Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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Hey Melinda! How's it been?

Little question: Have you ever kicked your hubby/a guy from behind? And did you find it more effective than a kick from the front?

The more I see videos (both bb and cb) the more I'm convinced that you can be more accurate with a kick from behind. With bb it looks like it's in a better position to "trap" the testicle between your foot and their abdomen, and to me I feel like it has the accuracy of a knee. What do you think?

Cheers, and hope you're having a great day. :)

Yes I have a lot actually. I have learned it is probably one of the most painful ways to bust my husband. I like to call them end game kicks. Anything from behind seems to hurt way more then any front kick. Your foot seems to fit perfectly between his legs. Whenever I tell him to turn around he knows he is In a lot of trouble. I make it even worse by having him spread his legs really wide, and bend forward slightly. It's pure brutal ball breaking at it best. :)

Yup, can confirm.  Getting drilled in the balls from behind is worse, way worse.  Don't know why, but the pointy end of my eggs sure do react to getting kicked 

Thanks for the answers guys! Yeah, I'd say it's the shape of the foot, the way it connect from behind, vs from the front where it sometimes might hit their ass. Also the pushing upwards into the body seems to do it. Lorren, one of the forum members here, was saying how a karate chop from behind has a similar effect for girls, both the shape of the hand, and the angle it's coming from.

Thanks again for answering, and end gamer doesn't sound like a stretch either, lol. I think now more than ever I'd be more nervous if I received a kick from behind. Even worse if I was bending over, lol. That's one way to make scrambled eggs. :P

Reading your interview is pure pleasure.  Thank you for your candor.  I have a question about anticipation.  You said that hubby becomes fearful when you put the hair band around his balls, so how much do you mess with his head before a bust?  What's the longest you have made him wait?  I would imagine that watching him squirm both figuratively and literally would be a real turn out for you.  Thanks again for your contributions.

I'm glad that you ask this question, because I believe that messing with his head is such a crucial thing in BB. It sets the moment and the mood. It increases the amount of power you have over him. I like to fuck with his head as much as possible, because it will instill fear and uncertainty. Fear of his masculinity and the uncertainty of actually keeping it. I have to say I'm not sure how long I have made him wait, but I do know I can have him sweating bullets long before I actually start busting his balls. The hair tie is a perfect example. First time I used it I told him exactly why I was using it, because it hurts more and I can cause more damage. Then I asked him a question: "how hard do you think I have to kick you in them to make them rupture when they are tied up?" He said he didn't know. I made him answer the question with real answer, which was "probably not as hard as you usually kick". Well I did just that, I kicked him not as hard as I usually do. When he got up I told him "wrong answer, try again." and just smiled at him. That is a whole other story though, point is mind game are essential.

Thanks for such a great reply.  Have you used other items to restrain his balls, such as a humbler, ball-stretcher or length of para-cord? Have you ever leashed his cock and/or balls and lead him around with the leash?

I have used a ball-stretcher before, and I have definitely used 550 cord to lead him around the house or to yank on them when we are having sex. Never lead him around in a leash, just by the balks ;) I can't say I have used a humbler.

Melinda you've mentioned that while you prefer to kick barefooted that you also have several pair of shoes that a reserved ONLY for busting balls.  One of those pair is a pink pair of Converse.  Why was the color pink chosen out of all the available color of Converse?

Ah yes the Converse. Why pink? Because pink is such a wonderful color. Whenever you think of pink, it's cute, cuddly, sweet. You think sensitive, tenderness. Pink is a very feminine color, and I think very fitting for using in busting a mans balls. When my husband gets home and have on pick Converse, he knows he is in for a real bare ball breaking from yours truly. I tend to kick really hard when I am wearing them :)

You've been married for a while. Did you introduce your husband to ball busting before, or after you were married? Was it your idea or his? Do you have children? If so, how do you do the ball busting without them knowing about it? Does your ball busting in the bedroom cause you to disrespect him in public, or in front of family and friends? 

I am married, and my wife is starting to get into this, as I've been slowly encouraging her. Hard to do, since we have 4 children, and we want to be discreet about this.. 

BallBusting was my idea and I am the one who introduced it to him. It was after we got marred that I started busting his balls. We do have two children though they are getting older. I really try not to bust my husband when the kids are around, but I have discreetly busted him around then kids. My rule if the house is ever empty then it's nut kicking time. i honestly plan for this encounters sometimes because it's just hard getting a moment. Bed time is always golden, and so is anytime he is getting in the the shower. I take the opportunities i can, whenever his clothes come off, whenever we are alone, or whenever I can conceal what I am doing to him. Oh

So I have a question, why would busting his balls in the bedroom cause me to desrespect him in public or in front of family and friends? Just because I own his masculinity, doesn't mean I get to take his man card in public. Believe it or not I have to much respect For my husband to do that. Now I'm not saying that I havent busted him public either though. I just try to be semi discreet about it.



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