The mermaid picture from Fox & Wolf reminded me of an experience from the summer I was going into 10th grade.

Jennifer, the biggest ball buster in school would have been going into the 8th grade and surprise when I road my bike to the city swimming pool she was there.

Jennifer was cute and you could tell she was going to be stunning in a couple of years.  Short dark hair with a toned body from going to a small town school so they needed you to play every sport. She had a big white smile and absolutely no ball sympathy.

Our rural school had so few students that 7th through 12th was in the same complex.  When the bell rang it filled the hall with kids who had wide swings in maturity because of as much as a 5 year age difference.   If you saw a guy bent over at his locker, watery eyed and clutching his nuts, you knew Jennifer was only a few steps ahead of you.  She didn’t need a reason or provocation.  Any open shot she considered an invite. 

Of course I’d jerked off imaging her busting me but I was never in the right place at the right time to receive one of the caught-off-guard busts that fueled her reputation.  When I realized she was at the pool I got an anticipation erection.  Wearing those board short swim trucks with the tiny mesh pouch it was impossible to hide but luckily it was two steps to the water and it was cold.  I got in fast.

A few days earlier, I’d learned my family was moving to a new town so I figured if I was going to get busted by Jennifer I needed to make it happen.

She had on a mask so she could see underwater so I grabbed one too and swam over near her.  We knew each other of course because everyone knew everyone.  I pushed a palm full of water toward her and the wave sprayed into her chest.  She gave me the “oh it’s on” smile and pushed water back at me.

Since we both had on masks, spraying water wasn’t an effective weapon, so I pushed a huge wave toward her and lunged in behind it grabbing her elbow and knee and picked her up and slammed her underwater.  A basic dunk. 

When she came to the surface, we started what looked like a dance underwater as we both searched for leverage to dunk the other.  I kept her off balance by the way I held her but always left my crotch exposed and never restricted her arm or leg that was nearest my groin.  My mind was screaming “you’re making it too obvious” so a couple of times when she went for a grab I switched grips to her free forearm just inches before she clamped down.  She looked me in the eye and said “when you least expect it; expect it” so I knew before I left the pool it would happen.

At the moment it seemed smarter to know it was coming and brace for it then to have it happen while I was talking to all the girls in my class who were laying out working on their tans.

Since we still had on masks, I pulled us both underwater and sank to the bottom with my legs spread wide.  Letting go of her arms and leg, we looked each other mask to mask underwater and I motioned to the area between my spread legs.  She was already ahead of my thoughts and had drawn her thigh back to her chest.  Her foot came shooting across the small area of water that separated us and landed heel first on my balls but slightly to the backside of them.

It wasn’t the force of a dry land kick and the pain hadn’t registered yet when I realized her first heel stomp was also pushing my balls upward in that thin mesh pouch inside the shorts.  She hadn’t even taken her heel off my flattened balls yet.  As the first wave of pain flowed over me I felt the second impact.  She had floated toward me during and after the first heel shot so as I floated backwards from the momentum she was still able to pull her foot back a foot or two and land her same heel directly into my just beginning to feel it balls.

The second heel hurt ten times worse than the first.  Two heel crushes within about 2 seconds and both deadly accurate and completely ball flattening.  Where do girls learn that two amplifies the pain so much? 

Luckily the water was shallow or I would have struggled gasping for air.  Instead I stood up and tried to look composed as both the pain in my abdomen and the pain in my balls competed with each other.

Jennifer rose up out of the waist high water and pulled off her mask and winked at me saying “you’re a good actor Jared but I’m not fooled.  Don’t worry though.  Nobody but me knows those are tears and not pool water.”   







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if you look back in time that was kind of cute. You entered the pool with high expectations and jennifer give you something special in the form of two hard heel kicks.

Nice story! :)   Happy 4th!

Underwater ballbusting! Now that’s something original, nice story :D 

"My mind was screaming 'you’re making it too obvious'" you go and motion her to the

area between your spread legs, haha :) Good story, Jar - glad I posted the mermaid pic ;)

I realized if I didn't do something the opportunity would be lost plus I knew we were moving away so I got brave for a split second.



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