We all know that balls are designed to produce sperm for creating new life, so I was wondering if any of the guys on here have kids/ambitions to have kids or have you just conceded that they won't work anymore?

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I had reeded in a magazine and on the internet that rupturing it badly can hurt on daily bases many years later.

Like this site femalefirst.co.uk. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=38982&am...

That is one of the reasons why i don't want to find out how the hardest kicks in the male or female groin feels like.

What i found on the Internet that happened to someone else in the UK so far i could understand from it  (I think that: Living Proof lives in the UK :-( )
by Living Proof
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:27 pm
Forum: Health
Topic: groin kick
Replies: 4
Views: 342111

Re: groin kick

I was kicked square in the right testicle which ruptured it badly.
I fell to the ground,remember screaming in agony and then was out cold.
I came to still in severe pain and remained laid up for 6-8 weeks before I was able to stand up straight.
My right nut was the size of a grapefruit.Here I am 25 years later still in daily pain that is still severe at times.
To anyone out there that thinks it doesn't hurt or you can't become partially disabled from a solid kick,I am proof that you are dead wrong.

 I won't ask anyone to do something that may hurt them! But when your  going to have kids in the future then you have to be cautious!. 

Have kid/kids, don't need anymore, so letting an attractive woman with nice feet have some fun BF too BB is ok and fun...

I'm still young, but I've been getting busted for 10 years or so.  It didn't stop me from having two kids...

I like the ballbusting. But i don't wish lose my balls.
For this reason talk with my ballbuster girl about the hard or intensity of punch on my nuts. I have a child and I love the idea of one baby more. So I think if not abuse don´t exist problem.

I was busted pretty hard and frequently leading up to the time I had my second perfectly normal, healthy (and sometimes crazy!) baby boy. I was busted before my first boy, too, but we conceived right after I returned home from 1 yr in Korea, so I hadn't been busted for a while.

Personally I dont care about my fertility. I have never wanted children, and I doubt I suddenly will aquire the desire to father one. If I were to change my mind adoption is a viable option, there are already to many children in this world without me needing to add my own little clones. If anything there is a lack of good parents. 

On the contrary I think being kicked sterile would be a very stimulating experience for me, given that everything else would still work adequatly of course.

it depends on how hard you get kicked I personally prefer alot of gentle kicks to a few hard ones i love knee and thigh kicks the most

Trying for  a baby now, I have not been busted in almost 2 years though have had 4 big sessions with domees 3 hours each. so we shall see soon if anything bad happened



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