Guys, this is a serious issue, and I have tried for years to just keep content here, but it's impossible. I don't want to discourage you, but there are members of this site who don't speak English and as such don't read descriptions as well. Content is getting reposted, our to Pornhub and I'm doing my best to get them deleted. I wanted to be an optimist and say that this was a safe zone for videos, but let's face it; the internet is never safe. As such I will not be posting videos to KITG anymore. I will create a Joe | Violet site and there will be a very harsh screening process unless we're already tight on KITG. This is ridiculous, because people who blatantly disregard the wishes of amateur bb producers are ruining the sharing experience. I'm a fool for my wishful thinking, and I'm sorry it has to be like this. Our videos will still be made, but we will be very hidden. Thanks to all who support us, and stay in touch. It's been a good run.

Btw, we need to get this guys shut down on pornhub. "mark148"

He already said he'd delete our videos, but hasn't done so yet. 

I also sent him this link -> but he hasn't responded.

Fuck some people man...

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Unfortunately quite a few of your J|V videos and Erics one.

Oddly I've previously seen some of your J|V videos on other sites that haven't even been posted on here!

Damn, I agree it sucks that it has to be like this. You two make some of the best videos out and deserve better than this. Hopefully the new site prevents these videos from being leaked out into the open.
It sucks that this is happening man. I hope everything works out because you guys make the best videos!
Damn dude, that sucks! You guys were incredible to watch! I totally understand though, thanks for sharing so much and letting us all in!

Well i can not believe that guy is Serbian like me.

He posted my video also on pornhub "ballbusting footjob" he name it "Serbian ballbusting in socks" and i must admit his title is better :)

Luckily in my videos faces are off.

I doubt he navigate all sites, download and repost not knowing English

I don't know what kind of admin tools Ning has, but maybe Dvhour could check how many members are with Serbian IP addresses and whether their activity fits with the upload dates of

tbh if i were you i'd do exactly the same thing. Being on pornhub can actually mess up your life..

Sorry you've got to do that. People suck when it comes to respecting privacy. :(

That really sucks Joe. Hope you get to take down all the unauthorized crap.

Sorry this has happened to you it's why my gf wont post.

Dang this stinks. sorry this is the way is has to be. but its your decision! Thanks for the content you provided to us!

Gosh this sucks. Sorry this happened. You and Violet are great and thank you so much for sharing with us. A big f*** you to the ignorant, selfish, disrespectful mfkers out there.



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