I wanted to ask others thoughts as to why you almost never see any genuinely significant videos or clips of women getting drilled in the cooch? I mean sure we see taps, bumps, accidental hits or strikes, objects hitting a women in the nether regions but you never see the kind of blows a guy takes do you? The kind of almost all out or truly all out blows that the vast majority of ballbust clips and pictures will display.


I have seen 3 clips here so far where a genuine real life cbust took place that honestly was a good shot to the crotch of significant force. The rest were half effort at best and many were jokes that got laughed off within seconds.


Be it movies, pictures or even real world youtube clips, it just seems odd that of all the cbusting that happens its never on the same level as ballbusting is. Why is this?

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probably cos girls dont like to kick their friends in the crotch. and as for men it still comes down to men dont hit women and even if she wanted a guy to its still hard for a normal guy to hurt a girl

I think that part of it is how its thought of in society. Its almost socially acceptable for a girl to hit a guy in the balls where as i think there is a lot more taboo around girls getting hit there. Its obviously totally unacceptable for a guy to hit a girl anywhere and as adam said girls tend not to hit each other there much. Also based on the number of fetish videos and pay sites that feature CB it seems like it's simply a less popular and therefore less profitable subject. 

The other thing is that in my experience guys have a tendency to take whatever it is they're into and go to much greater extremes with it. As such guys who have a fetish for BB are more likely to take it to more extreme and extravagant levels than the equivalent woman who was into CB, therefore making much more intense videos.

Third and finally think about how much more difficult it would be to get a girl to let you bust her compared to getting that  same girl to bust you. 



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