Hello Everyone,

         As I look back on my old interview, which was originally posted in 2014, I realized that a lot of my views and opinions and experiences have changed over the years. I have grown more confident and comfortable with myself, and with that so has my Ball busting. I am deciding to start another interview for you guys, so we can get reacquainted and so I can give the new members of the site a chance to ask the questions that they would like to ask. All I ask is that you be respectful to me and I will tell you whatever you want to know. If you cant then don't bother me. That being said I look for forward to the engagement. :)

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You are exactly right!  I was just thinking last week that I should work with a pro dom who lists BallBusting as their #1 favorite thing and hold self defense/ballbusting classes for women.  I used to be a Martial Arts instructor IRL.  So I would know exactly how to do this. 

For example.  We all have seen the women's self defense classes where the man is wearing fully padded gear all over and the ladies strike and kick his balls.  Im talking NO GEAR! 

How you going to teach one of the best defense moves, GRABBING the testicles, when the attacker is so covered in gear you are not going to get your hands on his balls?  It would be good for guys as well, to know and learn how exposed their testicles really are, and how much of a liability they can be in a fight. 

Also the males would be used by the females to demonstrate fight winning ballbusting techniques on actual testicles. The only way to pass this test is for the women to get the male unable to move or defend himself, helpless, writhing on the floor.

The teenage girls at my Tae Kwon Do school sure LOVED to kick every male in the balls as hard as they could.  So teaching females 1 move that can win any fight is something that needs to happen.

Well it they where a pro dom  with marital are training, that would be ideal. I love the idea lol though if men knew then they could be hard for volunteers. Not every man is willing to get kicker in his nuts. Even if it is for the greater good lol. I definitely think that kicking a guy in his balls should be more normalized. 

Yes I agree!  There really is a large societal acceptance of girls hurting testicles.  One time before sparring I saw a girl say to a boy "I'm going to kick you in the balls."  The boy said "No you wont, you'll get in trouble."  TO which the girl replied "No I wont get in trouble." 

And guess what, she fucking racked him hard during sparring. At the end of sparring session the boy, now with tears in his eyes went up to one of the masters and tattled on the girl pointing at her and saying "She kicked me in the balls"  The Grandmaster stopped and said "Whats the problem?" 

The other master said "He says she kicked him in the BALLS Sir, and its his birthday"  To which the Grandmaster replied "What, BIRTHDAY?! SHE GIVE TO YOU BIRTHDAY PRESENT!"  Everybody who heard that laughed and the boy just walked off hanging his head.  He NEVER came BACK to class!  Pussy!     

I saw 4 girls in Tae Kwon Do collude together to kick one of the MASTERS in the balls 4 times during 1 sparring session!  I saw 2 of the kicks happen myself.  The 4th kick Floored this guy.  The Grandmaster said "What is that 2 kicks to the groin?" as a Master was rolling around on the ground.  To which the Master replied "4 kicks Sir!"  The Grandmaster said "What FOUR KICKS?!?! and he laughed and everybody else started laughing at him as well.   

The #1 100% NUT HUNTER girl who was FAMOUS for kicking nuts at the school Said to everyone "Yea and WHO's was THE FIRST KICK!" as she raised her hand in the air.  The other girls all laughed and HIGH FIVED HER! (Females high fiving each other over ballbusting is SOO FUCKING HOT)

As many females have said.  They learned you can drop a male with a massive kick to the jewels, and the male is helpless on the ground and will not even retaliate when they recover.  And even if tattled on or the girl is caught in the act.  I have yet to see a single story where the girl got in ANY kind of trouble.  I have seen this happen before my own eyes many times.

As a young boy I learned to FEAR GIRLS.  Because they think it is funny to wreck your balls for no reason, they will NOT get in trouble and you are not allowed to hit them back.  So you get beat up by a girl = you lose.  You beat up a girl = you lose.  There is no scenario where you will come out on top.  So just hope that not pissing them off is enough to avoid being busted. That is...Unless you like that kinda thing, LOL! 

BTW if I ever hold a class on how to bust balls with a Pro DOM ballbuster it will be in Toronto.  If anybody is ever interested.

Favorite color?  Favorite food?  Best book you've ever read?  ^^

Favorite color is red, Favorite food anything Italian, Best book......way to many to count.

Hear hear on the book front.  Patrick Rothfuss's "Name of the Wind" is one of my favorites that I think holds something for everybody.

what a story mel, of you squashing his groin in the cinema. each second of you doing the grab must felt like years for him

Does it add to your ball busting experience to hurt him without nobody noticing it?

have you ballbust him under the table? using your feet or knees to hit him in public places?

Did he tried to dissimulate the pain?

Did you let him?

I love busting him in public, especially when we go out to a restaurant or show. Oh yeah I have busted him under the table, I love doing it. You would be surprised on how much you can get away with it ;) One time I crushed his left nut in my hand while this really good looking waitress took our orders. Him trying to keep his composer while his nut is being smashed is always fun.

Wow... one of my fantasy. To get squeezed hard under table on a restaurant. Your husband is a very lucky man.

Hey Melinda, 

Great interview! Thanks for doing it. What are your thoughts on allowing your guy painkillers to deal with the effects of your busting him?

Lol why the hell would I give him painkillers ?

How bet letting him ice his balls?



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