I'm glad that people come to this website to indulge in variety of topics relating to the BB and CB fetish; but I also feel very strongly about discussing FetEd (fetish education), fair-play and being held accountable and responsible. Beyond BB and CB we are each complex beings with a range of interests, lifestyles and beliefs who live in a complex world full of complex living conditions and circumstance... and because we are immersed in such complexity we are not purely defined by our fetish urges – we are thinking, breathing and compassionate beings. 


Before reading more let it be known that I'm not a feminist, a social scientist or someone with a political agenda, I'm just a concerned worldly citizen who gives a damn. It would be a missed opportunity and irresponsible of me to have a site that encourages and celebrates female empowerment and not address the following... Women all over the world have to contend with a barrage of threats ranging from discrimination (due to religious factors) to sexual violence to trafficking and "honor killings".


Today I stumbled on article about the Worlds 5 most dangerous countries for women. I wasn't looking for it but it caught my attention and I'm posting here. I don't need to say more on the issue but rather showcase the slides and let them speak for themselves. The following is cited off the international business times and trust.org websites. 


- dvhour (site creator and admin)



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Depressing statistics, very scary how women are still treated second class in many locations around the world. Actually I'm sure women are viewed behind livestock in many of these countries.



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