I don't know if my interview will be a hit, but i can give it a shot.

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Yes, i have a couple of situations that were more "fun" busts.


My favorite was...

While I was fishing in a small 4 man Johnny boat on a good sized pond... A friend of mine acted like he didn’t know I was sitting right behind him (yeah, right) and he tried sitting on me. His big rear was coming right down on my face so my reaction was to punch him between the legs hard right in the balls. This caused him to freeze his butt from moving back into me, I then reached in and did a quick grab and pull. He fell down fast and almost capsized or tipped the boat over. He just lay and moaned on the boat floor as my friend and I continued fishing and laughing at his situation. My other friend couldn't stop laugh, he had to stop fishing for a while. i was able to continue, but I giggled and laughed as I fished.



john butler said:

Have you ever hit someone for fun? If so, tell us a story! :) please

It was fine, we would have just swam to shore, we weren't that far out.


No, No one dared me in my face to hit them in the balls, i don't have that one on my experience list.

john butler said:

Hahahahaha that sounds hilarious and equally dangerous.

Has anyone ever asked/dared you to bust them? What happened?

If it's an accident and i hurt him badly when he didn't want it or deserve it, i would feel bad. Now if it was an accident and I only slightly hurt him, then that would be a little funny.

john butler said:

So, do you feel bad at all when you hit someone in the balls? Even if it's on accident?

have you ever busted someone because they were a perv?

2.have u ever busted in point heels?

This question sort of stems from the dare question I suppose and in your profile you mention you don't have a busting buddy and do it mainly as a reaction to stupid, offensive or innapropriate behaviour of some sort which I would tend to think is the reason most girls would bust balls in every day life out side of playing with the fetish. So my question is, if someone dared you to do it, would you? And would you be interested in having a ball busting buddy or would the fact that they were into it and enjoying the situation sort of ruin it for you? And finally...Do you think you could "cure" a potential darer or busting buddy of their fetish by giving it to 'em so bad they regreted making the dare or signing up to be be your victim in the first place? Would that sort of be your goal in that sort of scenario or would you want to play with a potential busting buddy concentually?

I can see that you're someone that doesn't do their homework. The answer to that first question was actually answered on my profile...I kind of got myself in this mess about 20 years ago, I was fooling around with a guy that was probably 10 years old then I was, but I didn’t want to continue with him. He wasn’t exactly willing to let me go that easily so I had to unsettle his stomach a bit with my knee to his precious parts. I was able to just walk away like I wanted to.

And as for question number two, if you did read my profile and interview, you would realize I'm not the type of girl that would wear pointed heels.

bonehead arthurs said:

have you ever busted someone because they were a perv?

2.have u ever busted in point heels?

1) if someone dared you to do it, would you?  Yes, I think i actually would, i could see myself in certain situations taking up that dare.

2) would you be interested in having a ball busting buddy? yes, i think i would give a busting buddy a shot or two just to see if i could enjoy session busting.

3) would the fact that they were into it and enjoying the situation sort of ruin it for you? Maybe, haven't been in this situation so I can't give you an honest answer on how i would feel.

4) Do you think you could "cure" a potential darer or busting buddy of their fetish by giving it to 'em so bad they regreted making the dare or signing up to be be your victim in the first place? I'm sure some would never want to be hit ever again if i was to give them my best shot and I was able to connect directly to his nuts. Then again, I'm sure some guys would come back once they felt that horny tug to get busted again. It's always going to vary from one man to another.

Dave said:

This question sort of stems from the dare question I suppose and in your profile you mention you don't have a busting buddy and do it mainly as a reaction to stupid, offensive or innapropriate behaviour of some sort which I would tend to think is the reason most girls would bust balls in every day life out side of playing with the fetish. So my question is, if someone dared you to do it, would you? And would you be interested in having a ball busting buddy or would the fact that they were into it and enjoying the situation sort of ruin it for you? And finally...Do you think you could "cure" a potential darer or busting buddy of their fetish by giving it to 'em so bad they regreted making the dare or signing up to be be your victim in the first place? Would that sort of be your goal in that sort of scenario or would you want to play with a potential busting buddy concentually?

If you had a volunteer busting buddy who said you could do what you want, how would you bust him?  Would you toy with him a bit or go full force?  What would be your goal for the session?  Would it make any difference if you knew there were more volunteers lined up(since you recycle boys)?

I doubt that I would go full force on a buddy, he'd probably would not remain a buddy for long I'd say. I' could see myself toying with him a lot with threats and fakes, thats definitely more my style and i could see myself playing like that. There would be a lot of surprise shots to the nuts and I'd give some session play a go at it. I have a feeling a lot of guys would line up as volunteers or at least they say that would initially. With all that being said, I'm not opening up business, i have a bf i'm very close with at the present time. 



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