I asked in the chat already but its a fascinating questions so...

a) guys, do you fantasize about women leaving you sterile from ballbusting, maybe not actually turning your berries to mush, but like being unable to reproduce afterwards, even if just temporary if that was even possible. Would you ever pursue it if you found a willing woman. Why is that attractive to the fantasy since you wouldnt be able to produce children and most likely suffer from some lack of testosterone maybe (excuse any ignorance, im not a ball expert).

b) women, if you found a man that was willing would you attempt it. do you get anything out of a fantasy of leaving a man unable to pass on his genes? Do you think you ever really would, and do you think that women that say yes really could without feeling guilt or shame later on?

just something racking my brain right now while i got racking some balls on the mind. thanks all!

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It's a better form of birth control, that's for sure. More FUN! lol.  I sure as hell don't want kids. 

a) Definitely. I think a big part of the appeal to me is in the femdom aspect, which I love. Alot of times in biology or psychology they always talk about how males (of any species) have a natural biological programming to pass on their genes and reproduce; as though mating is one of our primary "programming" and one of the fundamental things that defines us as men. And females, on the other hand, have a natural biological "programming" to be courted and to either accept a desirable male or reject them if she finds them unworthy. But ballbusting as a means of rendering the male sterile is not simply a woman's rejection of an unworthy male--if that were the case she'd just say no and walk out--but rather, it seems like an ultimate rejection of maleness entirely, since such an action would also discourage other males from trying to court her.

And when you think about it: a woman's biological worth isn't determined by her becoming a mother, but a male's worth is largely determined by becoming a father. After all, a female's function is to serve as a judge of genetic worth, so even in rejecting a male, her purpose is still fulfilled. By rendering a man sterile, she completely destroys his biological purpose as a man, making it impossible for him to even try to fulfill it, while her purpose--to serve as a judge of genetic worth--isn't hurt one bit.

And on related note: a separate but slightly related fantasy I've always had is the fantasy of a woman "extracting" my sperm from me without actual intercourse. The idea of a woman fulfilling her role and making the man fulfill his, without any of the physical pleasure that's supposed to come with it, is incredibly humiliating and arousing to me.

I actually wrote a "dystopia" story long ago about a future where women ruled and part of their rule was that males deemed worthy of passing on their genes were kept in isolated cells for life, chained to the wall and hooked up to a machine that extracted their cum whenever they ejaculated, and the women kept extensive psychological profiles of every "sperm male" so that they knew all their fetishes and sexual weaknesses; and if sperm was needed to reproduce, a woman would go to a male's cell, sit several feet in front of him, and do whatever appealed to his greatest fetish to make him masturbate (e.g. show her feet to a foot fetishist, come in a dress and sit with her legs apart for an upskirt fetishist, etc.), so that no matter how much they would try to refuse and withhold sperm, in the end the male always gave in and masturbated until the women got what they wanted.

that is definitely a femdom story if ive ever heard, very insightful and down to the roots of biology, that was fun to read. sorry if my comment is kinda empty, but i did enjoy reading all that and to not say something about the amount of work you put in to type it out would just be mean.

I'd like to read that story! lol 

For me, yes, there's a sort of fantasy about a woman making sure she's the "last one" for me. Obviously, I don't want that to really happen, but it would be awesome to roleplay it out, and add ball busting to it. I have always thought it would be cool to be in the act of having sex with one woman, while another is punching, squeezing, etc from behind, and then right at the end, a big kick right as I orgasm. Obviously, this would be not possible, as I am happily married in a monogamous relationship. 

But, her talking about breaking them, etc is fun to do, and eventually overpowering her, and giving her what she likes is awesome. 

I don't think I would really want to have permanent damage. As for being sterile, I have 4 children, and she was squeezing, and stuff before them, though she didn't really regularly knee me much before. But anyhow, I have had a vasectomy now, and sterility isn't a threat anymore, since I am. But, I don't want a reduction in testosterone. I do'nt want permanent damage, even though I fantasize about it. Hard to explain. 

Many things are better in fantasy than reality. Example, I've always thought it would be great to be able to heal any wound, and they grow back even if destroyed. Had that fantasy since I was a kid, the amazon's would kidnap me, force their will on me, and destroy me when they've gotten what they wanted from me. But, little would they realize, theyd grow back!! But, I'd still be their prisoner, and they'd keep trying to see if they could add me to their eunuch slaves.. Until then, they'd keep me in their dungeon, and use me for getting them pregnant.. 

Yeah, that was the teen fantasy, 2 of them all over me. That's where the getting kicked from behind at the end part got thought of. I've been thinking about these things since I was 13.. 

However, in real life, I do'nt really like anyhting that heavy, more of torture for me to prove my worthiness to have my way with her.. Which, is what she wants me to do anyhow, since she likes me to overpower her. So, I worked with that, and basically said it was more fun when she put up a fight, and told her I liked ball pain, so she's gotten way better about kneeing, slapping, squeezing, and things like that. Still haven't gotten her to kick me, or roleplay saying she's gonna break them for good, etc to me. I kinda understand the vocal stuff, we have to be kinda quiet so we don't wake the kids in the middle of the night, LOL.. 

another good reply, you guys that are kinky from the beginning have the most interesting fantasies, ive heard my share. I havent seen many women with fantasies, idk if women are less about thinking and more about doing or what. but ive always been kinda plain, so none to share here. Still though had alot of fun reading.

Honestly, I think women have issues with divulging their inner fantasies. I've tried to get my wife to tell me her deepest fantasies, etc, but she just kinda shrugs and tells me I do pretty well at fulfilling hers.. 

But that doesn't answer the question! I want details, I want a story line, even if it seems silly, but she won't tell me. 

I've known other guys who can't seem to get their wives/girlfriends to tell them either, so it isn't just me. I wonder sometimes if it has to do with the whole slut shaming mentality of society, it's ok for guys to fantasize, and be interested in sex, but if a woman is and does, she's got something wrong with her, so they never admit it, or pretend they do'nt have these feelings, and ideas. 

I've got bunches of ideas for fantasies, and scenarios, and most of them involve me being prisoner of strong women, who are wanting to make me do one thing or another, and of course it always involves sexual stuff, in their tortures, and eventually I escape, and or overpower them, etc, only to be recaptured, etc. My above scenario is kind of a template, and there's various ways I've dreamed up of these playing out, LOL.. I would love for my wife to want to play them out with me, and I would love to do the same for her, but she won't tell me, and she's too embarrased to play act. I'm not going to look for other women over this, because she does please me in many ways, and even in BB.. But, I know this is why a lot of men go after prostitutes, because they aren't too ashamed to play act out a man's fantasy. Too many women feel embarrassed, or ashamed of showing sexuality, and playfulness like this. It's kind of sad becaus eit's a barrier they put up, but they could have so much fun with their spouses. 

This also goes out to all you guys on here who are too afraid to tell your wives, girlfriends, about this, you are missing out on potential GREAT times together. 

Im the same way though, i dont think about sex or have any fantasies, the things me and keith do goes way beyond what i could have ever imagined, so there isnt much more there...or i dont know what else is out there that i would even enjoy. but i was also very inexperienced when i started dating..so i might be an isolated case but i honestly dont have fantasies.

Huh, maybe she doesn't have fantasies? I just figured it was kinda like the old "what's wrong?" With the response of "NOTHING".. Everyone knows it is SOMETHING, but she says "NOTHING" because he's supposed to figure it out, or something, for what reason, I have never figured out, LOL.. 

I just assumed I was supposed to somehow claravoiyantly determine her deepest fantasies.. 

I simply couldn't fathom NOT having fantasies, since they just showed up in my mind since I can remember, sexual fantasies, or even just daydreaming. I can't imagine life without imagining different scenarios.. Yes, adulthood has done everything it can to destroy that in my life, by making sure I don't get time to daydream, and shaming me if I let on I like to pretend I am flying a fighter jet when I drive my car on the freeway, etc.. LOL.. Doesn't EVERYONE do this??

my only sexy fantasies or dreams are having sex, like fast and rough...but thats like a guy fantasizing about holding boobs lol

Yeah, all guys I think have thoughts about putting their face right between pretty much every set of boobs they see. Such a common desire, that they even call it motorboating, because so many guys would love to do this.. I don't really call that a fantasy, just a desire, or even a reflex, LOL.. 

Too bad women consider it an insult, HA.. 

So, let's take the desire for motorboating, while getting kneed in the balls, and see what we can do with it?

See, but here's where the fantasy comes in, a totally stacked woman offers me an arrangement, where I can motorboat her as long as I can handle her kneeing me, and the ideas, and daydreaming takes off from there.

How does the situation happen? Well, he's a repairman (fill in in the blank on wha he's there to fix- we will use computer problem in this example) she answers the door, (to her home or office, depending on how you imagine this going down) she has a couple buttons undone on her blouse, and he can't easily keep himself from being distracted while she's describing the problem, and so he goes to fix, or repair whatever, and here's where you can have her lean over to show him what the problem is, she asks him to sit and she leans over right next to his head to point, and kinda of rests one on his shoulder, he's very distracted but somehow is able to figures out some of the issues. He's got to plug in her network jack. (He could actually be moving her computer to another location in the office for her here too, to give him more chances to be laying on the ground a few times.) Here, you can have her admiring his backside as he's kneeling and crawling around, he wo'nt have plumber's crack in this story, LOL.. She sees him from behind, wants to kick him between the legs so bad, but can't figure out how to do it withoutmaking it obvious.. So, she waits til he's laying on his back, and walks toward him carrying something, and "trips", landing with her knee right in the nads.. His reflex  is to of course pull up with his face, and she's planted her chest right there.. BOOM.. From there, the fantasy can take many different directions.. 

See, this is how a simple desire can be put into a full blown fantasy, I just took like 3 seconds to come up with that one. Give me a few hours of daydreaming on it, and it'd be more refined, and details pulled together. That's how it's done. Just like when you were a kid playing pretend with other kids, only adult oriented themes.. 

People need to exlpore this part of themselves! It's fun, and makes life more fulfilling. 

I think everyone has the capacity for this, but so many of us get embarrassed, afraid someone will think our fantasy is dumb, etc.. Think about what you see for scenarios on most porn flicks, etc.. If you think about most of the plots, they are kinda silly. But, they are someone's fantasy played out. No reason a couple can't do this just themselves!

I have no ptoblem with it - enjoy it actually. But don't think it's too cool if he would be looking for other women to do this behind my back. So is it okay for you if he did it without you knowing or are other people doing it with you all together?



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