Hola everyone. Im Yaniliz Im 38. Single mom. First time on site. Introduced here by Jhoana jaja!! Exploring site and have questions too- Don't mind talking about my past as long as respectful and understand i still learning my English sorry if I mess up;)

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Things are very bad for women and girls im Honduras im sad to say. Many assaults and verbal rudeness by men young and old. Many problems all over south and Central America with this actions. Mostly on transport i know men and boys will touch women legs, breast and squeeze our behinds if we have to stand and no more seats. There are even some young men mostly who pull their privates out and rub on a women behind and ejaculate on back of her jeans!! I see happen on a bus and woman did not know. I dont known why the men are so perverted pigs all the time. I know if it happened to me I would have pulled him by his pelotas and walked him to a police station and make him be arrested jajaja he will never donit again to another women!! But yes its mostly local reports not very known outside of my country but because of problem more women are defending themself with slap, or yell, whistle, and yes many women now go to kick/knee/squeeze the man testicle its very typical for women especial younger women who learn self defense against mens. Many governments are making more women only bus but only on busy places, typical trips women still get harrassed by men.

I am sorry to read that the situation in Honduras is so bad for women. But it seems that there is hope with the younger generation of females. If enough women are defending themselves with kicks and knees than I am sure that slowly the men will learn that this kind of behaviour against women is not appropriate. Either they will learn it or they will loose their balls. 

Are there many girls who are attending self-defense lessons now? Is it affordable for all girls and women or is it only for the rich ones? 

I like what you say either they learn respectful behavior or loose they balls jajaja but you right if that what going to happen they will change very fast! Self defense course are very few- and would be very limited to more elite class. Not for typical honduran woman. But more woman espacially younger female know more now what to do as taboo of hitting man there going away and less shameful for woman to do.

Hola Yaniliz, and welcome to the site. Thanks for doing this interview, and Jhoana is pretty cool, haha. :)

I'm sorry to hear all the sexual harassment that goes on, in Honduras especially. I'm guessing that incident in the nightclub/discotheque was in Honduras? Was he being too touchy-feely with your friend? And yeah, a surprise hit to the testicles from behind would be super painful, lol. I like how you said he sounded like a bear? As in, he growled in pain? What would the sentence sound like in Spanish? "Sono como oso?" jaja. "Grito como animal?" jaja. :P What happened later? Was he on the ground for a while? Did he have to get escorted outside? Did he continue to make animal noises? lol.

 Gracias por postular en este site (sorry my Spanish is a bit rough, lol). Y que bueno que sabes como "romper huevos" cuando los hombres se ponen muy machista, jaja. ;P

Hola Andy Lee;)

Sí, problems are very bad. Sí we were in La Ceiba which is beach resort area. Man was pretty young and had to much alcohol and was all over the place and acting very rude to another womans. I a woman push him away and he bump into my friend Carmen and spill her drink on floor, but he no say sorry or buy her another drink when she yell at him. He touch her back and make his hand go all the way low and touch her behind, she move his hands away and he grab her arm. To me it look like he try to control her and he be to aggressive. I walk behind him in that time and just react to kick him in middle legs hard so she could get away. Sí, he dropped fast to floor and she step over him and get away. I yell at him but I make to many problems for him to answer me jajaja. I no know how long he on floor but he do not stand up. He had white pants and shirt very dirty jaja. I hope they help im and kick him out!!

No, tu español es giod Entiendo! Sí, si un hombre actúa demasiado macho o irrespetuoso Sé cómo romper sus huevos para enseñarle una lección que recordará jajaja

Hey Yaniliz!

Your English is really good! I can see a few words you throw in some Spanish (I speak Spanglish at home, haha) but the rest is really good.

Was this disco event the only time you had to defend yourself/your friend by kicking a bad guy between the legs?

Tambien escuché que tu forma favorito a controlar hombres machistas, es apretando los huevos, hasta que se cambien la actitud, jajaja. :P Si son muy porfiado, o se le pasen la mano, un peque‎ño patada o rodillazo en los testiculos lo hacen calmar, jaja. Gracias por tus historias. :)

Si the disco was my only time i kick.

sí, creo que es la mejor para hacer una comportan hombre macho y cambiar sus formas groseras. Estoy aprendiendo los hombres aprenden muy rápido cuando son expulsados ​​o presionados por una mujer jaja!
Sorry forgot reply- "gruñó de dolor como un oso" he groan in pain like bear. Jajaja

Haha that's ok, and haha that sounds good. "gruñó de dolor como un oso despues de una patada en los huevos?" : P jajaja

By the way, what's your favourite word for testicles? Is it nuts, balls, gonads, nuggets, bollocks, testes, testicles?

O en Español: bolas, pelotas, cocos, huevos, cojones, testiculos?

No se dice "nueces" en Español para testiculos? Like how nuts is used for testicles in English? lol.

"Una patada en los nueces" jajaja : P


For me in spanish maybe when i young i heard "¡simplemente exprimir sus uvas o darle una patada en las bolas!" Which in English es like a woman say just squeeze his grapes or kick him in the balls! Jaja this would be typical to maybe hear a woman say to another woman about what to do.

My favorite words jajaja ok
Spanish i usually call them: bolas, huevos, cocos, palotas or just testículos.
English i like how American say nuts- like womans kick him in the nuts jaja it sound funny but good to me! I hear in my history in usa the i hear once word scrotum which same as testículos no? In spanish it escroto i think same.

There's always lots of great nicknames haha, bollocks, crown jewels, eggs, berries, and many more lol

Eggs sí for me huevos!!



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