Hi Im Jhoanna,  first time on this thing, so ask any questions you want, Im pretty open about everything, just be respectful and read profile first plz!

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;) exactly.

Wow, you are one dominate Women! i've never seen a someone who kicks guys in the balls and proclaims her pussy power as a female at the same time!

Thank you.

Lol- yup;p

thnks for answering.

You some time say that before bb your sex life was quite boring, when do you decide to start busting him regularly? is there a story for the begginings of you busting your husband? in which ways bb has helped your sex life?

have you command him to just stay there and take busting from you?

you catching him looking other woman is motive enough for busting him? do you bust him anytime you catch him? if he talks or flirts with another woman, that means harder busting for him from you?

if he cheats you, would you cause permanent damage? have you thinking about the method or what would you do on him?

Hey Jhoanna! Thanks for replying to my questions, and giving some great answers!

The ones that stood out to me were the ones about your aunty. 

Is this the same aunty that said to deal with the annoying 13 year old who was harassing you at a party, to just kick him in the huevos? Is this part of her "attitude adjustment?" 

And I know what you mean about Latin American cultures. Unfortunately even where I'm from originally (Chile) there's still a lot of sexism and chauvinism, but at least it's not as bad as it used to be. Makes sense too the newer generations are standing up to it all, and rebelling, and almost not giving a crap. For some reason I'm reminded of Sofia Vergara's attitude in the characters she's played, haha, playing a more dominant role.

Of your aunty's attitude adjustment talks, how much percentage of that is talked about attacking men's testicles?
I feel like your aunty might have the right ideas (for standing up for yourself) but perhaps taking it a little extreme (actually attacking a man's sexual organs just because he's not behaving, haha). Having said that, I like how you felt conflicted about the whole pervy 13 year old situation. I can tell you have heart, and really care about other people, and decided not to bust him in front of everyone. Of course, the fetish in me makes me almost wish you lured him into a quiet corner, grabbed and squeezed his cojones, and told him to leave you alone, and respect women. I wonder if that woulda calmed him down, but be careful, if he's into the fetish, he'll purposely annoy you even more! :P

Thanks for the interview, and I'd love to hear more of your stories, and the stories from Colombia, including your aunty's nut-cracking philosophies, haha. P.S. Sorry for the essay-long reply! >.< lol.

Heyy;) no this is not the same aunt:) but definatly think it comes out of frustration more than anything else. Males in our culture have been, atleat in the past, very chauvinistic. And with all the sexist machismo we deal with on a daily basis I think a lot females fed up and when prevoked will call them out, often right at the source of his masculinity!! And thats where things are changing rightly or wrongly for male snd female relationships in our culture. My aunt spoke about it maybe 25% of the time, it wasnt like an on going dicussion with her. She would just educate us if it came up, that sometimes men have too much machismo, and need and need to be "taught" with an "attitude adjustment" because some men learn best thru their cojones- which I always found very intriguing. No I definatly would not have kicked that kid. But yes you're right, the bitchy side of me would have loved to get him alone and squeezed the life out of his bolas while lecturing him on respecting women, but your right he probaly had a thing for me, and that little shit would have just got a boner- lol

I like the term "attitude adjustment".

Just thinking about how relationships between men and women in traditionally very chauvinistic societies will change when women start exploiting the vulnerability of men's cojones.

Will they take revenge on men for centuries of suppression? Will they keep a suppressive society with just gender rules being switched? Will they impose a much more suppressive order on men? Or will they turn society into a peaceful environment with mutual respect and both genders being equal?

Hmmm I would like to thing the last one, but females, though maybe a little more evolved than men, are still human! We would probally just get revenge on all men then switch the rolls for 100 years- the world would still be crazy!! But yea there would be a lot of attitude adjustments going on publically and privately!! - watch out guys!

Have you ever busted him while he was angry & you werent?

Yes, to settle arguments sometimes Ive had to kick him.

The best Anger management is kicking their balls when your pissed. It makes you feel a lot better and relieve the stress

I saw a girl arguing with a guy on Friday and she kicked him in the balls supper hard.
A kick to the balls is the best way to end of a discussion!



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