do you think because you are lesbian you don't have an interest in men .. does that mean you Hate their balls?A. I actually don't hate men, I've met many pleasant gentlemen in this site's chat room, i don't hate their balls either. I'm sure many of you think all lesbians hate men, but that's totally false, it's true some really do hate men, but I'm not one of them and neither is my partner, I'm into bb because it sometimes gives me control of a situation i wouldn't of had if it weren't for the apple bag.
Q - You have an interesting avatar, what does it mean?
A - It's a symbol meaning "Lesbian Love".
Q - what do you find enjoyable about ballbusting?
A - it's a control of a bad situation for me, I find that control sexy.
Q - it turns you on to bust guys balls right?
A - i like it for control reasons, the control is what's sexy, the victory of the situation
Q- have you had any recent busts or been busted?
A - 2006
Q - Does you girlfriend like to bust?
A - She's never busted anyone and she doesn't show interest
Q - what do u enjoy wearing when u bust?
A - i don't plan my busts, my last bust was in 2006, i don't even remember what i wore that time. I think i had a floral print dress and red pumps.
Q - so do you have a bf you do this too?
A - I'm guessing you didn't read my profile LOL, that's a funny question
Q- I think its cool that you enjoy kicking balls... do you enjoy the
that fact that you're hurting a man in the very symbol and essence of
his manhood?
A- I think that's true for most women, gay and straight. The fact that we're causing that level of pain to the very symbol of manhood, the producer of testosterone, of male immaturity and stupid machismo, yes, I enjoy it very much.
ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.