Hey all!

So I thought I'd get a topic going where a lot of people can answer. Today's topic is sports injuries. I'll start off with a few of mine, but before I do, my question is: Have you ever been involved in, or witnessed a sport injury that involved someone (guy or girl) copping it in the crotch? I have a couple of stories so here goes.

One time we were playing baseball (softball? not sure which one was which this day, lol) at high school, and we were lining up to bat. I think I got distracted somehow, and this guy pushed in line. I told him that he pushed in line, but he kept insisting that he didn't, and that he was due to bat before me. So afterwards I'm like, fine, whatever, it's only space ahead. Then almost out of no where, someone throws, or bats the ball (I didn't even see it coming) and hits this guy square in the nuts. He stood there for a split second, registered the hit and then thought "ow my balls!" lol. He had to sit out for a little while, tending to his sore plums, while it was my turn to bat next. Had he not have pushed in, it would have been me on the sideline tending to myself, haha.

Another time in high school, we were throwing footballs inside a school gym (Aussie footballs are very similar to the NFL footballs) and I was partnered up with a rather bossy girl. Each time we kept expanding out, throwing further and further. I didn't throw from all the way back at the other side of the gym, coz I knew I couldn't throw that far. My gym partner insisted I go all the way at the end, and started barking orders, so, of course, I thought "fuck it" I'm not gonna fight, I'll comply (looking back I was pretty laid back with this sorta thing, lol) so I grabbed the football, and threw it was hard as I could, hurting my arm in the process, but like I expected, it did not travel far enough. It bounced on the hard floor, and up between my gym partner's legs. I walked over and said I was sorry (I was pretty calm about it, she was being bossy after all, lol) meanwhile she's half laughing/half in pain, and trying very hard not to show the pain, as she was limping about forcing herself not to grab herself. I was sorry, but she was being bossy. This changed her mood immediately, lol.

As a bonus, the next day in school, she was in a fight with another girl, and I remember the other girl going for a knee. The gym partner girl immediately blocked the knee and protected her genitals. It's like she knew what it felt like now, haha.

Finally, the only ones I've copped myself during sport are the occasional soccer ball to the groin, which have usually been short distance, and not enough to make me call for time out. I also have a soft baseball bat to the crotch story, but I'll save it for later. :) Am looking forward to hearing your stories!

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Hey Lorren, thanks for the reply. And aw man, what a way to end the match. :S Although I'd say you were being a bit cocky (not sure if there's room for a pun here, lol). Still, I've watched tennis matches where they do those super strong down strikes, so the ball travels so fast, it's almost too hard for their opponent to counter. I can only imagine what that ball feels like against genitals! Despite ball jokes are funny, I hope people realise that women can still feel a lot of pain in their bits. Kinda reminds me of soccer. In the men's games, you get way too many idiots diving/feigning injury to get a free kick, meanwhile in women's games, if a woman is in pain, it's usually real. And if it's just a brush, they'll get back up!

Lorren, have you ever played cricket before? If a tennis ball can make you curl up, I sure hope everyone wears a cup for cricket!

Two quick stories from me now:

One time playing soccer, I managed to cop the ball to my balls, but thankfully it was only at close range, and not too hard. I managed to buckle a little bit, but kept running. However, my boys felt tender for at least a few minutes.

Another time I went paintballing, and surprisingly, I was the only person who decided to wear a cup, and gloves (I ended up getting shot in the fingers, but not the groin, lol). I think after hearing the loud sound of the paintballs smacking against the wall, I imagined getting shot, square on in a testicle, and instantly cringed at the thought. So I bought a cup, and in typical fashion, I punched it four times to make sure it worked. It did! lol. At the end of a round, it was me and some guy left, and we played this weird close-range showdown. For some reason I decided to crouch, and I got shot in the thighs and stomach. In my blind firing though, I managed to shoot the guy in the crotch. It mustn't had been a direct hit, but he still said out that he got shot in the nuts, and kinda covered himself with one hand. It musta hurt for a bit, but not enough that he was on the ground. Still, I have that fear of the perfect shot, going straight to one of my soft targets, and swelling up like a balloon, lol.



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