The complete INSANITY going on currently in UK. Ban BB vidoes and taking sites down.

As you can see in another thread Ballbusting World is closing down due to new UK laws.  There are some others going offline that I have noticed as well.  I can't even find Elise on c4s anymore.  It apparently disappeared.  Her clips have been taken down that is.

UK has some of the best BB I have ever seen.  Elise, BB World and Nikki Whiplash, Kinky Kicks, many more c4s stores.  Too many to mention.

In this thread I wanted to discuss what are these new laws that they are imposing?  Why are these sites shutting down?  What does the future hold for these sites and performers?

~ Re up load under new guidelines to fit new laws?  Some very cryptic explanation like that appears on the BB World site.  Like they will re upload eventually under new guidelines?  What does this mean and when will it happen?

~ Move to another country?  Upload the videos from there?  Get outside of UK laws?

Fight the government in court and attempt to win?

Somebody explain to me how a consenting ADULT Mistress, consenting ADULT film subs and ADULT consumers who download the videos is wrong?  This is absurd and stupid beyond comprehension.

Do we have any UK members here to can explain what is going on?  And where do we go from here?  Is it bye, bye to UK BB forever?  I can't believe it is that bad.  I don't want to believe it.  It's some of the best BB I have ever seen.  What are the steps and how do we get this stuff back up if possible for the future?  That's what I wanted to focus on here.  The general UK situation, laws, and future of all sites and c4s stores originating from there.

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This is sad. Hopefully someone knows what's going on in the UK. I was not aware.

Yes that is what I am saying.  Do we have any UK members or even members who run UK sites and c4s stores.  We need some input.  What is going on?  Where do we go from here?  How can we help and so on?

It is indeed sad.  It's just completely absurd.

Really, really sad. And totally NOT understandable. Will miss all these UK sites for sure :o(

I just don't get it.

~ Consenting ADULT Mistress.

~ Consenting ADULT film sub.

~ ADULT who purchases content for their own personal use in the privacy of their own home.

You tell me how and why this is wrong?  I just can't even believe it is happening.  We need some UK posters input if we have any to understand this better.

This is just unbelievable.  What I read here on the link I can't even believe.  This is the UK we are talking about.  Are you free or not over there?  How could people let it come to this?  How do they allow their government to do this to them?

I like UK a lot and have visited.  It's a great country.  But it seems to have fallen so far so fast on freedom.  It's so sad.

I've not heard anything on this...I will have to keep an eye out, they're slowly taking away our rights bit by bit in the UK at the moment. Honestly, i'd sooner live in the states any day.

What rights are they trying to take away?  And who is behind all this?  Why don't the people protest this stuff?  You can't watch what you want in your own home?  This is crazy.  UK is supposed to be a Western European country.  You are supposed to be free and have rights. 

I just have a very hard time wrapping my mind around all this coming from the UK.  I like UK a lot and have visited but I can't believe the people are allowing this in their own country.

Ballbusting World gone.  Elise c4s gone.  Mistress Athena at least the BB clips appear to be gone from c4s.  Many others.

Wow is all I can say.  I absolutely can't believe UK is doing this.  I hope they find a solution to this mess.  The producers that is.  UK is a great country and I have visited but their laws here in this case are absolutely rediculous.  Consenting ADULT Mistress, consenting ADULT film sub, ADULT purchasers who want to watch it in the privacy of their own home.  Somehow this is wrong and needs to be banned.  WTF?  What's wrong with UK laws?  This is so STUPID I have no words.  I am at a loss.

This is the power of parliamentary supremacy. In the UK, the federal government can make any law they want as long as representatives pass it. The only thing they can't do is make laws that reduce their own power.

In the States, there's the constitution, so if the government tried anything like this over here, the courts would strike it down. The UK has no constitution, so they can put whatever restrictions they want on freedom of speech. :/


Do you live in UK?  That sounds really bad.  They need some constitutional protections.  They have no way to protect against those who think they should limit your freedoms in any way that suits them.

Elise has been down for several weeks actually. It was the first to go. I was dramatically surprised cause I just discovered her site sometime this summer and yes its some of the greatest BB ever made. I was worried that someone hurt her or did something to her but then I started to worry did she actually follow through and actually kick and destroy some males nuts and it was in court. So now its good to know its not just her its a national ruling. HMMMMM anything is possible guys. We can't take any of this for granted. KITG has a parent company called NING and if they made a ruling to shut down adult sites like this they could without any warning. I think we all need to be thankful that there are outlets our there for BB content. I"m tremendously sad many of these sites are gone but hopefully they will surface again. It is a sad day and all I gotta say is be thankful sites like this exist so we can dialog on it. Thanks for posting this Joe I think this is a topic we all need to be aware about. So yeah if anyone has any more details please keep us informed. 



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