Always use the stairs!

I check my watch as I stand in line to use the cash machine. It's already 5:40pm and I'm late. It's Friday, I need the cash for the weekend and I had intended
to be driving out of the city by 5:30 at the latest.

What is the guy in front doing?!?!?!? He's been stood there forever and seems to be
playing an overture on the machine's keypad rather than doing
anything productive. It's a warm day, humid and my wait is making me
hotter by the second. I loosen my tie and unfasten my shirt's top
button. I take my bank card out of my wallet and hold in in my teeth
while I place my briefcase on the floor between my feet to remove my
suit jacket. Briefcase now in one hand, jacket the other, I look over
my shoulder. There are now at least six people waiting behind me.


At last!!!! The guy has finished and moves away.

I almost trip over him
in my rush to get to the machine. My fingers are a blur as I work the
keypad and then tap impatiently as I wait for the machine to return
my card and give me the £300 I requested. I pull my card out as soon
as enough of it to grab appears, do the same with the cash and then
quickly put it all in my shirt pocket. I pick up my briefcase and I'm
off, the weekend starts here!

As I march briskly towards the multi storey car park I try to remember which floor I
parked it on. I squint my eyes in the bright sunlight as I rack my
brains, 6, yes floor 6, I parked on floor 6! Perspiring, I try to
relax as I continue at lively pace. I become aware of the
clickety-clack of high heels behind me, rattling along, seemingly
keeping up with me. Now I admit I have a bit of a thing for
stilettos, short skirts, legs in general really and in normal
circumstances I would not have been able to resist the temptation to
look behind me at the source of those rattling heels but today was
different. There was only one thing on my mind today, getting in my
car and get away for the weekend!

I reach the car park.

Now, stairs or elevator? Already hot, sweaty, my legs aching a little after the brisk walk, it was a no-brainer – I pressed the up
button. To my surprise the elevator doors opened immediately and I
stepped inside. I could hear those high heels getting nearer and
nearer but I was in a hurry. There was no way I was going to wait for
what would no doubt be a disappointment – a pair of high heels
carrying nothing I would be interested in. I smirked as the doors
began to slide shut but just as I reached for the “6” button I
saw a hand come between them, quickly followed lower down by a white
stiletto and a nicely tanned ankle.

As the blonde forced her way in I stood back and looked her up and down. Young, maybe 18
or 19, nicely formed! She was maybe 5' 8” or so but the same height
as me in her 3” heels. Her tight white vest showed of her ample
breasts and slim waist almost as much as her incredibly short denim
mini-skirt showed off her superbly formed legs. I had to force my
eyes from her smooth firm thighs to look her in the eye, smile and
lie, “Sorry! I didn't know there was anyone behind me!”

She smiled and asked, “Which floor?”

I smiled back and told
her “6 please!”

As my attractive fellow
passenger turned to press the button I stepped back into the corner
of the elevator to get a better view of her cute ass and the backs of
those marvellous legs. I think she may have caught me still looking
at those legs when she turned to face me. I smiled, a little
embarrassed but was pleased when she smiled back as she used both
hands to stroke her long blonde hair behind her ears. I found myself
staring at her pouting lips and striking blue eyes when I heard her
say softly, “Give me your money”

“What? What did you say?” I asked as she took another couple of small steps
towards me.

I froze, my back in the
corner of the elevator as she slowly rolled her tongue around her
lips and then said in her soft, delicately feminine, yet suddenly
threatening voice, “You heard”.

My mouth open in
disbelief, my eyes fascinated by her moist lips I began to slowly
shake my head as she placed hers hands firmly, one on each of my
shoulders and then............

UUUUMMMMFFFFFF!!!!!!!!! There was an explosion in my groin as the blonde teenager rammed her
right knee up between my legs to smash it into my balls. I felt a
tsunami of pain rush through my whole lower abdomen and then
intensify exponentially. I may have been frozen before but I was now
completely rigid, my mouth open wider than ever, gagging, unable to
breath in or out, completely disabled by this girls sudden unprovoked
attack on my manhood...........

I felt her left hand grab my throat, pushing me back, further into the corner, her knee
dropped but UUUUMMMMFFFFFF!!!!!!!! immediately came back up to
ram into my balls again and continued to press upwards. I dropped my
jacket and briefcase and I gurgled as my suddenly expanding lungs
sucked in some much needed air.

Despite the
excruciating pain, some sort of survival instinct kicked in and I
moved my right hand to grab the wrist of the hand that was choking me
and just as desperately, I used my left hand to push down on the top
of the blonde solid thigh that was still compressing my balls.........

I was pleased to feel her right leg slide down my inner thighs and away from my painful
balls. But my relief was only to be short lived again because she
immediately retaliated. I noticed her bite her bottom lip as her
right shoulder dropped just before the open palm of her right hand
slapped my balls in a sort of powerful uppercut. A new pulse of pain
seemed to shoot through my entire body before concentrating back on
my balls. I tried to scream but could only make involuntary coughing
and groaning noises when she suddenly not only tightened her grip on
my throat but worse still, I felt the fingers of her right hand
encircle my balls to grip them even tighter.....................

I could hardly breathe but it was the agonizing pain from my genitals that I had to stop. I
tried with both hands to prise her hand away, my fingers failing to
wrestle hers off, all the time the pain she was inflicting

“Put your hands by your side, or I'll destroy your baby makers” she hissed, leaning
forward, her cruelly gorgeous face only inches in front of my
perspiring face, contorted by pain. Another type of survival instinct
kicked in and I immediately did as she had told me and let my hands
drop to my side.

I noticed her smile, a
twinkle in her eyes as she grabbed and pulled my balls...........

I tightened my fists in an attempt to distract my mind from the pain emanating
from my testicles. But it was no use as she continued to work on my
balls, pushing them to me, then pulling, holding them tight,
squeezing them, releasing the pressure a little then squeezing hard
again, releasing, squeezing, repeatedly releasing and

Starved of oxygen because of her grip on my throat, the unbearable pain she was causing
me actually decreased a little as I became a little dizzy, then more
and more light-headed. I think she realised that she had me close to
passing out and relaxed her strangle hold a little. I gulped much
needed oxygen and moved my hands out to my sides to grip the hand
rail so that I could stay on my feet. The more intense pain from my
groin eased a little when she stopped her squeezing.

I took a sharp intake of breath when I felt her unzip my trousers and the fingers of
her right hand move expertly inside, over the top of my shorts, then
down to grab my balls again. I could feel her finger nails scratch as
she yanked my balls and my incongruously stiff prick up and out through my
zip opening..............

She moved her hand from my throat, smiling, telling me “Now I've got you where I want you,
I'll let you breathe again”. She then gave my balls a quick
squeeze, yank and twist. I threw my head back and managed to scream
in agony for the first time since my encounter with this young blonde
vixen began.

I looked into her face,
she was looking down. I looked down to see my rock hard prick
pointing up, as if saluting her, and below, my balls, hidden by the
vice like grip of her right hand........

Humiliated, in mental and physical agony, I look up to see her red moist lips grinning at me. I wince when she digs her
finger nails in my nut sack and then squeezes...........

How can this have happened? I am completely at this girl's mercy. I have never been so
humiliated, or in so much pain. How could I let ANYONE get me in this
sort of position? She's only a girl, she's smaller than me, at least
8 years my junior and yet she has me completely under her

“It's in my shirt pocket” I stammer, “the money........... in my shirt pocket.....”

I grip the handrail
tight and scream again when she pulls my testicles again, holding
them, squeezing, her nails digging in............

“Thank you!” she tells me as she uses her left hand to take the contents of my shirt
pocket and place them in her skirt pocket.

Having given her what
she wanted I hoped she would let me go........... but no.........

“Now this is for not giving me it straight away” she told me. I screamed again, as once
again my teenage blonde tormentor digs her nails in, pulling and
yanking my balls, twisting them as she holds them. I don't know how
long she did this for because I must have passed out, waking, leaning
forward on her, my head over her right shoulder, my balls still in
her grip..........

“And this is because you're one of those guys that think females are the weaker
I hold her tight as she
repeats her torture.......... yanking my swollen, tender balls again,
twisting, squeezing.........

Once again I have no
idea how long this attack was sustained because I passed out again
but she must have released my balls this time because the next thing
I know is that my knees hit the hard floor and I am falling forward.
My face flops onto the front of her firm right thigh and then slowly
slides around the inside of it as I continue falling forward. I land
on my right shoulder but gravity makes me roll, spread-eagled, onto
my back,...........

My eyes flicker and I am looking straight up between the legs of the young female
towering above me. As I regained more consciousness I could feel the
pain from my groin increase. I moaned and raised my head slightly to
see my prick, stiff and vertical, with my two red and swollen spheres clearly
visible behind it. I wanted to roll into the foetal position to cup
my battered balls but weak, before I could move I heard that now
familiar female voice again..........

“So.......... you're still with me. Good!” She giggled, then continued, “That means I can punish you
some more before I finish you off..............”

She moved so quickly, I
could do nothing as, facing my feet, she first straddled me,
squatting, then going down on her knees, my upper arms trapped
beneath her lower legs, her ass and lacy white thong just above my

I gulped when I felt both her hands grab my already battered balls. My head lifted
involuntarily, my nose and eyes touching that female ass above me. I
screamed when she tortured me again, yanking, crushing, twisting,
pulling. The pain increased to levels I didn't believe possible but
my screams were muffled when she sat on my face. The pain was so
overwhelming I just wanted to die but then, strangely, it began to
ease and I just felt dizzy.............

My eyes suddenly opened and the dull intense aching from my balls increased as I came to. I
quickly looked around – I was alone! Despite my immense physical
pain, the mental relief of knowing it was over swept through me.
Slowly and painfully, I checked to see what was missing – cash
obviously, bank card too, my wallet and also my car key. But by far
the two most important things that she took from me that day, were
things that I may never get back - my dignity and my

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Replies to This Discussion

Awesome story! Thanks for sharing.
great story, well written.
Great story! Thanks for posting.



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