A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Hey all!
So I thought I'd get a topic going where a lot of people can answer. Today's topic is sports injuries. I'll start off with a few of mine, but before I do, my question is: Have you ever been involved in, or witnessed a sport injury that involved someone (guy or girl) copping it in the crotch? I have a couple of stories so here goes.
One time we were playing baseball (softball? not sure which one was which this day, lol) at high school, and we were lining up to bat. I think I got distracted somehow, and this guy pushed in line. I told him that he pushed in line, but he kept insisting that he didn't, and that he was due to bat before me. So afterwards I'm like, fine, whatever, it's only space ahead. Then almost out of no where, someone throws, or bats the ball (I didn't even see it coming) and hits this guy square in the nuts. He stood there for a split second, registered the hit and then thought "ow my balls!" lol. He had to sit out for a little while, tending to his sore plums, while it was my turn to bat next. Had he not have pushed in, it would have been me on the sideline tending to myself, haha.
Another time in high school, we were throwing footballs inside a school gym (Aussie footballs are very similar to the NFL footballs) and I was partnered up with a rather bossy girl. Each time we kept expanding out, throwing further and further. I didn't throw from all the way back at the other side of the gym, coz I knew I couldn't throw that far. My gym partner insisted I go all the way at the end, and started barking orders, so, of course, I thought "fuck it" I'm not gonna fight, I'll comply (looking back I was pretty laid back with this sorta thing, lol) so I grabbed the football, and threw it was hard as I could, hurting my arm in the process, but like I expected, it did not travel far enough. It bounced on the hard floor, and up between my gym partner's legs. I walked over and said I was sorry (I was pretty calm about it, she was being bossy after all, lol) meanwhile she's half laughing/half in pain, and trying very hard not to show the pain, as she was limping about forcing herself not to grab herself. I was sorry, but she was being bossy. This changed her mood immediately, lol.
As a bonus, the next day in school, she was in a fight with another girl, and I remember the other girl going for a knee. The gym partner girl immediately blocked the knee and protected her genitals. It's like she knew what it felt like now, haha.
Finally, the only ones I've copped myself during sport are the occasional soccer ball to the groin, which have usually been short distance, and not enough to make me call for time out. I also have a soft baseball bat to the crotch story, but I'll save it for later. :) Am looking forward to hearing your stories!
Ho-lee shazbot! Somebody actually read it!
Glad you enjoyed it! I got a kick outta yours, too. American footballs are just perfectly shaped for groin trauma, haha.
Well, since we're having a raft of martial arts stories, I thought I'd include mine too. I've already written and posted it though, so site veterans have likely already come across it. Figured I'd just include the link so I don't bore and take up extra space for those who have read it before.
Oh hey, I only just realised this now. Thanks for the link man, and the stories you've shared to me about your martial arts incidents make me want a sequel, haha.
Fantastic stories guys! I'm loving these!
@ Ult Rugal
Haha sorry to hear, and unlucky man. Though last I heard, they don't wear cups for soccer? Hence why when they form a well, mostly everyone is protecting their family jewels, lol.
@ bbandstuff
You bring up a good point. While many on here enjoy a bit of busting, it's usually in a private setting with someone you know, and always usually expected. I have a feeling a fair few people who like to be busted, still don't like it publicly, where as others might like the humiliation factor.
@ Rooomer
Aren't you supposed to wear a cup for American Football? From what I've seen, those dudes just ram into each other like crazy. Though I'm thinking they might do it harder because of all the padding, haha. And yeah, with all that tackling and kicking, you don't want your nuts getting in the way. And yeah, poor baseball girl. Did you use the proper hard baseball? Those things look like they can bruise!
@ J S
That story was amazing! I don't know what I would have done being in your shoes. Either mortified and sorry times 1000, or just not knowing how to react, and sort of awkwardly standing there, seeing this girl writhing and clutching her sex. You said the kick wasn't that hard? It must have gotten her right "in the spot" coz that sounds like a pretty painful reaction. Then again, most humans are sensitive down there (should I say all? lol).
Thanks again for the stories guys! And keep them coming! :D
Oh, I probably did hit her pretty darn hard. Not close to full power, but hard nonetheless. It just didn't feel like much because when you hit something directly with your heel, the you don't really feel it too much. The force just propagates up the best line of shock absorbers your body has, right up your tibia/fibia to your knee. That said, I don't even want to know what would have happened if I hadn't pulled the kick, because yeah, I'm pretty sure it did hit her right on the bullseye.
Thanks for making the topic! So many great stories here!
Hello all,
i try to share what i can still remember...i try to make it short..
1) i saw guy been kick with soccer shoes (in soccer games i watch on tv) i did not remember which club or country team,, he was in great pain, cannot walk , have to be carried from the field
2)My friend and i casually play soccer at field near my house..I saw the goal keeper, using weird skills to catch the soccer balls, the soccer balls hit his groin , he manage to catch it, then he drop and curl in pain...
3) i accidentally get a heel kick from another boy when we do TKD sparring, the hit not full force but it still give some impact, i take a rest for about 10 to 15 minutes before continue training, then a senior girl taught me how to avoid some hit at the groin,..
4) i got hit (sharp pain) in my testicle, when i was trying to ride my cousin bicycle . that bike was too small for me, it hit my groin when i use the front brake..and it very painful. i was 11 years that time.
5) one of my friend younger brother is the youngest student of a karate class when i was 18. the Karate club share same space with hockey club in that school.. one day that boy got hit by hockey ball and his groin, he cry in pain, we try to calm him..
Hey man, thanks for the answers. With number 2, you're supposed to slowly stop the ball, using the top part of your groin, and letting it roll, rather than hit. Otherwise you end up with sore genitals, lol.
With number 3, do you remember what exactly the senior girl was teaching you? I'm curious.
And man, I almost racked myself on the bike. I managed to just nip myself, which was enough for me to feel it, but not enough for me to be in immense pain. I was quite relieved actually.
3) it not to directly face / your direction to your opponent...just your body turn left / right, while still looking at the opponent head / body, (easier to avoid some front kick), some kick may get in. depends on the type of kick...
I guess I'll add a couple of my own experiences. As there seems to be a bit of a tkd theme I'll start with this.
I was very sporty growing up, including a lot of gymnastics and dance as well as other sports, so was naturally very flexible and coordinated. When I was in year 8 or so I signed up for tkd as a school sport for a couple of semesters just to try something different. From day one I picked it up straight away and was moved into higher groups even tho I was ungraded. I was very confident and show-off-y and I'm sure acting very obnoxious and annoying all the students who did tkd seriously and worked very hard at it earning their colours.
One day at the end of the lesson we were paired up for some sparring and I was paired with a girl a couple of years above me. Being a casual student, we shared the guards and padding from the school's kit bag. While there were cups for the boys few wore them and little mention was made of them by the teachers, only 2 of which were proper tkd instructors. For the girls there was nothing in the kit, nor any real mention or requirement to wear them. Even the serious students didn't both with them for these "school" classes.
I was paired with this older girl who was a black belt and I was pretty excited to have a challenge even tho I knew she could wipe the floor with me. I didn't know her well, but I knew she wasn't impressed with how casually I took her sport, even tho she was nice enough the couple of times we'd talked. We faced off and as soon as we were given the start, I was sure she was going to come out with something right from the go and had taken half a step to one side to counter and/or brace for whatever was coming, but she just straight up snap kicked me right between the legs! and my move had just opened my legs to her and foot and landed square in the lips.
Needless to say I don't even remember dropping, but I was curled up on the mats, hands grabbing and rubbing my tender bits, legs writhing together and rocking side to side. After a while I could begin to hear the laughs and giggles, and sympathy (some real, most mocking) and the 'get her in the balls' comments and "lady balls" jokes. And my opponent was leaning over me saying a not very sincere apology, saying she thought I knew what I was doing, and patting me on the head.
It took some times before I was able to get up and walk it off, and I was very ginger for the next couple of days as a reminder, which if course drew all the usual she's got balls jokes etc. and fake (and a couple of not so fake) slaps and pokes to my already achey tender crotch.
We did spar a few more times before the end of semester and I moved onto a different sport. I did try and get her back but she could always put me down, and even got me one more good one before the end.
So that was my experience. There were a bunch of other busts in those classes while I was there. mostly the boys but one other girl as well. Of course being horny highschoolers they were usually "accidental on purpose" knowing most of the boys weren't wearing cups, as well as a couple of amateurs flailing arms and legs and connecting with certain soft spots :)
Hey Lorren, thanks for answering.
No matter how many times I've heard this story, I learn something new every time about it.
And it sounds like the black belt didn't hold back, and meant business. I remember Karate Girl one time saying how black belts (against other black belts) are almost encouraged to kick between the legs when the other one is in a slack stance, almost like a punishment, but more so a "stay alert" sort of thing. Not sure how hard they're meant to hit though, but it sounded like she hit you pretty hard. A part of me thinks this kind of thing is a bit harsh, especially seeing as you weren't a black belt yourself. The other part of me thinks this is kind of awesome, haha. Not paying enough attention to your stances/maneuvers? A kick to the genitals oughta fix the problem, lol. How long were you down? And the pat on the head almost seems condescending too, lol.
All jokes aside, it sounds like more places need to encourage protective gear a lot more, especially if kicks to sensitive areas are quite common. And lol at the "she's got balls" comments, they must have never seen a girl kicked in the groin before. And I like the whole "accidental on purpose" thing. Sounds like a bit of fun. :)
Thanks for the story, and I'd love to hear more!
Well I've loved these stories, but I do hope people post some more too, especially the ones who said they had multiple stories. I can't think of another one yet, but I just have this vivid memory of this girl who used to play soccer with me and a group of friends. When there was a free kick, she'd try to block the one about to kick the ball, and would cover her crotch with both hands. And it wasn't the sort of hesitant moving away, semi-protecting, it was full on both hands slightly cupping the genitals. I always found that pretty interesting, and I'm pretty sure she's one who knows what crotch pain feels like.
Another instance, was when we were messing around with a BB gun (these things don't hurt unless you shoot bare skin, lol). She was wearing tracksuit pants, but would protect her crotch with one hand when the gun was aimed at her. I'll try to remember some more stories soon!
I was playing a state tennis tournament against another girl (U16s). I was winning and basically messing around with her doing constant dropshot, lob, dropshot, lob, and generally making things miserable and frustrating for her. At one point we were both at the net, metres apart. I meant to chip it back over her head again but mis-hit it and it just floated up for her, and she smashed it down at my feet. Normally this is fine but because we were so close together instead of bouncing through my legs, it bounced between my feet, right up my skirt and square in the lips!! I was out, I was curled up on the ground before I really knew what had even happened, and I wasn't getting up. It wasn't the first time I'd been hit there by any means, but it was by far the worst. I had to be helped off the court and just hung out in the locker room until mum picked me up. And for months I was getting teased and jokes about having balls coz I "went down like a boy", and all the usual "lost ball" jokes you ever heard...
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