Stories for the Ladies.... A sensible suggestion honoring the ladies on this site.


Okay not really, infact most of what is written above isnt even remotely true, but now that i have youre attention ladies, i had an idea, it seems to me that if it werent for the ladies on this site it wouldnt be nearly as good. i think that alot of guys that get onto these sites just want to take from the ladies and not give much back in return. the poor women get baraged by the guys wanting to know everything and wanting to know it now just so that they can gain some jerk off material. in defense of us guys though it is a ballbusting site so i guess its not that much of a stretch to think that the ladies might be happy to chat about the very thing that the site is all about, but what ever happened to getting to know someone a bit first! anyway am getting a bit off track here. now then my idea, i thought that it might be fun for us guys to try writing some stories for the ladies on this site, using their profiles as a guide to what they may like, now obviously for the ladies its not all going to be about the ballbusting so us guys might have to get to know our muse a bit first or just use our imaginations. just put lots of things in there that ladies might generally like, u know like erections that last for hours, heavy petting, wild passionate fucking, with clothes thrown about the place, teasing, perhaps sometimes she likes to be dominated, maybe she likes roll play, maybe she wants to be with a rock star for example, or maybe she just wants to teach that arrogant bastard a lesson, but she definately wants those multiple orgasms that seem to last for a week, as long as it comes with a story first to properly set it up. we could pair up and dedicate a weekend for us guys to honour the ladies with a story of there own, if she likes the story she could then return the favour by writing a story for whoever she was paired up with. guys if u need inspiration, just imagine that your gal has u by the balls till u finish the story. please let me know what u think by giving me a short reply if u like the idea ladies. on the other hand if u think that i have been smoking to much crack then just forget the whole idea. not really i dont even smoke..........well not crack anyhow!!! would love to hear some replies, be they positive or negative.

p.s. if the ladies like their stories they can publish them on the site for all to read!

p.p.s. thanks for your time, sorry bout the long windedness.

                                                                                        catch ya later, jesse

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Interesting idea ... I like where you're going with this as the ladies on here definitely should be appreciated and supported.

I think it sounds like a great idea ......... Hurry up already !!!


I also think its a great idea! I'm not sure how the pairing would work but I'd be up for it.


i do not read or write much, atleast in the form of books or storytelling but i am a lyricist and an artist of the spoken word. i do " map out" in my head and on papper my projects/peices. you can reveiw my just updated profile for a preveiw of my writing, i do like to teach, inspire, and guid writers or more spicifically "expressors" in theyr expresion. anyone can PM me about expression. i know a lot of you might be paired up with someone you kinda have a thing for or would just like to get the most out of your writing.

So, this seems to be going nowhere slowly. I still think its a good idea and am open to a writing partner. Let me know if you're interested. I write well if I'm motivated but don't usually hang out if I'm not.



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