UPDATE on stuff. About like videos and shit related to videos and boners and whatever.


I dunno if anyone gives enough of a shit anyways but just figured I'd post a thingy to let you guys know shit. 

Anyways, firstly, we're knee deep in the shoe series now. We tried at the beginning to do it on a set schedule but I think we all collectively decided that none of us gave half a fuck if they were uploaded every Saturday, so we kind of abandoned that oop. On that topic, we're gonna be taking like a week or so off because of some life-related shit and general goings-on in the ol' vanilla life. Hope you dedicated happy fappers aren't too bummed. 

ALSO, OTHER NEWS ON STUFF being I have gone and deleted all of our videos we uploaded prior to starting the shoe series. "Why would you go and do a darn tootin' goofy thing like that Mr. Ericon?" (my full name), said the two people who give a shit. Well, listen here Bimmy, it's simply because we're moving them to our newly created Eric & Chaiyles BB youtube channel woo! Anyways, this mean we'll be re-uploading all of our previous shit (Beige Heels through Ball Pops in the Forest), which I know will be obnoxious and inconvenient and all and I'M SORRY but it'll be better this way all connected to a single channel. In case you're a repeat fapper, don't worry they're not going anywhere. They'll be exactly the same videos don't shit your dick. 

Okay I think that's all I'm sorry for this post and everything I know I'm a cunt. Okay see ya folks.


OH p.s. Chaiyles and I are gonna be taking a photo set for Fetlife soon that we might upload here. Might be cool. Let me know what you guys think, if you'd like to see some bb/trampling/foot/fetish/femdom kinda photo stuff here. Failing that, find us on Fetlife anyways. Find me under ThatDudeEric and C under Chaiyles. Give us an add, we like friends.

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first of all, LOL at Bimmy. 

Second of all will add on fetlife, and good luck with the youtube! is the goal to do more patreon-y stuff at all? 

Just added you two. FrisbeeWhore is the fet name.

For the photo shoot - queening with some hand busts has always been an enjoyable view
Thanks for the add you both!
And comrade, yeah we put up a patreon that we're working on getting started. Have a few ideas between the two of us that seem kinda cool, I dunno. We'll keep ya updated.



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