Hi guys - a story I wrote a while ago, Most of my stories are fiction based on exaggerated real life
experiences. I hope you like them, this is one is a multi-part and is
based on my experiences of sharing a flat with a girlfriend called Laura. This one was supposed to be told as an interview...


“Laura has always had aggressive tendencies, it used to be
that we just argued and I’d just let her win. I mean, it was just so
much easier that way. Things got worse since the start of the year, and
it was soon pretty normal for her to hit or slap me… but, her punches
hardly hurt and I could generally restrain her until she calmed down.”

“So why are we talking?”

“Things have escalated over the past month or so, and my girl is now someone I fear. I have nowhere else to be, I moved here for her and I
can’t afford to leave.”

“Escalated? How?”

“Well, fuck this is embarrassing… instead of slaps and punches, she’s been going for my groin.”

“She’s getting more aggressive? How did this start?”

“The first time was about six weeks ago, we were arguing as usual, a real screamer. We were standing facing one another, less than a foot
apart – she was right in my face, furious. I responded, called her a
mental bitch. She shut her mouth instantly, locked her eyes on mine. I
tensed, ready to catch her right hand during the inevitable right hook,
but the punch never came. Instead she grabbed my trouser belt with both
hands and rammed her knee right into my crotch. I was utterly unprepared
and it was a hard hit, the air left my lungs in a rush and my balls
were agony. I felt my legs go and I hit the floor in a crumpled heap
clutching myself. She stood above me, legs confidently apart, laughing.
The gleeful look on her face told me that she’d really enjoyed that

“That must have been very painful, did she apologise?”

“That evening, she teased me constantly, asking if my balls still hurt, telling me how stupid I’d looked and how funny it was to drop me
so easily. She even feigned a few hits towards me. Later on, as we were
going to bed, she finally did apologise to me. She put on the short
black silk nightdress that I like and stripped me naked. Massaging my
balls, whispering how she would make everything better. I was hard as
rock as she pulled me under the covers, we hadn’t had sex in weeks and I
couldn’t believe this was actually happening. As she pulled me on top
of her she whispered to me ‘Do you need me?’ and I looked her in the
eyes and replied as earnestly as I could ‘Of course I do baby.’

In retrospect, I walked right into this, at the point she asked the
question, her right leg was between mine. She placed her hands on my
hips and pushed me up and backwards, before slamming her kneecap
straight into my dangling testicles, Thud! I thought that the
first knee was bad, but this pain was hell, my balls were completely
crushed between her knee and my pelvis. I was trying to double up, but I
was impaled on her raised knee, trying to breathe, tears running
freely. She reached up and lifted my face to hers, ‘That’s good darling,
because I kneed you too!” she laughed. She dropped her knee,
still giggling, I managed to roll away, hands clamped around my injured
nuts while I whimpered. I eventually managed to make it out of the room
and tried to sleep on the couch.”

“My God, this kind of abuse is unacceptable. Have there been other incidents of this nature?”

“All of the time. The attacks habe been coming several times a week. If she wakes before me, she will punch me in the nuts. She even woke me one
Sunday by grabbing hold of my testicles, telling my that she loved
scrambled eggs for breakfast before tightening her grip so hard that I
started crying. I was begging her to let go, but she refused, climbing
on top of me, whispering while she squeezed ‘Castrated, sterile, eunuch,
nutless, torsion.’ I was terrified, she sounded serious and, though she
eventually let go, she wrenched so hard before she did that I nearly
passed out. After she left, I puked from the pain and had to change the
sheets, still in agony, so she didn’t notice. I don’t know what she’d
have done if she’d seen what I’d done to the bedclothes.”

“You live in fear of your girlfriend’s temper?”

“Fuck yes, any man would. The worst thing are her kicks, she knows how
to kick a man. She’s usually wearing her black knee-high boots, four
inch heel, pointed toe. Last week she kicked me so hard that I thought
that I would need to get medical help. We’d been about to head out to a
casual work do for her friends. I was wearing my jeans, the one’s she
likes because they’re too tight and she can see my nuts. I was holding
the door to her flat open for her, when she said ‘Wait, baby, I’ve
forgotten something.”, I rolled my eyes, we were already late… “What?”, I
asked impatiently. Her eyes narrowed “This!”, she pushed me backwards
with both hands, I stumbled, hit the wall, legs spread. She took a
one-step run up and punted up. The instep of her boot slammed into my
package, making solid contact with my testicles. I screamed, hands
shooting down to the scene of the crime. I was totally out of it and she
knew it. She was delighted with the kick, I thought I was sterile – I’d
actually felt my balls flaten between my body and her boot, the pain
was indescribable, and once again I fell to the floor, gagging and
gasping for air. She kicked me in the ribs as I lay there “Later loser”
she laughed as she left for the party. I lay there for over an hour in
absolute pain, only managing to move because I didn’t want to still be
lying by the door when she came home.”

“But you tell me that its over now? That she’s gone?”

“I think so yes. She left me. We’d been arguing and she made
one of her usual lame jokes, and tried to kick me. I just snapped,
totally lost it. I caught her foot before it connected, the top of her
work shoe hit my hand hard and the sting gave me the anger I needed to
shove her backwards. I followed up quickly, jumping on top of her,
aiming to pin her arms. She was like a wild cat beneath me, cursing,
spitting, trying to claw my face. Her strength was terrifying, she was
squirming her way out from under me, managed to get some air between us
and hammer her thigh into my groin. It wasn’t a hard hit, but it gave me
something to think about and my courage weakened as I started trying to
protect my genitals. And I guess that’s what cost me in the end. Before
I knew it, she was on top of me, had me trapped up against the wall, my
arm trapped beneath me, my legs been forced apart by hers as she faced
my feet. She was still screaming abuse as she pulled
off her right shoe. It was black with a 3 inch square heel, I realised
what she was going to do immediately. I panicked, trying to work myself
free as she raised the shoe, holding it by the toe, going for maximum
power. And then she brought the shoe down, heel first smashing into my
unprotected testicles. I squealed like a girl, or more accurately, in a
way that no girl would ever scream. I bucked, the agony racing from my
balls to my guts and my brain. She raised he hand again and again
hammered my balls with the thick heel. “Arrrgh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Stop! Please staaaaarrggghhh!” Third time the shoe hit and I was in a
pain I’d never even conceived of before, she pressed down on my right
testcicle, shoving the heel in hard with both hands “Do you like that
baby?! Do you think you’ll be attacking me again? Say goodbye to your
fucking bollocks, you fucking eunuch!”, the relief of her removing the
pressure was short lived as she slammed the shoe down again. And that’s
when I lost control of my limbs, my brain blown in a white flash. I lay
there helpless as she stood up, wanting to curl up, but I couldn’t move.
She grinned down at me, looking dishevelled, but happy. “Fuck you
loser, I’m going out.”. She put on her shoe, smiled down at me and
kicked me hard, driving her toe between my legs one last time.

And that’s all I remember. I woke up yesterday, still on the floor. My
balls racking me with pain, swollen and in pain. I called the ambulance
that brought me here and I must have passed out en route here. So what’s
the deal doc, I can’t feel anything, am I okay?”

“Well the good news Mr JackD is that your girlfriend won’t be able to kick you in the balls ever again…”

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Replies to This Discussion

amazing story -- please write some more.
Thanks for the feedback! Ideas for future stories are welcome.

And Goe said:
amazing story -- please write some more.
lol, funny ending^^. But quite nice written
Nice story, looking forward to more
good story. Have heard of real incidents like this. Have heard of equal-retaliation when original victim recovered sufficiently- female was in bad shape. more stories, please

Wow! Nice story! Thanks so much for posting it!



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