Hello boys, Melinda here. I have a few questions that I want to ask, and seeing how guys don't have interviews here, (understandable considering the woman to men ratio here) I figure I would start one for you guys, because I have questions sometimes and I want answers. So this one is your guys to answer any questions I have, and maybe some other ladies might have some general questions as well. Please refrain from smart ass answers and bullshit.

Ok first question. After your done getting your balls busted, what do you feel like? My husband is very docile after I bust his balls, he is more romantically intiment then sexually. He seems to be cuddly and more interested in just talking to me. He always goes out of his way to help me, and pretty much waits on my every need. The more and harder I bust his balls, the better the response I get form him. Now am I just luckily or do any of you boys get like that after a good busting?

Question 2. How do you honestly feel about ballbusitng in a relationship, long term. Knowing that it would become an active lifestyle more or less? 10 years of busting my husbands balls for the reasons that I do eventually changed the entire structure of our relationship. We are closer now then we have ever been. Do you think you would be able too?

Look forward to the responses and the chance to grill you guys. ;) later

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My wife has been busting me for a number of years so I have a little insight..

#1) I feel alot more satisfied after our sexual encounters that involve busting than before she knew about it. She knows I love it so the harder the bust the more appreciative I feel since she's doing it for me. Oh, and also I feel sore after, in my balls (of course).

#2) Since I'm into it and it's not hurting anybody else I don't see it as any different than any other fantasy that someone may have. For example my wife likes to role play. It has made us closer, not just the ball busting but the fact that we share our most intimate secrets and are happy to fulfill each other's fantasy's.

1. I think I´m a boring guy and just get into myself and the pain after a real hard ballbusting. For a lighter ballbusting I can, however, be more allure and service-minded and treat her as a queen.

2. It would be my ultimate dream to have such relationship!

I know I'm jumping into the middle of this rather engaging conversation, but to answer the latest two questions, I would rather a female I was intimate with be the one to crush my testicle if I seriously was going to lose one!  And as for which one would hurt more, I would say squeezing (I actually prefer having my jewels stood on, so that would be bliss for me).

True story here relating to this question.  I actually had an ex that I convinced to take up ballbusting me.  She was a frisky thing, and one time when we were at my place, I convinced her to stand on my balls while searching on the web.  I thought I could handle it, but I grossly miscalculated just how much "mercy" she was showing me in prior sessions.  During this particular time, she was completely engrossed in her internet search and after a few minutes of holding back, she rested all her weight down.  I was instantly in pain and pleaded for her to stop, but it was as if all the energy sapped out of my body, and I could barely make an audible sound, let alone words.  She did stop after awhile, but I swear I thought she was going to smash them to goo!

1. I think I been more servant because i´m always so horny after a busting, and hoping for sex

2. I´m seeking for a long time relationship with bb in it. I don´t want to live without it

I am pretty sexual after getting busting. Generally, the busting builds the excitement for me. I may need a recovery period, but it's usually short. I usually want to get busy right away and the busting helps maintain "fun time" in multiple ways. 

As far as busting in a relationship goes, I think it depends on the people. For us, it's normal foreplay most of the time. It's never been anything my wife has been overly excited by, but she knows how I feel about it and is more than willing to oblige. It's probably the same for any couple regarding any action the individuals enjoy. 

1. Its part of our sexual encounter routine, so I feel much more satisfied. Oh, and sore... my balls feel sore.

2. I think its great for a long term relationship. It has made us closer and changes with us as she gets more into it, so its an easy way to keep sex interesting.

Now older and wiser come back to this question again.

1) Yes i feel super sub after being ballbusted. I know why. on a basic level Losing due to a kick on the nuts can come from 2 reasons or i suck or the woman is great or a a mix of both. I prefer to think the woman its great and my pain a tribute to her greatness. On a consensual scenario i get plenty of treaties. First i dont get the knee to the face that would come on a self defense scenario but mostly i can have the time to truly worship her for bringing that defeat to me. 

The idea holds of she is a closer one to me. I thinkthe power and confidence she wins its more than the pain and suffer i take. So helping her to be better its also a great treaty i get since she is let say a  gf.

2)On relationships curiusly bb led me to unleash a full dom relationship with me on charge. Unlike you mel its not on power. Its on unleashing my fury. Ironically when she can stop me whenever she wants just kicking the balls. That she doesnt make it all more interesting. I just beat her the most i can while guarding her being relatively fine. im the most inacurate i can be on general. So if any bb help me to discover dom or sub its a choice, than a sub can also bust balls. Busting can made some woman unleash dormant dom tendencies, so can be quite eye opening, but still with busting a total sub will still be one.

Also it created some sort of awakening, they just more sexual compared to the era non busting.

Also agree on your vision on sexual busting, going deeper i think busting can be a form of comunication even art.

On a sexual charged context the kick or whatever the woman chooses makes it all special. 



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