Does somebody know the name of the thing that I need for my purpose?

I use Windows Movie maker but I would need a program that lets me create a logo... like... something Bronstone has in his vids which all begin with this "Wump... (logo) and "boing!" (sound)"
something that i would put at the beginning of all clips... ANd I'd like to display the mini version of that logo in like... the corner of the video... just like thos paysite porn clips display their logo in those corners too :)
Does somebody know which program I'd need for that?
Im looking forward to start making stuff next week :D
Can't wait :D

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windows movie maker can do this :D

for the image/logo thing, you'd have to make that in a photo editing program, then you can put it into the video.

ALSO if you want to overlay the logo on your video...I'm not good with movie maker, if you can try pinnacle studio, and look up how to use the Picture in PIcture function, if I remember right, when you double click your video clip in Pinnacle, it'll give you a little menu thing, and one of the side options will be Picture in Picture. than you can take your logo, import it in that screen, and shrink it and make it transparent and all that. then you just stretch that effect over the entire video.

WELL that's my way, there's probably an easier way too. good luck!
I would use Sony Vegas.

It's a very nice video editor. It's not free, though easy to pirate.
tHANKS tO THE both of you :)

I will take a look at that stuff :)



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