This is for busters and bustees of like, of either sexual organ. Where has been the weirdest place you've busted, or been busted, (or both) by someone. It doesn't have to be a willing bust, and could even be before you were really into it.

Mine would probably be a tie between at Red Lobster, when my girlfriend was horizontally stomping me with converse, as our waitress brought us food. The other time was at Seaworld's manatee theater, which is a huge circular room that's warm and really dark. She kicked me once right after I woke up from a nap (it was cozy, don't judge me.) and I quickly reacquainted myself with her feet.

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For me, it's nothing too weird. My busts took place in pubs, at Providence college, on the play ground during middle school or it the hallways of My High School. I think it's a great question and I can't wait to see what pops up here.
I guess Barnes and Noble could be classified as a weird location. About three years ago, I was with my bf (now Fiance) looking for a calender. I came across a few from the Farmer's Almanac and knelt down to check them out. I asked my bf what he thought about the one I was looking at, he didn't respond to my question. I asked him several times, but didn't get a word from him. I looked up and noticed he was looking elsewhere. I punched him in the balls and said "I'm down here". He bent over a bit and then knelt down on one knee and said "ouch". It didn't matter, i selected the calender I wanted and walked up to pay, I left him on his one knee. I think he needed quite a few more seconds to recover.
This one's also on my Profile, but it's probably the weirdest location I've ever busted any one. I was in Jr High in the 7th grade, probably 12 years old at the time. I went to a local McDonald's with a group of friends after school. One of my guy friends started throwing fries at my boobs. I told him to stop, but it was sort of flirtatious and fun until one of the fries landed in my cleavage. I reacted by kicking my friend from under the table in kind of a stomping motion. His eyes got wide and he yelped out like a little boy (actually more like a little girl) and then leaned down in pain. He reached down and held on to his balls. He told me later that my heel hit him square in the balls without being deflected by anything else.
Sarah said:
This one's also on my Profile, but it's probably the weirdest location I've ever busted any one. I was in Jr High in the 7th grade, probably 12 years old at the time. I went to a local McDonald's with a group of friends after school. One of my guy friends started throwing fries at my boobs. I told him to stop, but it was sort of flirtatious and fun until one of the fries landed in my cleavage. I reacted by kicking my friend from under the table in kind of a stomping motion. His eyes got wide and he yelped out like a little boy (actually more like a little girl) and then leaned down in pain. He reached down and held on to his balls. He told me later that my heel hit him square in the balls without being deflected by anything else.

By chance, were these with heels, or sneakers? Just curious.

And by "weirdest place," I really just mean an awkward place to do it, not necessarily the international house of boogers, or something like that.
It was quite awkward also so it covers situation and location. I had on a pair of flat heeled, almost western style leather boots. The heels were probably 2 inches high, very similar to the boots pictured here.

Travis said:
Sarah said:
This one's also on my Profile, but it's probably the weirdest location I've ever busted any one. I was in Jr High in the 7th grade, probably 12 years old at the time. I went to a local McDonald's with a group of friends after school. One of my guy friends started throwing fries at my boobs. I told him to stop, but it was sort of flirtatious and fun until one of the fries landed in my cleavage. I reacted by kicking my friend from under the table in kind of a stomping motion. His eyes got wide and he yelped out like a little boy (actually more like a little girl) and then leaned down in pain. He reached down and held on to his balls. He told me later that my heel hit him square in the balls without being deflected by anything else.

By chance, were these with heels, or sneakers? Just curious.

And by "weirdest place," I really just mean an awkward place to do it, not necessarily the international house of boogers, or something like that.
I'd have to say in a garage when i used to do electrical work, i was wiring a light switch at the door going into the house. The woman who owned the house opened the door to check my progress and i got a door knob right to the groin.
MY weirdest plave ive been busted was middle school during a soccer game this girl put her hand down my pe shorts and gave my jewls a good squeeze.
Dunno if this counts as weird or not. Definitely public, though...

A few months ago my bf and I were at the pool. We were leaving, walking in the parking lot, and he was wearing his swimming trunks, with a towel around his neck, and I was wearing my swimsuit and flip flops. He made some comment about me doing something for him when we got home. I grabbed him by the arm and got in front of him and took off my flip flops. Kicked him so hard that he doubled over. There were a few other people in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes, and lots of people at the pool on the other side of a low fence.

I picked up my flip flops and spanked his ass with one all the way back to the car. Then he really got it when we got home. LOL.

I can't think of too many other places that would count as "weird", unless that just means "public." I've kicked my bf at friends' houses with other people around a few times. When I was in college, I dated a real submissive guy, and one time at a party he came in the room carrying a bucket of ice, and I kicked him in his junk really hard to see if he'd drop the ice all over. He did. :)
in a church..



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