Question to the females on this site. Reason behind your love of BB?

What is it behind your love of BB that motivated you to get into BB? And enough to join this site.

I've been curious to know if deep down the ladies on this site have some level of testicle envy?

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Nice question, I want to know it to!
Please girls don't let us die stupid ; )

It's about the power. Can you even imagine how empowering it is for a Woman to be able to control a creature that is larger and stronger than herself by just his gonads??

Well for a more in depth analysis....

Isn't the creatures' larger size due to it's gonads? I mean, testosterone is generated down there and fuels the body's growth and development.  Is there any envy that you, as the female is not the larger, more powerful creature? 

Nature loves balance.  Man is bigger and stronger than woman.  Yet the organs that make him bigger and stronger also give woman control over him - through both blue balls and ball busting. 

Its a great time to be a women then, due to so many males offering there balls to women for target practise.

 Trust? That's an interesting one, it is indeed a lot of trust we have to grant to our partners to expose our balls. Is that really a turn on? I just thought that was part of the deal regarding sex/intimacy.

The trust involved in that level of intimacy is a turn-on for many on its own.

Not a girl, but even I'm pretty sure it isn't a case of "testicle envy." On the contrary, one common subcategory of this fetish is "pussy envy": where a guy gets busted by a girl and the girl taunts him by mocking his pain or flashing her crotch at him while he's down and bragging about not having a weak spot down there.

Ah, "testicle envy".  Is that a corollary to the theory of penis envy we learn about in Psychology class?  If I can't have a pair, I'll just kick a pair!  Actually, that might seem somewhat consistent with a personality disorder - LOL

But seriously, I would tend to go along with justaboy on this one and believe the women.  With this particular fetish you would tend to trust your partner to keep things at a level enjoyable to both parties, not inflicting too much damage, and having the opportunity to, perhaps, do it again.  It is an opportunity for sharing, if you will.  Such would not be the case if one were intentionally trying to inflict harm on the other.  The term envy would imply a degree of selfishness with the woman possibly wanting to seek vengeance on men for having something they don't.  Although that may be the reason some do it, I don't think it is the case for most.

I actually think this is a good question.  Women, please respond!

I'm very curious about the debilitating pain balls bring the the table, and how they seem to be able to just shut down the owner's body. Pretty different thing than 'testicle envy' though I think.

It is strange. Its not like normal pain where you can shrug it off or pretend like it doesn't bother you. It travels up into the body. 

To be honest, I haven't really heard any women talk about testicle envy. Even those who fantasize about having balls for day are generally more curious than envious. I completely understand that and love trying to explain ball pain as best I can. It's one the many fun things about BB.



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