What is the hardest you have ever been busted or have busted? How did you/the bustee feel?

It seems like each of us has had various experiences. There is a lot about the first time busted? What is the most memorable time for you to be busted?

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Well there are two that stand out both with my current g/f. The first one was a grab and squeese. I cant remeber what we were discussing but she casually reached in the back of my sweatpants and took hold of both balls and started to sqeeze really hard. I went down to the floor, helpless, and she was saying "say your wrong and Im right". I tried to talk but I could not speak. The pain was unreal. I finally wimpered out a cry "ok ok ok, your right".
The second time I was on my knees in front of her taking a few kicks. I took the first two ok but the third was devastating. It must have caught me just right. My left nut took the brunt. Immediately I was flat on my back clutching my balls. I thought I had popped one it hurt so bad. She pryed my hands (I could not stop this I was so weak) away and began sucking my cock. Next thing I know is she is riding me on top. I was still hurting. She was laughing saying " I like being in control".
You know I really can't pick out a one time as the hardest ever. I've been busted too many times (I've filmed alot of videos) really really hard during filming, I just wouldn't know where to start.
Some of your favorite times?
By far the hardest time I ever got busted was also my first time. I had told my then-girlfriend that I didn't think we were working out at all and that I felt we should perhaps break up and see other people. She didn't take my suggestion well, but eventually I thought I had reached a resolution with her.

Well, she said she wanted to give me a hug goodbye, so I complied. During that hug, however, she put her hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eyes and told me that if we were going to break up, we'd do it on her terms. Then she proceeded to knee me in the groin rather hard. And I don't just mean her thigh got me, no, it was the knee itself that made contact with my balls, nearly pushing them up into my body. Before I could even really comprehend the whole situation, she just kneed me two more times in a row, each knee hitting harder than the last. Frankly, I'm not sure if it was because she was actually putting more effort in each time or just because I was already aching from the previous hit(s). After that she told me we were officially over and walked off, while I just leaned up against a wall and held my balls.

Then she told me that now we were officially over and walked off, while all I could do was lean up against a wall out of site and hold my balls until the pain started to subside. I've never had my balls busted quite that hard ever since then, as that was the one someone did it to me out of anger. On the plus side, she did eventually apologize to me, so at least that was something.
Here is my almost hardest bust:

My ex was just play busting me like usual, but I was in the mood to have it hard. Well, she went to knee me, but understand almost all the times she had busted me before had been with her hands. Not only did she knee supper hard, but she pulled me toward her while she did so. I didn't resist at all. BUT, she actually missed my nuts. Instead, she caught a my scrotum and testicular cord. I just collapsed, it hurt so bad, but we were both laughing somehow. My scrotum turned blue for about three weeks and I had it checked out by the doc. Kinda scary. I wonder if I would have been down a nut if that had been a direct hit.

My favorite busts by the way were when I would get down on my knees so my nuts would dangle and she would put her hands together and punt my balls volleyball style.

my female cousin walked in when i was asleep once on the coach at her house and grabbed my balls so they had nowhere to go and then just continually slapped them until they felt like they were gonna burst out of my sack. she laughed and talked about how nice my balls were to hit... i just grabbed them and rolled over on my stomach



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