Guys --
From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why?
Do you enjoy submitting to female power?
Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)
Let's talk.

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i think guys are normally superior to women, its the temporary shift of power that makes it hot

and the pain she is inflicting even better if when she enjoys the reaction lol

Hi Susan. Great questions, now I know I'm not the only one with  this weird "fetish".  For me its  being controlled by a female and I agree with you that females are superior over males. I love female feet so I don't know it its my foot fetish or being humiliated with bb that arouses me so much, but I just love to think about a female with sexy bare feet kicking me in the balls then laughing at me in pain or even just the threat of being kicked in the balls that brings fear to every male.. But the humiliation or even a threat is big turn on!  again great questions.. :) 

Excellent question ... I don't know the answer but I think it is that I feel like I am never good enough to get a hot girl ... so the only way I imagine them with me is if they kick my nuts!

For me, it's about the power exchange. I want you to bruise them and swell them, to remind me of your power. I like best when the girl is wearing a tight shirt that is fairly see through, or loose enough to flash as she is beating them. Those titties are the reason I was drawn to you - use that against me now.


By the way, I live in DFW and would love to meet you for a session when you really feel the need....

Hi Susan,

For me it's complicated.  I like the idea of submission to female power but have a hard time allowing it myself.  Love BB but have a hell of a time taking the hit unless I put myself in a position where I don't know it's coming.  Any advice?  Why do you think females are superior to males?


We are taught and programmed from an early age by movies and television that men are strong and superior, and that women are weak and inferior. But in real life this is totally false. Men really are the weaker sex and we were born with a distinct disadvantage and weakness. It turns us on to know that all you need to do to is to take advantage of that inherent weakness by squeezing, kneeing, and kicking us in the balls and you have complete and total power over us.  And you have absolute power because you have boobs that also make us weak and you have no weaknesses...  You are very beautiful and very sexy and I would love to submit absolute power to you by having you knee and kick me in the balls...

It's embarrassing to males that women have so much power over us. If women everywhere woke up to there power we would'nt stand a chance because its easy to control us by our genitals. Women can just tease and threaten to knee a guy in the balls, thats all it takes to arouse him and he will bow down to you, submitting to all women kind. Its hard for men to accept women as superior, but if you rule us, humiliate us by being the superior in most ways it will make us hard and then we have no choice but to accept women as the stronger sex. The battle of the sexes makes men nervous cause we don't wanna loose to a girl, and when the girls dont play fair and tap our balls, we flinch, or become intimidated, and aroused by an empowered women. Being a male you either will get annoyed at female power (women laugh at how sensitive mens balls are) or embrace it, allow women to be entertained in this way by kicking us in the nuts as they accend to power world wide.  What do you think Susan?

It's hard to explain why I'm willing to take such pain to my balls, because I'm not even 100% sure why. It's not that I accept the idea that females are superior, but for me, hurting a man's balls has always been something sexual. I enjoy it partly because the extreme pain really turns me on, and partly because I know I'm satisfying a sadistic woman by taking such pain.

I dunno, for me it is less of a submission, thing, and more of a "let's see if I can power through this, and still perform" It makes her extra hot, and excited, and when I DO finally release, it is an immense explosion of passion, and she enjoys that part as well too. I guess I am not really too much into "femdom" so to speak, and more into aggressive woman wanting me as bad as I want her, and yet the ball pain seems to be needed somehow..  

Since I've actually been practicing with my girlfriend my feelings on this have changed quite a bit. Part of it is the pleasure/pain confusion. I doubt any woman could understand just how painful being kicked in the testicles is and the emotions you experience at the time.

I find myself actually reluctant to take that first kick or knee but once it's happened there is a HUGE adrenaline rush that comes with the pain. At the same time as the pain and the adrenaline hit I start to get incredibly aroused. Couple that with the fear etc and it's quite addictive.

Trust is a big part of it for me as well. Trust=intimacy for me and letting a woman push you to the limits of what you can take and not leave you damaged for life is a big thing. It's a shared intimate experience to me , so I suppose it's about trusting her with that power - the fact that I give it to her that control

I find it extremley stimulating, that a single smacking kick delivered by the sexy foot of a sadistic goddess straight into the rubbery, juicy flesh of my balls can put me into an ocean of pain and humiliation. No matter how strong I am, how much martial arts I practise - I just cannot win in a fight against a girl who aims for my testicles.

For me it is many things. I enjoy being completely submissive to a woman. Financially (paying her bills/shopping/etc.), getting kicked in the nuts and seeing her laugh (laughing at my manhood being crushed). During the impact of the kick it is most terrible, but when a girl laughs or says something mean...or what not, that is the best part. the fact that i am dying in pain and for the woman it is ammusement/punishment etc. and also worshiping a woman. gosh i dunno why i like it so many reasons!



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