Hello boys, Melinda here. I have a few questions that I want to ask, and seeing how guys don't have interviews here, (understandable considering the woman to men ratio here) I figure I would start one for you guys, because I have questions sometimes and I want answers. So this one is your guys to answer any questions I have, and maybe some other ladies might have some general questions as well. Please refrain from smart ass answers and bullshit.

Ok first question. After your done getting your balls busted, what do you feel like? My husband is very docile after I bust his balls, he is more romantically intiment then sexually. He seems to be cuddly and more interested in just talking to me. He always goes out of his way to help me, and pretty much waits on my every need. The more and harder I bust his balls, the better the response I get form him. Now am I just luckily or do any of you boys get like that after a good busting?

Question 2. How do you honestly feel about ballbusitng in a relationship, long term. Knowing that it would become an active lifestyle more or less? 10 years of busting my husbands balls for the reasons that I do eventually changed the entire structure of our relationship. We are closer now then we have ever been. Do you think you would be able too?

Look forward to the responses and the chance to grill you guys. ;) later

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So berkey would you say that the harder busting would take your aggression down?. Lol broken is a nice term for it. My husband gets more sexually aggressive when I start busting his balls. His Aggressiveness eventually turns into submission, sometimes it takes some work, but under the right "pressure" I can convince him. Any perticular reason you and partners were solely BB buddies? If you were in a long term BB relationship, what would you want it be like ?

So berkey would you say that the harder busting would take your aggression down?

Yes, generally. Like, if we're starting a bb session or something, a good, hard knee to start things off won't take me down (well... it may drop me, but you know what I mean) - for an extended session, it'll generally take a while (though a sufficiently hard squeeze at any time could get me). But, if we're not really at that point, a kick hard enough to drop me will leave me pretty docile (for example, I remember one time last year, I managed to piss off a girl at my uni at a party by being a bit too forward... she dropped me with a single kick - albeit, she played for my uni's soccer team, so that explains a bit of the harshness. I was definitely pretty "docile" after that).

Any perticular reason you and partners were solely BB buddies?

I just haven't had any long-term romantic interests; more than a couple months, I mean.

If you were in a long term BB relationship, what would you want it be like ?

I enjoy routine ballbusting - not just for 'sessions' but as a casual, spur of the moment thing -, and I also enjoy it when it reflects power dynamics that aren't purely sexual. I like the fact that, if a girl is irritated at me or wants me to do something, she can get what she wants with a good knee. Growing up, my sister was that way (a lot) - busting was a pretty common staple of how we related to one another. With my busting buddies today (who are 'long term', but not romantic - just routine hookups), that's also become common practice.

How I feel after a busting depends a lot on the context.  For example, last week my lady friend came over and was feeling really bitchy.  So right after she arrived she gave me a hard ball breaking  She had me set a timer, and for 10 minutes she smashed her little fist into my nuts while she verbally bitched me out.  Not sure, I was almost in tears by the end. 

For the rest of the night I did feel incredibly docile and attentive.  I hung on her waist and kissed her constantly.  I knelt at her feet frequently - including in the elevator!  I was incredibly horny, but not in an aggressive way.

But this was an unusual night.  Most of the time she beats my balls while she's milking my cock. It's a pretty big mind fuck and super humiliating, as I desscribed in a blog.  But afterwards we either go to sleep, or it's back to non-sexual friendship type hanging out without any big emotional overhang.  So kind of a surprisingly different effect.

As for the relationship aspect... well.  I'm currently in a sort of BB relationship.  And honestly I'm not sure how much I like it.  Obviously it turns me on a lot.  But in a way I preferred things when she was submissive to me.  I definitely got more sex then.  Lately she only allows me to fuck her once every few months.  It seems like the longer it's been since the last sex, the harder she hits my balls.  (Fortunately, she finally let me fuck again her this week!)

So it depends on why she is busting you then? That I get, I'm not always in a good mood, so if I am in a bad one then the busting his going to get is going to be different. So do you prefer submissive woman over dominant? Sorry about the fucking foo bar, I honestly don't think I can go that long without. I start to get antsy and irradiated when I don't get laid. So if you wanted a real BB relationship what would it involve?

first answer: i have been busted in a hard way, i hate it, my usual reaction its just smash by buddys cunt, usually harder than her (consensual of course), i got good reactions, but in some part of my heart i have to deal balls are a bit more sensitive

Second answer, ballbusting its a half -half, opening to your partner made easier build trust (and helps sex a lot

0), but the thing its that a woman just cannot respect a guy who can hurt and humilliate any way she want. i cannot be with a woman who not respects me so, probably in my life i will have to choose between bb and a stable relationship.

Trust me I know ballbusitng is half and half. Trust is kind of the central peice to it. Ditto on the sex, ballbusitng has vastly improved the quality of our sex life. The one thing I don't agree with is how a woman can't respect a guy if she can hurt him. I bust my husbands balls all the time, and I have never lost respect for him, and if A woman does then in my opinion she is just a rotten bitch. See I'm a bitch, just not a rotten one. Back in the beginning I always have gave my husband a chance to stop me from doing it. All he had to say is that he didn't want me to do it and I would have stopped. After we had our seconded kid, I staring to bust him harder. Again same choice was given. He never asked me to stop. The last offer was made 4 years ago, I told him then that after that, the offer was off the table and I meant for good, I would never give him the option again. He still said nothin even when I pushed him to the limit on purpose to see what he would do. I'm sorry I respect that. How much he is willing to let me do to him is almost scary, that I respect.
So do you think the feelings change depending on who's doing it?
I'm a firm believer in the difference between sexual busting and just busting. I could kick another guy In the nuts for whatever reason. Squeezing is for my man only, stomping I would never do to anyone else. Stomping on them is extremely personal lol.
Do you think that because you let your GF bust your balls, do you think she repeats you less for it?
Sorry that was a dame auto correct, I meant respect lol
What about less ?
My husband doest avoid busting, he might behave so I don't do it as hard or as much, but when he walks into the kitchen and slaps my ass and calls me sweet tits, I'm going to hurt him, and I'm going to hurt him a lot, period. So let's agree to disagree on the respect part. If you think a woman will lose respect for being able to bust you, then that's your opinion, but don't say most woman would think like that because it's not true. The power you give away in a relationship is determined by you. If you give that much power away, and to the WRONG person then that's on you. If she doesn't find you as an equal after busting your balls then she never saw you as an equal in the first place. I own my husbands balls, but I don't own him. If I tried ordering him around by ballbusitng or used it to force what I want, I'm sure he would put me through a wall. The most I have ever demanded out of him was to please me sexually, help out around the house more, and full body massages. He is the head of the household, he makes more money, and he handles all the finances. I cook him dinner and do his Landry for him. There are just certain boundrys and rules you have to establish just like any normal relationship
Question for you, what if a woman ask you to hit her? Would that change the way you thought of her? Why ?
Of course flipflops I understand that And I don't want you to think I'm saying your wrong. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, even if I might disagree with it. It's the reason I'm doing this, to see what men think about it. There isn't a wrong answer, but like I said I will grill you for more if there is something else I want to know.



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