I'm restarting my interview again so feel free to ask away.

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No, it didn't cure him, but it was my farewell to him. Eventually he stopped somewhat, but that was long after we we're divorced.

Eventually he got his gambling under control somewhat, but long after we separated. Yup, it was a great way to let out my frustrations over the situation. 

What was the worst squeeze you ever gave him?

Can u remember your hardest bust for fun or no good reason 

Yes, i do remember, I was 14 years old and i was at a summer fair with a lot of friends. All i can say is a very strong urge came over me and I kicked one of the boys in the group in the balls, I wasn't "HARD", but the kick was hard enough that he was jumping and rolling all around for like 5 minutes. My friends were all amused and quite shocked i did that, but they finally all started laughing about it. It was fun being one of the sideshows at the Fair, a lot of other people saw this and were watching us.



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