Hola everyone. Im Yaniliz Im 38. Single mom. First time on site. Introduced here by Jhoana jaja!! Exploring site and have questions too- Don't mind talking about my past as long as respectful and understand i still learning my English sorry if I mess up;)

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Heya Yaniliz,

Haha yeah, in English we say grapes too, especially in the context of "squeezing his grapes" lol. Also how often do you hear women talk about this kind of stuff? There must be a lot of some really chauvinistic (machista) men around for women to be constantly bringing up how to keep them in line by grabbing their testicles, lol.

Also for those who aren't sure, cocos refers to coconuts, which sounds funny that "you're gonna kick someone in the coconuts" haha. And yeah, nuts is a very American thing. The British use bollocks a lot, but the most common slang is balls I think. 

Si, scrotum es escroto, entonces el (ball sack) o (nut sack) jajaja. La "bolsa" de los testiculos, jaja.

Have a favourite sentence, in English or in Spanish, for a ballbusting threat?

Eg. "I'm gonna crack your nuts!" or "Te voy a darte huevos revueltos!" jajaja, thanks for the fun forum topic. :P

I hear other women talk about sometime. Not to much for me i no hear all the time you this is truth. But one time a few months maybe I visit home and hear woman tell another woman she get grope on her bum bum by a male ayudante (eeeh como se díce me no translation but maybe helper worker) on the camioneta bus from my town while she try to get in autobus. Other woman tell her to kick him in his testículos if he touch her in such a way next time. she not sure but then agree when another woman say it ok to do it, i turn around and smile at her and she feel more sure then she say ok She do it to him next time he touch. Jajaja. Next time man touch he gonna get a lesson he will no forget!!

Things i say in spanish jajaja well ¡tocar mi culo de nuevo y romper las bolas! Or Miro a mi trasero de nuevo y voy a patearte or if have friend or me have cheating esposo i tell her "¡chinita si un marido tramposo cortar las bolas! jajaja he never cheat again sí ok the last on we women say but no do in real life jaja!

Yeah Ayudante like workmate or colleague. Sorry to hear your friend has to put up with some physical harassment. I feel like she should be blunt and tell him no. However, if she has, and it's still going, then I guess a little kick in the testiculos should do the trick, lol. I'm sure he will learn after that (make sure he isn't into that sort of thing though, haha).

Haha ah yes, I know you're not actually going to cut his balls off, but the threat is sometimes enough to make a man stop and have second thoughts. El puede pensar "y que pasas si ella me vas a cortar las bolas por real?" jaja. Say it with strong words, and he will reconsider his actions, haha.

By the way, when you had to apretar los huevos, how did you do it? Did you just grab the whole thing and squeeze, or did you concentrar a un huevo at a time? jaja. Apretando fuerte hace doler arto los testiculos! >.< but he deserved it, jaja. :P

Yes that is true. With my ex i grab everything he had at that time but mostly all his scrotum with both pelotas in my hand and just pull down and twist and squeeze it hard until he sing squeel like the pig he is!!

Oooh, I know he deserved it all, and he had to learn a lesson, but ow that sounds so painful! Jaja. The whole grab, twist and pull technique is super painful, especially if he squealed like a pig, lol.

Do you feel a little remorse sometimes, looking back? Or does it depend on the person or situation? You seem like someone who only fights back out of defense and necessity, and not someone who just wants to randomly go around kicking people, haha. :P

Favorite way jajaja! I no have favorite way just do what makes the man stop behavior and learn lesson. It different situations. Kick es good because it fast. But squeeze is best make the man really listen and learn he wrong! So i guess squeeze for me is best.
Si I am learning give a squeeze I going to win argument very very very fast always jaja! But other have asked me- but I dont know. I no like make man have pain unless he deserve it. Maybe for me good experience so no have no more stress with man jaja!!! ok maybe! Be very interesting situation for me jaja bad for man! But seriously in real life, probably answer no.
Even though i be hurt by men in my history to much I love men for what they are, i no want to hurt a man permanently.You right i guess if i was with someone who like it and no kick hard more like play kick then ok! Do not want to make him not have no babies jajaja.
Sí it would make me unhappy to know i hurt man to that level i know it is vital most precious part of his masculinity he need to be man. Except maybe my ex husband i no care about his testículos too much. jajaja! But serious i no want to hurt anyone because i no want anyone to hurt me.
Aye no he big man he can take it ok.
I thinking with shoes on.

so for you ballbusting is an educational tool.

If you feel your boyfriend deserve some ballbusting, is like his duty to expose his balls for you to educate him?

If you are dating a guy would you tell her he probably would end with his balls busted if he behaves bad?



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