I had a session this past weekend, and like many other sessions before, i noticed that my left nut is much more sore than the right.  never really put much thought into 'why', so i wanted to share my theory and see if you all have anything to add!

anyway i thought maybe it was because the girls are right handed (never been busted by a lefty) so when she kicks and to some respect knees most of the force is landing from her big doe from her dominant right foot, which would impact with my right nut.

often times i experience one ball being really busted and swollen with a girl that isnt used to kicking nuts (and therefore doesnt have a trained aim for the middle of the sac).

So anyone have any experience with this, male or female?  you yourself or your partner complain that you 'got the left really good' or notice swelling on one teste?

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Son of a bitch, always the left! It's like girls have a sixth sense for detecting it or something!

they know, justaboy, they know...

I normally don't notice at first but after a while my left normally hurts a lot more and I had a girlfriend who liked to pinch, she would always grab the left one because she loved how I would squirm before she even began putting pressure on me. She would also try to trap just the left one under her feet when she was standing on me.

Oh and a different guy said I fucked up his left nutt with my "LATINAness" ...hahaa :P

Holy frijoles Mal!        (wink wink) 

My right ball is larger than my left, so it seems to get the brunt of the force. Plus, girls find it easier to grasp and squeeze it harder since there is more nut to crunch. 

Usual lefty gets it pretty good, which ever one hangs lower in my opinion lol
My husbands left one is usually the unfortunate one. Once he gets a beating, I will take special time for the one that didn't get busted as bad. Have to even it out you know. I predict that it will be the first nut to go ;)

Holy shit Melinda, that's just awesome!  When we first started out, I suggested to my wife that she just focus on one, the left one.  Well, women being women, she couldn't leave well enuf alone, so rightie had to get a beatin too.   You know... 'it wouldn't be fair' hah.  Now the beatings don't stop until she has had enough .!.

I would also think that the left takes more of the hit due to it being bigger and hanging lower. This applies to my package too. But I noticed on several occasions that when I get kicked (right-footed girl) the right nut is more sore after we're done. I feel the same amount of pain in both balls right after the kick, but when the instant pain is gone, the right one is the one that hurts.

my right nut always hurts more. poor fella.



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