Hi Im Jhoanna,  first time on this thing, so ask any questions you want, Im pretty open about everything, just be respectful and read profile first plz!

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Yes Ive over reacted with my hubby on a few occasions when I was angry with something he said or did/ or didnt do! In those times his behavior didnt really justify what I did to vent my frustration. He probally had it coming to him sooner or later lol but still I felt bad. If seen guys get into accidents sports/biking in real life and yes said exactly that- but for real, I still kinda find it funny!!

Haha, thanks for the answers. I'm glad you still have sympathy for poor huevos (I like how you've said exactly that, haha) when maybe they weren't really deserving of getting smashed, like accidents, or maybe getting overly angry, but glad to find you still find them funny most of the time, haha. Like if I see a guy accidentally crack his eggs, I may wince and go "ooh!" but if it's a Jackass type thing, where they want to get hit in the nuts, I either laugh, or I just think "Yeah, you had that coming mate" haha. 

That and a woman who can show mercy to the huevos, is much more appealing than one who just shows pure cruelty to them, hehe. :P


Not really a question, but I saw this video randomly, and it reminded me of you, hahaha:


I guess the questions are:

a) what did you think of this video? Is it totally you?

b) if a guy simply grabbed your ass, would that warrant you to quebrar his huevos?

c) What has been your best "taunt" after kicking some nuts?

d) have you ever kicked a guy so hard in the eggs, that birds hatched?

Thanks for your time. :P

Omg thats hilarious, yes that is 100% me. Jajaja.
2.) YES it would, and has a few times.
3.) "oooh poor baby, I guess I made peanut butter out of ur peanuts" Or "I guess no babies for you huh!?" Something like that
4.) no birds gatching, yet. But their so cute!! Now I wanna try!!

Haha nice, and I feel like it's story time? Am curious what happened/where it happened where you kneed a guy after he touched you, and also curious if it was a random at a club, or a "dumb" friend of yours, and how quickly you reacted (and them as well, haha). I also love your peanut butter taunt. I'm sure it's a low blow to an already low blow, lol.

Well I guess you can keep on trying! I'm sure on an odd chance some cute little birdies will fly out, haha.

1. What would be more fun to do? Grab someone you weren't attracted to until they left you alone or grabbing someone you are attracted to for their attention?

2. What's the most emasculating thing a guy has ever said/done after you busted him?

3. If you could only attack someone using either ONLY your hands OR your feet, which one would you choose? Gloves? Barefoot? etc.

4. What's your earliest memory of a bust you did on purpose?

5. What would you say is your deadliest most vicious way to bust? Kicking, grabbing, slapping, kneeing, or punching?

1.) Hmm dont know about fun lol, but if I had to choose, I would rather grab my mans parts )someone I know) its fun and sexy for both of us. Stranger I wouldnt enjoy in the same way as hubby. I would be satisfied to see him go to his knees because of me, maybe get out of a situation that was threatning but thats it.

2.)Most emasulating thing, I dont really know. Generally i dont say too much after, kinda just stand there with my hands on my hips, or just watch him roll around, ( Ive actually only ever do it to like 4 guys in my life!!) so ya know. But once I kicked a guy friend (in front of a female friend) not on purpose just playing around, and after he dropped to the floor I told him it looks like I turned his peanuts into peanut butter- me and my friend was laughing too much. He was ok though;) but i can imagine now how that must have been emasulating for him especially infront of two girls.

3.) aye this is a crazy question! I guess feet cause its easier. If it was a stranger ya know. If he was someone I know, like my man, and he wronged me- my hands--its gonna be A LOT more personal for him that way lol XD

4.) Probally the one I just described where I kicked one of my guy friends infront of another girl. I was 13-14. I accidentally kicked my uncle when I was like 9 in a swimming pool, but I didnt know what was going on lol, all I remember is he was out of breath and got out the pool!! I grew up with my mom and sisters, not to many males in my life back then so I kinda learned late!

5.) Deadliest weapa!! No sooo bad jajaja. Dont want to cause permanent damage papi!! But most effective, for me is a squeeze! I know men cant handle it and pretty much loose the will to fight back- cause you guys just cant!! Ive personally done it, and made two grown men twice my size change their attitudes and behavior VERY fast thru just a squeeze. I think a kick its very effective but a man can block it. But if his pelotas are in my hands, his gonna have a much more unconfortable memory!

With the whole squeezing pelotas thing, a lot happens in a man's mind during the time, most of the time it might be overwhelming! Usually there are two types of reactions to that, one is the guy will try his very hardest to break out and fight, or, he will totally submit and beg for mercy, lol. Apparently a lot of adrenaline gets released when testicles are squeezed. Not to mention that because they are sensitive, apretando los huevos means there is a lot of pressure being built up, to the point where the guy may actually be short on breath. I just hope I never get on your bad side, but it shouldn't be too hard coz I'm not a street jerk, haha. :P 

Have you ever had to squeeze your hubby like that? I hope it was something that was actually his fault, and not just doing it coz you felt like it. Trust me, when he knows he's legitimately guilty, the nut squeeze has a much larger effect! Haha. He'll try and blame you for too much force if he's innocent, but if he knows he's guilty, he'll shut up and take it, hahaha. :P

Yup I know! Thats why its pretty effective. True though it can backfire and cause a guy to get more agressive, but that has never been my experience. A guy can fight back, but the way I clamp on them like a piranha lol, he just gonna suffer more, especially if he tries to pull my hand off -big mistake! He only pulling his own pelotas, and guys usually realize that after a few times and just give up and beg. Again, thats how I have see it for me. Yes Ive squeezed hubby on a few occasions when he needed "an attitude adjudtment" all of which were times I felt he was deserving. Maybe onece or twice I either kicked him or kneed him because I over reacted and just didnt think the situation out well enough. Im not an apoligizer- its a bad trait, but Im not so good at it lol, but I made it up to him in other ways I know made him very happy;)

Wow :) & lol yeah well thats just about every guys kryptonite! Some explosive answers there, nina. Respectable though. I'll tell you from personal experience and being a guy knowing what it feels like... getting grabbed always makes you feel a shock every time naturally. Every time they havent been felt by hands for at least 10 min or so you'll never get used to it physically. Its the most painful thing a woman can do to us using body parts besides teeth.

I still think I'd probably be able to take a "Mz Jhonna special" but thats just my fellow NY'er attitude. I would imagine for you though the best part of grabbing is getting to feel the balls in your hands & if thats true then I know for a fact I wouldnt be able to fight that pain off after all & I should just STFU about it before I get crippled by one of yall.

The worst part to me personally is feeling your fingertips feel and put pressure on them. The more we feel fingers and fingertips the worse it gets. And on the flip side, if its a good grab/juggle its feels better so its a two headed coin. BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT FROM ME...(prays for your husband) lmao XO

Hey, loving this Q&A! Very funny and very sexy!

Odd question, but what is the hardest and the lightest that you would (or have - but more interestingly would) ballbust someone? On the one hand, the hardest: I'm interested in both a casual bust for fun, and a more desperate scenario (say, something like self-defense). Imagine that there are no consequences (at least not for you) as a result, so you can do whatever you'd like. Would you grab and twist (I just shuddered writing that...), or crush them completely, or what? I'm interested in how far you'd take it, both for someone you're busting just for pleasure (say, a guy annoyed you or you agreed to bust him for fun) and for defense.

Second, what is the lightest you would bust someone? How hard does a bust have to be to be satisfying for you? Would you be happy giving a guy a "love tap" to the nuts, or do you want to see him drop to the ground?

Finally, scenario. Imagine that a young man approached you because he was interested in ballbusting, but had never been kicked before, and you agreed to do a "session" with him as a first time. I'm interested in how you would start him off. Would you want to "ease him in" and get him used to the pain with light kicks, or would you be interested in scaring him away totally by mashing his potatoes on the first kick? Again, imagine there are no consequences for you at all.

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