Women: what do you think would make you (and other women) more likely to visit this site?

Once upon a time, there were more females who visited this site regularly, IMO. I feel like the F/M ratio has plummeted over the past few years, at least with regards to live chat. I am wondering if those who used to visit more frequently might have some thoughts as to how this can be improved. After all, without you, there isn't much point.

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I'm thinking the fact that females seem to get pounced upon by people in the chat, and receiving unsolicited pics of random men's private parts pretty much as soon as they join just MIGHT just be a bit off putting..

Just a guess. 

I can't speak for the ladies but I'm guessing you're 100% correct.  I've also seen too many posts from guys asking where girls are located or asking if they will come and bust them.  If I were a women that would totally drive me away.  I wish there were a better way to meet up with people for a session, but we certainly can't come here and act like a stalker, that's just creepy.

As a member of this site since its creation, I think one of the best ideas I've seen is the interview section because it gives women the OPTION to be questioned if they are willing without being pressured.  Like most guys on this site I have lots questions/scenarios I'd love to get a woman's perspective on, but many don't want to be asked questions like that or have the time for it, we have to let them be in charge of any information they may or may not want to share.  After all this fetish I have is all about the ladies being in charge.

Sending an unsolicited dick pic or pestering someone about where they live is ridiculous. Just act like normal, civil person for fuck sake.

Yes, in the end you are in control and I would hope most women know how to wield that ignore button if desired. But I do wonder whether the feeling of being besieged by IMs the moment you arrive in the chatroom is a turn off to some. Of course, I'm guilty of doing just that sometimes. 

Getting pounced in the chat room isn't really a big deal. It's how you talk to us. I do realize that this is a fetish website, but that doesn't mean you forget commen courtesy, or respect. I come on here to share stories and experiences, not to help you wack off.

very astute.

many members are very polite, but there are a few who try to push my buttons, presumably b/c they want me to threaten to kick their nuts or whatever.  it's annoying and rude, not sexy.

but i feel bad complaining when so many of the guys are so sweet!

I am also lamenting the fact that Fox & Wolf, and other couples seem to have disappeared, or do not frequent here, or post much anymore.. 

I know you asked the women so I'm not going to try and answer for them, but I also think anyone who wants to be active in the main chat room needs to read through this as well:


Good question! I have also observed that there are many so-called femdom sites where the men act as if the women there were some kind of prostitutes or servants which have to fulfill men's desires. That's pure contradiction and no wonder that the women are staying away.

If we want to attract women and talk with them then we should let the women make the rules and we have to obey them. The makers of this site seem to be on a good track concerning this aspect and I hope that we could render this site more women-friendly and that more and more women feel comfortable visiting this site, talking with each other and also with us men.

I suppose a good start is treating all women with respect and dignitude, treating them as what they really are: Goddesses. This alone would rule out a lot of things which make women feel uncomfortable.

BTW: Treating all women as goddesses should not be limited to this site or to women who are into ballbusting but it should become a lifestyle applied to ALL women out there!

Hello there,

I can not speak for all women, only this woman.lol As to the "chat" feature, I have not had a lot of negative experiences. Rather, (for me) it is simply a time factor. I have accepted that (as a female), I will be pounced upon. This helped keep me away since, I did not understand about the "ignore" feature. Thank you! (DV) It was difficult, to carry on multiple "chats" simultaneously.lol

The larger issue is individuals viewing everything thru the prism of the ball busting fetish. That is, to the exclusion of all else. Such as; common courtesy and good manners. DV has said in another post, (I am paraphrasing here) there are different levels of interest in this topic. However, many individuals presume their level of interest is shared by all. AND if it is not, it should be. This is a "turn-off". However, to answer the question directly; individuals expressing interest in getting to know someone. Also, not immediately sharing masochistic tales and or fantasies.

Warm regards,


I missed this response but thank you April. That's quite thoughtful and informative and I can certainly see where you are coming form. Like any of life's interests or pursuits, if it becomes all consuming to the exclusion of all else, it can become suffocating. Ultimately, you (and others here) are a multidimensional person, not just a pair of legs and feet and it is incumbent on us to remember that! 

Hello Glitti,

Thank you, for the kind words re; my commentary.(smile)




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