles and the veins bulging around his temples as he tried to find his breath. His teeth were gritted so hard it wouldn’t have surprised Ashley at all if she saw him tomorrow and found them ground down to little nubs. But when she saw his eyebrows pinched together, curling upward toward the ceiling above the bridge of his nose, and his eyes squeezed shut against the pain, she let out a delighted, girlish giggle. It was an expression of utter regret and disbelief and Ashley could almost see his blue eyes looking at her, betrayed and pleading, from under his closed lids as Ryan wondered what the hell had just happened to him.
“You got your balls kicked hard by a girl, silly.” The simple explanation voiced itself in Ashley’s mind and she put a hand over her mouth as her giggling intensified.
As if he could her Ashley’s inner voice, Ryan’s body collapsed even before Ashley could fully form the words in her mind. It was like they were a heavy hand pushing his weakened frame to the ground and he sank slowly and pitifully to the floor. But only for a moment – a moment that would stick with Ashley forever. Seeing him on his knees before her, on the surface completely unaware of anything happening around him, but on a deeper level, knowing he was in such a dishonorable position because a slender, delicate girl had shown him her superiority by busting his balls, made Ashley swell with pride. Every girl should experience the pure delight of having a guy on his knees, holding his balls for her to see, she thought as she looked down on him.
But what came next was perhaps the most fascinating thing Ashley witnessed. Whatever was keeping Ryan somewhat upright vanished and he caved, pitching onto his side as his body curled like a dying spider. He rocked gently, to and fro and a low moan escaped his mouth. “Ooooooh,” she heard him utter and it was the most singular, honest expression of pain she’d ever heard. “Ooooooh,” he moaned again, and his bewilderment rang in Ashley’s ears. “Ooooooh.” Now it was a cry for help. “Oooooooh.” Does anyone feel sorry for me? “Ooooooh.” Again, the enormity of the pain.
And so it was that Ashley found herself with her own hands between her legs, as if they were reassuring her that she was safe, that she didn’t have balls that could be crushed so easily and cripple her, as she gazed with rapt interest as Ryan issued moan after moan after moan. How his guttural moans testified to the pain she’d caused him! Ashley had never felt more satisfied in her young life.
As Ryan rolled back and forth on the ground, he felt like time somehow slipped. One minute he was looking at Ashley’s pretty smile – but then, somehow, it felt to him like she wasn’t smiling at all – while wondering why she was at his house. The next thing he knew, he was consumed by an extraordinary amount of pain, like nothing he’d ever experienced before and he felt sick to his stomach, weak and dizzy. The pain was so sharp, so acute that it was nearly unbearable. He opened one eye a crack and found his sight line was no longer vertical but horizontal. His mind raced. How the hell did he get on the ground? Before he could answer himself another hot burst of pain jolted him and he moaned loudly. “Ooooooh.” His guts cramped up and he felt a wave of nausea roll over him.
It quickly passed and Ryan became aware that the origins of the sickening pain stemmed from his groin and he realized that it was his balls that were hurting him terribly. No sooner had he registered the source of his misery than he felt the weight of his nuts as they filled his hands. He squeezed them carefully, massaging them just a little hoping that it would ease the pain. “Ooooooooh,” he moaned in an eerie, low mewl as the pain only intensified once again. When it, too, passed, Ryan opened his eye a sliver and looked up. He suddenly wanted to crawl into the fireplace and disintegrate into ashes. Above him, Ryan saw Ashley, her face flushed with color, her full lips parted in a rapturous smile, staring down at him, her eyes locked on his groin. And he realized, with cold, crystal clarity, the truth of what had happened. This beautiful girl, whom he had traded in for her friend – like Ashley was simply some kind of commodity, had kicked the very balls that now filled his hands and barked with pain. “Ooooooh.” Another wave of debilitating pain swept through him. As it ebbed, a voice – his own – chided him. “You got kicked in the balls by a girl. And it HURTS!”
An indignant rage kindled in his soul at the realization. It didn’t matter how pretty Ashley looked, his vision was now red. Blazing red. He wanted to punch that delighted smile right off her face. “Ooooooh.” He moaned again as fresh pain gripped him. The anger roaring inside him quelled momentarily as his brain begged – no, it pleaded unabashedly – “Make it stop! Make it stop!” After several pleas, the pain did release its iron grip and the rage returned. The urge to strike Ashley returned with a vengeance. How could she do this to you? His masculine inner voice roared. Fueled by its ardent insistence, Ryan let go of his nuts and tried to push himself from the floor. Fresh terror struck him like a lightning bolt as his sudden movement only served to ignite a fresh wallop of pain from his balls causing him to collapse involuntarily back to the floor.
“I am done,” he thought to himself, feeling utterly alone and helpless. How could he avenge this brutal attack if he couldn’t even get up? Another bolt of panic and terror ripped through him. Ashley, a girl, had rendered him useless and non-functioning while making his balls cause him more pain than he’d ever experienced. “Oooooooh.” He moaned his sickly, involuntary moan and let his head drop to the floor.
David pulled his wife away from the recording phone so as not to disrupt the phone’s microphone from picking up the pained and agonizing moans his son continued to issue. Later, he was sure they’d all want to hear how tortured Ryan sounded.
“Did you see that?” He whispered, flicking his eyes toward the heap that was their son.
“See what?” Tonya whispered back.
David squinted again at Ryan as if trying to convince himself of what he’d seen. “For a second, Ryan tried to get up and he looked pissed!”
Tonya chuckled. “I’m not surprised. But who cares? Clearly he can’t do anything about it. Look at him.” Tonya giggled again. “Ashley totally incapacitated him. I mean, she did say she wanted to kick him in the balls as hard as she could – and it looks like she made good.” Tonya pounded a fist into her open point in emphasis.
“Well,” David said, smiling at Tonya’s harsh, but truthful, appraisal. “I don’t want him being angry about it or angry at Ashley. I better go talk to him.”
Tonya waved him away and David stepped into the living room.
“Hey Ashley,” David said, resting his arm gently around her shoulder. Seeing her worried expression as she looked up at him, David offered his warmest smile. “You look worried. Are you worried about Ryan?” When she shook her head no, another possibility occurred to him, especially when he could feel the tension in her shoulders at his touch. “Are you worried that I’m upset?” This time Ashley nodded slowly. David gave her shoulder a tender, caring squeeze. “I am not – and never will be,” he whispered firmly. “But I think Ryan might be, and I don’t want him to be. So I think I need to talk to him. You’re welcome to stand here while I do, or you can grab a soda or something from the kitchen. I’m sure my wife wouldn’t mind the company. She was quite taken by your performance,” David added with a wink.
As he moved to his son, kneeling beside the boy’s curled up body, David chuckled when he noticed Ashley continue to stare intently at his son’s suffering. Why shouldn’t she stare? He thought. It must make her feel mighty fine. He rubbed a hand gently on Ryan’s back and could feel the boy’s man-sized muscles quivering. He was definitely still hurting. “Hey Ry,” he whispered. “You’re hurting pretty bad aren’t you?” Ryan offered the slightest nod in response. “Are you angry?” Again, the slight nod. “Oh son, please don’t be angry. It won’t do you a bit of good. Listen to me, I beg, and remember what we’ve discussed in the past. It wasn’t so long ago you told me you understood that sometimes girls needed to kick us men in the balls.” David chuckled. “It’s easy to say that if you’ve never been kicked before. But now that you have, you know the full depth of the awful pain, don’t you? And, of course it makes you mad. But let it go. Ashley had every right to kick you in the balls like she did. And, unfair as it may seem, your only right is to simply take it. I’m so proud of you right now, son.” David rubbed his son’s back lovingly as he spoke. “You’re a man now. A real man. Don’t ruin it and try to get back at the pretty little thing gracing our home. Be a man and deal with the pain. Accept that it’s your burden to bear in this life, just like it’s Ashley’s gift, as a girl, to cause it. Look at her and see the beautiful, feminine creature she is and let yourself adore her. Yes, she kicked your balls hard, but she’s still here. She cares about you. Please trust me. You will be a better man for what she did just now.” David began to rise but then stopped, kneeling again. “Oh, and it’s okay to feel embarrassed or ashamed, too. That’s just part of the package. Sure, Ashley might laugh at you for being so weak, but that’s just a man’s plot in life. You’ll get over it. I know you will.” With one more gentle pat on the back, David rose, winked again at Ashley, and made his way back to his wife’s side.
After about fifteen minutes, Ashley finally had her fill of Ryan’s anguish. She walked over to the kitchen and peeked in, almost timidly, but stood a little taller when she saw Tonya waving her in with enthusiasm sparkling in her eyes.
“Want something to drink?” Tonya asked, sliding a chair out for the girl.
“I’ll take a soda, if you don’t mind,” Ashley said, sounding polite and sweet.
David moved over to fridge and pulled out a can of Coke. “Do you want ice and a glass?” When Ashley shook her head, David popped the tab and handed her the cold can. Then he went and sat at the far end of the table, where he could keep his eye on Ryan, while giving Ashley and his wife some private “girl” time.
“Impressive,” Tonya commented, looking at Ashley with no small amount of respect as the girl sipped her soda.
“Thanks,” Ashley said, looking far away and dreamy. After a short pause, Ashley looked at Tonya, “You know, Mrs. - “
“Tonya. It’s Tonya, not Mrs. anything,” Tonya said smiling.
“Okay Tonya,” Ashley said, cautiously as if trying it out might be best to start with. “Did you know that this was the first time I’ve ever kicked a boy, ya know,” Ashley’s eyes dropped and she studied the pattern of tile on the floor for a beat before looking up again, “in the balls.”
Tonya’s eyes lit up at the same time that her mouth fell open. The girl was a natural then, she thought, and on the heels of that notion, how lucky am I to be a part of it? “You’re kidding me,” was what she said, though.
Ashley shook her head. “It’s true. I mean, I’ve sure wanted to. Plenty of times,” she added when she saw Tonya nod and smile.
“Well you could have fooled me,” Tonya said, letting the honesty ring in her voice. “Besides witnessing it myself, it’s been fifteen or twenty minutes and Ryan is still on the ground, so I know you did a proper job of busting his balls for him. It’s hard to believe that it was your first time!” The words practically gushed from Tonya’s mouth. “So how did it feel?” Tonya asked, squeezing the girl’s shoulder with maternal pride.
“It felt… great? No,” Ashley shook her head like it was an eraser trying to wipe away a wrong answer. “It was more than great. It was incredible. Amazing.” Ashley paused, her eyes dimming briefly before the sparkle returned tenfold. “It was absolutely intoxicating!”
Tonya laughed. “It’s all those things, Ashley! So what did you like most about it?”
“Everything!” Ashley blurted, laughing herself. “I don’t know. I mean it felt really good to feel Ryan’s balls smush against my foot, and it was awesome to see him buckle and make those stupid, pained faces. It kinda even looked like he regretted it, too,” Ashley added, looking thoughtful as if she was replaying the memory in her mind.
“I’m sure he was regretting it,” Tonya deadpanned, before giggling.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Ashley said, smiling. “But I think what I really loved was having him on his knees and being able to tower over him, like I was super powerful or something.”
“You ARE super powerful, Ashley,” Tonya said emphatically. “You are a girl, a woman, a beautiful female creature, and you hold so much power because of your innate right to kick a boy in his balls if you choose to.”
Ashley smiled but held her tongue for a moment, letting Tonya’s wisdom wash through her like a cleansing flood. “I know he crumbled to the ground too soon after sinking to his knees, but while he was on his knees I also really, like REALLY, enjoyed seeing him hold his balls in front of me. Seeing that made me know he was in soooo much pain. And I loved knowing that I hurt him. Especially there.”
“I know exactly what you mean, dear,” Tonya replied with a smug, conspiratorial grin. When she saw Ashley’s eyes flick to where David was sitting and then back again, Tonya chuckled, inferring what was going through the girl’s mind. “Yes. The answer to your question is yes. I have most certainly kicked my husband in the balls. More than you would think. But he knows that it’s my right. I’m the woman, he’s just the man, and he understands that his balls will get kicked from time to time.”
Ashley’s jaw dropped at Tonya’s blunt, but factual, statement. She could feel her mind spinning and felt a million questions vying for attention. But before she could ask any of them, Ryan’s dad interrupted.
“Looks like someone’s coming around,” he said, rising from his seat.
The two women looked back into the living room and, sure enough, Ryan was pushing himself to his knees, his face still reddened, his eyes moist, but, to everyone’s relief, including David’s, there was no malice in them. Just wounded pride and a quiet humility. And pain.
Tonya looked over to where her son was slowly rising to his feet, grimacing with every movement, and smiled. He looked shaky on his feet as he took a few tentative steps, staring down at the floor in an effort to steady himself. The sight made Tonya chuckle to herself, realizing how his first ball busting had totally disoriented him. “Come join us, Ry,” Tonya called out. “But take your time. We’re not going anywhere.” Ashley and David chuckled at Tonya’s smug tone.
Ryan stopped and finally looked up. His eyes were filled with a mix of shame, worry and reluctance. It was obvious he wanted to do anything but that. And yet, there were other emotions raging below those haunted, nervous eyes. Perhaps curiosity about what the three of them were doing in the kitchen, but more likely, just the deep understanding that if he didn’t join Ashley and his parents, his mother would make him. He took the deepest breath he could – which was still rather shallow – and shuffled over to the kitchen table trying not to make eye contact. When his mother kicked out a chair for him, he sat, gingerly, and stared at his hands resting on the tabletop.
“Welcome back to Earth, Ry,” Tonya quipped, winking at Ashley. “Took you long enough. Jeez. She must’ve really kicked your poor balls hard.
Ryan slouched in his chair and stared harder at his hands, feeling his neck burning as color rose up it, as he listened to his mother’s jab. He said nothing.
“Oh son,” David said, sighing heavily. “Don’t be like that. Stop slouching and sit up like a man. Look at Ashley. Look her in the eye, son.”
At his words, Ashley leaned forward expectantly, her hands folded under her chin. Her eyes were bright, but haughty, and a thin, smug grin danced on her lips. Her blonde hair fell to one side as she tilted her head slightly, making her appear even more condescending.
Slowly, Ryan’s body straightened and he raised his head, his hands gripping the table as if for support. His gaze inched across the table as he did his best to delay his father’s bidding. And then his troubled eyes met hers. The sparkle in her electric blue eyes was like a hammer blow to his heart and his heart jumped in his chest. For all his pain, all his misery, all his embarrassment, he couldn’t deny how beautiful and sultry Ashley was with her confident, smug smile, her glossy blonde hair, her narrow, feminine shoulders and thin, red-coated nails as her bright eyes bored into his. It was a maddening thought. And on the heels of it, he wondered, how could this tiny girl, oozing femininity from every pore, make his balls hurt so bad?
Ryan pondered the question as he held Ashley’s gaze, finding that the burst of rage the question initially sparked was quickly being snuffed out by Ashley’s beautiful aura. He suddenly felt dismayed as he realized how attracted to her he was. It made no sense to him and sent his brain into an anxious tailspin. Only by concentrating on the crystal blue of Ashley’s eyes was he able to keep the room from spinning around him.
A thick, tense silence, weightier than a down blanket, enveloped the table where the boy and the girl sat staring at each other. The boy’s mother and father waited, barely daring to breathe, with a forced patience which was continually prodded and jostled by the eagerness that surged inside them as they wondered how things would play out.
“Ashley, I – ,” Ryan began, awkwardly breaking the heavy silence. His mouth tried forming more words but nothing came out.
Ashley’s smile widened at his stumbling attempt and his clear discomfort. She leaned further over the table, her ass almost lifting from the chair. “Go on,” she said in a purring tone that bordered on taunting.
David swallowed hard as Ashley baited his son, knowing he would’ve been putty in her hands. Her confidence was out of this world and sexy as hell, he mused, and it struck him how lucky his son was to have a girl like Ashley bust his balls for his first experience.
Ashley’s tone slashed at his emotions like a dagger and hurt flashed briefly in Ryan’s eyes. He had wanted to apologize, but now he wasn’t sure. He looked out the corners of his eyes, first at his mother and then his father. He could see them coaxing him to do the right thing with their eyes as they studied him and Ashley. “I…,” Ryan forced himself to refocus his gaze back to Ashley. “I’m sorry Ashley.”
“Sorry for what?” Ashley shot back immediately, in her same taunting purr.
“I’m sorry for ghosting you,” Ryan admitted weakly, his shame causing his face to fall.
“Good,” Ashley said, nodding. Suddenly she smirked. “So you understand why I kicked you in the balls?”
Ryan nodded humbly.
“And you would agree that you needed to have them kicked?”
Ryan’s eyes narrowed for a split second but then he thought about it. He sighed. “You’re right, Ash. I deserved it.” With this admission, a weight felt like it was lifted from his shoulders. His eyes brightened considerably. It didn’t alleviate or diminish any of the physical pain he felt – and was still feeling – but it made him feel better to know that atonement had been made. Ashley had made him sacrifice his balls to clear his conscience.
Ashley nodded, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers thoughtfully and when she smiled across the table at Ryan, her eyes lit up. “So what was it like getting your balls kicked… by a girl?”
Ryan winced and recoiled slightly at Ashley’s question. There was no beating around the bush. She was direct and blunt. But it was the way she asked that really struck a blow to Ryan’s ego – at least what remained of it. Yes, she sounded honestly curious about how it felt, but there was an edge to her tone, a girlish sass, that made him feel like she was mocking him as well. From the corner of his eye, Ryan could see his father’s expectant eyes, warm and interested, and he realized they were all wondering about how he felt. He swallowed hard knowing he would have to answer.
For a long time, Ryan studied his hands as he collected his thoughts. The words that immediately jumped to mind were: awful, embarrassing, soul-crushing, PAIN, pathetic, worst, humiliating, agony. There were more along those unfavorable lines, but Ryan pushed them aside and concentrated on summoning his courage – not only to speak, but to meet Ashley’s eyes as he did. When he finally looked up he found her eyes already on him, hungry and haughty, searching his eyes for any and every trace of emotion they might reveal. It made him feel weak and small all over again, and yet, he was somehow buoyed by her fascination. Of course, it might have been easier for him if she hadn’t been the girl who’d busted him.
“It hurt, Ashley,” Ryan said quietly. “That was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my entire life.” Ashley’s smile widened as she nodded. “I’ve been in a few fights but no guy has ever made me feel any pain remotely close to the pain you put me in.” Though it was an awful thing to admit, Ryan could feel a sense of awe emerging in his voice. “In fact, it still hurts pretty bad.”
As Ashley listened to Ryan’s humble admissions, she found she was on the verge of laughter. When she saw his hands slip below the tabletop as he confessed that he was still hurting, it was too much and she giggled, wishing she could peek under the table and see his hands rubbing tenderly in his crotch.
Despite Ashley’s demeaning laughter, Ryan pressed on. “Yeah, the biggest thing I felt was the pain.” He smiled suddenly causing Ashley to draw back just a little as her eyes widened in surprise. “It was like the word ‘pain’ was flashing in bold, red capital letters, like a red alert, consuming my every thought.” Now Ryan even chuckled a little. “It was like nothing else existed except for the pain emanating from my balls and searing my brain.” Ryan looked away, his eyes twitching rapidly as he tried to put his finger on the fuzzy idea budding in his mind. “You know, as bad as that was, I almost wish it didn’t go away.” When Ashley’s mouth gaped, Ryan realized she’d misunderstood him. “I don’t mean that because I liked it – it was terrible. I wished it would stay because it consumed me completely and I could think of nothing else. But…,” Ryan’s smile fell away as he dredged up the worst part of his experience and he paused, his heart suddenly heavy. He looked over at his father who was nodding, clearly understanding what Ryan was feeling.
“Go on, son,” David said, the empathy rich in his voice. “I know it’s hard to relive, but do your best.”
Ryan tried to let his eyes show the gratefulness that he felt knowing he wasn’t completely alone and then turned back to Ashley. “Once the pain ebbed enough for actual thoughts to come back, it was utterly demoralizing. I felt the deepest sense of shame and total embarrassed as I realized you – a girl! – had kicked me in the balls.” Ryan shook his head dejectedly.
“Why did it matter that I’m a girl?” Ashley asked, genuinely curious.
Ryan looked at her blankly for a moment. Why did it matter? “I… I don’t know,” he said, as he tried to figure out the reason. “I guess it’s because, for starters, girls are supposed to be weaker than boys. But like I said, when you kicked me, I’ve never felt more pain in my life. And it’s a different kind of pain, one that hit me in my soul. It seemed to go beyond my physical body and infect my very core. A girl shouldn’t be able to do that to a guy, but yet you did.” Ryan’s brows creased, revealing his self-doubt. “And then to realize I was curled up on the ground, having to look up at you in such a submissive position – well, it was maddening. All I could do was lay there and hold myself knowing that you were just standing there watching me suffer. I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.” The intensity surging in Ryan’s voice made his frustration plain.
“You literally couldn’t do anything? Like you were physically unable to get up?” Ashley asked, looking shocked but quite amused.
“Oh no,” Ryan blurted without thinking about how pathetic it might have sounded. “There’s no way I could’ve gotten up. It felt like all my strength had disappeared.” He grinned, but it was a doleful, disquieting grin. “I don’t know that I could have held a feather if you asked me to.”
“Wow,” Ashley said, not looking the least bit sympathetic. “That’s kinda… awesome, actually!” Another one of those smug smiles crept onto her face as she spoke.
“Maybe for you,” Ryan said glumly, “but it made me feel hollow and insignificant. And pathetically weak.” He grimaced at the notion, his voice cracking as he spoke. He tried clearing his throat, but it only made him cough, which caused a fresh ripple of pain to rise from his groin – though, thankfully, it was much diminished. “Could I maybe get a soda or something?”
Tonya made no move to get her son a soda, thinking it might be amusing to see him have to shuffle over to the fridge and get it himself, but David quickly rose. Though he would’ve enjoyed seeing his son have to limp pathetically right in front of Ashley, he had another reason to get up. He leaned over in Ashley’s ear and beckoned her to join him. As they retrieved a Coke for Ryan, David pulled Ashley aside and whispered his idea. When Ashley more than affirmed it, David brought his son the soda as Ashley returned to her seat.
“Thanks Dad,” Ryan said, taking a healthy sip. And then another. He wiped his mouth and looked back at Ashley, who was now sitting back with her arms folded beneath her chest. Ryan couldn’t help notice the way it pushed her breasts up, making them appear firm and rounded under her shirt, making her look every inch of a woman. And while it stung him again to think about how she’d kicked his balls, seeing her look so… so… feminine, he was surprised to discover there was a part of him that thrilled to know she had. And anyway, he’d deserved it for being so insensitive, so yeah, she did the right thing by kicking him. Maybe it was the sight of Ashley looking so smug and confident and oozing femininity, or maybe it was the reduction in the pain he was feeling – no longer a gripping vise, but more of a throbbing ache, that turned his thoughts in a more positive direction. Whatever it was, Ryan let the feeling grow until he found himself actually appreciating Ashley’s decisive action and admiring her for it.
“This soda must’ve gone straight to my head, Ash,” Ryan said, turning the can in his hand and smiling as she tilted her head questioningly. “I just described the worst, most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, and now I find myself admiring you.”
Ashley nearly gasped at this unexpected turn and she could feel the heat of the color rising up her neck. “You… you do?” She asked, sounding uncertain but pleased nonetheless.
Ryan smiled, enjoying the feeling of catching Ashley off guard. “It’s so weird to say, but yeah, I really do. I feel like no guy in his right mind would say this, but I’m actually glad you kicked me in the balls, Ash.” There was total wonder in Ryan’s voice as he spoke. “It’s the strangest sensation. On one hand, it hurt so bad and that sucked,” Ryan admitted, “but on the other hand, there was something that just felt right about it.” Now he shook his head in disbelief at what he was saying, throwing his hands in the air like he couldn’t explain it further.
“You’re glad I kicked you in the nuts?” Ashley asked, sharing Ryan’s disbelief.
Ryan chuckled. “Well, it’s not like I’d ask for it or anything, but if you ever did it again, yeah, I’d probably admire you for it.”
“Oh, that’s the spirit, son,” David encouraged in a soft voice as his wife nodded her agreement, a happy smile gracing her face.
Ryan smiled slightly at the praise and looked at Ashley, his shoulders shrugging as if to say, “What can I say?”
“Wow. Just wow,” Ashley said, her blue eyes widening along with her smile. But behind her smile, she was already thinking about what David had said moments ago and now, hearing Ryan’s words, a thrill of excitement gripped her as her brain formulated a plan. “I can’t believe it. I was so upset with you when I came over tonight, but now I feel like I could hug you!” Ashley gushed as she pushed herself away from the table.
As the pretty girl – a woman now, really – rose from her seat, David took it as his cue and he stood, moving quickly and quietly over to where Tonya had the phone’s video camera set up. He pulled it from the stand and switched the phone from video to camera and tried to situate himself where he’d have the best angle.
Tonya noted her husband’s silent movements and cocked an eyebrow wondering what the hell was up his sleeve. She drew closer to the table as Ashley made her way around Tonya’s chair and observed a flush on the girl’s cheeks. It was a flush of thrill and anticipation if Tonya ever saw one. She looked over to where Ryan had risen from his chair, standing with his arms half raised, looking surprised but hopeful about Ashley’s offer of a hug. As eager as he was to take Ashley in his arms, Tonya couldn’t help noticing the way he held his body, turned in slightly. It hinted at his subconscious effort to put a small amount of defense in place. Tonya smiled thinking maybe her son really had learned a valuable lesson.
Ashley walked around the table, her stride confident, beaming at Ryan, her arms already coming up in preparation for the embrace. Stepping right up to him, Ashley circled her arms around Ryan’s neck. She looked up into his hopeful eyes and felt his hands clasp behind her back. Ashley let the desire she was feeling shine in her eyes and saw Ryan’s pupils dilate slightly under her gaze. She inhaled silently through her nose, sliding her hands onto his shoulders. She let them rest lightly for a moment and then gripped firmly. She smiled to herself as his eyes widened in confusion as he felt her fingers dig into his well-formed trapezoids. And then Ashley shifted her weight, her right leg taking a small step backward. The confusion in Ryan’s eyes morphed into concern and then outright fear and Ashley drank it in like an elixir. This was going to feel great, she thought.
The air grew heavy with tension in the blink of an eye as Ashley’s promised embrace threatened to become something else. A mischievous silence enveloped the kitchen as David and Tonya dared not breathe, their eyes zeroed in on where Ashley and Ryan stood facing each other. The girl, her arms raised to reach his broad shoulders, the boy – their son – lowering his face to look into the girl’s eyes as he towered above her. Tonya couldn’t help but think how masculine her son looked and how demurely feminine Ashley looked as they stood in a near embrace. Not for long, my son, she thought as a devilish grin stole onto her lips.
As if she could read Tonya’s mind, Ashley loaded her right leg and then drove it up like a piston. Giving everything she had, Ashley kneed Ryan in his balls as hard as she could, grunting with girlish delight as she did.
Ryan immediately buckled, the fear in his eyes turning briefly to regret before filling with pain. For the second time in less than an hour, Ryan’s balls exploded with potent, gut-wrenching, stomach-clenching, debilitating pain. He sank hard and fast to his knees and clutched at his injured testicles with manic desperation.
Ashley looked on smugly as Ryan dropped to the floor, relishing how she’d cut his height in half, leaving him face level with her womanhood. She laughed to herself thinking, “Nope. No nuts there, buddy-boy, just the smooth, flat surface of my pussy. I bet you’re wishing you had one right about now instead of those big, manly balls I just smashed.” When he cupped his balls and held them tightly, Ashley nearly moaned with pleasure.
Tonya gasped delightedly, covering her mouth with her hand, as she watched the petite, beautiful Ashley drive her knee hard into Ryan’s balls instead of hugging him. Her eyes glinted with gratification as Tonya observed the pained and wounded look in her son’s eyes, knowing he must be hurting terribly. It warmed her heart to see Ashley justifiably smirking as the girl now loomed over her son, taking in his torment. Look to your hearts content, sweetie, Tonya thought, savor the way you made his balls hurt. Tonya knew Ashley had earned that right, too. Not only had the girl walked into their home and, without a word, kicked their son in the balls as hard as she could, now she’d delivered a hard knee in the exact same spot. Her son’s balls were bound to be bruised, maybe even swollen. Tonya tittered at the thought of her son holding his swollen balls later and remembering how Ashley had busted him, leaving him suffering on his knees.
For a full minute, Ryan trembled on his knees, holding his balls for dear life as the pain consumed him. When it began to recede, and his brain began functioning again, Ryan almost sighed with relief. Ashley’s knee was not nearly as powerful as her kick – thank the gods for that – he realized. It still hurt terribly but he somehow understood that a second kick might have damn near killed him. He wondered if she had held back at all and his grimace deepened as another thought occurred to him: Ashley could control the amount of pain she wanted him to feel! His heart sank momentarily when he realized how truly at her mercy – or any girl’s, for that matter – and he felt himself despairing as he looked down studying his hands as they cradled his nuts, wondering if he would be finding himself in this position more often moving forward. But when he looked up at Ashley, everything changed.
Looking into her haughty but striking blue eyes and seeing her beautiful face glowing with self-satisfaction, Ryan’s despair lifted like fog in the midday sun. Ashley looked stunning, the full embodiment of how a woman should look: her body small and almost delicate, like it needed protecting, while her soft, warm face bespoke of a strength that showed she didn’t need a man’s protection – a strength Ryan would never know or have. He understood the power she wielded and recognized that she had every right to use it. If she wanted to bust his balls hard enough to incapacitate him, she could. No, Ryan though, correcting himself, she should. But if she just wanted to remind him of the precarious nature of his cursed jewels, she could do that, too. And he would just have to be grateful for her discretion and mercy that she chose not to make him hurt worse.
Sensing his son’s thoughts, David zoomed in and snapped a picture of Ryan’s contorted face as it revealed the deep range of emotions coursing inside him. He waited anxiously, his fingers metaphorically crossed, that when Ryan finally looked at Ashley, there would be nothing but open, unabashed adoration in his son’s eyes for the girl. His hopes were not in vain.
When Ryan looked at Ashley, his brain swirling with discovery, he felt his eyes fill up with pure, unadulterated adoration. Seeing the euphoric joy spread across her face left him dizzy and wanting to please her. He leaned back slightly and made a show of holding his balls, grimacing as he did, just so she would know how much she’d hurt him. It still embarrassed him to know that a girl did this to him, but he owned it, letting himself feel stupid and weak as he looked up at her. It made him feel good in his soul to see Ashley standing proudly, filled with satisfaction because she’d made his balls hurt.
David smiled as he peered through the viewfinder, as proud of his son as Ryan was of Ashley. Atta boy, Ry, he thought, show her how much you admire her for kneeing you in the balls. Let her know that she really hurt you and that you adore her for it. When David clicked the button, the photograph he snapped was worth a thousand words.
Ashley stood with her legs about shoulder width apart, the pointed toes of her high heels turned slightly in, accentuating the gap between her thighs. Her hands were placed firmly on her hips, bent at the elbows, showing the symmetry of her slender arms. With her shoulders thrown back confidently, Ashley bosom swelled under her tight shirt. The thin fabric of it tented in the shape of candy corn as her nipples hardened with the thrill of her actions. Her neck looked delicate, blonde hair like fine silk cascading down and around it. Ashley’s head was cocked slightly to one side as she looked down at the boy on his knees in front of her. There was color on her high cheeks that belayed her keen excitement. Those electric blue eyes were now smoldering beneath the wet sheen of delight, showing both her contemptuous disdain for Ryan and his pathetic vulnerability as well as the proud satisfaction she felt for herself. In short, if a boy were to stare at Ashley in this photo for more than a brief second, he would be utterly helpless to keep himself from growing instantly hard.
Across from Ashley was the frame of boy much larger and taller than that of the pretty girl. However, it was no longer imposing, cut down to half its size now, the knees bent back underneath it, its feet splayed out in opposite directions. It was a body that gave the impression it wasn’t accustomed to being in such a submissive and humiliating position. The intimidating muscles – lean thighs, wiry, strong arms and carved abs – all quivered and trembled beneath his clothes, feeling emptied of their power, rendered weak and helpless for the first time in the young man’s life. As disconcerting as it was for any man to see the strain in every fiber of Ryan’s body, there were two things, two glaring and horrifying things – if you were a male, that is – jumping out from the photograph.
The first was the uncomfortable way Ryan’s thighs were pressing together as if to provide some sort of protection as they crowded against his strong, youthful hands, which were buried deep in the place where they came together. His hands, overlapping each other, seemed to each be clutching one testicle and, together, pulling them both tight to his body. It was a disquieting thing for a man to observe, an image that would provoke instant empathy at the sickening, debilitating pain the young man was clearly experiencing. But worse than that were the insecurities unlocked upon realizing the boy was suffering because the blonde-haired girl standing across from him had kneed him in those balls he was now clutching. She had been the cause of his terrible pain.
But perhaps even more unsettling than the obvious and undignified way Ryan was holding his balls in front of the girl was the look on his noble face. It was reddened from his struggle to breathe as well as the blood boiling in his veins as the pain racked his body. A thin sheen of sweat glistened above his brow. The muscles on either side of his jaw raised in hard lumps as he grit his teeth together and his cheeks pressed upward, causing the skin around his eyes to crinkle. His lips pressed against his gritted teeth completing the pained grimace. It was a grimace a man might make if he stubbed his toe or slammed a finger in the door, except the one on Ryan’s face was different and the difference was in his eyes.
Yes, the pain was clearly visible in his wet eyes, but there was so much more going on inside them as well. While the lower half of Ryan’s face spoke only to pain and suffering, his eyes displayed a wide range of emotions. The way his eyebrows raised up above the bridge of his nose evoked both regret and hope. The angle of his eyes as they looked up beyond his slightly bowed head showed humility and respect as he forced himself to meet the pretty girl’s eyes. Though it was hard to put a finger on, Ryan’s eyes also caused the observer to feel a sense of approval coming from the young man, like he knew Ashley merited his blessing for busting his balls. And yet, in the midst of all that, there was a soft brightness emanating from his wide eyes, a light than shined up into Ashley’s smug, but pretty face. It was a light filled with desire, belaying his need to worship and adore the feminine beauty before him, to surrender himself to her whims. It was a light filled with admiration for what she’d done and pure adoration for her beauty and power. In short, his eyes revealed his understanding that the ball busting Ashley had given him was entirely appropriate and necessary and that she should be adored and set on high for busting him.
David motioned for his wife to come over, holding the phone up and pointing at it, a giddy smile on his face. Tonya stepped over to where he was standing and stared at the picture. Her eyes lit up as she studied the image of her son. His expression captured perfectly his pain, his admiration for Ashley and his gratitude for the busting she’d given him. Tonya’s heart swelled with pride for her son and for Ashley.
“It’s wonderful, dear,” Tonya said, looking at David admiringly. As she looked into the depths of his eyes, recognizing the joy he was feeling at the scene displayed in the photo he’d taken, another idea occurred to Tonya. She leaned and whispered something causing his eyes to shimmer briefly and his grin to widen.
Tonya then walked over to where her son was on his knees and put her arm around his shoulder, winking at Ashley as she did. The girl smiled happily, blushing at the commendation in Tonya’s eyes. “Well, Ry, I guess you weren’t expecting that.” The smirk in Tonya’s voice was firm but playful. “You thought you were getting a hug,” Tonya said grinning. She chuckled. “But all you got was a knee in the balls. Oooh,” Tonya said, mocking her son with feigned empathy, “that’s gotta hurt.”
Ryan’s eyes fell at his mother’s words but he only nodded in response.
Tonya laughed a little harder at the humble, silent confirmation of his pain. “Although I do wonder,” she said, pausing to muse, “which was worse. Ashley kicking you or taking her knee straight to your balls?” As she teased him, Tonya looked over to Ashley, smirking.
Seeing Tonya’s smirk further emboldened the young girl and Ashley joined in. “Yeah, Ryan. Did it hurt more when I kicked you in the nuts or just now when I kneed you?”
Ryan could feel his neck burning as Ashley and his mother taunted him. He knew they wanted to embarrass him even more – and it was working. Still, there was an earnest edge to Ashley’s voice underneath the smug gibe and he felt he owed her an answer. He looked up at Ashley but before he could speak, it suddenly occurred to him how pathetic he must look, still on his knees, still holding his busted balls. Quickly, he slid his hands to his thighs. His testicles dropped against the stiff fabric of his pants and a jolt of pain ripped through him despite the minimal force of gravity. His hands quickly slid back in support. Another pang of humiliation stabbed him as he watched Ashley’s eyes widen momentarily before her mouth broke into a shocked smile, an amused giggle escaping her at his failed bravado. Ryan breathed several heavy breaths trying to shake off this latest embarrassment. Composed, he looked back at Ashley, his eyes open and honest. “It hurt worse when you kicked me, Ashley,” he said in the firmest tone he could manage. When Ashley just stared at him like she expected more, he added, in a much quieter voice, “in the balls.”
Ashley held her gaze on Ryan for a beat longer than she needed to, but then broke into a beaming grin. “I knew it!” She exclaimed. “I knew I kicked your balls soooo hard!”
When Ashley clapped her hands happily, Ryan couldn’t help but smile. He nodded, affirming that she truly had. “But your knee hurt, too,” he said, his smiling dimming just a little. “But it was kinda nice, in a way.” A far away look came into Ryan’s eye as he thought back to what had just happened a few short minutes ago. “It was nice to feel your body close to me and feel the touch of your hands, the heat from your body,” Ryan said, feeling a shiver of pleasure ripple on his skin at the memory. “I don’t know… it just seemed more personal, I guess. Like I wasn’t just a set of nuts you wanted to bust.” Ryan squinted, looking briefly at the ground. “It was like you specifically wanted to bust my balls and make me hurt. And that felt good. I – ,” Ryan trailed off, feeling unable to fully express his feelings.
Seeing her son’s exasperation, Tonya rubbed his shoulders and said what he could not. “It made you feel like she cared about you, didn’t it? Even though she kneed you in the balls, it felt like she did it because she cared.”
Ryan craned his neck and looked at his mother gratefully. “Yes! That’s it!” He blurted, feeling relieved to hear his fuzzy emotions stated so accurately. The warmth he saw in his mother’s eye made him feel good.
“Well, now that we know she kicked you harder than she kneed you, maybe it’s about time you got to your feet my boy,” Tonya said, breaking the mother-and-son moment.
“I don’t know, Mom,” Ryan said, though in truth, amid the distraction of their conversation, the pain he was feeling had diminished greatly. But when his mother grabbed him under the arms, he rose compliantly.
“Come over here, honey,” Tonya said to Ashley as she dragged her son over in front of the fireplace.
Ashley sauntered over, intentionally swinging her hips in wide arcs as she walked, making it impossible for Ryan not to stare lustfully at her legs and ass.
“Now,” Tonya said, looking first at her son and then at Ashley, “I want you both to shake hands and make nice.”
Ashley’s hand shot out immediately – as the winners’ always do – but Ryan paused for a moment, gazing at the girl’s delicate, thin fingers and the bright red polish adorning her well-manicured nails. To shake hands now was to admit his defeat – that Ashley had bettered him.
Ah, but she has, hasn’t she? He found himself thinking and he could feel the embarrassment, simmering continually ever since Ashley’s first kick, threatening to boil over again. Ryan looked past her hands and down to her dainty feet, suddenly aware that the pointed high heels encasing them were no accident. A thin, rueful smile creased his mouth as he silently commended her devious nature. She knew she was going to kick me in the balls and she made sure to wear shoes that would make it hurt as much as possible. You sly girl, Ashley, he mused. But he found that conceding her smart, tricky ruse made it easier for him to take her offered hand. He reached out and shook it while Ashley smirked into his face and his mother smiled beatifically between them.
“I’m proud of you, Ryan,” Tonya said, as the boy and girl shook hands in front of her. “I can’t imagine how disheartening and hollow it must feel to have to shake the hand of the girl who just busted your balls.” Ashley giggled as Ryan’s mother jabbed him with such a backhanded compliment. “But regardless,” Tonya continued after the girl’s giggles subsided, “I think we should commemorate this moment. Ashley’s earned her moment in the sun and you deserve to be forever reminded of your defeat. She kicked you in the balls and watched you fall, standing triumphant as you curled up at her feet.” When she looked at Ryan, he looked wounded by the truth of what she’d said, and Tonya smiled at him. “Still stings, to hear, eh? I don’t doubt it,” Tonya said with the hint of a chuckle. “Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m going to stand between you two and hold Ashley’s right hand and your left hand, Ryan.” Tonya took their hands as she instructed them while David moved in front of them, readying the camera. “Now, Ashley, I’m going to raise your right hand high in the air, like a referee does to indicate the winner of a boxing match. I want you to give us your brightest, happiest smile. Can you do that?”
Ashley felt like she was already wearing her brightest, happiest smile as she basked in Tonya’s praise and Ryan’s shame over the ball busting she’d delivered to him. And yet, feeling Tonya’s soft, womanly hand gripping hers, Ashley found her smile growing even bigger. She nodded happily at Ryan’s mother.
“And, Ryan,” Tonya said, looking kindly at her son, “I want you to keep holding my hand as your arm remains hanging in defeat at your side. But I also want you to hold your balls with your right hand.” She gave him a pointed look as he recoiled slightly. Tonya ignored his reaction and plowed ahead with her vision. “Don’t just let your hand hang over them, either. Really grab them. Firm. Like your balls are hurting you as bad as in the moments directly after Ashley kicked them. Make it obvious to anyone looking at this picture that I’m raising Ashley’s arm in victory because she kicked your balls really hard.” When her son swallowed hard, Tonya chuckled. “And don’t be afraid to let the pain come through in your expression. Clench your teeth and grimace,” Tonya instructed. “Let everyone know how much your balls hurt. Also – and this important – ,” she continued, imploring her son with her eyes to do his best on this next part, “Let the adoration you felt for Ashley after she kneed you in the balls shine through as well. We want to see that you’re in pain but that ultimately, you adore the girl who caused your pain. Can you do that?”
Ryan looked at his mother with concerned eyes. It felt like she was asking a lot from him and he wasn’t sure he could pull it off. He could see his father’s eager face behind the camera and the gleeful, expectant face of Ashley as she looked around his mother at him. Understanding how much they wanted this – and if he was completely honest with himself, he had to admit he wanted it, too – but he was no actor. He inhaled deeply as he tried to conjure up the necessary emotions. When he saw his mother shaking her head sadly, Ryan knew he’d failed.
So did Ashley, and she moved around Tonya placing herself in front of Ryan. She didn’t really know what she was doing, but she suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to help Ryan meet his mother’s expectations. Without thinking too hard, Ashley’s fingers wrapped around Ryan’s upper arms and she leaned in and gave him a kiss, right on his lips. After a brief hesitance, Ryan’s lips parted and he pressed his mouth to hers. As they kissed, Ashley brought her knee up and pressed it into Ryan’s groin, soft at first but then harder. She could feel him kiss her even harder as his body squirmed at the fresh pain. As she broke off the kiss, Ashley smiled, only later recalling how wonderful his kiss had been, and gave him one quick, light knee directly in his balls. Ryan doubled over slightly as Ashley slid back beside Tonya, his eyes filling with love in spite of the pain.
Tonya smiled, her pulse quickening as she watched the girl help Ryan finally reach the emotion that she required of him. This girl was smart as a whip, Tonya thought in awe. She was intuitive enough to bust his balls just enough to bring fresh pain, but not enough to send him to the floor again – and that kiss! What a great way to elicit his adoration! Tonya felt Ashley’s hand settle back into hers and she redoubled her grip around her son’s hand. She looked at him from the corner of his eye and found his pose perfectly to her liking. He was holding his balls openly, his mouth drawn into a grimace but his eyes were glowing, practically burning with desire, as they turned in their sockets, straining to get a glimpse of Ashley as Tonya raised her arm in victory.
The picture David captured exceeded Tonya’s wildest expectations.
“How about everyone goes back to the kitchen?” David suggested as Tonya lowered Ashley’s arm. “I need to do something real quick.” Though his wife flashed him a quizzical grin, David shrugged and ducked down the hall.
As the two women and the one boy – a man now – moved over to the table, Tonya asked if anyone was hungry. “I have some chocolate chip cookies if anyone’s interested.”
Ashley’s stomach rumbled at the mention of cookies and she realized she hadn’t eaten since her break nearly seven hours ago. “I’ll take one… or two… if you don’t mind?” She added hopefully.
“Of course dear,” Tonya said. “How about you, Ry?”
Ryan was already sitting, somewhat hunched over the table. He was holding his stomach like he needed to use the restroom. “As good as I know they are, I’ll have to pass,” he said, his face clouding over. “My stomach is really cramping.” His mother smiled and nodded knowingly.
Ashley looked over at him, her eyebrows creased thoughtfully. “Is it cramping because I kicked you in the balls?” The tone of her voice was genuinely curious. When Ryan nodded she’d guessed right, Ashley grinned a little. “Wow, that’s crazy,” she said, but her tone was amused now. “But your balls,” she started, looking at him with a glint of hope in her eye, “they still hurt, too, right?” Again Ryan nodded. “Oh good!” Ashley exclaimed, relieved to learn that he was still in pain down there, too. “Shame you can’t have one of these, though,” she said without much sympathy as she took one of the cookies Tonya had set down and took a large bite. “Mmmm.”
Tonya had to smile at the way Ashley was teasing her son. The girl was a natural, she thought. Taking a much smaller bite than the one Ashley had taken – she wasn’t trying to rub it in her son’s face – she swallowed it down and said, “I wonder what’s taking David so long?”
As if summoning the devil himself, David appeared at that moment waiving two glossy 8”x10” photos at them. “Oh, you gotta see these!” He cried, before adding, “Ooh, cookies. Nice!” He sat down and passed one photo to Ashley and one to Ryan before digging into his cookie.
Ashley’s face glowed when she saw the image in her hands. It was the one where she’d just kneed Ryan in the balls instead of hugging him. He looked so cute, so adorable with his eyes fighting to subdue the pain he was in while displaying his utter admiration for her as he looked up at her. The same smug smile she had in the photograph crept onto her face as she studied the image. Her eyes widened a little when she noticed her hardened nipples pressing against her shirt and shook her head in wonder. Had she been that thrilled and turned on? Based on the pleasurable feeling welling up inside as she looked at Ryan holding his balls in the picture, she realized she probably was. It was intoxicating, she mused.
Conversely, Ryan felt the sting of defeat all over again as he saw Ashley smiling brightly as his mother raised her victorious arm. He towered over both of them, but there was Ashley, the clear-cut winner. In that moment, he understood he would never live it down. That fact became even more apparent as he looked at himself in the picture. Had he really looked so haggard? So beaten? He winced to see himself holding his aching balls, knowing that anyone who saw the photo would intuit immediately that she’d busted his balls very hard. But when Ryan discovered the glowing adoration flowing from his eyes as they looked over to Ashley, he felt a warmth embrace him. How could he not look at her with such naked adoration? She was gorgeous. He passed the picture to his mother who grinned as she quickly glanced at it before passing it to Ashley. His father was already handing him the picture he’d given first to Ashley.
Taking the photo from his father, Ryan grimaced as the memory of how Ashley had tricked him sprang into his mind. He’d really thought she wanted to hug him and he’d left himself totally exposed. A voice from deep within chided him saying, “You deserved to have her knee you in the balls, dummy. You left yourself wide open.” He swallowed hard and looked away. He noticed Ashley staring at her victory pose picture and couldn’t help a smile of his own as he saw her taking it in. She looked blissful and enraptured. He could feel a stirring in his pants as he remembered the humiliation she’d made him feel. God, he wanted her.
Across the table, Ashley’s smile widened and her face flushed as she looked at herself posed in victory. She felt every bit as incredible now as she had when Ryan’s mother had raised her arm. She had never felt more satisfied in her life! She wondered if she would ever feel that good, that proud, again. She looked up and found Ryan’s eyes locked on her. Her smile morphed into a sly grin. “I’d sure like to kick you right in the balls again,” she said, sounding wistful but eager at the same time.
Tonya suddenly laughed out loud, a long, hearty laugh that caused her husband to join her. “I’ll bet you would, honey,” she said between peals of laughter. “But don’t you worry. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities.” This set Tonya laughing all over again. When she’d finally composed herself, she looked into Ashley’s clear blue eyes. “And when you do, take them. You have my permission to kick my son in the balls as hard and as often as you would like.” When Ashley’s mouth fell open, Tonya smiled and flicked her luscious red hair. “Yeah, you heard right. If you get the urge, or he does something stupid… Bust. His Balls. He needs it.”
“Oh! I’m so relieved you think so, too!” Ashley squealed with delight. She couldn’t believe Tonya was giving her full permission to ballbust her son as much as she wanted. A devilish grin spread across her lips as she began to imagine the possibilities that would surely soon present themselves.
“I’m sitting right here,” Ryan stammered, feeling completing unnerved at how eagerly his mother and Ashley were discussing crushing his balls. While it did thrill him in a weird way, it also made him feel extremely uncomfortable. And so very away of those two orbs between his legs, which he could feel tightening defensively in response to the avid chatter.
Tonya looked at her son and rolled her eyes. “We know, Ry. Duh,” she said, dismissing him as she turned back to Ashley.
Feeling even smaller, Ryan looked at his father with pleading eyes.
David leaned over to his son and said in a low voice, “I know this is super hard to hear right now, trust me. In fact, as much fun as we’ve had at your expense, I don’t blame you for not wanting to listen to them.” He paused, rolling a thought around in his mind. “You know, I bet if you tell your mom that you’d like to be excused because you’re still feeling a little ill, she’d probably let you go. She’s not heartless, Ry. Plus, it will probably make her happy to know you’re still hurting so much that you need to go upstairs.”
Ryan looked down at his hands on the table for a moment, pretending to study them as he considered his father’s advice. Finally, he looked up when he noticed a break in the conversation. “Hey Mom?” Tonya glanced over at him. “Would you mind if I, uh, went upstairs? I still feel kinda sick.” Ryan looked at his mom with an exaggerated wince.
Tonya studied her son for a moment and then smirked. It was a warm smirk, though, with none of the cruelness she was capable of showing. “I understand, honey. Yes, why don’t you go to your room and nurse those busted balls.” A little of the cruelness glinted as she spoke the last two words. “We’ll see Ashley out.” Tonya started to turn her attention back to Ashley but stopped abruptly. “Oh, before you go, come over here and thank Ashley one more time.” Her voice was sweet, but there was a commanding edge beneath the softness.
Ryan rose slowly, one hand over his stomach and he half walked, half lurched over to where Ashley was sitting, smiling up at him as she batted her long lashes in a way she knew would demean him. Ryan started to speak but then closed his mouth, wanting to look away from Ashley’s intent gaze.
“Oh come on, Ryan,” Ashley said, coaxing him to speak. “What is it that you’d like to say to me?”
Ryan’s fists clenched briefly at the condescending manner in which Ashley spoke. It was maddening. But then he inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, calming himself, composing himself. Though there was little conviction deep in his soul, Ryan forced himself to put some strength in his voice. “I just wanted to say thank you again.” Ryan let his eyes fall to the floor as he willed himself to continue. “Thank you for kicking me in the balls. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a man. Thank you for…,” Ryan trailed off and glanced at his mother. Tonya’s head nodded slightly, encouraging her son to finish his thought. Ryan looked back at Ashley and let the vacuous enormity of how Ashley had made him feel sweep through him. “Thank you for showing me how powerful girls are.”
Ashley grinned at Ryan’s humble concession, once again feeling that wonderful sense of feminine superiority. With a show of grace contrary to the power rising inside her, Ashley said simply, “You’re welcome.” She watched as Ryan’s head drooped and he limped off to his bedroom.
When he’d gone, Tonya looked first at her husband and then to Ashley. “Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?”
David and Ashley looked at each other and then broke into laughter.
“It certainly was,” David agreed, composing himself as Ashley’s head bobbed up and down in agreement. “What a night.” David glanced over at the clock on the stove. “Wow, it’s later than I thought,” he commented, hoping either Ashley or his wife would take the hint.
“Oh my,” Ashley said, pushing away from the table. “You’re right. I should probably get going.” But the way she lingered, hovering between the kitchen and the living room, revealed her reluctance to end the evening. “This has been the most surreal – but amazing – night of my life,” Ashley confessed. “And now it’s my turn to thank you!” Ashley said, beaming.
“Our pleasure, my dear,” David said, walking over and putting a hand around her shoulder. “I’ll walk you out.”
“Take care, Ashley,” Tonya called as she cleaned up the table. “I can’t wait to see Ryan come limping home some night after you’ve been together.”
Ashley and David were still chuckling as they stepped onto the front porch. David watched as the girl got into her car and backed out of the driveway. What an amazing creature, he thought to himself as he waved good-bye. David stood on the porch for a long while as he stared blankly into the distance. It brought him joy to know his son was now a man and that he’d changed before their very eyes. He sighed contentedly and went back inside.
“Wow,” Tonya said. She was leaning against the sofa, her arms crossed, staring at her husband. “That girl is a natural. She made this experience even better than I could have ever hoped for!”
David nodded, smiling as he strode over toward his wife. Taking her head in his hands, he bent down and kissed her mouth tenderly. “You are a genius. A beautiful genius,” he complimented after the kiss ended.
Tonya let the kiss linger on her lips as she returned her husband’s loving gaze. She could feel her cheeks flushing at his praise. A warmth spread through her and she felt a strong desire to make David feel as good as she did right now. Looking into his eyes, Tonya took a deep breath, her considerable bosom rising and falling, and then she kicked her husband square in the balls. As he dropped, she chuckled with glittering eyes, and said, “A beautiful, powerful genius.” Then she winked and sauntered off, letting her ass sway as she did.
From his knees, gripped by the familiar, exquisite pain, watched his wife’s sexy ass disappear up the stairs. His heart raced, sensing that the evening’s events had put his wife in a frisky mood. He wanted to dash up the stairs and take her in his arms, showering her with kisses. But instead, knowing it would be a while before he could join her in the bedroom, he allowed himself to savor the pain, letting the anticipation build, sweet and maddening, as he held his busted balls.
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