Guys --
From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why?
Do you enjoy submitting to female power?
Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)
Let's talk.

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Hello!i'm a new member!I think that when a woman has a man's balls in her hand she has the biggest power in the world..she can choose to give pleasure or pain to him and he can't defend in anyway from i think woman are superior,because a man can't have a similar power over a woman..
I for one accept that females are superior. I know lots of guys have mentioned the humiliation being a part of the turn on. It's humiliating b/c the pain and general experience of being busted is uniquely male. Females will never have to experience it and that makes it all the more humiliating when the girl laughs or mocks him afterwards, really rubbing it in his face how unfair it is. There's another part to it though, at least for me, and that is just how damn ugly the male genitalia is. So the thought of a girl's sexy foot or smooth leg crushing a pair of ugly hairy wrinkly balls is really a turn on.
i think it comes down to equalization. The truth is, neither sex is superior, they both hold the same amount of power; and a kick to the balls reminds men, that, tho generally stronger physically, it's only as strong as your weakest weakpoint. That being said, i love the shift in dominance, a lot of the women i encounter have rape fantasies, which works great, we can play off one another, i take the role of rapist, and she resists and defends by attackin my sack, it's a give and take. Now i'm not going to say when i get kicked and the girl accidently starts laughing, i get harder and want it more, so the sadistic pleasure in bringing pain is def. a part of it as well. But I don't really think it exemplifies any real life dominance or power, because. sorry ladies, but if i wanted to fuckin kill you, you could hit my balls with a brick, and i can use addrenaline to over come the pain, and i'm gonna fuckin kill you anyway. And I use death as the example because it would have to be extreme situation to not fall down from a kick in the junk, but when the animal comes out, and the sexual playful person is subdued behind that animal, women and men can be just as powerful and violent torwards one another. ie in a right fight, a woman's punch in the face can be as damaging as a mans. Strength is not equal to size, look at bruce lee, he was a skinny short little fucker and he could break cinderblocks with his head. So i disagree with all the 'superirority' bullshit,i think you guys are further dichotomizing men and women into a divided to conquer state, and we should be focusing more on our similarities than differences. We need to recognize the social defiance that turns us on as well, your not supposed to go around kickin guys in the balls; that's half of what makes it so hot for me, it'd be like fucking a girl in a nun outfit.
It would be my pleasure to give you a huge kick! :)
Its probably just as hard to exlain as it is to understand. It seems that individuals are into this fetish for thier own reasons. For me it is a combination of many things. The pain is so intense but it turns me on. Further, this is the only type of pain that turns me on. The thought of a woman being seductive with her body using her sexy legs, feet, etc , teasing me , drawing me in , then nailing me in the jewels, standing over me laughing while im lying helpless on the floor, wow. Its being submissive to her, being dominated by her, and letting her do something to you that you wouldnt let anyone else do, the fact that she can control you with pleasure and pain, your gift to her is your balls and she owns them. For me also I wouldnt just let anyone woman do this, I have to desire her and want worship her body.
"Do you enjoy submitting to female power?"

For me it's not a power thing because power does not change hands. How does she have power over me if I am the one making her do it? She doesn't, she's a puppet in one of my sex fantasies and I am pulling the strings.

What I do like is the orgasm that comes after a hard kick. For me, going from intense pain to orgasm feels much better than going from normality to orgasm. In short, bb just makes sex much better (and rougher) for me.

"Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)"

No, I'd put us all on even ground.
I cannot seem to find the reply I wrote in here, so I will write it again! (Forgive me if it is somewhere and I am just not noticing it)

"Do you enjoy submitting to female power?"

For me it's not a power thing because power does not change hands. How does she have power over me if I am the one making her do it? She doesn't, she's a puppet in one of my sexual fantasies and I am pulling the strings. What I do like is the orgasm that comes during sex after a bust. The rise from pain to orgasm is a lot more intense than the rise from normality to orgasm.

Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)

No, I'd put us on even grounds.
When I was younger I was always taught that girls are stronger than boys. And well stupid me I believed it. When I was a bit older my friend (a girl) and I were playing around and I pinned her down and tried to get out of it and a swift knee to the eggs ended that. Her other friend (also a girl) laughed good and hard and proceeded to continue watching tv while I lay in the fetal position holding my goods.

Everyonce in awhile after that they'd tease me that they'd do it again and a good number of times I ended up at their feet. Then they would so selflessly be kind enough to toss me a bag of ice. I guess I enjoyed unwillingly submitting to their "girl power."

What do you think?
It's so good to hear from the guys why they enjoy it. It turns me on because guys love it so much.
For me i just really like it when a woman just doesn't care about my balls - irregardless of how sensitive they might be, she's quite happy to let loose, and hard! The pain is more of an after effect of the bust for me - its not what really hits the spot, its more when ive had them hit hard, i'm rolling around clutching my slightly swollen baby makers and all she wants to do is wack them again =)

Ive had a few gf's who like to squeeze them quite hard, especially during sex/foreplay etc, but ive not known many people who really like to sort them out with a good kick, and while i'm on the floor, impatiently waiting to kick them again.
Murr. I'm a masochist at heart, so the greater the pain, the better. I really don't like much other pain than that, and apart from having a foot fetish, there really isn't much else that turns me on. So I guess being interested in less things than most guys (not interested in intercourse, thanks.) makes the things I am interested in that much more enjoyable.

While I believe men and women are created equally, I still love the feeling of being submissive to, and curling up at the feet of the female who kicked me. I have moderately above-average tolerance to kicking, meaning I won't go down at the slightest tap, or even for a few kicks, so I especially love it when someone kicks me hard enough to drop me on the first shot. I love meeting women more powerful than I; the fear I occasionally get gives me a rather large (submissive) rush.
hi susan,

i remember even from a young age always getting a funny feeling whenever i saw a woman kick a man in the balls, like a mixture of embarassment, shame and anger at the fact that a woman could do that to me whenever she wanted. It was like an intense feeling of unfairness that I couldn't do that back to her. That somehow women had one over on me.. forever..

Now, as an adult, that idea kind of turns me on and i like the power imbalance in that regard. I don't think women are superior, but they do have an advantage when it comes to groins.

I actually prefer watching busts than having it done to me as its almost a psychological thrill i get rather than a physical/pain thrill. Whenever i see a girl busting a guy it's like she's tacitly reminding him of the fact that doesn't have balls...therefore she's making clear to him the advantage she has.. to me that's hot..

and while i like seeing a girl laughing afterwards about it, i prefer it if she makes some verbal reference to how she's impervious to that type of adds to the intensity of her mocking him. I don't know if many other guys/girls get the same kind of thrill as me from it..maybe i'm unusual, but I even prefer to see the girl doing the busting wearing some tight-fitting bikini bottoms or panties, that show off her smoothness down there, all the while she's inflicting male-pain.. and afterwards all he can do is look up from the ground and see a nice smooth crotch.. AWESOME..



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