So, I've been asking this question to a couple people and have gotten an array of answers and a wide variety of reasons for them.  Made me think I ought to open it up and ask others.

Gals - when you bust the guy, do you like seeing him try and fight the pain and stay standing or do you like to see him just drop instantly?  If it depends on situation, mood, etc. then how so?

Guys - do you try to get back on your feet or do you just accept the pain and drop?  I know for us it kinda depends if it was a surprise or not - if we even have the chance to try and stay standing.

I can also see it making a big difference if its a BB session too where each party wants to get as much out of it as they can.

A friend once called that pre-drop knees-bent-inward, body hunched over stumble as the "baby giraffe walk"

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I love it when John grabs his balls & tries to protect them from what we both know will happen! It's fun while he tries to put on a brave face, but so much more enjoyable when he goes down clutching his nuts!!!

A win for us women!!!

I try to keep standing as well, but I've taken some well placed hard kicks that drop me like a rock.

i hear ya. and i totally agree. when a kick really connects, i am down for the count.

An interesting question!!!

If in self defence I want him the drop instantly and not get up!

In fun with my man I want him to stay up as long as he can, but when he is down I do like him to be holding his balls so that it tells me it's been a succesful bust. If he doesn't hold on I have on the very odd occasion quickly stamped on them to finish the bust!

So, my vote is gentlemen - Stand Up and Take The Pain!



Once your man goes down, do you like it if the pain is strong enough that he really can't get up for a little while?  That you have that much power over him.

Have you ever busted balls in self defense?  If yes, did the guy drop instantly?

wow Jackie,

That was intense!

it's funny if he tries to fight the pain, but I want him to collapse after the first kick. I want to see some real impact.

ha! i like women like you. just hit the guy right in the bulls-eye and take him to the floor.

Lia, your attitude is awesome.  :)

So much of the pleasure from the pain of ballbusting is psychological and emotional, and there's something viscerally powerful about a girl who really wants me to drop to my knees from her very first kick, when she  wants that power and control over me.  We both know she's going to kick hard too, fearless and strong.  It's like she's not just asking any more, she's taking control.  That's hot.

It's sexy no matter what happens next.  If she gets her wish and I am immediately overpowered from the pain in my balls then it would be incredible to look up at her and see the smile of victory on her face, where she knows she's strong and handled me and got exactly what she wanted.

And even if I stay standing, which maybe disappoints her a little, it's still sexy that she wanted to drop me.  She will get a very determined look on her face, her eyes will squint a little, and I know the next kick is coming very soon and it's going to be full force... she wants me on my knees and won't be denied even if it takes a little longer.

That's hot.  :)

Not to go off topic but this giraffe pict is hilarious and i love how your mind works smoo nice way to engage the community. I plead the 5th on this question. :) 

I try to get back on my feet or knees in my case, that way I know the shin of her foot makes contact with my balls, so many woman really don't know how to kick a guy in the balls. If I stand and have a hardon, that is what gets kicked more often than my balls, if I don't have a hardon that area above my genitals is what usually gets hit. I really don't know why woman seem to think and kick with their toes. Like in soccer, you don't kick the soccer ball with the pointed toe of the cleat, you kick with the instep. When I have had enough kicks or whatever done to my balls, then that's when I tell her, that's it, I'm done, and I stay down for a while...

Thought I'd answer my own question!  For me it depends if I have time to even think about it.  The kick from karate that I wrote up for here, I had no chance to even consider staying on my feet.  It connected so solidly and as Lisa in the movie My Cousin Vinny says: it was dead-on-balls accurate.  The pain was just so surprising and over whelming I dropped before I knew it.

If it's not so hard I instantly drop, I think I try to stay on my feet.  It's been a good while now that I honestly can't remember.

Sydney - you're not the first whos suggested I get a pic to really show the look!

DV - It was my friend who came up with the phrase "baby giraffe walk", I just thought it would be amusing to illustrate it!

I love the idea of the women who really enjoy seeing that hit thats so solid it takes us right out.  Ouch!  Hot, but ouch!  :)



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